01x10 - Timing Is Everything

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Hills". Aired: May 31, 2006 – July 13, 2010.*
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Reality series documented the lives of several students attending Laguna Beach High School as they completed secondary education.
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01x10 - Timing Is Everything

Post by bunniefuu »

Not too shabby, huh?

'Wouldn't this be
a k*ller summer rental?'

'So nice. This is so crazy.'

And I was thinking, uh

it's been crazy and stuff
and just, we've both been

through a lot this year,
up and down.

It's just like, the last few
months have been really good.

And, uh, I just think it would
be nice to do our own thing

for a little while instead
of being around people 24/7.

I want to get this place
with you.

- Just you and me?
- Just you and me.

- Hi, Whitney.
- 'Hello.'

- Hi, Lauren, how are you?
- Good.

Um, so, this week,
it's LA Fashion Week

and we're gonna have
a pretty rough schedule.

Nicole is coming out
from "Teen Vogue" in New York

and she's gonna be working
with you, Whitney.


And you're gonna go
help her set up

the Charlotte Ronson after-party
at the Roosevelt Hotel.


Lauren, Amy Astley,

of "Teen Vogue"
is coming to town.

I wanna make everything go
as smoothly as possible.

'She's gonna come to the shows
for the first time in LA.'

You're gonna be in charge
of getting us tickets

to the Jennifer Nicholson show.

That's gonna be huge.
That's exciting.

I just want everything to go
smoothly while Amy's in town.

- You think you can manage that?
- Yeah.

Hey, Heidi. So these are the
fashion shows I wanna go to.

If you wanna go
to the Jennifer Nicholson show

I can probably get you
on the list.

- Are you serious?
- Yeah.

'That is so nice.'

So RSVP me plus three

so I'll have four tickets total.

- Thank you so much, Brent.
- You're welcome.


[telephone rings]

Guess what Brent just told me.

What's going on?

Tonight, I get to go
to the Jennifer Nicholson show.

- No way.
- Ahh!

Oh, my God, that's so awesome.

Life in Hollywood is so good.

[rock music playing]

So we'll take, uh, your car
and Lauren will take my car

and she'll go get the tickets
ahead of time for us.

'Hi, Lauren, this is Amy Astley'

the editor-in-chief
of "Teen Vogue."

Hi, how are you?

Uh, we're a bit late for dinner

'but we have two more people
from "Vogue" coming'

and I need two more tickets
for them.

Can they, will they
just give them to me?

Yes, just ask them.

Is it the same contact Kelly--

Kelly, Kelly Cutrone.

Tell them it's two,
um, "Vogue" editors.

- Okay.
- Okay?

[telephone rings]


'Oh, my God, Lisa just told me'

I have to get two more tickets
to the show.

- What?
- Like, it's a sold-out show.

Like, there are no more tickets.
There's no more seats.

That's kind of, like,
a really big request.

I, seriously, I'm gonna, like,
go buy two chairs real quick

and just throw them in there
and see if anyone notices.

- Good luck.
- 'Thanks, bye.'

Can I help you with something?

Oh, I'm waiting for someone
to come out.

- Who, who are you waiting for?
- For Kelly Cutrone.

- Oh, I'm Kelly Cutrone.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

Um, I was wondering,
I called you about

the two extra tickets
for Lisa Love.

I mean, I love Lisa
and she's great

but this is, like,
a little eleventh hour.

Who is it for? Who are her--

She said she had two
other "Vogue" editors and--

What other "Vogue,"
I know every "Vogue" editor.

Who else is coming?

She didn't,
she didn't tell me a name.

Okay, why don't you wait
over there

and I'll be with you
when I can?


Oh, my God.

- 'Hi!'
- What are you doing here?

- Brent got me tickets.
- Shut up!

He was like, Do you wanna
go to a fashion show tonight?

And I was like, yeah,
and he's like, and after-party?

I was like, yeah.

Are you okay?

No, I'm supposed to get
two extra tickets

and I can't get them
and I'm gonna get yelled at.

How are you
supposed to get them?

I don't know.
She won't give them to me.

She's like,
no, I can't give them to you

unless you give me a name.

Did you try calling Lisa?

I've been calling her.

She's not picking up.

This is not fun.

- Come with me.
- Okay, we'll figure this out.

I seriously feel like
I'm gonna throw up right now.

- Okay.
- Like, I'm freaking out.

Hi, Lisa.
I've been calling you.

They will not give me
the tickets

unless I give them names
and no one knows.

I called Julianna.
I called Blaine.

No one knew what names
to give her.

Okay, wait, it's, uh

Hamish Bowles and...

- Okay, thanks. Bye.
- So now what's the story?

Oh, she said she's coming
with, I have the names.

Uh, it was Hamish Bowles

and there was,
there was one other.

Howels or Bowles.

No, Hamish Bowles is one person.

Okay, there was a second one.

'You need to hurry up though,

- It's Lawren Howell.
- Okay.

So you need your tickets,
you're gonna have to move

quicker than this
if you are gonna work in

the fashion business.

Hi, sweetie. Hi.

We're gonna go right in here.

Oh, and Amy...
We really need Amy.'

'Oh, yeah, they're in front.'

Um, thank you.

[instrumental music]

♪ So many click click flash
I hardly see ♪

♪ All the people think
they know what's best for me ♪

That was a crazy night.

Oh, my God, I was, like,
ready to cry.

I know, 'cause we're usually not

separated like that, you know.

I usually have help, like

someone to freak out with.

But I was like,
literally like, all alone.

- Hello.
- Hi, Blaine.

- 'How you guys doing?'
- Good, how are you?

'Good, Lisa wants
to talk to you.'

- Right now?
- Yeah, just you, yeah, okay.

- Just Lauren?
- 'Just Lauren.'

- Okay.
- Okay? Thank you.

That's never good.

I feel like the last time
that happened

it was when you were
getting in trouble.

That's good you should tell me
that right before I leave.

That's, that's
a really good friend.

No, you're fine,
you did nothing wrong.

'Yes, they should be there
in an hour.'

Au revoir, cheri.


'Um, Lauren, we need to talk.'

'Amy Astley liked you
and thought'

'you did a great job
at fashion week'

and you did a great job
while you were here.

'I know it was shaky there
in the beginning'

'and-and you worked
your way up.'

And, uh, you...

I think you got everything
together by the end.

I tried.

Uh, they gave Whitney
the internship in New York

uh, for the summer,
so I think that's exciting

and I think she's gonna go.

'So we're trying to think about'

what might be good
for you next.

And we have this internship
in Paris

and you've been nominated
to go in the summer.

- For this summer?
- 'It's this summer.'

It's a great, great opportunity.

You work, uh, during
Couture Week in Paris.

Um, Paris is probably
the single most important place

to ever be
in the fashion business.

'And New York thinks
that you can do it.'

You don't have much time
to think about it.

You really have
to let me know right away.

I think, honestly,
if you go to Paris

you won't wanna come back.

- Hi.
- Hey.

- What happened?
- 'I'm not in trouble.'

Okay, good.

She offered me an internship
in Paris.

Shut up. You're lying.

- 'For the summer?'
- Yeah.

I get to do, like,
Fashion Week in Paris.

You are lying.

'Like, couture shows'

and like, some huge ball
that I can't pronounce.

- Oh, my God.
- I know.

- You gotta do it, right.
- I don't know.

'Cause I, like, planned
my summer with Jason.

I know, but this is Paris.

I know, but I'd be gone,
like, all summer.


'It's like my dream
to make it to Paris.'

If you don't do it, I'll do it.

Seriously, that's, like, insane.

It's just, like, it's like
something, like

not, like, no joke would,
like, change your life.

I'm sure your, like, heart's
telling you to stay, but...

'Timing, right?
If it was only, like...'

...another summer.

Alright, my car's this way.

- Goodbye.
- I'm gonna miss you.

- Call me tomorrow, okay?
- Okay.

And you'll tell me what
you're gonna do.

- Okay, good luck packing.
- Bye.

- 'Hi!'
- Hi.

What are you doing?

"Paris Vogue."

- What's going on?
- Um...

I got called into Lisa Love's
office today.

- Did you get in trouble?
- No, I didn't get in trouble.

- I thought I was in trouble.
- I didn't do anything.

'She offered me
a summer internship.'

- To where?
- They gave me one for Paris.

Oh! Oh, my God, that's huge.

'Are you excited?
Are you gonna go?'

- I don't know.
- That's like a huge deal.

I know, but it's like,
I already kind of

had my summer planned out

and it was like
I wasn't expecting it at all.

Oh, yeah?
What about Jason?

I thought you were
gonna move in with him.

You don't think it would, like

jeopardize things
with Jason, do you?

It just sucks 'cause it's like
this whole year, like

it's been up and down,
up and down.

And finally, we're, like,
at a really good place.

And it's like to leave now

after all we've been through,
I feel like that's just...

Like, how's that gonna work,
you know?

♪ Say tell me my sweetheart ♪

♪ When did you find me
sweet again? ♪


- Hi.
- How was work?

It was good.


- How was your day?
- Look at you relaxing.

I know, I've been relaxing
and waiting for you.

- I'm here.
- I know.

You need to help me figure out

what other stuff we need
to bring here.

I was thinking
about patio furniture.

'And then, like, I was thinking
about getting a barbecue.'

And some other stuff.

- What?
- Yeah.

No, no, no, it sounds good.

- You don't sound too excited.
- No, I am excited.

What's wrong?

Today, Lisa Love offered me
an internship

'for the whole summer.'

- Where?
- Paris.


Are you going?

I don't know.

Like, Paris isn't something
you just

immediately say no to,
you know?

Like, Paris, they only offer it
to one of the interns.

I mean, I wanna support you
whatever you do, I mean.

Obviously, you'll make
the right decision.

I mean, if you go,
I'll be happy for you.

'Whatever you do,
I'll be there for you, so...'

You've always been there for me.

Come here.

- What?
- I want you to sit with me.

What are you gonna do?

I don't know.

- Okay, look at this one.
- He is so off my list.

- I need a new guy.
- So do I.

But see, this is how
I used to be.

I used to like a guy
for, like, a day

and then I'd be sick of him.

And then God knows
what happened with Jordan.

I don't know
how I started liking him.

That was a mistake.

Yeah, we had that conversation.

Yeah, I don't know
what happened there.

And now I'm, like,
getting back to my old self.

I'm like new guy, new guy.
This is how I think.

In preschool is how you're
gonna be the rest of your life.

'Cause in preschool, I was
like I love you, I love you

I love you, and I use to have

a new boyfriend every
five minutes in preschool.

Are you serious?

Yeah, and I used to make
guys fight over me.

So I'm gonna start
doing that again.

- It worked then.
- You're so over Jordan.

I know.
I really am so over him.

Now that I'm single, I wanna
go out every single night.

We are going out
every night this summer.

I want to and I wanna
meet so many guys.

We're gonna have
the best summer.

I'm gonna miss Lauren.

I think she knows
what she wants.

- You need help?
- 'I'm almost done.'

- You're bringing that?
- Yeah. Get in there.

Why are you being so weird?

You're acting like I'm,
like, going away forever.

Bella, Bella, you're not
supposed to be in here.

- You're stinky.
- Say goodbye to Bella.

Bye, Bella. I won't miss you,
you stinky dog.

Oh, alright.

You should probably get going.

Say goodbye to the apartment.

It's okay, I'm not
gonna miss the apartment.

- I'm gonna miss my Heidi.
- Just miss me.

- Goodbye, you. I love you.
- Goodbye, I love you.

- 'I'll call you.'
- You're my best friend.

You're my best friend.

Don't find a new best friend.

Don't get another roommate.
I'm, I'm coming back.

- Soon.
- I'll be back.


Let me know when you get there.

- I will.
- I'll know you're safe. Bye.

♪ You're brilliant but ♪

♪ You're amazing what ♪

♪ Whatever I say ♪
♪ Whatever I say ♪

♪ We'll be so safe ♪
♪ So safe

♪ If my bubble pops ♪

♪ If my world gets rough ♪

♪ I can't say ♪

♪ It could be anyone today ♪

♪ Are you still beautiful
in Los Angeles? ♪

♪ When it's been so long
I can't handle it ♪

♪ When it really makes
no difference ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm so far away ♪

♪ We will never change ♪

♪ Between Eastern Time ♪

♪ And really predictable lines ♪

♪ You make a pretty good case ♪

♪ For that lost look
on your face ♪

♪ Tell me are you curious? ♪

♪ Will you be curious enough? ♪

♪ To stay away ♪

♪ When you finally feel
your heart break ♪

♪ And I'm still beautiful
in Los Angeles ♪

♪ When it's been so long
I can't handle it ♪

♪ When it really makes
no difference ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm so far away ♪

♪ We will never change ♪

♪ I never get the chance
to rehearse ♪

♪ I can't explain
and for what it's worth ♪

♪ If I ever get a chance
to be true ♪

♪ No ♪

- Hi.
- 'Hi, Whitney.'

- How are you?
- Good, how are you?

- I'm good.
- Are you ready to go?

- I'm ready.
- Okay, let's go.

♪ Whatever you say ♪

♪ So safe ♪

You came just in time
for the sunset.

♪ Are you still beautiful
in Los Angeles? ♪

We're gonna have a good summer.

- I love you.
- I love you too.

♪ I'm so far away ♪

♪ Are you still beautiful
in Los Angeles? ♪

♪ It's been so long
I can't handle it ♪

♪ Would it really make
any difference? ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm so far away ♪

♪ I'm so far away ♪

♪ I'm so far away ♪
♪ I'm so far away ♪

♪ Will we ever change? ♪
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