02x03 - The Best Night Ever

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Hills". Aired: May 31, 2006 – July 13, 2010.*
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Reality series documented the lives of several students attending Laguna Beach High School as they completed secondary education.
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02x03 - The Best Night Ever

Post by bunniefuu »

I think I want
a Betsey Johnson one

because they're so,
like, crazy.

You want what I wanted,
like, a fun party dress.

I just couldn't find one
for my birthday.

What time are we going
to the salon?

Not too early because I have a
little lunch date with Brody.


- Did you invite Whitney?
- Yeah.

- Did you invite Audrina?
- We're not friends.

I'm not going to invite someone
who's not my friend.

I don't dislike her,
so I don't care if she's there

but I'm not gonna invite her,
because I don't like her.

'You know, if I see her there,
I'll be like'

"Hey, how are you?"

- "It's my birthday."
- "It's my birthday."

"Want my crown?
Oh, you can't wear it."

- Oh, my crown.
- 'I know.'

- I'm so excited.
- You really are a princess.

- On your birthday.
- It's a rule.

Despite what anybody thinks.

[instrumental music]

♪ I forgot where I was going ♪

♪ When I met you ♪

♪ When I met you ♪

- Hi. How are you?
- It's good to see you.

You too.

Don't laugh at my haircut.
You gotta stop.

- No, it's cute.
- Stop. No, no, no.

- Stop right now.
- You look younger.

So how's your love life?


Been talking to Jason at all?

Did it end on a kind of
bad note, a little bit?

Um, no, it was just kinda like,
"I've had it."

Right, right,
you were fed up with it.

How long did you have
when you went

from Kristin to Nicole, right?

I wouldn't know.

You had a girlfriend
in between?

No, wait, hold on.

Yeah, actually, yeah,
no, it was.

Did you, you didn't
have a break, did you?

It was maybe two weeks...

Two weeks of, like, living
the single life, but it's like--

Why don't you ever take breaks
in between girls?

I don't know.
'Cause I just--

You need to be single
for a while.

The thing is, I mean, yeah,
it just happens that way

and you know,
when you meet somebody

say you meet somebody
really special

just because you don't want
to get in a relationship

you don't wanna ruin that
with them, you know?

Really? You don't ever
feel like, you can be like

"Can we just like be friends
for a while?"

But it's hard,
it's hard to say that

if you really care about
somebody, you know?

It's hard for me.

I'm still looking for somebody
to cuddle with, baby.

- Aww!
- I'm a cuddler.


♪ And now I know ♪

♪ Just where I'm going ♪

♪ You see I could
live my life without you ♪

♪ But the sun would
grow cold... ♪♪

- Hey.
- Hi. Are you busy?

- Not really.
- No?

- What's up?
- Um...

Well, you know
how I told you the whole

Heidi-and-Spencer situation?

'And I think Heidi thinks
something's going on with us.'

'Like, there's really nothing.'

There's nothing
with him at all.


Um, you're not gonna get in
trouble, right

because I'm, like,
back here talking to you?

You obviously have
not been here long enough.

You're not gonna get
in trouble for anything.

So, like,
tonight's Heidi's birthday

and I'm not invited.

It's like kindergarten,
"I'm not inviting you

to my birthday."

I mean, so you think
it's a good idea, like

being the bigger person,
and just--

Just go and, like,
wish her happy birthday

and, like, if she's gonna be

a bitch about it,
she'll be a bitch about it.

That's what I'm gonna do.
I mean, we're friends.

And to have a friend,
you have to be a friend

and she's not
being a friend right now.

And is he, like,
trying to date you, too?

Yeah, he is.
He is a dirt-bag.

He's just a pig.
Yeah, she's getting played.

That's what it seems,
but I'm not, like

hanging out with him
or anything.

She doesn't know that,

Well, this is my last time
I'm trying. Like...

- Yeah.
- I don't know.

♪ Go girls ♪

♪ Go girls ♪

♪ It's what you wanted yeah ♪

♪ It's what you wanted here
right now ♪

♪ Go girls ♪

♪ It's what you wanted here ♪

♪ It's what you wanted here
right now... ♪♪


- Good, how are you?
- Good, how are you?

- Good.
- Thank you.

- To your birthday.
- To my birthday.

- No, to the best night ever.
- To the best night ever.

And to lots of other stuff.

I'm doing, like, a very
Audrey Hepburn kind of look

and I'm wearing a black tutu

and so just, like, really fun.

- But sexy and, like--
- Okay.

Sophisticated at the same time.

Are you getting your makeup done
here, too, Heids?

Of course!
It's my birthday.

I know. I'm sorry. I know.

I'm not lifting a hand.

I'm an American princess.

Hey, I talked to Whitney today

and she was really tired.

She's not sure
if she's gonna make it.

I always want her to come,
but I know she's just busy.

Audrina's not coming.

- Have you talked to her?
- Nope.

Are you just assuming
she's not going?

She can come, but
she can't come to my party.


She can't come to my birthday.

[instrumental music]

♪ It's okay to dance ♪

♪ You can do it if you wanna ♪

♪ It's okay to dance ♪

♪ If you wanna ♪♪


- Oh, my god.
- Hi, how are you?

- Oh!
- What are we drinking tonight?



Oh, isn't that pretty?

[cheering and applause]

I'm so cute!

Look at me, look at me.

I know, but it's bad.

Look at me, look at me.

Who cares?

♪ Move ♪

♪ Shake shake shake ♪

♪ Okay ♪

♪ Roll it roll it roll it ♪

♪ Move your body like... ♪♪

- I'm gone!
- We're gone.

We're gone.

That's so rude.

[indistinct chatter]

Celebrate life.

- Hey!
- Hey!


Oh, snap!

[instrumental music]

'Audrina, well, she's kinda
had her feelings hurt.'

'I feel like she just
wanted to come'

there to make trouble.

Oh, you're so sweet,
you knew I wanted to dip

and you did it for me.

Would you, would you
ever date Brody?

Like, do you like him?

I do not want to date
anyone right now.

I like her.

I like her.
That used to be you.

I think he definitely
likes you.

I think the question
is do you like him?

If I didn't like him,
I wouldn't waste my time

worrying about him.

- So if things went well,
you would date him?

I don't know what I want!
I don't know what I want.

I don't know if I like Brody.

You just want someone
on your arm.

It's arm candy.

Yeah, Brody's arm candy.
Hell, yeah.

Why do we always compare guys
to accessories?

It's just so, so right on.

'Cause they're disposable
like that.


[instrumental music]

I just got a manicure, and
it's already, like, all chipped.

I need a me day, I need to go
and get my highlights done.

- And my nails done.
- Yeah.

My eyebrows done,
and my few more things done.


[cell phone buzzing]

- Can you hand that to me?
- Yeah.


Oh, hi, how are you?


I'll, I'll go over, um...

I'll call you
when we get off, okay?

Okay, bye.

- Who was that?
- It's Audrina. You're coming.

- Coming where?
- You're coming to lunch.

What did she say?

She's like, "I just wanted to,
I just wanted to see

if you wanted to get lunch,
and talk and catch up on stuff."

Maybe since, like,
she's not talking to Heidi

she figures you're
the next person to talk

to in order,
like, resolve things.

I meant to call her
after Heidi's birthday

but I never did.

So she beat you to it.

I don't know.

That's kind of, I don't know,
that's kind of weird.

[instrumental music]

- Hi.
- 'Hi.'

- How are you?
- 'Good.'

- Hi.
- 'Those are cool jeans.'


How is "Teen Vogue?"

- It's good.
- It's fun?

It's good, yeah.

Are you seeing anyone
else now?

- Seeing?
- Well, I don't know, dating?

I don't want to, like,
date anyone for so long.

So I'm just having fun.

- Me too.
- You know?

'It's hard to find a good guy.'

I'm not looking
for a good guy right now.


I need to be,
like, fine to be alone

and, like, not even want
to date someone

and then I know I'll be fine
to get into a relationship.

Yeah, I don't want
a relationship for a while.




Yeah, so Friday night

I wasn't there
to ruin her birthday.


I'm, like, I'm not,
I'm here to have a good time.

I didn't come here
to ruin her birthday.

Like, I knew she was here,
so I came up to say

"Hi, happy birthday,"
and that's it.

No, that's fine. Um,
I think that she wanted

to say hi to you and stuff,
but if you, like

there's stuff going on
between you two

and she didn't want
to talk about it that night

because it's like,
"It's my birthday.

"I don't want
to do this tonight.

I'll talk to you
about it later."

She won't talk to me anyways.

She's just changed
towards me, I guess.

You guys have,
like, weird stuff going on

and I feel like a lot
of that was Spencer.

Yeah, it's always that,
like, guys.

Yeah, it's just one of those
things, you know

how, like,
friends just sometimes--

- Grow apart?
- Yeah.

- And just aren't meant to be.
- And that's it.

It's not meant to be,
so I'm totally fine, like...

She's doing her thing,
I'm doing mine.

Girl fights.

[instrumental music]

Bye. Have you guys
parked over there?


Well, just because me
and Heidi aren't friends

doesn't mean we can't be, so...

- Bye, girls.
- I'll see you soon.

- Bye.
- I'll talk to you later.

♪ Be here ♪

♪ I ♪

♪ I don't want to be here ♪♪

[instrumental music]

♪ Somebody told me a story... ♪

- Heidi?
- Hi. How'd it go?

- What?
- Uh, lunch with Audrina.

Good. I mean, Whitney came.

- Oh, she did?
- Mm-hmm.

'It was, like, kind of weird'

that we went out to lunch.

You didn't, like,
call her out on anything?

So what's gonna happen if, like,
you see her out or something?

I see her out, I just say
hi like anyone else.

But it's not...
It's a mutual thing.

I know.

[instrumental music]

"I don't care
I have too many friends.

And too little time."

Nap, dinner, and then meet up
with Spencer and Brody?

- Okay.
- Oh!

[instrumental music]

I'm excited.

[indistinct chatter]

[instrumental music]

Ah, look who it is.

Hi, look who it is.

Jen Bunney.

'Why don't you come
sit over here?'

'Is that a seat
that opened up?'

You look so upset, though.

"Nobody's gonna sit here."

[instrumental music]


- What? Here it is.
- Oh, it's so pretty.


- Here, come outside, come on.
- I'm coming.


Did you have fun tonight?

- Did you?
- Yes, I had an amazing time.

God! Give me a hug.

I'm so glad I'm with you
right now and all this happened.

I swear to God,
there is nowhere else

where I want to be right now
than with you.

- You're a cheeseball.
- I'm a cheeseball?

Why am I a cheeseball? Shut up.

It's like I really...

I would not want to be
anywhere else.


- Thank you.
- Oh, thank you?

- And why are you thanking me?
- Because you're so nice.

Well, I'm just being
real with you.

Look at you.

I love seeing you smile.

- You make me smile.
- You have a beautiful smile.

Thank you.

[instrumental music]
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