02x04 - Who Do You Trust?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Hills". Aired: May 31, 2006 – July 13, 2010.*
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Reality series documented the lives of several students attending Laguna Beach High School as they completed secondary education.
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02x04 - Who Do You Trust?

Post by bunniefuu »

A part of me
just wants to be like

we should just be friends."

- Aah! Don't say that.
- It bums me out.

I feel like Jason,
like, broke me.

Because of him I'm, like,
so different than I was before

like, as far as, like,
liking guys.

'I think it's gonna be
easier for me.'

Before I didn't really know
where Spencer and I were

but now it's, like

we're more secure
in our relationship.


What do you have to do today?

Um, I'm gonna meet up
with Audrina later.

Ooh, are you going alone?

- It's a solo mish?
- Solo mish.

That's good.
You should just talk to her.

So, it's, like, it's so stupid.

Like, we used to be friends

and this is getting
in the way of, like...

What, what are we,
in high school?

- Come on, grow up.
- Exactly.

- Grow up.
- 'And I'm proud of you.'

- Thank you.
- Very mature.

- Thanks. It's a big step.
- Oh, my Heidi's growing up.

So fast.

♪♪ It hurts so bad
when it feels so good ♪

♪ She keeps you coming back
like you knew you would ♪

♪ You just can't
wait for love... ♪♪


'I was wondering, it's my mom's
birthday, and I was wondering'

if maybe I could go home
for two days to see her?

Yeah, I mean, it's your,
I mean, basically

it's your vacation time,
so you use it

however you want to use it,

Thank you.

Alright, um, yeah,
have fun at your mom's birthday.

- 'I'll see you later.'
- Thanks, Brent.

[telephone ringing]

Bolthouse Productions.

Just giving you
a little heads-up

the dress code thing.

I got kind of chewed out
by Jen today.

I mean, you look great and all,
but I don't know

if it's appropriate
for office wear.

Hmm, I'll talk
to Brent about it.

Alright, later.

[instrumental music]

'Should we take
pictures of these as well?'

How was your date with Brody?
Got it?

'I'm not good at dating.
I, like, forgot how.'

Did he even try to kiss you
that night?

- Don't...
- 'I'm just asking.'

God, you don't have to tell me.

- Um, maybe.
- Maybe.


Maybe, probably, yes.

Is he a good kisser?

'I'm just asking.'

Whitney, um, I'm a lady.

I don't kiss and tell.
Wait, I just told.

Just kidding.
Um, yeah, he was.

Maybe it's meant to be.

Oh, my God, stop it.

You get corny on me,
I'll beat you up.


♪ Can you love me all the way? ♪

♪ Every night and every day? ♪

♪ Even more than
words can say? ♪

♪ Can you love me
all the way? ♪♪

I asked Brent, I go

"Do you think
my outfit's inappropriate?"

And he was like, "No."

And I was like,
"Well, that little Max kid

told me that my outfit
was inappropriate"

and he was like,
"Why would he tell you that?"

I was like, "I don't know.
I'm just saying."

"Throwing it out there.
He said that to me."

I cannot wait to see
little Max up in the club

and tell him I think his outfit
looks a little inappropriate

and he needs to leave.

Um, okay, I'm gonna get
the muscle breakfast.

Why, 'cause you don't have
any muscles?

- Thank you.
- He set you up for that one.


So, I'm gonna have dinner
with Audrina tonight.

And this is a girl that was,
like, supposedly

your mortal enemy,
like, a week ago, right?

She was also used to be
my good friend. So it's like--

You got to be thinking about
her motives.

It's like you guys are just,
like, rehashing.

She sees how happy we are.

I'm obviously happy
when I'm around you.

It's, like, very apparent.

What's she going to do to try to
snipe that out, you know?

It's like that's a girl stuff,
I've been watchin'--

I don't know,
I feel, like, if she's, like

trying to, like,
make up with me--

Yeah, right, that's like,
the way to make up.

"I'm gonna be your friend
and tell you this and that."

It's like...

No drama now,
can we have a good conversation

about how pretty you look,
and how cute your outfit is

and how happy
I am to be here with you

and not talking about Audrina?

Yeah, yeah, good deal?
You are amazing.

And I'm gonna call your mom
and tell her

'cause she needs to know
she created--

She asked me, she's like,
"Can I please bring him home

for my birthday?" I was like,
"I'm not bringing Spencer."

- 'Hello.'
- Hey, Max.

Hi, Elodie.

I'm done with that kid.

Let's just go. Come on.

I know you. I think you met me
the other night? Spencer, right?

- Yeah.
- You don't really know me.

So, I just want
to know real quick...

Don't comment
on how Heidi dresses.

We all, everybody I hang out
with loves how she dresses.

You're ex,
you're an intern, bro.

I'm not an intern. Excuse me,
sir. I'm not an intern.

You're an assistant
to my boy, Diamond.

Listen. Listen. Look here.

Heidi dresses cute every day.

- That's fine, buddy--
- She looks amazing.

You're not the boss.
Don't tell her how to dress.

- Alright, champion. Champion.
- Don't touch me, bro.

- You just touched me.
- Spencer.

Walk away. He just touched me.

That's as*ault.

- 'Walk away, bro.'
- as*ault?

- Really? Really?
- 'I'm just sayin.'

Oh, yeah, you're a cool guy
with your orange shades, bro.

Like, why did you just do that?
Like, why--

Look at you. Keep talking then.

- Keep talking.
- Please, Spencer.

- Relax, I'm not doing anything.
- Please get in the car.

Don't. Just come on.

Where are you going? You're
gonna call somebody a tool?

- He just called me a tool.
- 'Spencer, stop being stupid.'

You're gonna call me a tool?
Let's go.

I'm gonna beat your ass.
Let's go right now.

- Let's go right now.
- I'm heading to work--

- Let's go. Who do you think...
- 'Get in the car.'

Do you have any idea what
I'm gonna do to you, homeboy?

What are you talking about?

You think you can call somebody
a tool in LA?

- Don't know where you're from.
- In LA, dude.

- I * * * grew up in LA.
- I've never seen you.

- Please, I don't care about--
- Please, please.

Walk in front of a car.
Walk in front of a car.

- Alright, I'll walk in...
- Yeah, keep walkin' away, bro.

I'll see you in the club.

- 'Why, why would you do that?'
- Hey.

I was being nice
until he called me a tool.

I was just saying, "Don't
comment on how Heidi dresses."

'Cause I love the way you dress.
You look amazing every day.

- We're getting out of here.
- Okay.

Alright. Nice to meet you.

- I'm sorry for being rude.
- Bye, okay.

I'm not a jerk.

- I just, you know...
- 'Bye, guys.'

'Oh, my God, Spencer,
you can't do that'

'just 'cause
you're my boyfriend.'

It's not about boyfriend.

I don't like this fool talking

disrespecting things to you.

- I just don't--
- Come on.

♪ Ooh it's all sunshine ♪

♪ Or it's all rain... ♪♪

So I'm going to this
birthday party tonight

and I really have no time
to go shopping.

Either look here,
English Tea Party march

and there's holiday dresses

so you might be able to find
something here.

- 'Okay.'
- Are they gonna let you borrow?

Um, yeah, they said that I could
if I found something.

Oh, that's nice of them.

I wanna be, like casual,
but still...

- 'Oh, I like punk rock.'
- Me too.

I want to date a punk-rock guy.

I feel like
that's Audrina's type.

Heidi's going to dinner
with Audrina tonight.

That's so great.

- I think--
- It was stupid. It was--

They need to sit down
and talk because

it's, it's very like,
"He said, she said," and stuff.

- You know what I mean?
- 'Yeah.'

I feel like I don't believe--
Oh, my God.

These are really cute, huh?

Really cute, with, like, maybe a
little ruffle top or something?

- Yeah.
- Try them on.

[instrumental music]

'Okay, so this
is what happened.'

My birthday, it was like,
you came, and I was just like

you know, I don't think
it's appropriate to like have

this drama on my birthday.
Tomorrow I'll talk to you.

- 'Well, no, see I--'
- The next day...

And then you showed up
with Spencer that night.

- And I was just like--
- See, I knew that you'd freak.

Oh, you just showed up
with Spencer.

Like, are you kidding me?

I was just kinda like, "Why
would Audrina show up here?"

After I that heard
that you'd been, like

hooking up with him,
or whatever--

That I was hooking up
with Spencer? No, I was not.

And you were like, "Heidi's so
jealous because Spencer likes--"

Okay, I'm sorry,
but I don't like...

- He is not my type at all.
- Didn't think he was your type.

And he came up and kept, like,
grabbing me on the dance floor

and like,
he was trying to use me.

To make it look like to you
that we were together

and to piss you off, and,
like, I don't do that.

I don't know, I'm just sick,
I'm really sick of people

coming up to me and being like

"Watch out for Spencer.
Watch out for Spencer."

I know, like, just let me be.

- Like, let me...
- You have to learn on your own.

Decide for myself. Like, you
don't see how he looks at me.

You're not there when we're
alone, you're not there

when it's like,
when we're together.

It's like
you can't really judge that.

Were you still with him, like,
two or three Saturdays ago?

Two or three? Let me look
in my planner, and let's see.

Two? If it was two,
then, yeah, we were.

And if it was three,
then I think we were too.

Saturday, like, he called me and
I never called him back, ever

'cause I was like,
I didn't know what his deal was.

I didn't understand.
Like, it was just weird.

'I didn't know
if I should tell you or not.'

- Of course, you should.
- I'm gonna tell you though.

- I think you should know.
- Hell, yeah. Hell, yeah.

Like, I'm so like relieved now,
I feel...

Let's cheers to us.


You need to be careful
with him.

I don't know.

I don't know.

[instrumental music]

'Okay, Audrina and I are fine.
We talked about everything.'

She said, she's like, "He wanted
to piss you off somehow."

'I guess he's been calling her
for weeks now.'

Who would make up
something like that?

I'm not saying
she's making it up.

It's just hard, when you have
everyone in LA that you know

coming up to you, being like,
"Be careful."

I mean, you know.
You know what I'm talkin' about?

You know what? You know what?
Seriously, I don't care.

All those people aren't with us,
when it's you and Spencer.

'They don't see the way that
he looks at you. They don't--'

- That's what I told Audrina.
- I would tell you.

I'm your best friend. I don't
owe anything to Spencer.

If I thought Spencer was a rat,
I'd be like, "You're over it."

- I don't completely--
- That's what you said at first.

I don't completely trust Spencer

but I do trust
that he likes you.

'And I mean,
that's part of dating.'

'You don't know people
when you start dating them.'

- I hate dating.
- 'It's a gamble.'

Who do you trust more?
Audrina or Spencer?

[instrumental music]

I don't know.

♪ Here ♪

♪ I could waste my time
if you're not... ♪♪

- 'What time is your flight?'
- '6 o'clock.'

'Don't leave me.'

I don't know, I just feel like
I really need to go though

because I never
get to see my mom...

Oh, my God.

- It's like finding gold.
- These tweezers.

I haven't even been
able to find a pair as good.

Like, oh!

- Did you get her a present?
- I am the present.

Okay, sorry.

Are you gonna go out
without me?

To Area?

Maybe. I don't, I don't know.

I think it would be kind of
weird to go without you.

If you go, you have to tell me
how Spencer is.

Oh, you want me to go to
watch him! Ah, the real reason--

But don't tell him
you're going.

Just be, like, very sneaky.

You're so funny.
You want me to go spy on Spence.

Yeah. I need to...

I need to see what
Audrina's talking about

and how he behaves
when I'm out of town.

- You're crazy jealous.
- I am so jealous.

I don't know
when I got so jealous either.

♪ You came looking
for the answers ♪

♪ Lost like diamonds
in the sand... ♪♪

'So who's gonna be
at the club tonight?'

Is Heidi gonna be there?

remember, she's out of town?'

'I got the Playmates
rollin' over.'

- So it's like--
- 'You checking your Myspace?'

Come on, now, obviously got
to check the friend requests.

- So how many you got?
- It's not enough.

Ladies don't love me enough.

It's 'cause you got
a girlfriend, man.

- Oh!
- 'Ha ha! I really like Heidi.'

Know what, if you're gonna date
anybody, it should be Heidi.

That's my logic,
but it's like, whoa.

- 'God!'
- Speaking of love.

'Speakin' of love.'

'Oh, dear.'

- Hi.
- Hi.

- 'Oh, my God.'
- Whoa!

- Hello, I'm Spencer.
- 'Hi, I'm Shannon.'

- Nice to meet you.
- Shannon, it's a pleasure.

- Brody.
- Hey, Amanda.

- Amanda, very nice to meet you.
- Amanda, Spencer.

Hugh Hefner, eat your heart out.

I'm a little overwhelmed
right now, I'll be honest.

- Can we, little toast?
- Let's all toast.

- Come on, you toast.
- Brody, let's hear your toast.

What's your toast to?

To an amazing night,
and let's have fun.

- Oh, weak, weak, weak toast.
- What do you want to do?

To the most beautiful
human beings

I have ever been in a room with.

- Okay, okay, now cheers.
- Cheers, whoo!

And to good night.

♪ Move it ♪♪

'I can't believe
I missed my flight.'

Oh, I just need to
have fun tonight.

- My mom is so stressing me out.
- You were at the airport.

It wasn't like,
you were just like...

Did you tell Spencer that
you didn't go to Colorado?

No, and I didn't tell him
I'm going to Area.

And I think
a little piece of her

wants to bump into him
and surprise him.

Implement the spy plan.

Perfect, 'cause he thinks
you're gone.

- I know.
- But you won't be gone.

At least, I'm a surprise
to someone tonight.

[instrumental music]

♪ Hey what you looking
and you want what you see ♪

♪ If you're bad and you know it
come see about me ♪

♪ Hey what you looking
and you want what you see ♪

♪ If you're bad and you know it
come see about me... ♪♪

Yeah, my girls.



Hi! I just wanted to say hi.

I love that top, pretty girl.

'I love you.'

Why is Spencer
with some blond whores?

- Who?
- I don't know.

- Two blond sluts.
- Who?

Spencer, he walked in
with two blond bimbos.

- What blond bimbos?
- I don't know.

I've never seen them before.

- What's going on?
- Oh, I'm about to get crazy--

Him and Brody and the other one,
walked in with--

Is he, like, with them,
with them, or is he like--

They sat down
at the table together.

- But he's there--
- Two blonds.

- I've never seen before.
- We'll see.

- Okay. Let's go.
- This is gonna be fun.

- Alright, let's go.
- Where's your little group?

Let's go! Lauren!

'Thank you.'

'No, dancing table.
I want another table.'

Oh, wait! Spencer!

- 'Surprise!'
- Ah!

Get over here!

[indistinct chatter]

'Out of my way.
Lauren, I'm leaving.'

Heidi, Heidi, Heidi.

Heidi! Heidi!

What is going on?

- Ow, you're hurting me.
- Sorry.

Come here.

- Will you come here, baby?
- Come here.

Tell her what you just
told me about Spencer.

- Please, please, please.
- What about Spencer?

♪ Oh... ♪

Lauren! Lauren! Lauren!

♪ But it's for the best ♪

♪ I'm getting
out of this mess ♪♪

'Spencer, you showed up
with three Playmates.'

- I saw you flirting with them.
- I'm over you.

Just hang up. I'm over you.

It's fine. I'm over you.


No, she didn't
put me on the phone.

She didn't put me on the phone,

She was crying so hard,
I had to pick up the phone.

I had to pick up the phone,
like I...

Like, I had to pick up
my best friend

and carry her upstairs.
No, Spencer, no.

- Hang up the phone!
- 'You have to realize.'

'You have to realize.'

'You have to decide
what you want with Heidi.'

You know what,
you know what, Spencer?

Spencer, Stop. I mea...

Heidi's gonna
call you tomorrow, okay?

[indistinct chatter]

I was really
falling in love with him.

Don't fall in love.

Don't fall in love
with anyone here.

You're too young
to fall in love.

Let's go, team Playmates.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

♪ I thought
the world was round ♪

♪ Looking closely I have found ♪

♪ It's a messed up
ball of jagged edges ♪

♪ Stupid me I thought
the world was round ♪♪
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