09x07 - Plenty of Jake to Go Around!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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09x07 - Plenty of Jake to Go Around!

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on "Below Deck"...

All right, we've gotta start
making a move on the...

We don't need to go that fast.

This is our job, isn't it?

Go ahead and drop fenders.

Oh, man, we lost a cover.


Sorry about that, Cap.

It's just little things
like that show Wes' inexperience

on a mega yacht.

The wind here is just
too ----ing strong.

I'm sick of it all.

I don't want another
----ing thing

falling off this boat, copy?


How is Jess doing?

Her spirits just
always seem down.

*bleep* you, seam!

She's just, like, moping around
as if, like, she's pure misery.


And it's just everything she
does, there's a sigh before it,

and I'm not gonna keep trying

to pull her up
and get shot down.

Don't do this!

Winkie to winkie?


How do you guys feel?

Do you remember
making out with Fraser?

-Did I?


I love the pictures
we got last night.


-Did you not know that?

What, so I made out with Fraser?

A lot of times,
all night, all night.

Okay, I thought you guys
were gonna *bleep*.

-Like, multiple times.


I made out with Jake.

Yes, you did.

So embarrassing.

I can't believe
that that happened

and I had no recollection.

I'm worried that it's
gonna affect the friendship,

because things get weird
when people hook up.

It was, like, really hot.

It was all...

Oh, my God, the tongue
was right in here, hey?



I had a good night,
and that's all that matters.

So, yeah, I feel awkward.

-Bless you!

-Are you okay?

-You sure?

It's nothing to be upset about.

No, no, it's embarrassing
that I got ----ing wasted

and don't remember anything.

-You were very cute.
-Thank you.

I really would like
the flies to go away,

but apparently that's
not an option.


Good, strong rinse.

Plug it in, plug it in,
plug it in.

So many euphemism.

Oh, my God, last night.

Sexy man!


Fraser, I love you, babe!

Sorry about last night, mate.

I had the best ----ing time.

All I know is that me and
you were making out a lot.

Well, I'm really
sorry about that.

No, it's cool.

I'm very proud of myself
that I'm so free, sexually.

You should be!

You're a decent chap.

I'm straight,
but I've kissed many guys.

I don't give a *bleep*
what people think.

As long as you're having fun,

because that's what
life's about, isn't it?

Anyway, I'll speak to you
later, mate.

All right, peace out, bro.

Sh-- happens,
we had a good night.

Life is okay.

Scared him.

I bet I got him.


Show me what's been going on.

So, these both need to be done.

-I've just fit...
-Both of them?

I thought each room had one
bed that wasn't slept in?

Jess took the sheets off.

Hm, that's awesome.

It's fine.

For the charter going forward,

I'm gonna put a
little pressure on Jess.


And I'd love to put her on
service and you on laundry.


Wanna see if a
little excitement

might bring her out of
her shell a bit.

Yeah, that's not
a bad shot, actually.

I feel like that's the last
kind of play I have in my book.

Team morale is the backbone
of a successful crew,

and usually I can pull
someone out of a funk.

I've never had to
fire a stew before.

So, I'm gonna put
you on earlies.

Yeah, okay, great.

I'm hoping that switching
the roles will be a new light

at the end of
the tunnel for Jess,

because it's time
to kick some ass.

Good luck, you're gonna need it.

Oh, the stainless,
what have you done so far?

Oh, all of this.

There we go.

♪ Makin' this laundry my bitch

Eddie, Rachel, Heather, I need
you guys in the crew mess.

Copy that.

Copy that, Captain.

-I can scoot down more.

-Howdy, howdy.

-Howdy, howdy, Cap.
-How we doing?

Charter number quattro.

Primary charter guest
is Michael Cadez.

Michael's a Colorado-based
distributor for Anheuser-Busch.

Michael fought a battle
with cancer

and received a clean bill
of health one year ago,

and has planned
this charter to celebrate

with friends and family.

Way to go, Michael.

On night one,
they've invited me to dinner.

They're gonna
have a booby party.

The primary recovered
from breast cancer.


So, I guess
we're celebrating boobs.

Cancer's a son of a bitch.

Three years ago, my mom
was diagnosed with cancer.

We're really close,
it was really rough.

There was a realization
that I could lose her.

You know, that...
that was scary.

But she's got
a clean bill of health now,

and she's a tough bitch.

I love her.

A pain in my ass too, though.
She's my mom, you know.

And night two, they want a Greek
dinner served family-style.

Group looks forward
to celebrating with drinks

always in hand and water
toys available at all times.

We're talking a
meat-and-potatoes family here.

-I could see a barbeque.

Any questions?

What time
do we pick up tomorrow?

It's a 12:00 pickup,
but I think we're gonna do

something a little different.

I think we'll leave the dock
about 10:00 in the morning,

put the jet-skis in the water.


And we will have everything
all set up,

so the first time
they see the boat

they'll see the water slide,
they'll see all the toys out.

I think it'll be good.

-Whatever you want, Cap.

I don't know why it
wasn't thought of sooner.

We are wasting the first three
hours of their charter

getting to our location,
setting up the water toys.

Their holiday should start,

bang, right when
they get on board.

That's it, let's get to work,
finish up for the day.


He is so hating me right now.

I'm not a fan of this
10:00 leaving the dock.

That's ----ing insane.

Yeah, that's ----ing insane.

Did I ever ask you how
you got into yachting?

It's weird, I don't see
a lot of Black folks

in the yachting world.

I haven't gotten any
blatant racists.

You're from the islands,
so it's a little different.

But it is a whole nother
ballgame in the States.

Like, it's insanity.

I grew up with r*cist friends,
and I just ignored it.

But I went to high school
in the States.

You did go... you did go
to high school in the States.

Yeah, and I would be in
St. Thomas for half the year.

Is it...
like, how is it in the islands?

Eight-five percent Black.

Like, I don't feel weird.

I don't have that
sinking feeling,

and this is why I love
the Caribbean so much.

I wish everybody could feel
that for a brief moment.

All I know is being
Black in America is not easy.

I've gotten beaten up by cops,
I've gotten maced by cops.

One time, me and my homegirl,
we were out;

next thing I know we
getting beat the *bleep* up

in the elevator by, like,
three white guys, literally.

They were calling us
monkeys and ----ing sh--.

Where was this?

In Minneapolis, where the
George Floyd thing happened.

It was just the most
scariest thing

I've ever went through
in my life.

What the *bleep*
is wrong with people?

I'm very traumatized
by a lot of things

that have happened
to me, you know?

I've had racism, even though
my father's white, so I get it,

and I can definitely empathize
with what Rayna's saying.

But I have not
had multiple dudes

spewing slurs and beat me up.

I have not had that much hurt

and I don't know
what that's like.

But we live to see
another day, baby, right?

-Let's go to bed.
-Let's go.


Previously, on "Below Deck"...

Oh *bleep* my life.

-How are you?
-I'm all right, how y'all doing?


Interior, can you meet me
up in the sky lounge?

Copy that.

Game plan is blow up
the two NautiBuoys.

As soon as we get
the provisions on,

drop lines and get
the *bleep* outta here.

-And then we can get toys out.

But we're actually...

we're leaving the dock
at 10:00 a.m.

It was Captain Lee's idea.

Ah, I'm tired.

It's gonna be one of those
balls-to-the-wall days, baby.

-Yeah, yeah.
-All right?

Let's do this.

I don't know about you two,

but I'm feeling very
excited about this charter.

I would love to do
a little switch-up...

-you on laundry...

And have you on service.

I think it'd just be a
great little change-up.

I'm a little bit of a loner,

so I'm not overly thrilled
about being guest-facing.

The number one thing
I'm looking for in this charter,

always making sure the guests
are checked on every 10 minutes.

I don't know, that makes
me feel very awkward.

I think it'll be
a nice little change.

All right, let's pump these up.

Are we still looking
at a 10:00 a.m. departure?

Yeah, I'm gonna have you
drive the jet-skis over.

We'll see how your deck crew
does getting off the dock.


Thank you, Cap.

What have we got?

Those are all of
the clean napkins

that have yet to be ironed.

-We... I've just been...
-Do they need to be?

Well, we've been kind of
putting that on the back burner

because it's the last priority.

What's happening, bros?

How are we doing with toys,
what have we inflated?

We've got the NautiBuoys

-Everything's inflated?
-On the table?

What about this?

I don't know whose room
that came from.

Jake, you're taking
the boat off today.

You're gonna
be calling the distances.

Don't *bleep* it up.


Okay, I'm gonna just get
to organizing it now.

All crew, all crew,
provisions on the dock.

These just are going
to the galley.

It's just for interior.

Where do you want the Evian?

With the crew water.

I gotta go pee-pee.

Check this out, look at this.

What is that?

Yeah, I'd like this.

-Is that it?
-Yeah, that's it for right now.

These shawls and socks,
this can go in the...

What is that...
this has a really bad smell.

Throw that away.

What is it?

Oh, my God, that stinks so bad.

That is so bad.

Where were they?

Up here, and the smell...
is absolutely revolting.

I don't know.

It not as if someone's been
working in here

for the past few charters
and not noticed.

It smells like rotten vag*na.

It does, not that
I would know, but...

But see, this is why you're gay.

This is why I'm gay,

because I don't wanna
smell sh-- like that.

Oh, good call.

Jake, Jake, we are going
to get outta here.

Copy, dropping lines.

All right, Rayna.

Copy that, let me know
when all lines are clear.

Rayna, go grab this next one.


All lines are clear.

Coming off.

Five foot off the dock.

I've never had to
call distances before,

Stern, 10 foot off the dock.

----ing hell.

Holding at 25 feet off the dock.

Stern, clear off the dock.

Roger that, we're outta here.

Well done.

Are you excited to be
on service?

I just do what
they tell me to do.

I can tell you don't wanna be
in the laundry room.

It might be good to change
things up.

You can get
the laundry room in order.

-You guys all right?


So, let's go ahead
and prep the anchor.

Copy that.

Their lunch will be
grilled burgers, hot dogs,

-they like that, so...


Anchor's prepped.

On my mark, two and a half...
and drop.

Eddie, prepare
to come alongside.


That's two and a half.

Hold that and let's see
what happens.

Long stay, 11:00,
it's just holding at the moment.

Lock it in.

*bleep* yeah, smashed it.

That was...
that was good.

All right, we can get this out.

We've got under an hour.

Um, see... really?

Ten limes, five lemons,
eight grapefruit.

-Is this ready to go out?

The slide's the priority.

We're hitting that right now.

This place is gross.

Bada-boom, bada-bing.

Do you know what I can find
more of these empty jars,

because there's not
any left down there.

I would just open everything up.

-Always just open everything up.

Be like, it'll be
a little crazy at first,

but it's all about
the ride, right?


-Did you drop it?
- Yeah.


There you go, nice job,
good job.



It's gotta go all the way out.

All the way out, yeah.

I'm getting somewhere.

Holy mother of ----ing Jesus
Christ and God...

We're getting somewhere.

...and Jesus, Mary,
Mary, and Joseph.


Look what you've accomplished.

-Eddie, we got an issue.
-What's that?

Look at the bottom of the slide.

-Oh, no.
-Who's ready to go swimming?

I am!

I'm gonna go down.

Yeah. Fifteen minutes
to guest arrival.

*bleep* we are running
outta time.

This is my nightmare.

Watch your step, ladies.

All right, you wanna
get changed?

You've got 15 minutes.

Thank you.

Let the slack off.

-There you are.
-All right, that's good.

Start inflating, up top.

Say again?

What's the hold-up with that
inflation on top, let's go.


Wes, like, come on.

That's good.

Make sure the guys
are changed up.

-I need a beer.
-I thought there'd be

-a crate of beer.
-What a view.

Bitch, eat me.

Lookin' nice,
lookin' very nice.

I think we probably need
to pick up the pace a bit,

we're running out of time.

Attention all crew,
attention all crew,

we've got guests in sight.

In sight, *bleep*.

Let's make sure everybody is
ready to go on that aft deck.

Wes, you hear that?


Fraser, welcome
towels on standby.

Where are they?

Eddie, you take the stern.

Jesus Christ.

Where are we lining up?

Bridge deck is uncovered
and pillows are good.

Okay, everything is on deck.

By the skin of our teeth.

I always trust Captain Lee.

He's got a method
to his madness.

However, we're cutting things
a little close.

It's just chaos.

Who's doing the lines?

g*dd*mn it.

I need you guys up here.

The only people I need on
the swim platform are Eddie.

What the *bleep*?

You're making
my life harder, Cap.

We're here, we're here,
we're here.

Gimme that, thank you.

g*dd*mn it.

The only person I need on
the swim platform is Eddie.


Well, tits.

I swore he said platform.

-Well, hello, hello!

-Welcome aboard My Seanna.
-Thank you.


-Michael, my pleasure.

-Michael, welcome on board.

A glass of champagne for you.
There you are.

-Hi, thanks.
-Nice to meet you.

I'm loving your 'stache, man.

You're cute.

Welcome aboard, we're gonna
get your luggage.

Heather is gonna take you
on a tour of the yacht,

and then we'll get
the party started.

Appreciate it!

Well, come on up these stairs.

-Can I grab luggage?

Ladies first, this way.

Ditching the towel.

So, this is what we call
the bridge deck aft.

Oh, nice.

Ample tanning area.

Holy sh--.

I'll warn you in the Caribbean
we have some pretty crazy wind.

Well, hell, we're used to
blowing snow, so this is good.

You got cold beer
in there, I hope.

-I sure do.
-Hell, yeah.

The sun deck.

This is your entrance to
the infamous slide, as well.


We're like, ready to rock
and roll on that thing.

Yes, we are.

Ooh, that looks
pretty and heavy.

Shall we continue with the tour?

Yeah, sorry,
we can do the tour.

Get your butt going.

-That's it.
-Quickly get changed.

You've gotta hold on tight when
you get drunk there, Justin.

-I just want more beer.
-The master suite.


I definitely wanna
get in the water.

I wanna get in the water.

Tonight, we've got a booby cake.

I was gonna do, like,
a vanilla cake

with coconut with,
like, cherry nipples.

We're not gonna talk
about, like,

my nipples sprouting, all right?

These conversations go south
so ----ing quick.

-Thank you.

Mike, you wanna bunk
with me tonight?


Where's Wes?

I've never seen such a
cute little moustache.

Oh, thank you very much.

-Hold my beer.
-Yes, sir.


Oh, God, look at that.

We've gotta get it over
my big titties.


The wine fridge.
There's, like, 12 bottles.

Every time you say
the bridge pantry,

I think they went outside.

Why don't you get changed after
that and then set the table.


So, these, I can fold.

I might as well dry them.

I stripped that laundry room
from all of its sins.

This is Captain Lee's.

There's a tiny part of me
that wants Jess

to fail in this one...

-so I can go back to service.

But I just need to smile
and wave and stay out of it.

I'll get it for you.

Maybe you wanna
sit for lunch in 15?


Smoke is coming in hot.

-Who wants a glass?
-Oh, I'll do a can.

Thank you.


Oh, flopped!

It's nice hearing
guests having fun.


All right, they're gonna sit.

Okay, cool, sweet.

Put the babies in the buns.

So, I guess I'm the head
of the table, Dad?

Of course you are.

-Let's take a little break.

Go sit down in the crew,
cool off, relax.


Look at that beer, though.
Look how cold that is.

Do they drink a lot of
that out in Colorado?

-Yes. Yes, they do.
-Oh, my gosh.

Big time.

Are these burgers good to go up?

Yeah, they're ready to roll.

Oh, mate, this laundry room
looks amazing.

They look awesome.

I hate that ----ing door.

-Oh, look at that sh--!

That's all you get.

Are you sh--ting me right now?

This'll be the only salad
I eat this month.

These are the best
sliders I've ever had.

They're nice and
hot and warm, too.

How you guys feeling?

Just peachy.

What a ----ing
full-on morning, hey?

Yeah, well, we just gotta
work faster,

-and then--

I'm gonna go get dressed,
I'll be back.

Have you got a problem?

We were busting ass.

Yeah, you think so?

We... whoa.

So, you could step it up
and get maximum effort.

But we had our hands full
moving at warp speed.

You need to move faster.

You go too fast,
you're gonna get hurt.

Yeah, but you can work
not like a ----ing slug.

When it comes to me about moving
faster, I will address it.

But when it's coming
from you, I'm good.

You're the one responsible
for the time management

so every little thing gets done.

I shouldn't have to be there
to tell you every little thing,

you know what I mean?

I don't wanna be nagging.

Speed up... got it.

I hear those espresso
martinis coming.

Hurricane Nicki has been
upgraded to category three.

Why don't you sober up
with some Bud Lite?

Yes, this is nice.

Oh, my gosh,
what else are we gonna do?

Do we go back out?

I'm going on that trampoline.

They're going up
and down the slide.

I wasn't trying to be--

You can do whatever you want.

I'm gonna start
decorating these titties.

I usually pinch nipples,
I don't really bite them.

Oh, my God.

You girls can't even stand, ha!

Should I do your favorite
streamer job?

You know how much I love it.

Oh *bleep* me.

Come down here,
everybody gets off.

Booby party, here we come.

All right, we'll get
all this sh-- away

and then we'll
get into our blacks.

These are quite good.

----ing hell.

Once you're done there,
you can go on a break.

Welcome to my titty town.

Lick my ----ing d*ck right now.

This is for all you guys.


Here for the boobs!

I love this!

I got really, really irritated,

because Fraser was upset
that he got put on laundry.

So, he threw a hissy
fit about

the ----ing state
of the laundry room.

I'm like, everybody's
been telling me

-how great of a job I'm doing.
-Even Captain Lee.

And then you wanna
----ing knock me down?

I just don't have patience
for that sh--.

You wanna act a certain way,
you can act a certain way

and I'm just gonna ----ing
ignore you until you

-act like a human being again.

I just don't like
it when other people

start acting a certain way.

I don't know that
I have much more to give.

We're here, we're here,
we're here.

We're going to
change into our blacks,

then we'll come back out.

Then we're gonna
move that slide.

We're going down,
try to get ready.

Service always gets hectic,
but it's just about, like,

rolling with the punches.

Yeah, okay.

Gonna try and make
this look sexy somehow.

Honey, take off
your gosh-darn...

take it off, take it off.

You're not wearing
that at dinner.


I am not taking off
my Gilligan hat.

-You're a nut.
-It's great!

Go ahead and
start deflating that.

That's what we're talking about.

All right, you guys ready
to start hoisting?

Yes, sir.

Here we go.

Oh, God. Jesus!

This is gonna be fun.

I want you to do my hair.

I don't know how to do
your hair, honey.

-You know it.

Where's she at?

Where'd she go?

-Should I just make my own?


What kind of whiskey
they got here?

What can I help you
with today, sir?

There ya go!

-Am I allowed to do this?

-It's your vacation.

What would you like to
mix it with?

It's already laid out.

-There you go.

-I'm sorry.
-No worries.

Oh, my God, what the heck?


Why are you making your drink?

I'm bartender tonight.

Can I make you some rum punch?

This is embarrassing.

I'm a very patient person, but
I'm at my wits' end, honestly.

And I don't ever want a guest
making their own drink.

I know, he...

I would push him out,
just like I did.


Make your territory known, or it
won't be your territory at all.

You got it, babe.

Heather is sucking
all of my energy

right out the ----ing window.

I would just go check,
like, rooms

we could maybe get
into at the moment.


I'm not the super stew
that she wants me to be.

I'm definitely reaching
my breaking point, for sure.

Ugh, k*ll me now.

Fraser, Fraser, Heather.

Go ahead, Heather.

Can I get your help with
the table and such?

Really? Hm-hm.

-I'll do that right away.

That would be amazing.

You know what?
*bleep* this sh--.

Guests were behind the
bar making their own drinks,

and she was standing over there.

I don't ever wanna ----ing
see someone behind here.

I'm about to ----ing
rip sh-- open.


Where's your pink shirt?

Was that a real question?

That looks really good.

Random shoe.

Ow, my bumhole.

I love this shirt, yay!

-Need some help in here?

All right, well,
I'll get somebody

in here to help you out.

Oh, my gosh, they're boobies!

They could be pasties.

What's happening, guys?

Rachel needs help in the galley,

and tomorrow, things have
to go ----ing perfectly.

I need people to bust their ass.

Be quick, be smooth,
be efficient, and no mistakes.

Hey, Captain, how are you today?

Thank you for allowing me
to dine with you this evening.

Thank you!

We're kinda celebrating my dad.

He's a breast cancer
survivor, right?

-Breast cancer-free!

Thank you!

They did chemo, and you
didn't miss a day of work.


And you didn't miss
a day of your life.

Nope... well, yeah,
just gotta keep on.

-You can't...
-You keep on.

Can't stop doing what
you're doing

just because you have
something going on.

Okay, let's get on
a better subject now.

All right, cheers to you,
the one-boob wonder.


All of them have
officially seated.


Tonight's theme
is titties a la carte.

Michael has really
simple preferences.

So, the goal is to
take everything

that Michael really loves,
but zhivaderm it up.

And then top it off with
a motorboatin' titty cake.

♪ Forty-year-old mammaries,
shifting to the sides ♪


Get outta town!

Oh, thank you, there it is.

You have a Caribbean
conch fritter.

Then you have a traditional
chowder base as well.

-Thank you!

Look at these little
treasure chests.


It's just too cute.

It was so beautiful.

-Oh, my God!

I'm just gonna check
the master real quick.

What kind of time do I got?

-About five minutes.

Do you have any
grandbabies or...

I do, I have seven.

-Well, that's good.

Oh, come on.

Jess, Jess, Heather. You wanna
meet me in the master?

Oh, my God.

So, I'm the oldest
of my dad's three girls.

We say four, because
he loves his dog more

than I think he does
all of his girls.

Because she don't talk back.

Hello, love.

Okay, couple things.

I would wipe this out
with paper towel, water drops.

Yes, ma'am.

Here in the sink...

Good day, actually,
it was a very good day.

So, with knowing that,
I haven't looked downstairs yet.


I'm just gonna plate
the potatoes right now.

I love the sauce
with the peppers.

-Oh, my God, that's amazing.

Chef is rock star.

I think she's kinda cute.

My wife has
yet another girl crush.

I do!

-Can I go with this?
-Yes, ready to roll.

Thank you.

For your final course,
a petit filet

with a Hasselback
red potato and truffle.

Looks awesome to me.

Any A1 or Heinz 57?

-Okay, I'll bring that to you.

Yeah, good.

Fraser, can you go down
in 10 minutes?


-I don't fit in.

I think you reach a certain age

and you just don't
----ing care anymore.

I don't need to fit in
everywhere I go.

I'm a good party of one.

All right, I have to clean
this bidet over here.

I'll talk to you in a bit, okay?


♪ Titties

♪ Saggy, droopy, 40-year-old
titties ♪

♪ Titties

Clay, did you see that?

-That was a big fish.

That's inside-out; I don't care.

How you feeling, man?

-I'm tired.
-Yeah, you look tired.

Let's get outta here.

Oh, my gosh!

♪ Happy titty day to you

♪ Happy titty day to you


I have never seen dessert
that is so discomboobulated.

You know, it's usually
her blowing it, not me.


Thank you so much.

You are so welcome.

-All right, I'm going to sleep.

Thank you very much,
man, appreciate it.

My pleasure.

-Did Rayna just go down?
- Yeah, yeah.

----ing tired.

Good night, guys.

We hope you had an
enjoyable day.

Holy sh-- it's cold
in here again, ooh!

-This is an early night.
-Thank God.

We closing?

Jennifer's closing.

Is she pulling the plates
for tomorrow morning?

Yeah, I wrote that on her list.


I'm gonna lose my sh--
tomorrow if nothing changes.

Oh, I know.

There's no way I'm gonna make
it through the rest

of the season with Fraser
in a happy place

if we're constantly
picking up after Jess.

-All right, I'm gonna go down.
-All right, good night.

-There's the list.

And let me talk to you
for two seconds.


I've just been trying to
have this conversation,

because at the end of the day
I just have to say

that there is, like,
all eyes on you right now.

And training day is,
like, over with.

Not having enough time
is not an excuse anymore.

The load is just
too much on all ends.

It's coming to the point
of, like, a last straw.

We're going to
change into our blacks,

I just have to say that
there is, like,

all eyes on you right now,
and training day

is, like, over with.

It's coming to the point
of, like, a last straw.

Everybody's coming to
me and being, like,

oh, you're doing such
a great job,

and then all of a
sudden it's like, no?

It's positive reinforcement...


Because it felt for
a while, like...


You were just bummed
with everything.

It's probably just,
like, resting face.

-It's not...

I'm bummed at all.

Now I kinda am, but I'll just
sleep it off and get over it.

But I'm just saying, like,
the laundry room today,

I think the fact that
Fraser made it look like that

within two hours,
I just want you to know that,

like, the pressure's there.

We can't have hair
in the master sink.

I just want the standard
to be risen a little more.

Yes, ma'am, gotcha.

I feel terrible,
but we're not here

to coddle one another,
sing "Kumbaya."

I just really need
Jess to understand

that there's no room
for errors anymore.

We need to show up or ship out.

Well, we try again tomorrow
and we see where it takes us.

-All right, go to bed.

I'm gonna do the same.

Good night, Jess.

You okay?

At this point,
I'm really questioning

whether I should be here or not.

I'm here for a reason,
and that's to make some money.

I was never planning on
being your maid for life.

So, is it worth it?

Is it worth it?
I don't know.


Oh, hell, no.

She is a fake-ass bitch.

Oh, my God, I'm so tired.

Oh *bleep*.

Ah, *bleep*.

-Can I get some orange juice?
-Of course you can, yeah.

-And a water?

-Can I do some coffee?
-Yeah, great.

-Thank you.
-No worries.


-Hey, good morning.
-You do main deck aft?

Yeah, main deck's already done.

Here we are.

-Good morning.
-How you feeling?


How are you?

I'm doing just wonderfully,
thank you for asking.

Yeah? Come here.

You all right?

I had a night to sleep on it,

and I just decided that,
you know,

I don't like to be a quitter.

So, Heather is
not pushing me out.

I wanna finish this,
and I wanna finish it right.

All right, see you in a bit.

See you later.

-Morning, morning.
-Morning, morning.

I guess we're pulling
the hook in about an hour,

and then we can get toys out,

and then put
the slide up, so, nice.

All right.

I'm gonna do cake doughnuts now,

and then I'm gonna do the eggs
benny, and I'm ready to roll.

-How are you doing, Michael?

Good, thank you.


I could send you down to cabins.

What are you doing?

I k*lled a bug.

-Good morning.

Good morning.

So, this morning, Rachel
has maple-glazed cake doughnuts

and a traditional eggs Benedict.

-Eggs Benedict, please.
-Eggs Benedict.


I want a doughnut too,
I'm sorry.

So, diabetes and
heart attack, right here.

-Just, like, check their waters.

Ah, just the guy
I wanted to see.

-Are you ready to go?

Deck team, deck team,

we're gonna start pulling the
anchor in about five minutes.

Yeah, copy.

-Seven eggs Benedicts.

That's ready to roll.

How's everybody feeling today?


I had the sh--s this morning.

Listen to our breakfast talk.

Amazing, amazing.

All right.

-Anchor's prepped.


Oh, Jesus Christ, Eddie,

you act like you're my age,
for *bleep*'s sake.

I feel like
I'm your age sometimes.

Except I still have my mind.


All right, let's start
pulling the anchor.

Copy, bringing her home.

Is it okay if I put it on your
plate for you two to share?

Yeah, sure.

Anchor at the waterline.

Oh, my gosh, that's so good.

Anchor home, anchor home.

Copy that, lock her in.

Good job on that.

We're moving!

Oh, it feels good,
that breeze feels good.

Activate your stabilizers.

Okay, now give it
five degrees to starboard.

You can hit it with a little bit
of cracked black pepper,

and they're ready to roll.

We're just gonna have one
person on each deck for a bit,

and we're just gonna
keep an eye on the slide.

-Here we go.
-Oh, my.

Oh, my gosh, that looks good.

Extra sauce here for you.

-This is so good.

Oh, I love these eggs.

-Deck team, how are we looking?
-Main deck is good.

Bridge deck's looking good.

How was it, waking up early?

It's really nice for
something different.

Deck team, deck team,
prepare for anchor drop.

-All guests are happy.

That concludes
breakfast service.

Okay, g*dd*mn it.

Clear this out of your way, sir.

Oh, that was so good, thank you.

All right, get ready, guys.

Copy, Wes is dropping.

Go ahead and drop,
two sh*ts, two sh*ts.

They're dropping anchor.

Now let him know it's two sh*ts.

-Two sh*ts.
-Two sh*ts.

Keep that brake in tight.

Yeah, we have a nice,
long stay at 11:00.

All right, go ahead
and lock her in.

Good job.

Look how pretty this
water is, you guys.

I'm gonna go put my suit on.

I love you.

Eddie, Eddie, Lee.

I was just thinking
I can go ahead

and pop the skis over,
if you can spare somebody.

Yeah, we could do that.

I could send Jake up to you,

and you two can put the
skis in the water.

Copy that.

You gotta rally.

He's, like, passed
out on the lounger.

I need a resurrection, ah.

-NautiBuoys out?
-NautiBuoys are out.

Go get wet, Jake.

-Eddie, take a second.
-Eddie, stop going down.

Eddie, don't go down
any more with the slide.

This is twisted on the bottom.

You see this right here?

Do you think you can
inflate a little bit,

because look down here.

I don't know if it's twisted.

I just wanna see what's going on
before it keeps coming down.

They should have
pulled that slide

and not let it down that far.

If we got a free guy,
then I would say put

somebody in a ski
to pull that foot out.

Copy that, jumping in.

I bet they hate blowing
that thing up.

Oh, yeah, sure.

It's taking a lot longer
than I thought.

Go up towards the bow, Wes.

Hey, Wes, you need
to attach it to your stern

so you get more ----ing pull.

He's not getting it.

g*dd*mn it.

-What are you doing, Wes?

Clint, let's get on
those jet-skis

and show these boys
how to do it.

Why is he dragging it that way?

I don't know, okay?

Jesus Christ.
Stand down.

Wes is not listening, five
people are talking at once,

Captain Lee trying to help, but
too many chefs in the kitchen.

This ain't ----ing
rocket science.

And all of this is happening
right in front of the guests.

It's embarrassing.

-Let's take up on it.
-Copy, hoisting.

*bleep* As long as it's gonna
take them to do this, we...

day'll be over.

-Okay, okay.
-All right, we got it, hold off.

I need that red line.

Son of a...
guess what you did, Wes?

-He sucked it up.
-He did, in the jet-ski?

-Sucked the rope in.

Jesus Christ.

This is the Moe, Larry,
and Curly show on steroids.

Wes, Wes!

Is the whole thing
in the water again?

Shut up for a second.

Wes, I need you in the water,
handing me that line again

Eddie is about to explode
like Mt. Vesuvius.

He's the first officer.

g*dd*mn it, act like it.

This is really
pissing me off now.

I just have to say that
there is, like,

-He sucked it up.
-In the jet-ski?

We look like a bunch
of Goddamned idiots.

Hey, Wes, Wes.

Is the whole thing
in the water again?

Shut up for a second.

Oh sh--.

Wes, I need you in the water,
handing me that line again.

Let's try and keep our
voices down, people.

-We got this.
-Got it.

Let's start inflating
that foot as well.

Eddie, go down and
help her with the foot.

How you doing with
that Michelob Ultra, sir?

I'll take a cold one, please.


Jake, go ahead and
inflate up top.

Do they almost have it?

Are we inflating
that foot right now?


Eddie, ah!

Take this line up top.

Oh, my God.

-It's not at a 45?
-No, it's at a 45.

-That's all I needed to hear.
-It doesn't mean I like it.

Let's get the water toys out.

There's a cold one for you, sir.

Oh, why, thank you so much.

-Eddie, Eddie, to the bridge.

It's all right.

*bleep*. Um...


I ----ed up.

Line got outta my hand, went in
the water, pfft, ran over it.

He sucked it up.

Jesus Christ.

I got a lot more to learn
about the yachting world.

I miss sailing.

It's in my control,
I like the slow pace of things.

That's my cup of tea.

It's the most unorganized
thing I've ever witnessed.

Just a little patience
would go so far.

What's up?

Take a deep breath for a second.

-What happened, happened.

Let it go.

Everything has ----ing
gone wrong.

-I know.

But you've gotta rise
above that,

so you need to calm down,
and then go about

getting your job done
the best you can

with what you have to work with.

I'm gonna rip someone's
----ing head off.

-That's my job.

-All right?

Eddie losing his
sh-- is a mistake.

When you start getting
into upper-level management,

it's added pressure.

I understand,
but you can't overreact,

you have guests on board.

He needs to get his
emotions under control.

That's why you got
three stripes.

It's time to bust
out the big-boy pants.

-Put it behind you.

-We'll fix it.

If you get back in the ring
the way you are now,

it's gonna have
a disastrous ending.

-Thanks, Captain.

You were just out there telling
us how much we're ----ing up,

and now you're telling me to
calm down?

It's embarrassing and
infuriating all at once.

I'm gonna take a quick minute.

There we are.

Whew... breathe.

One, two, three.


-They ready for us?


-You guys ready?

Go where the wind takes us.

Kayak time!

Good luck.

He's gonna end up
way over there.

And we're gonna have
to go get him?

Yeah, I guarantee it.

Come on, we have to
do the slide,

they went through all that.

Look, see, he stopped.
I think he's all right.


What do you mean?

Jess came in the room
about to cry,

and she's like,
"I just wanna go home."


Well, has she been
pulling her weight, no.

I can tell you that.

I just wanted to let
you know, okay? See you later.

-Thank you, babe.
-Love you.

How are you doing?

-I'm good right now.

Who is that man
that's in my galley?

Hey, how you doing, sweetie?

-I can do that.
-I got it, I just got...

-Thank you.
-Two more pans.

I appreciate that,
I'll help you dry.

I know you do.

Captain Lee, can I grab
your laundry from somewhere?

Yes, you can...


I'm glad you noticed,
thank you very much.

That means a lot to me,
thank you, Captain.

You're welcome, sir.

You got the current
now coming, woo!

They're having
so much fun out there.

Oh, aren't they?
Oh, thank you so much.

You're so welcome.

-How's Lee's stuff?

Bless him, he pulled me aside

and said that he hadn't
seen the laundry looking so good

in a long while,
so I feel really great.


-Which one you going to?

*bleep* off, they were wet
from the water.

You don't have to tell me that.

"It was smelling like
a wet dog."

And actually...

That's not my mugs.
I only had one.

I don't know
who the other mug is.

I said, "Okay."

I don't know whose other mug
it is, but I only had one mug.

Rayna, you've gotta
stop giving me sh--

every time I ask
you to do something.

Can you not start with me?

I could have easily just
put the coffee cups away,

do you know what
I'm saying, like...

No, you should put them away...

Okay, I'm done with
the conversation.

Why are you giving me sh--
all the time?

Because I do...

I'm not, but I do
everything for you.

-But you know we've been...
-I do wash them for you.


You only give me sh--.

With everyone else,
you're a kiss-ass.

That's not true.

Yes, ma'am, no, ma'am,
yes, sir, no, sir.

Because they're grown adults,
you're a child.

Are you ----ing kidding me?

Why are you arguing
with each other?

Oh, my God.

-I'm trying to be nice to you.

You're getting on
my damn nerves.

This is yachting.
We have guests on board.

What the *bleep*?

Next, on "Below Deck"...

Do you see how you don't
have the whole entire thing

covered in plates of food?

I wanted to show, like,

what my expectation
for clearing a service is.

I don't wanna let people down,

but I think that I'm definitely
reaching my breaking point.

We really need someone else to
just continue plowing through.

Are they?

You sit over here with
your back towards me.

This is some weird sh--.

Oh, wow, this looks lovely.

I think Jake is so great.

And I think you're
----ing beautiful.

A moustache ride doesn't
sound all that bad.

Aw, pumpkin.

I mean, seriously?

Look at this.

-I want everything scrubbed.

Eddie needs to get control
of his deck team yesterday,

or I'm gonna start handing
out plane tickets.

This is bullsh--.

This is your final wake-up call.

I wanna see people
being proactive,

or people are
gonna lose their job.

There are no more
second chances.
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