06x13 - I Said I Got It!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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06x13 - I Said I Got It!

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously

- Previously
on "Below Deck"...

- Laura didn't seem into him
at the beginning.

I think Ashton's just trying

to get one more point
for the scoreboard.

- Guys, I think Tyler retreated
back to see Rhylee.

- We have co-primaries.
The guests have all requested

a Polynesian-inspired dinner
party with the yacht crew

performing Tahitian-style

- He's on vacation

while other people
are doing all of the work.

- You're doing me a favor?
- It wasn't about--

- Shut the (BLEEP) up.
I'm speaking.

- Oh.

- Is this bitch for real?
Here we go again.

- This wasn't like this
when I came in.

- But the master's
also like that.

Like that,
and that was like that.

- I don't understand why
you're being so aggressive.

She needs to learn that you
cannot treat people this way.

Figure your sh-- out.

This is enough.
You need to check yourself.


[horn blares]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

This is insane, dude.

You need to seriously
figure your sh-- out.

Have some respect
and appreciation for me

constantly cleaning up
after you all ----ing day.

This is enough.
There is hundreds of other ways

that you could have
approached that situation.

- Shh.
- Like, you go through

the cabins
before the end of your shift.

You had no right to do that.

- You told me
you were finished.

- You need to check yourself.
You need to check yourself.

Understood? Understood.
You're fake, and it's enough.

I've had enough.
Check yourself.

- So do you want to quit?
- I want you to check yourself.

- Rule number one, don't scream
at your superiors

in front of charter guests.

Rule number two, don't scream
at your boss, period.

Rule number three,
check yourself.

- Oh, my (BLEEP).

- Hello.

- So were you able
to hear anything?

- No, I heard nothing.

- We have an issue.
- Okay.

- The issue is Laura.
She had a temper tantrum.

She was ready to scream at me

within earshot
of the charter guests.

The problem started because
I asked her to do turndowns.

I went and looked.

Towels everywhere,
empty trashes,

bathrooms not done.
So I told her,

I'm like,
"You need to do this,"

and she was like,

"You need to get your sh--

I would like you to give her
a gentle reminder

of the hierarchy of the boat

or we can fire her
or I'll quit.

There are three options.

- Seriously? She just got rid
of one problem with Caroline,

and here's another one.

I can't just be pulling stews
off fig trees out here.

I will have a chat with her
in the morning.

I don't think chatting with
her tonight would do any good.

- I don't think so either.

- And she'll either
get onboard

with the program or she won't.

- So incredible.

Perfectly seasoned.
It's delicious.

- What time were you up?

- 6:00.
- You all right?

- Am I all right?

- That was the wrong question
to ask.

- Did you hear me yelling,

- Yeah. Try not to yell.

I don't know what
you're going through, but...

- Yeah, no, you don't.

- I already told Captain Lee
I want to quit.

- Why don't you just fire her?

Because we can do two charters
by ourselves.

- You best check yourself.

Girl, you better
check yourself.

- Yeah, you better
----ing check yourself.

- You better check yourself.
- You better check yourself.

(BLEEP) both of you, okay?


I swear to God, I'm gonna
punch everyone in the face.


- Everyone.
- How is everything so far?

- Oh, my gosh.
This is a palette aphrodisiac.

Oh, my gosh. It's so--mmm.



- They love it. Helen, I think,
is in love with you.

I was like,
"How is everything?"

And she went, "Mmm."
She was like,

"I can taste you--I mean,
I can taste the"--

- Did you hear that?
- Get ready because

there's some emotions
out there.

Laura was, like,
screaming in the galley.

- [gasps]

- [gasps]

- [gasps]
- [gasps]

- This was outstanding.

- You good?

- I am just fine.
- Feel better?

- Yes, but don't laugh
at my expense.

I was being walked
all over and humiliated.

Sorry not sorry.

- I'm glad you feel better.
- Thanks.

- Ready.
It's so beautiful.

- Kahlúa-infused sponge.
Dark chocolate ganache.

- Can you follow
with the last two?

Thank you.
- Yeah, one second.

- Chocolate is ----ing amazing.

- I'm already pleased
just with the visuals.

- So Adrian, for your dessert,

has prepared
a Kahlúa-infused sponge

with a dark chocolate
almond ganache.

- Where is Adrian?

He can watch us bite
into this.

- Would you like me to go
and get him for you?

- Yeah, he needs to watch us,
like, bite into this.

- Adrian, Adrian, Josiah.

- Oh, my gosh. Adrian.

- The guests just want to
see him on the bridge deck aft.

Oh, my God, just get a room
already. Get it over with.

- Oh, my God.

- Adrian, I wanted you to
witness, like, the first bite.

Mmm, that is outstanding.

- Great, thank you so much.
- Thank you so much.

- You're very welcome.

- Helen is, like, the best
charter guest I've ever seen.

- I love her.
I want to be her for Halloween.

- That crunch is,
like, outrageous.

Who else can taste the crunch?

- She said, "I just want you
to witness the first bite,"

and then she put it
in her mouth

and looked at me and said,
"Mmm," like that.

- No!

Helen is completely
thirsty for Adrian.

I can just imagine
what fantasies she has

about Adrian and food.

- Adrian.
- [laughs]

- Mmm.

- Thank you, everyone.
- Thanks.

- Nice seeing you for dinner.
- Thank you. It was great.

- Oh, yeah, that's nice.
- Good night.

- Okay, so...

- All right.
I'm gonna go to bed soon.

- Okay, check yourself
before you go to bed, please.

- Rhy, can I ask you a favor?

I put something in the washer,
but I'm gonna go to bed,

and I just need
it in the dryer.

- Here, put it in here, because
I'm about to do some laundry.

- Okay, let me--

- Yeah, and then...

- Yes.

- Okay.
- Okay.

- It's been half an hour.

- What?

- I'm trying to not
get a crush.

- On who?

- Obviously.
- Really?

- Come talk to me.

- Oh, this is--this is
heavy sh--.

- Yeah, so I think
all of the guests

have gone to bed now.
- Yeah, I saw Craig go down.

Yeah, earliest night ever.

- I know. I love it.
- Tell me what's up.

What happened?

- Oh, my God. She's--
- What happened?

- Yo. So she comes down.

She goes, "Laura,
can I talk to you?"

I was like, "Sure, yeah."
Takes me down to the cabin.

She's like, "Okay, I guess
I'm gonna have to show you

how to do a turndown,"

and I was just like,
"Settle down."

Like, "All you have to do is,

"Oh, hey, you forgot a towel
on the floor."

Like, "Pick that up,"
or maybe even pick it up

yourself, God forbid,

and throw it
in the laundry yourself.

You are the fakest, most
horrible woman I've ever met.

Why can you not appreciate

and have some respect
for your stewardesses?

And she just sat there like
a ----ing idiot.

- Well, all I can say to you
is that you can be strong.

You know, we have two weeks
left in this charter,

and she can run you ragged,

and all you can do
is rise above it.

Everybody needs somebody
they can confide in.

You know, Kate can be bitchy,

and for Laura
to stand up to her,

I'm actually
kind of proud of her.

You're strong, girl.
You get it.

- I don't think I've ever been
this pissed off on charter.

I don't love sass,
and I don't love a stewardess

who can't do her job.
The combo is the worst.

- You're good.
- What?

- Give me a hug.
Looks like you need it.

- I know.

[alarm blaring]

- This is gorgeous.

Should be able to order this
for another week.

- Do you know where
the bread plates are?


Excuse me.

I just have something in
my hands that is quite heavy.

I don't know why you're
doing it on purpose, but...

- Can I get a cup
of coffee, please?

- Yeah, just cream, hey?

- Yes, thank you.

- Where were those?

- We keep the bread plates
above the bread knives,

over in the same cupboard
as the salt and pepper

and everything we like--

- Oh, I'm too short
to see under there.

- They've been there
the whole time.

- Yeah.
- Laura. Laura, Lee.

- I need--I'll take
over service.

You can go talk
to Captain Lee.

- Soy.

- Laura. Laura, Lee.
- You can just go. I'll go.

- Sure.

Copy, I'll be right there.

How are you?

- I understand we had
an issue last night.

- Coming up...

- So I'm a bit
of a hectic chef.

- I like that.

- Obviously,
she has a crush on me.


- I understand we had

- I understand we had
an issue last night.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Here's all I need.
- Okay.

- I need you to do your job.
- Yep.

- I don't need you to have
a confrontation

with our chief stew
in front of guests.

- Yeah.

- I don't really care
what prompted it.

- Out of all of the times
she's humiliated me

in front of everyone,

did it cross my mind to go to
the captain and tattle on her?


I honestly am not
an angry person.

Unfortunately, it came out
in a less-than-eloquent way,

but I agree
with everything you're saying,

and I will just do my job.

- Nothing more, nothing less.
- Smooth sailing ahead.

- Great, thank you.
- Thank you.

- She let her mouth
write a check

that her ass couldn't cash.

We've got two charters to go.

She's gonna have to suck it up
and do the right thing.


- Morning.
- Hey, how are you?

- Not very good, and now
I'm having a bad hair day,

which is in general
just a bad day.

- Copy.

- And you guys
are doing the slide?

- Yeah.

- Okay.
It's frustrating as hell.

I don't ever get to sit
through the slide setup,

and I'm never on anchor
in the morning

to really learn
how that goes down.

- Have you ever dropped
an anchor before?

- Not on a boat of this size.
I'd like to learn.

- Just shadow him.

- I keep bringing it up,
but I'm usually shut down.

Doesn't ----ing matter
what I say.

I'm literally doing exactly
what all of you guys want,

which is put my head down
and be a ----ing day worker.

- Fix the attitude
or ship out, bud.

- Yes, sir.

It's annoying.
All right.

I'm gonna go fix that up first

'cause they're
laying out there.

- Oh, thank you.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- Man, that looks like rain
in the distance, hey?

- How are you doing?

- Good, and you?
- Good.

- Have you guys
sorted your sh-- out again?

- No.
- No?

- I've been taking
so much sh--.

- Mm-hmm.

The only thing that people
were, like, a bit taken back by

was just
the way you snapped.

- Fair enough, fair enough.
It's just crazy.

- Look at how pretty.
- I know.

- We have some croissants.

There's plain and chocolate.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Pardon me. I'm just gonna
scoot this in here.

- Mmm, that's delicious.

- Very good.
- It's the perfect omelet.

- All I can tell from
this group of guests

is that at least two of them
are in the Mafia.

At least they're not
too high maintenance.

I bet Laura wouldn't
tell Richard to check himself.

That's what cement boots will
scare people into, submission.

So we're getting ready
to pull the anchor

and head to the next spot.

We'll have all
the water toys out.

- Sounds like a plan.

- Okay, Ash, pull 'em up.

- Copy, Cap.

- Morning.

- Anchor's in the pocket.

- Lock it in.
We're out of here.

- Can I wash these fenders up?
Kind of grimy, a little bit.

- If you want to just give it
a quick wipe, yeah.

Good job, Tyler.

Tyler picks up on things
really fast, and with Rhylee

in such a great mood,
it's a breath of fresh air.


- We have some guests.
- Good morning.

- Morning, how we doing?
- Good.

- Is this the cove we're gonna
stay in for tonight?

- Uh-huh.
We're making our approach in.

Deck crew,
get ready for arrival.

I'm gonna want four sh*ts.

- Four sh*ts, copy that.

- And drop.

- We really appreciate you
allowing us up here.

- Yeah, it's not a problem.
- Wow.

- Hey, Tyler, get with Ashton.

You guys start
setting up the slide, man.

Rhylee will do this.

- Copy.
- While we're doing this,

do you want
to set up that line?

- I already did.
- Oh, you did?

- [sighs]

- The guys are bro-ing up
and thinking they need

all this muscle man power,
and I'm tired of it.

I'm tired of being overlooked,
and what point does it end?

- Ready?
- Okay.

- We can readjust it
once we inflate it a bit.

- Okay.

- Are you gonna be
joining us for dinner tonight?

- I'd be glad to.

- There you go, go.

- How are we doing?
- Fabulous.

- Would you like
a glass of rosé?

- Sure, I'll have
a glass of rosé.

- Yeah?
Kate, Kate, Josiah.

Can we have a glass
of Whispering Angel, please?

- Copy.
- Okay.

You know I have a store
in Beverly Hills,

so that would be fabulous.

We were looking for one.
Thank you.

- All good?

- I'm gonna need
to use your laptop,

and I'm just gonna
give her a checklist,

because she said
when she arrived

that she had
so much experience,

but, clearly, she doesn't know
what she's doing.

I don't care
if she's lying or not,

but what I do care about
is the fact that the guests

have no towels to wipe
their body after a shower

and no toilet paper to wipe
their ass after they sh--.

- Oh, my gosh.
Do you see how far up it is?

This is insane.

I'm getting heart palpitations
just looking.

Doreen, are you gonna
give it a whirl?

- Oh, no,
I'm afraid of heights.

- Is Bruce going?

- Oh, I don't think
he'll go either.

- I'm really big
on active guests.

On my old fire crew,
my nickname was Throttle.

I love the rush,

but these guests,
they are just super lame.

- Darn, it's raining.

- I'm gonna take a risk
for lunch.

- Oh, really? Lobster?
- Duck confit.

- I love duck confit.
- And something else salad.

Like, something fresh.

- So just big plates?
- Yeah, big white plates.

- Yep.

- You all right?
- Just let me do it. I got it.

- It's like she wants
to prove something.

- What? What?

- Just stop trying to do
too much on your own.

If you need help,
just come get me.

- I don't.
- If I'm here to help,

just let me ----ing help.

Just let me know
when you need help, bloke.

- I will. I will--

- You're trying to do
too much on your own.

- How?
- You just are. I can see it.

- Got it.
- Rhylee, there's things

why I do it, obviously, okay?

- Got it. Got it. Got it.
Got it.

- Are you sure?
- Got it. I ----ing got it.

I'll say it one more time
before the fifth time,

and I'll say it even more rude
than the fourth time

I just said it.

- This is how
you're talking to me?

- Yeah.
Ask me four more--ask me

four times if I got it,
and I say yes,

and then ask me the fifth time,
I'm gonna get attitude.

- It's the way you--it's
the way you're saying it.

- Yeah. The fifth time,
I'm gonna get attitude.

I said I got it
five ----ing times,

so you want
to handle this sh--?

Then do it.

- I said

- I said
I got it five ----ing times.

I said five ----ing times
I got it,

and you want me
to go somewhere else

and you want
to handle this sh--?

Then do it.
- No. You can do this, Rhylee.

- Then let me ----ing do it.
- I'm saying as when--

- I said I got it
four ----ing times.

- But the way you're saying it.
I don't need attitude from you.

- Because you asked me
a fifth time.

- Listen, dude.

I'm gonna come back--
- Quit asking me.

- What the hell is going on?

She's been
in such great spirits

these past couple of charters
and now this?

I can't keep up.
Here we ----ing go again.

Listen here. You're so short.
You have an attitude problem.

- Yeah, I do have an attitude

when I keep
getting interrupted.

Okay, tell me--tell me
what you want to say.

- Okay, great. Thank you.
The fifth time you asked me

the same question,
I copped the attitude--

- It doesn't matter how much
times I have to ask you,

you're like, "Okay, got it."
That's not a response.

That's not how
you should be replying.

Just so I can--sorry.

- Uh...

- I'm doing what
I'm supposed to doing.

- Rhylee, give me
attitude--listen, listen.

- I'm giving you attitude
'cause you're interrupting me.

- No, I'm not gonna listen,
because you won't listen to me.

- All right, Rhylee.
This is how it's gonna be.

When you want to listen to me,
I'll listen to you.

- Okay. If you're not
gonna listen, look,

I can find someone else
that's gonna listen, all right?

- Sounds great. Do that, Ross.
- All right, then.

All right, buddy.
- (BLEEP) off, Ross.

- You have a problem with me?
Get rid of me.

- All right.
I'm just ----ing over it.

I'm over it.

Rhylee's had seven charters
to learn her place

and trust me,
and I'm just done.

I'm sick of it.
She's got to go.

----ing hell.

- Yeah, bloody hell is right.

- Oh, for (BLEEP) sakes.

- What happened?

- So do I, man.
- Just gonna eat more.

I love to see people
lose their sh--.

It's, like,
the best entertainment for me,

as long as I'm not the one
in the middle of it.

- Hi.
- Is there anything happening?

- Nope, all the guests
are sleeping.

- Cool.

- Oh, yeah, ----ing-- ----ing
I forgot about that.

I just got sidetracked.

- That's okay. I did it.
- I was gonna say, Rhylee,

if she's not gonna
reason or listen,

then I'm gonna find
someone else that will listen.

Like, she's just giving me
so much ----ing attitude.

- What, now?
- Just now.

Like, she's screaming.
She's just being so--actually,

I'm just like--I just have
to find someone that listens.

- This is happening again?

You know, one day she's happy,
and then today she's miserable.

It's so annoying.

- I just don't need
the ----ing attitude from her.

Plain and simple.
- It's called noise, bro.

- Sweet.
- Sweet.

- Okay, watch your step.
It's a little slippery.

- Rhy, you okay?

- Can I give you
my blacks to wash?

- Yeah, I can.
What's wrong?

- Nothing. I'm good right now.
- Okay, you let me know.

- Thanks. Thanks, Laura.
- Laura, Laura.

Can you please go
around the cabins and make sure

they've got full toilet paper
and fresh towels, please?

- No problem.
- Did she copy? I don't know.

- I didn't hear.
- Laura, did you copy?

- Sorry, yep, I copied.

I answered you on my mic piece,
but it wasn't plugged in.

- Copy.

- ----ing a dragon?

- Kate, Kate, all
of the guests at the table,

and I've just given them
all water.

- Copy.
- So good.

- Okay, we're good?
- Amen.

- Ooh, that smells good.

- Okay, so this is duck confit

on some mirin-roasted
red cabbage and kohlrabi salad,

which I infused with sake.

- Thank you.
- Wow.

- Yeah.
- Oh, okay.

- I'm cringing.

I mean, it puts me
in an awkward position.

she has a crush on me,

and she's married
to Tony Soprano, so, awkward.

- I think this may end up being
one of my favorite meals.

The piece of basil, little
bit of cabbage. It's so good.

- Hey.
- Helen's saying this is her

favorite meal so far,
so good job.

- Bet she ----ing loves it.

- Uh-huh, and she's been
on many bodies of water.

- I prefer she doesn't
get onto my body.

- Oh, she's already on it.

- [laughs]

- So it looks like
there's a bit of wind outside.

- Yeah. I mean, the weather's
going south quickly, 24 knots.

- Are we fine with the slide
hanging off with this wind?

- Yeah, we're gonna have
to get that in.

- Deck crew, deck crew.

Can someone just quickly come
to the bridge deck aft?

The covers are flapping around
a little bit.

- Let's go get everything
nailed down.

Get the slide down,
get everything

buttoned back up there
so we don't lose any covers.

- Yep, copy.

We'll start pulling these in.

- We're starting to spin,
like in that movie.

- "The Perfect Storm."

- Now you can't even
see the mountains.

- ----ing hell.

- Do you still want me
down here or what?

- Yeah, you just
stay on the controls.

- Ride on, cowboy.

Yeah, getting
my freshwater shower.

- Looks like the weather's
picking up.

- Could you feel it
in your ballsack again?

- Yeah, and my nipples
started getting hard.

- Ross' balls shrivel up
when he feels rain coming.


- Cleaned those plates.

Do we have to dance still?
I'm not in the mood.

- Better start getting your
Tahitian dance routine on.

- Are you ----ing kidding me?

- Where would you like me?
- Yeah, you can go.

Yeah, we don't need you.

- I'm ----ing over it.
I literally feel like Tyler,

who has no experience
on yachts, is now above me.

I just don't respect
any of these guys

because they're not treating me

with any kind of respect
that I deserve.

- Coming up...

- Are you excited for tonight?
- Usually when we go out,

Ash is going after
all the girls.

- Ew.

I'm definitely not a girl
that just hooks up

with random guys.
Stop putting sh--

in my head, Adrian.
You're just miserable.

- Yeah, oh, and, by the way,

- Yeah, oh, and, by the way,
dinner's at 7:30.

- Perfect. Do you think we can
have a night without drama?

- I know I can.

- She's quite
a dramatic person.

- Sometimes it's better just
to let the captain handle it,

'cause you're big and bad
when you're yelling at me,

but to the captain,

you're not saying
the same things, are you?

- What's up?
- Changing.

- Nap and a shower for me.

- We need to fit you
for your Tahitian costume.

- I thought we were gonna pick
on the new guy.

- Come on.

They requested
dancing entertainment,

and you're like, "Not me."

- The guests have all requested

a Polynesian-inspired dinner
party with the yacht crew

performing Tahitian-style

- We'll throw some lima beans
in a water bottle.

That's a maraca. We'll put
Ashton in some palm fronds

'cause he's got a good body,
and we'll hope for the best.

Laura, are you
still up for dancing?

- [groans]

- Yep. That's a yes.
- Yeah, she's in.

- All righty. Okay, Adrian.

I have to have heels on
in the kitchen.


- So you've been enjoying
your trip so far?

- Well, you guys have
made it amazing.

- Great.
- Yes.

- Okay, I'm a bit
of a hectic chef.

- I like that.

So what are you doing here?

- This is a truffled cream
of celery.

- Okay.

- I creamed it a bit
and just truffled it.

- Have you got a new
sous chef, Adrian?

- Yeah.

- Well, he needs
to give me a job.

I'm waiting for a job.

- Helen reminds me of one
of my first girlfriends:

Peruvian, big-breasted,
very extravagant,

but her husband,
I'm a little bit worried

that he's gonna
put me in a body of water.

- Dinner is how I unwind.

You know, the anticipation
of what's to come later on

can be as amazing
as the experience.

- Oh, for sure, yeah.
- [laughs]

- The clouds come over.
Yes, and the rain comes down.

- We want to kind of
script a story

about the guest's time
on the boats,

and we want to bring
some humor into it.

The guests all scatter,
and the slide is no more.


We're trying to get creative.

We're trying to do
some cool movements.

It's gonna be fun.

- Around.
- Yes, I love it.

- How's your day going, Rhylee?

- That's a
loaded question, Kate.

- What's the matter?
- Ross is, like,

telling me I have an attitude,

and, like, basically
threatening to get rid of me.

- You know you're not
going anywhere.

Do you want advice from me?
- Sure.

- You're really good
at your job,

but you're in a very
fortunate situation,

which is no responsibility.

You could right now
just be, like, worry-free.

- I should just let them
do all the heavy sh--.

- Yeah. Let them worry.
Let them stress.

I don't think Ross is serious
about getting rid of Rhylee.

I think he's just
at his wit's end,

but at least Rhylee uses
sentences that are about work

instead of just saying,
"Check yourself.

Check yourself.
Check yourself."

Just be honest and be like,
"I want to finish the season.

I'm sorry for
any misunderstandings."

Just be the better person.
Don't get sassy.

- [laughs]
- Okay?

- Okay.

Ross, Ross, can you meet me
in the beach club?

- Yeah, copy, on my way.
- Oh, I love it.

- Perfect.

- What's up?

- Ross, you know that I enjoy
working with you,

but sometimes I feel like
I miss out on the big things.

I want to feel more respected.

I'm not called upon
to do a lot of things.

Tyler's been called upon
to do slide sh--.

I've got to feel like
I'm doing more than, like,

the ----ing new guy coming on.

- What you're doing is
----ing very important to me.

I leave you
on the swim platform.

That's more important
than doing a ----ing slide.

I can't trust Tyler
being on the swim platform

because he's new.
You are very valuable.

What I don't like
is this backchat that I get.

I don't want to let you go.

I love working with you.
You're talking about,

"Oh, you don't
give me important sh--.

You don't give me
this and that."

- That's how I start
to feel

when I'm sitting up here
----ing cleaning, okay?

It's menial.

It feels like I'm ----ing

every ----ing person,
and that's why I'm like,

"I don't give a (BLEEP)
if you want to let me go."

- If she would just stop

everything I ask her to do,

she would realize everything
I put on her is important.

It's just so frustrating to me
that she can't see that.

I'm gonna let this whole
conversation go, okay?

I don't--look,
the last thing I want

is for me to have to make
----ing changes.

I don't want you to go.

I like ----ing having you here,
but this is--like, Rhylee,

you can argue with me all
----ing day,

or you can just agree
with me and say,

"Okay, I ----ing got it."

All right.

- We ready?
- Yep.

- Thank you for joining us.
We're so excited.

- My pleasure, thanks
for having me, thank you.

- So glad to have you.

- I made a bunch of checklists
for Laura.

She's going
to checklist herself.

- Ladies.
- Thank you.

- Okay, that's good.
- So what's going on?

- I'm going with my list.
- Checklist yourself.

- That was good. That was good.
- In every--in every room.

- Yes, give me the checklist.
Let me know how you do things.

I will admit that I've been
messing up on my turndowns,

however, it's really hard
to stay motivated

when you're being treated
in such a way.

- We're ready when you are.

The guests have just moved
to the table.

- Cool.

- God, you hear
that reef out there?

- Yes.

- So, Rhylee, do you want to--
- I'm good.

- Lunch makes them sleepy.

- I know I have a temper.

It's something
that I got from my father.

I don't know how to fix it,
and it's hard for me

to admit that,
but, obviously, I'm the issue.

- Coming up...

- Walk up the stairs
and do your thing.

- Hey, are we chanting?

- Tonight is probably the most
important night of my life.

- We have some
local performers.

- Oh, my God. I'm loving this.

- Once the sauce is on,

- Once the sauce is on,
we're good to go.

- Thanks, Chef.
- Okay.

- Adrian has prepared
seared tuna,

truffled celery cream,
and snow peas.

- This is like
eating a painting.

- Mmm.

- This guy's got mad skills.

- Look how small I am
compared to you.

- You look good.

- (BLEEP), these things
are quite pokey.

- Is that too tight?

- Tonight is probably the most
important night of my life.

I'm going to be a Tahitian god
in front of strangers

on a yacht.
I'm stoked.


- How are cabins?
- Good.

- Good? Okay.

- Well, I don't look Tahitian
compared to you guys at all.

- That just look all right?
- All right, that looks good.

- Wish I was dancing now.

- Look at us.
We look brilliant.

- Hm. Okay.

Yes, Laura has done a great job

now that I have
given her a checklist.

Good job.
You did your job.

- I'm so excited.
- When I say "Ia ora na,"

that means walk up the stairs
and do your thing.

- Hey, are we chanting?
Just feel the vibe.

- That was so yummy.

- I actually sliced
the cauliflower.

- Ia ora na.

If you guys don't mind,
we have some local performers,

just to finish
off your evening.

- Oh, my God.

- I love it.


- So this is one of the sacred
Tahitian storybooks

that's been passed on
through generations

and generations of our tribe.

The sun comes up
and shares its warm rays.

- I'm loving this.
- The guests enjoy Jet Skiing

'round and 'round the boat,

but the clouds come over
and the rain comes down.

The guests all scatter,
and the slide is no more.


But the guests are in luck,

because Adrian
serves them duck.

The end.

- Bravo.
- Bravo.

- Thank you, guys. Thank you.
- You have quite the crew,

I have to say, Captain Lee.

- Ashton, you nailed it.
- Did I?

- I have goosebumps.
- Yes!

- I will bid you all
good night.

- Thank you.
- No, thank you.

- Yeah, I'm getting
----ing beat.

- Good night.

- Meet you in the bow.
- Yeah.

- Don't put your feet
near there.

- Is it dirty?

- It's not dirty, but--
- Oily.

- It's just--that's an anchor.

If something breaks
or something,

your foot
goes in there with it.

- Right.

I love having Ashton around,
considering everything

I'm going through
with Kate and Josiah.

He has a really good heart.

I don't really know him
too well yet,

but what I do know,
I really like,

and he's adorable.

- Let's go.

[alarm blaring]

- Let's get ready
for departure.

- Ready, bow and anchor, Cap.
- Let's pull it up.

- Copy that.
- Hi.

Good morning. How are you?
- Good.

- Oh, here. Scoot you over.

- Hug it out?
- What did you say?

- Hug it out?
- Come here.

You all right?
Feeling better today?

- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm good.

I do have a soft spot
for Rhylee,

'cause I know she means well.
I'm done with the attitude,

but we've been through
a lot this season,

and I'm just hoping
that I got through to her

so that we can end the season
on a good note.

- Tow line all the way out.
- We're out of here.

- Don't drop it.

- This is ham, cheese,
and mushroom crepe,

and then there's Nutella
and banana crepes down there.

- So I have to learn
how to make these?

- Very good.

- Wow.
- Yeah.

- What are you doing up here?
- Watching that weather.

- We need to get on land
and, like, explore.

- I know.

- I think it'd be cool to see
what the jungles are like.

Yeah, I've got
feelings for Tyler.

- There's got to be
some epic sh-- up there.

- I feel like I've been able
to be myself more with Tyler

than I have with anybody
on the boat.

Maybe that's because
we had sex right away,

and, damn it, Rhylee,
learn your lesson.

- I'm gonna try to get
on a boat here.

- There's a lot
of fishing boats too.

- Eh.

- I need radio silence
till we get to the dock.

And drop.

- Both lines off.
Pull 'em tight. Secure.

- Copy that.

I need all crew on the aft deck
in your whites ASAP.

- Okay, copy that.

- Oh, this is so sad.
Parting is such sweet sorrow.

- Bye.
- Adrian.

- My tan now.
- Absolutely.

- Adrian.
- Bye.

- I'm gonna miss you.

It was a pleasure meeting you,
and thank you.

- It's nice to have
a very interesting group.

Let's call it that.

- I want to hand
that over to you.

You guys were fabulous,
each and every one of you.

Thank you very much.

- Adrian.


- Let's go to work.

- All right, I'm gonna do
the beach club.

- I'll rinse down here.
You start the bow.

- Attention all crew,
attention all crew.

I need everybody
in the crew mess in five.

The little skit you guys
did last night

I thought was hilarious.

I am a little bit concerned

that we may be starting
to lose focus.

This is not a democracy.

You don't get
a ----ing vote, period.

I'm asking you to love
everybody that you work with.

You don't have to, but if
everybody's doing their job,

then nobody should have
any complaints.

So there's no reason
that we can't pull together

and end this
on a really strong finish.

20 grand.

- Thank you, sir.
- Thank you.

- Thank you, sir.
- You as well.

- Thank you.
- Thank you. Kate.

- Thank you.
- Welcome.

- Well, thanks, guys.

- What are you wearing tonight?

- [whispers]
The lights off.

- You look cute.
Are you wearing that?

- Yeah.
- I did my hair,

and I had to glue down.

- Shoes. Shirt. Pants.

- I wonder how crazy
it's gonna get.

- You know what?

I'm not wearing ripped pants
tonight. That's weird.

- What time is it now?
- I don't know.

- Ah, sh--.
- What did you do?

- This is way better.
- I literally just slept, guys.

- Walk of shame. Walk of shame.
- We're never leaving on time.

- Hey, boo boo.
- Hi.

Are you excited for tonight?

Anybody starts talking
to a girl, within two minutes,

he's there grinding up on her.

- Ew. I'm just a number?

I'm a little unsettled
by Adrian's comment.

I'm definitely not a girl that
just hooks up with random guys,

and I'm definitely not a girl

that's just
another notch on a guy's belt.

I'm not into it.

Stop putting sh--
in my head, Adrian.

- What?

- You're just miserable.

- Coming up...

- I've got to sit
on my rocking chair

when I'm 75
with some ----ing stories.

- All right, let's go.

- All right, let's go.
- Ooh.

It's chilly tonight, huh?

- Here, let's go. I got you.

- Oh, it's so--
- [snores]

No! Wake up!

all you gotta do is ask.

- Nobody wants to hear that
the guy they're talking to

is this massive player,

but I'm hoping
that he proves me wrong.

- At the same time.
- [laughs]

- I saw a nipple.
- No, you didn't.

- I'm having a sex-istential
crisis. I can go six weeks.

- We can get out.
Let's go.

- Our favorite place.
- I know!

Let's go to the bar.

- Why?

- Hey.

- Cheers!


- Let's go!

- Oh!

- I'm a bit confused.

We've been on this good vibe,

but now she's being
all cold towards me.

It's definitely not gonna stop
me from having a good time.

I'm gonna wingman you, and
we're gonna scope some ladies.

- I have one speed
when I go out,

and it's, like, 200%.

I'm young. I've got to sit
on my rocking chair

when I'm 75 with some
----ing stories.

- [screams]

We're not in a relationship,
so, of course,

like, I can't hold him
to any standard.

I don't think he thinks
about intentions.

I think he's thinking
with his d*ck.

Have a ball of a time.
Have all the fun you want,

but don't hold my hand
an hour or two prior

and then go start dancing
with all of these other girls.

It's just rude.

- Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

- I have to pee.

- Get in the van.

- [laughs]

- Ash and Tyler,
I noticed you guys

did not hold back going after
that local Tahitian--

- No, I set Tyler up
with a local.

- I'm gonna chalk it up
to drunken brotherhood.

Oh, I got to pee.
Oh, don't push on me.

- Don't be a (BLEEP).

- Thank you.
Are you gonna carry me?

- Oh, my goodness.
Everyone come home. Come on.

- Uh-oh.

- Rossy.


- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

What the hell do you
want to talk about?

You drunken ----ing fool.

- It's not like I forgive him.

It's just, I'm in the mood
for sex right now,

so this time,
Tyler gets a pass.

- No, no.

- Really?
- Really what?

Like, what's--
what's upset you?

- Nothing's upset me,
but I don't, like...

Nothing's upset me.

Am I pissed off?

Obviously, I care.

I thought you respected me.

I thought that we established
a connection.

- Ashton, I didn't
see you all night.

As soon as we got
to the club,

you were dancing
with other girls all night.

And that's fine, babe,

but, like, I'm not gonna be
a tally on your checklist.

- So that's all good,
but you've laid your bed,

and you've made your bed,
so you're gonna go sleep in it.

- Before we went out,
Adrian started telling me,

"Oh, yeah, Ashton's hooked up
with, like,

"a couple girls
before you arrived,

da, da, da, da, da."

Did I hook up with anybody?
If you saw the way that I was--

- If you're not gonna listen
to what I'm saying,

then I'm just gonna walk away,
because I'm just, like--

- Okay, okay. You know what?
Let's end it. That's cool.

- Yeah, yeah. This is stupid.
This is stupid,

'cause you're not
even listening,

and you're ----ing wasted,

and this is just
a stupid conversation.

- Next on "Below Deck"...

- Charley Walters.

Group has requested
an all-gold party.

- Holy sh--, is that real?

- You're making me embarrassed.

- Can I get
a sparkling water please?

- Can we get six tequila sh*ts?

- Kate, when's the main course
being served?

- Kate, serve them real food.
- They're being extra extra.

- Oh, God.

Man down off the Jet Ski.

- Oh, sh--.

- Ross, can you see Billy
in the water?

- What the (BLEEP) is going on?
Cut the lines loose.
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