01x04 - Lauren And Jason, Take Two

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Hills". Aired: May 31, 2006 – July 13, 2010.*
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Reality series documented the lives of several students attending Laguna Beach High School as they completed secondary education.
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01x04 - Lauren And Jason, Take Two

Post by bunniefuu »

How do you get rid of hiccups?

- What?
- How do you get rid of hiccups?

Drink water upside down.
Put a pencil in your mouth.

Is that possible?

[doorbell rings]

Oh, my gosh.

Hi. You okay there?

I am alright.
Are you Lauren?

'Oh, my..
I will be Lauren.'

Think you got a tree, Lauren.

Oh, my God.


Do we need to sign anything or..

[male #1]

Who did you get a tree from,
your mother?

What the heck is this?

This is no flowers.

Who's it from?

I don't know.

'Who is it?'

'Does it say?'

"To Lauren. Love, Jason.

'I miss you."'

'Of course he misses you.'

But you don't miss him.

Do you miss him?

[theme song]

♪ Walking in LA ♪

♪ Walking in LA ♪

♪ Nobody walks in LA ♪
♪ Walking in LA ♪

♪ Walking in LA ♪

- Are you, like, dating?
- No, not really.

What about you?

- Any boys from home?
- No.

- From Laguna?
- I had one, but I broke up.

We broke up, like,
right before I moved here.


But it's weird 'cause like

he moved here too.

What's his name?

His name is Jason.

But, yeah, we broke up.

He did something bad?

I'd ran a fashion show.

It was like a fundraiser.

And while we were at it, he
kissed his ex-girlfriend, I saw.

I think it was like I wanted
more of an apology out of him.

- Mm-hmm.
- 'I didn't really get it.'

- Mm.
- It's like I still had feelings

for him, but it was like...
I couldn't forgive him.

You knew, like,
in your right mind

that you weren't gonna
just let it slide.

And it's, like, almost, like,
I would have

if he had put in more effort,
but it was like..

'Not enough.'

[instrumental music]

Hey, Heidi. These are all,
like, cards that Brent got.

Oh, yeah, I already filed
some of those.

They have to go
in the database.

[telephone rings]

Bolthouse Productions.

It is on.
Hold on a moment, please.

I need you to file these
for me in the library.

- Really?
- 'These. Yeah.'

- How are those phone calls?
- Haven't even started, sorry.

- I was doing things here.
- Girlie, I need those now.

- Did you check the list too?
- No.

Hi, this is Heidi calling
from Bolthouse Productions.

Give me a call
and let me know how many.

- Okay.
- Okay, thanks.

Hey, um, our guest list
is closed tonight but, um,

if you just try
to get there early

then we can just try
to take care of you then.

I don't know.
I don't work in the clubs.

I'm just returning
the phone calls.

Good luck. Bye.

[upbeat music]

[automated message]
'One message.'

'Lauren, hey, what's up?'
'It's Jason again.'

'Haven't heard back from you.'

'Just seeing if you want to get
together, maybe grab something'

'to eat, catch up on old times.'

'Uh, just give me a call.'

'Alright, bye.'


♪ One more time
it'll be alright ♪

♪ Just tow the line ♪

♪ One more night ♪

♪ Isn't the rest of my life ♪

♪ All alone in crowded places ♪

♪ Surrounded by noble faces ♪

♪ Crazy is me ♪

♪ My hand full of aces ♪

♪ I'm alone
in most crowded places ♪

♪ Now would you walk away? ♪

♪ Would you walk away ♪

♪ From what we had here? ♪

♪ Regaining what was safe.. ♪

- Hello.
- Hi.

- Long time, no see.
- Yeah.

So why did you call me?

I just haven't talked to you
for a while

just seeing how you been.

Miss hanging out.

You just wanted to hang out?

Well, you left at such,
like, a hard note, you know?

- I was just--
- I was angry.

'I know you were.'

'So I don't know, I just..'

After a while, I just...
stopped calling you

and then let it
cool off for a while

and then I called you up again

to see if you'd
kind of settled down

weren't so pissed.

That's why you kept calling?

'Yeah. I mean..'

I don't know,
'cause I cared about you

and then, I don't know, just got

got to the point that you didn't
want to talk for a while, so..

Well, it was, like,
it was a hard situation.

It's like, "here's a guy

"who I really like,
and he's done

"something really terrible to me

"but I still like him

but I can't be with him."

So it's almost harder.

'You know what I mean?'

Like, you kept telling me,
like, I was different

like, what we had was different.

But then you, like, went
and did the same thing.

I know.

I don't know.

I didn't think
it was just like, you know

like, something that was gonna
happen over the summer.

I really.. I thought
it was gonna, like, last longer.

I wanted it to.

That's why I got so
upset after it happened.

Usually, it was..

I mean, I don't even know
what I was thinking.

[exhales deeply]

Was thinking since we live
in LA now, start fresh.

♪ Honestly ♪

♪ Will we find a way ♪

♪ Through all this? ♪

♪ Honestly ♪

[instrumental music]

'So we haven't had a staff
meeting in a long time.'

On to what's coming up
into the future.

The Palms, they're opening
their new tower

so basically we're gonna do
a weekend in Vegas at The Palms.

[female #1]
'There will be a late-night--'

There'll be a late-night
after-party in, like

a 10,000-square-foot suite

that's unbelievable there

'that has, like, a Jacuzzi'

'that's up to the window glass'

overlooks all of Las Vegas,
pretty amazing.

So that's gonna be
The Palms weekend.

'Heidi, we'd take you to Vegas,
but you're not 21.'

[female #1]



I need you to make some copies.


- Have fun.
- 'I will.'

[instrumental music]

Hi, I'm looking for, uh,
Lauren Conrad at "Teen Vogue."

[female #2]
'Go through the doors here'

'make a left,
go down the hallway'

'and you'll see her.'

Thank you.

♪ Why did I play that game ♪

♪ Of chances? ♪

♪ Now you drift away ♪



Thank you.

Do you have a lunch break soon?

Do you want to grab lunch?


Yeah, let me just go ask
Blaine really quick.

- Alright.
- I'm sure it's fine.

- Oh, hi.
- How's it going?

- Good.
- Um, this is Jason.

- Hi, I'm Whitney.
- Hey, nice to meet you.

- How's it going?
- Nice to meet you.

Do we get lunch breaks?

I don't know exactly.

I'm just gonna ask him
really quick.

- Okay.
- Alright.

I want flowers.

You're next time.

Alright, I'm next time.

Seriously, when's my turn?

I don't know.

I'm gonna be back
in a little bit.

Okay. Bye. Nice meeting you.

'Nice meeting you.'

[pop song playing]



Little bit cold.

I have a jacket in my car.
You want it?

Thank you.

Oh, thank you.

Wow, that's a..


Thank you very much.

- You want some of this?
- No.

I never really liked salmon.

Are you kidding me?

'When I was younger, my dad'

used to go fishing like
once a week

because he was, like, obsessed
with fishing.

I was so excited when I'd, like

go with him and catch it

'cause I'd be all excited
that I caught dinner.


That's cool.

'I say, I haven't been
fishing for so long.'

I'm gonna get that boat.

J, what are you gonna do
with a boat?

Take you fishing.

What was that?

I don't know.

[Drew Davis singing
"Blue Eye"]

♪ Blue eyes blue eyes
I just want to love you ♪

♪ Hold you squeeze you kiss you
touch you.. ♪

- Thank you, guys.
- Thank you very much.

- Appreciate it.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- 'Of course.'

That's very nice of you.

I don't want to go back.

'Well, what are you doing
later on?'


You maybe want to go out
to a, a movie or something?


♪ Mind about me.. ♪

[instrumental music]

No, that's cool.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I just, I don't really

get this company.

Like, there's so many cool

things going on
and I just feel like

I'm kind of left out of--

Like you're not
part of anything?

Yeah, I just feel kind of,
like, like

there's all these events

'but I don't get to go to them'

'even if I don't work them.'

I just wish I could do something

cool stuff like work

at the nightclubs or something.

Like, that's so much more fun.

'This is not what I thought
it was gonna be.'

'I quit school for this.'

Oh, I think that, like,
for every job

there's a starting point

where you just
have to start and pay

your dues and learn.

And then that's, the more

you learn, the more you know.

And then you'll get promoted
and then

you get to do those things.

Like, you don't even understand
what I went through.

It's like I paid my dues.
It's like..

Do you know how many girls
want my job?

Do you know how many guys
want my job?

Pay your dues
and then you'll be able

to work the clubs and then

'you'll be able to work with me'

and Kristen and Grace

and it's so much fun.

And you'll really-really
enjoy it.

I mean, were you thinking about
quitting or..

[instrumental music]

- Hello.
- Hello.

How was lunch?

'No sparks flying?'

'Well, I mean,
there's always sparks'

'because there were sparks.'

That's so sweet.
He brought you flowers.

Yeah. Oh, who put them
in a vase?

I saw them, and I was like

"Oh, man, she should have put
them in water."

Flowers aren't just like
a friendly thing, though.

Flowers. What did my dad
always say?

My dad always told me

"Flowers mean I'm sorry

and chocolates mean
I love you."

Do you feel like there could be
something there again?

He's obviously trying
somewhat to impress you.


'To make you think about, like'

something a little bit more

than just friends.


I just feel like
it's something, like..

You know, just like
when you like someone

that's, like,
completely different

than anyone you've ever
liked before?


'It's almost like I feel like'

if I don't give
it another chance

I'm gonna always
kind of be like

- '"I wonder."'
- Yeah.

'Sometimes there are just
some people'

'that you never get over.'

[instrumental music]

♪ Make me a fool
but don't make me a joke ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ Get up catch a thought
come on and get a distraction ♪

♪ Try to catch a bus ♪

♪ Try to get a reaction on ♪

♪ I got.. ♪


You're gonna get a strip
down your stomach

in that bathing suit.

I know.
Remember that day I really did?

- Yeah, that was funny.
- That was so funny.

That was a cute tan line.

Who are you texting?

I'm texting Jason.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

What is he saying?


I didn't know
you were talking to him.

Why didn't I know about this?

'Cause there wasn't really
anything to know.

Now is it something to know?

How's the city treating him?

Well, I think,
he's having fun.

Of course he is.

Is he seeing other girls?

I don't know. We didn't really
talk about that.

I don't think so.

Just be careful with Jason.

I got my guard up this time.
It's fine.

- As long as you know.
- I do.

I just don't want to ever
see you that hurt again.

Yeah, it just, it's, like,
different this time, you know?


Only you know.

I know.

I will k*ll him
if he does it again.

I know.

[instrumental music]

Hey, Brett?

Do you think you could help me

try to figure out my phone?

'Cause I don't have internet
or phone

and everything looks like

it's plugged in, but it's not.

'The guy's coming to fix it.'

- Hey.
- Hey.

I think it's West Hollywood

instead of LA., though.

Um, and then we need to order
all this stuff.

- Okay.
- 'Don't forget batteries.'

- Landon.
- 'Yeah?'

Is it a label dispenser
or maker?

Hon, I can't hear you.
I'm on this call.

- Hey, Heidi?
- Yeah?

'Do you want to order me lunch'

'from the place
across the street?'

'Sure, what do you want?'

Tuna on whole wheat with..

...mayonnaise, mustard,
and lettuce only.

And then maybe get me, um

one of those green things.

Whatever that thing's called--

- 'The green monster thing?'
- Yeah.

- Okay.
- Thanks.

I'll be right back.

[upbeat music]

♪ I know you want it ♪

♪ I know you need it.. ♪

Excuse me.

Here you go.



- Yeah.
- Where's my drink?

Oh. I'm sorry. I forgot.

I'll go get it.

Jordan, I can't handle it.

I can hardly handle it now.

It's just so hard, like,
it's harder for me

than for you, though.

Because, like..

I'm at this job
that I absolutely hate.

I can't do this anymore.

I'm gonna quit.

I love you.


[instrumental music]


♪ Believe me that ♪

♪ You're standing on the edge ♪

♪ Of something good ♪

♪ But it's the hardest thing ♪

♪ You ever had to do ♪

♪ And truth be told ♪

♪ You're begging on your knees ♪

♪ Singing please don't let it ♪

♪ Please don't let it be ♪


This is the gnarliest theater

I've ever been to in my life.

Don't they usually have, like

something on the theater?


This must be
a really good movie.

It's far too crowded.

It's packed.


- Good choice.
- Dude.

You're telling me "good choice?"


You picked it out.

No, I didn't.

[instrumental music]

It's starting.

- Right there?
- Right there.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.


Thank you for coming.

Thank you for taking me.

Good seeing you.

♪ I wish you didn't love me ♪

♪ I wish you'd make this easy ♪

♪ It was love that caught me.. ♪

Um, go to dinner or something

- Okay.
- Alright, see you.

♪ It's unbelievable
but I believed you ♪

♪ Unforgivable
but I forgave you ♪

♪ Insane what love can do ♪

♪ That keeps me
coming back to you ♪

♪ Irreplaceable
but I'll replace you ♪

♪ Now I'm standing ♪

♪ On my own ♪
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