01x09 - It's Like Jamais Vu All Over Again

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Royal Pains". Aired: June 4, 2009 – July 6, 2016.*
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Series follows Hank Lawson, an unfairly discredited but brilliant diagnostic surgeon who winds up moving to the Hamptons with his brother as he works as a concierge to the uber rich and ultra elite.
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01x09 - It's Like Jamais Vu All Over Again

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm Hank.
I was your typical
emergency room doctor.

Until I got fired.

You let a billionaire
hospital trustee die

to save some kid
off the street.

I made a judgment call.

You made a mistake.

HANK: This is my brother.

I'm Evan R. Lawson, CPA.

HANK: He took me away
from my troubles
and to the Hamptons.

And suddenly,
I had a chance to become
a whole new kind of doctor.

It turns out the wealthy
and not so wealthy out here

could use a guy who
makes house calls.

So, I've got a second chance
to do what I do best.


So, brochures, check.

"Evan R. Lawson, CFO"
business cards, check.
Carrots, check.

Good morning, Atticus.


Joke all you want,
but one of us is
gonna fit in.

And one of us is gonna
look like he's thirsting

for a mint julep.

Look, when dignitaries
visit foreign lands,

they study the customs
so as to fit in. All right?

Please, please change.

I'm just... I'm getting
the feeling there might be
trouble in River City.

You're gonna thank me
once we add some names from
the wealthy equestrian set

to our little
black book.

Evan, we're a private
physician business,
not an escort service.

And we're not going to
retain clients. We're going
to watch Divya ride

and provide
our HankMed services

to support the fundraiser
for Jill's clinic.

Oh, really? That's
why we're going? Okay.

What is that
supposed to mean?

What? Nothing.
No. Just...

You and Jill are "toast,"
your words, and yet you
fornicate in her office,

so, I don't know.
Okay, see? Okay.

I knew
I should never have
told you anything.

Jill and I are
just friends now

and you and I are going
to support something that
is very important to her.

That's what friends do.
Yeah, that and
office fornication.

Okay, I can't.
I'm just saying.

Look, you don't think
it's gonna be awkward
working with her today?

No, I think it's gonna be
awkward when people try to
buy ice cream from you.


I feel like we've
finally arrived.

HANK: Evan, this is
a benefit for a hospital.

This is a horse show
in the Hamptons,
and it's magnificent.


You smell that?

The manure they're
shoveling or the manure
you're shoveling?

That is the sweet smell
of other people's success.

Okay, you keep enjoying
the aromas. I'm gonna
find the first aid tent.

Hi, Evan R. Lawson,
CFO of HankMed.

How are you, sir?
Evan R. Lawson,
CFO of HankMed.

It's a medical company.

You have an interesting
skin pigmentation there.

We can have
that looked at.

And you're over 50
and I see you have
a bum leg.

Just so you know,
my cell's on there,

If you ever want
a doctor all to yourself...

Evan R. Lawson,
CFO of HankMed.

Evan R. Lawson,
CFO of HankMed.

Evan R. Lawson, CFO.

Hi, I'm Evan R. Lawson,
CFO of HankMed.

[SIGHS] I never
thought I'd say this,

but thank God
you're here!

I never thought
I'd say this,
but nice jodhpurs.

Who are you?
I'm Evan R. Lawson,
CFO of HankMed.

I was just telling
this gentleman

that as much as
I'd like to have
a drink, it's noon.

I'm competing today.

And even if I weren't,

I'd rather be trampled by a
pack of wild Shetland ponies
than have a drink with him.

You don't have
to be rude.

I was merely complimenting
you on how fetching
you look in that getup.

Like an Indian Liz Taylor.

Whoa, whoa, dude,
let's class it up
a bit.

This is a Hamptons
horse show,
not a rodeo.

I was just talking
to the lady.

Well, not anymore
you're not.

Who's gonna
stop me?

The rest of your
barbershop quartet?


Look, don't mistake
my lithe physique
for weakness, buddy.

I'm from New Jersey.



That was very
Nah, it's nothing.

I've been defending
women's honor since
the second grade.


Sorry, I'm not very
good with horses.

Uh, are the parental
units here yet?

Any minute now.
Once again, I'm sorry
I can't work today.

I feel like I'm
letting HankMed down.

No, you're not.
HankMed gets it.

A lot of people hide
their careers from
their parents.

Like, uh,
hit men do it.

Exotic dancers, uh,
AIG executives.

If my parents find out
what I do, I may not be
doing it anymore.

They have
a strict sense of
what my career should be.

Being a PA is
not part of it.

So, for the weekend,
I don't know Hank,

and you and I are
friends from school.

Got it. Protect secret,
protect HankMed.

One more thing.



Jersey, one.
Hamptons, nothing.



Thanks again
for doing this.

Oh, yeah, no,
anything for

the clinic.

Yeah, you know, last year
the show raised over
$200,000 for the hospital,

so when they told me
they'd donate some of
the proceeds

to the opening
of the clinic,
I was over the moon.

And I want you to
meet Dr. Madden today

before he finishes
his shift and you
start yours.

He's one of
our ER doctors,

so I'm sure that
the two of you will
have lots to talk about.

Not that ER doctors
only talk about
ER stuff, but...

I'm talking a lot.


[SIGHS] I'm sorry.

No, it's... Yeah.

It's just after
what happened with us
in my office,

I'm not exactly sure
what our deal is.

Yeah, no, we're...
You know, we're in
a post-relationship,

undefined, ambiguous,

I have no idea
what our deal is.

Is today
gonna be weird
for us?

No, I mean,
only if we
make it weird.

Which is exactly what
will happen if we keep
talking about it.

So, no more.

Uh, all
business today.

I guess... I guess
that's what our deal is.


Oh, you can...
Go ahead.

Is everything okay?

No, it's...
It can wait.

Miss Casey,
we need a doctor
near ring two.

What happened
to Dr. Madden?
I'll come.

He fell on his extended
abducted arm.

Dr. Madden?

You're a doctor?
Here. Let me
help you up.

What happened?
EVAN: Yeah, what happened?

Yeah, you want
I should tell him?

I slipped. I'm fine.

Here. Let me take
a look at your arm.

Uh, Dr. Madden,
meet Dr. Lawson.

He's got the next shift.
Yeah. But happy
to start now.

Uh, posterior

Of the elbow.
Yeah, yeah.

Just pop it in already.

Uh, okay. Here. Support him
above the elbow.
I'll be right back.


HANK: Okay.
EVAN: What are you doing?


Here we go.

One, two, three.



I think
it's back in.

All right,
unwrap him.

He okay?

Yeah, his arm will be fine,
but I wonder how his
liver's holding up.

Oh, you've got to
be kidding me.

Dr. Madden, have
you been drinking?

a glass of wine
with dinner, Officer.

We're gonna
do a BAC.

If it comes back positive,
you'll be put on
administrative leave.

Uh-uh, nobody's
doing anything on me.

Then see me
first thing Monday,
and, uh,

consider yourself

until I initiate
termination proceedings.

Wow! Don't want
to make you angry.
Nice administrating.

Except now,
I'm short a doctor.

No, I told you
I'll start my
shift early.

Not just here,
but at the hospital.


MADISON: Hey, are
you the doctor?

Come on,
Beth just threw up.

Hi, I'm Hank.
Are you okay?

a doctor, Beth.
I'm fine.

She just threw up.

Whatever was in there
that wanted to get out did,
and now I'm good as new.

How about a quick exam?
How about I have an
event in 10 minutes?

I'm fine, Dr. Hank.

On a scale of
one to ten?

Uh, 15.

Maybe 16.

Relax, Doctor. I just
felt a little queasy.

Probably something
I ate.

And, no,
I'm not pregnant.

Do you have fever,
abdominal cramps,

rapid heart rate?

This an ad for some
old person drug?

Look, if it's
food poisoning,

it can get a lot worse
than just throwing up.

Beth just gets nervous
before she competes.

I don't get nervous.
I freak out.

Well, do you usually
throw up when you freak out?

My dad says I internalize
through my stomach.

[CHUCKLES] Where is
your father and mother?

I'd like to
speak with them.

Oh. Beth's dad is the stable
manager. He's probably
around somewhere.

Well, I'd like to
get his sign-off.

My event's in
eight minutes.

They're not gonna take
a doctor's note if I'm late.

All right, your
heart rate is fine.

I can give you something
to calm your stomach

and hopefully
your freaking out.

Hey, hey, hey. What are you...

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What are you doing?

It's okay, Dad.
I'm Dr. Lawson.

I don't care
who you are.

You have no right to give
my daughter anything
without my permission.

It's just something
to settle her stomach.

Beth was sick,
Mr. Samuels.
[FIRMLY] You're not sick.

Are you?

No, Dad. I'm fine.

Okay. So why
are you here?

'Cause I was told
your daughter was ill.

DAN: Thank you,

Dad, she was just
trying to be nice.

Yeah, I'm sure
that she was.

Can I talk to you
for a second?

Look. I know that it looks
like the cover of Town &
Country around here,

but riding is cutthroat
and competitive.

Beth is a target
because she's good
at what she does.

She's not like
these other girls.

Your daughter threw up.

She gets nervous
before she competes.

She has since she was
a little girl.

Look, I know you're
trying to be helpful.

Beth doesn't need a doctor
to settle her stomach.

What she needs
is a blue ribbon.

Good luck in
your events, Beth.

I'll be rooting
for you.



Hey, Divs.

So, we have a little
HankMed business
to discuss.

You know I can't
work today.

No, I know.
It's not medical.

It's bigger.
It's much bigger.

The future of HankMed
could hang in the balance.

What are you
talking about?

I'm talking
about Jank.

Jill and Hank. Henceforth,
just to be known as "Jank."

It's less confusing
than "Hill."


Pick a lane,

So, you may not
know this,

but one of the reasons
why Hank decided to stay
in the Hamptons,

other than me,
of course,
was Jill.

Oh, so now you think
because they split,
he has less reason to stay.

Protect Jank,
protect HankMed.


So, what do you think
we should do?

Two things.

Stay out of their business

and don't call them "Jank."
What? I'm telling you...

Mummy! Daddy!
Hello, Divya.

Did we miss anything?
Oh, just the first event.

Which she nailed,
by the way.

Just admit,
that filly really sailed
above the rails.

[CHUCKLING] By "filly,"
I meant the horse,

not your daughter.

Who are you?
I'm Evan R. Lawson,
C... C...

See how great
Divya looks?

I mean, look at that.
She's like an Indian
Liz Taylor, right?

Evan, these are my parents,
Devesh and Rubina Katdare.

This is Evan,

My friend.

How do you two
know each other?

We go to
Wharton together.

Don't we, Evan?



How's Beth doing?

She seems okay.

You know her?

She's a local. Her father's
a stable manager here.

you'd have thought
he was a doctor.

He was so in my face
when I was giving Beth
a checkup.

Dan's a bit overprotective
and not the easiest man.

Then again,

he hasn't had
the easiest time, either.

Something happen?

There were rumors
about a drug scandal
a few years ago,

but he denied it.

He used to train all
the locals, the wealthy ones,
during the summer,

but now it's just Beth.

What type of dr*gs?
I'm not sure
about the details.

Just something about
dr*gs was an issue.

What's that?

Air conditioning
for my car.

Oh, to cover you
for the three seconds
it'll take

to walk from here
to there?

Well, you know
I like to stay cool.

Yeah, I do.

Anyway, I have to get
back to the hospital.

Thanks again
for helping out.

Hey, that's what friends
who sleep together and then
don't talk about it are for.


It's Awkward Moments
with Hank.


What was that about?

I ask you about
the weather and I can't
get you to shut up.

And now, when
I need you to speak,

you stand there
like a mute.

I know. I...
You were supposed
to toe the party line.

I know! I know,
okay? I'm sorry.

It's just this web of
deception that you've woven
around your entire family,

it got in my head,
and I... It's just
too much pressure, okay?

It's too much.
Man up, Evan.

You know me from
business school. Huh?

Business school.

My parents think I'm
going to Wharton and
getting my MBA.

And when I graduate,
then I'll marry Raj,
move to London,

and work at
his business. Got it?

Raj, MBA, Wharton.

Right. Totally
doable. Okay.

So do we live on campus
or do we cohabitate?

I'm just covering
my bases

in case they ask, okay?

Like, am I on
the Dean's List?

And why Wharton?

Were you, like,
waitlisted at Harvard, or...

I got into both.

I chose Wharton.

You live alone and are
on academic probation.

[LAUGHS] Good one.

Do you need
flash cards for this?

Uh, nope.

Totally manned up.

Let's do it.


When do you
compete again?

Later this
afternoon, Daddy.

Oh, good.
Evan, do you
ride as well?

Me, no, no.
I live alone.

Anyone, uh, thirsty?
Gosh, 'cause
I'm thirsty.



a rider down in Ring Two.
Rider down in Ring Two.



Do not move her!
Leave her.
Do not move her.

Beth, honey,
you okay?

Where is
Divya going?
What is she doing?

You know, I'm so hungry,
man. Let's just grab
some lunch, shall we?


Beth, are you in pain?

Just the pain
of humiliation.

Did you lose

All right,
she just had the wind
knocked out of her.

And you know
this because...

Whoa, whoa, whoa...
What are you doing?

I'm following...
What are you doing?

I'm following spinal
injury protocol.

If we move her,
it could be

Okay. Midline
cervical tenderness.

We need to get her boarded
and collared immediately.

I'll get a board.
Beth, just stay
still for me.

Okay, we don't
need a board.

I'm not asking.

Guys, I feel okay. Really.

HANK: All right.
We've ruled out
spinal injury.

Now we just
need to clear you
for a concussion.

My head doesn't hurt.
You should sit out
the rest of the show.

Okay, she said that
her head doesn't hurt.

What if Beth is sore
tomorrow and doesn't
feel like riding?

She'd ride right now
if she could.

I won't let her. We don't
have a clear picture of
her neurological status.

Let's get her up.

why don't we ask Beth
what she wants to do?

I want to compete.
I feel okay. Really.

I believe you, Beth,
but symptoms of
a concussion

can present themselves
at any point in
the first 24 hours.

So, let's see how
you feel when you
wake up tomorrow.

Let's get her off the table.
I still need to check her
blood pressure, her reflexes,

and I'll need a urine sample.

Uh, what?


Uh, why exactly
do you need
a urine sample?

Well, for starters,
I want to make sure Beth's
kidneys weren't affected.

If there's blood in
her urine, it could
indicate renal damage.

Okay. Uh, you...

Have you ever
worked one of these
horse shows before?

You don't really know
much about the sport,
do you?

Riders fall all the time.

No, my specialty isn't
horseback riding,
it's medicine,

and if you want
Beth to compete,
you need me to sign off.

Yeah, you know what?
I guess I just don't
like you very much.

Dan, the feeling
is mutual.

I'm pretty sure that
Beth doesn't have
kidney damage.

And I'm pretty sure
you're thinking
the same thing.

Yeah, well, pretty sure
isn't good enough.

You're checking
her urine for dr*gs,
aren't you?

Send a sample
to Hamptons Heritage
for a tox screen, and...

Put a rush on it?

I'm going back to
the show. You can go
back to your parents.

By the way,
how's that going?

Being around Beth's dad
makes me feel like
I never left them.


Jilly Bean!

Don't call me that.

I'm hurt.
Not one picture of me?

And, please, don't
just waltz in here.

None of our wedding,
our honeymoon?

How do you stay reminded of
all those special moments?

Can I remind you
of a special moment
last year

when I said,
"I want a divorce"?

Not even one from
that little photo booth
down at the Sip and Soda?

Do you remember
how hammered we were?

No, Charlie. The image
has been erased,

like our marriage.

Well, that tattoo you got
ought to be a pretty good
reminder, right?

What do you want?

I want to know why
you're ignoring my texts,
not returning my phone calls,

not exuding joy when
you find me loitering
around your office.

'Cause I have nothing
to say to you.

[LAUGHS] Well,
I'm sure you could
think of something.

You're still my wife.

That's only because
I couldn't serve you
divorce papers

while you were in
Sudan or Kenya

or Botswana.

That's all the more reason
you should have come
with me like I asked.

Except I didn't want
to go with you!

Or did you forget
that small detail, too?

Well, lucky for you,
I'm back.

Then I'll call my lawyer
and I'll do it quick
before you disappear again.

Take your time,
Jilly Bean.
I'm not going anywhere.

Where have I heard
that before? Hmm...

Yeah, I'm tired
of traveling.

Tired of being
away from home.

Tired of being
away from you.

And I'm tired of
hearing about it.


You know, clearly
you still have some feelings
for me, too,

or else you
wouldn't be so hot

and bothered.

Welcome back,


And whatever it is
that you plan on doing
while you're here,

keep it
out of my office
and out of my life.

Have a nice day.

Hey, guys!
How are you? Hey!

Have you seen

Um, I was about
to ask you
the same thing. No.

So, you two are
close friends?

Well, we go
to Wharton together.
I live off-campus.

And, unfortunately,
I'm on academic

Which is really shocking
because last semester
I made the Dean's List,

so it's kind of a weird
contradiction there. Um...

Oh, my God!
Here she is.

Why did you
run out there?

I wanted to make sure
that she was okay.

I know Beth
from my barn.

Um, we train

So, how about
that drink?

That's a good idea!

Come on, boy.

Come on.


Beautiful horse.

Hank, meet Slash.
Slash, Hank.

Nice to meet
you, Slash.

My dad rescued him
and gave him to me as
a seventh birthday present.

That's a pretty
great gift.

Sorry you'll have
to miss the rest
of the day.

No, it's no big deal.
And, anyway,
my big event is tomorrow,

so if I don't show signs
of a concussion

and you guys don't
strap me into one of those
Silence of the Lambs beds,

I'll just have to
kick ass then.

Can't win every time.

I got third last year
after I fell.

This happened before?

Uh, Slash decided
he didn't feel like
jumping the fence,

so he stopped short
and I went flying
over it on his behalf.

Were you injured?

Mild concussion,
but you got to
get back on, right?

Gosh, you really
love riding this much?

My dad had me
on a horse before
I could speak.

[CHUCKLING] He's not
such a big talker,

so I think
it worked out well
for both of us.

Um, I know you think
my dad's pushing me.

And he is, but only
because he knows
I love it.

You know, most of
those girls out there,

it's a hobby for them.

Something to do
between trips to Prague
and other activities

to pad their
college applications.

For me, it's my life.

I want to compete
at the Olympics.

I bet you will.

And I'd love to see
Slash at the games also,

just to hear the announcer
say that name over and over.

"And it's a gold
for Beth and Slash!"


Oh, how fitting.

As if there weren't
enough WASPs here

How am I doing,
by the way?

I agree, you know?
I loosened up,

and I'm much happier
with my performance.

I am relieved that
you're feeling better.


Your parents seem
like nice people.
They are.

They're still
my parents.

[GASPS] I've been stung!

Darling, epinephrine.
Your allergies.


What happened?


It didn't release.
Devesh! Devesh!

Okay, does anyone
have an EpiPen?

Evan, quick. Tell Hank
we need an EpiPen. Go fast!

EVAN: Gotcha!
DIVYA: Okay. Okay.

RUBINA: Somebody
help him!
Hold his head, Mum.

He can't breathe. We need
to clear his airway.

Finding a space.

Divya. Divya,
what are you doing?

Divya! What
are you doing?

DIVYA: Devesh Katdare,
Stung by a wasp.

After epi auto-injector
failure, with angioedema
and bronchospasm mounting,

I performed a cricothyrotomy
to obtain a surgical airway.

We administered


and 125 milligrams
methylprednisolone IV.

Miss Katdare,
your husband
is stable.

His airway is open.

How long will this...

The cric tube
is only temporary.

It'll be removed
within 24 hours
and he'll be fine.

Thanks to Divya.

Mummy, go with
the EMTs, okay?

I'll meet you
at the hospital.



Divya, look at me.

Your dad
will be okay.


He won't be when
he finds out how she knew
what to do back there.


House calls at midnight.

You must be the best
doctor in the world,

or you really don't
trust me to monitor
my own daughter.

Well, I'm concerned
about her.

Okay, her vision
isn't impaired.

Her speech isn't slurred.
She isn't nauseous.
She isn't dizzy.

So, please,
get the hell out of here.

No matter where I go,
Beth can't ride tomorrow
without my consent.

You don't like me.


That is fine.

take it out on Beth.

Are you doping
your daughter, Dan?

What are you
talking about?

Beth's tox screen.

She has dextroamphetamine
in her system.

Well, that's not possible.
Beth doesn't take
any medication.

It's typically
prescribed for ADHD.

It's considered a
drug, Dan.

The lab made a mistake.
Somebody did.

Get out of here.
I know about your
previous scandal.

[SIGHS] That was
about horses.

It wasn't about people,
and it didn't involve dr*gs.

It involved capsaicin.

Chili pepper?

I put it
on the horses' legs
as a pain reliever

until some expert decided
that it made the horses
jump the fences higher

and decided to ban it.

I would never dope
my own daughter.

Now, get the hell
off my property before
I help you off of it.

My dad didn't
do anything.

I took the dr*gs.

You what?

Madison gave them to me.
She takes them
for her ADHD.

I didn't take that many
and I won't do it again.
I swear.

After all that
we've been through,

how could you
take that risk?

I've just been really
tired and spacey lately.

I needed something
to keep me focused.

I couldn't miss
this competition.

And now you
will miss it.


Because I don't care
what anybody says.

You're not
riding tomorrow.

Dad, no.

I have to compete.
I've worked too hard.

Tell him
I'm okay, Hank.

Tell him!

I'm sorry, Beth,
I can't.


Good night,


So, you didn't
tell your parents?

Any shot they
may surprise you?

Be, you know, proud of
what you've accomplished?

I don't care
what they think.


I care.

Too much.

And I hate that.

Of course you do.

They're your parents.
Of course you want
their approval.

Just like you want
your dad's approval,

No, actually.

I couldn't care less.

Wait. You don't want
your dad to see
how far you've come?

Or how successful
you are?

When we were kids,

my dad treated Evan and me
like we were his princes.

We could do no wrong.

And to us, I mean...


We worshipped him.

But then
when our mom got sick
and we needed him most,

he just
walked out on us
and never looked back.

I don't give a damn
what he thinks.

But, you, you know,
you have a relationship
with your parents.

Built on a solid
foundation of
love and lies.

You think
telling them will
change everything?

I know it will.

But I just found you
in a bar drinking
bourbon by yourself.

It is entirely possible
that you have already
hit rock bottom.


I guess things can only
get better from here.

HANK: I'm headed
for the horse show.
Where are you?

I'm just going to the
hospital. I'm gonna
check in on the Dev.

Uh, "the Dev"?

You know, the Dev.
Husband to the Rube?

Rubina and Devesh.
It's Divya's parents, man.
Just get with it.

Okay, Evan, I mean this in
the kindest way possible.

Stay out of it.

Divya's dealing with a lot
right now and her father
really needs to rest.

No, trust me.
The Dev loves me.

And I'm bringing the guy
samosas. It's cool.

Okay, I'm gonna
try this again.


What's that?
I'm... Henry...
Stay out of it.

...eaking up, man.

Evan, I know
what you're doing.
I know that trick.

Evan, they don't know...


You need some help?
Uh, yeah, you know,
if you could help me

stand this beast up,
I'd appreciate that.

Yeah, sure.

Just, uh... Yeah.
There you go.

Got it?

There you go.
Great. Thanks.

What happened?
[CHUCKLES] Some, uh,

lady was paying more
attention to her manicure
than she was her driving.

She didn't even notice.
She ran me
right off the road.


Uh, Charlie.

You know, I'd shake
your hand, but...

It's covered in
barberry needles.

I've never seen
those before.

Oh, yeah? You're
obviously not a biker,
golfer or local.

No, I'm not, but I am
a doctor. Can I help?

Uh... Yeah.
Sure. Why not?

Okay, great.

Let me see that.

All right, um,
I'll be right back.

That's a cool Harley,
by the way.

Oh, thanks. I should
sell it to you.

The wife,
she never liked it.

So, you studied medicine
at the Home Depot, right?


Just give it a sec.

All right,
here we go.


That was good.
That was nice.

I got to run.
Hey, listen.

Let me, uh...
Oh, no, no, no.

No, no, I...
Please, please,
please. Stop.

Uh, good luck with
the bike and the wife.


So, now that you know
Divya's a physician assistant,

uh, or "PA,"
as we call them
in the biz,

you probably have
some questions.

Divya's a physician

That's right. She's
a physician assistant
for HankMed.

So, maybe you guys have
questions about HankMed,
or about me, maybe?

No? Okay.
Uh, about a PA and
what a PA does? Yes?

Okay, sit back, relax.
Silence your cell phones.

Uh, that's
a little joke.


PAs basically just do exams.
They treat illnesses.
They assist in surgeries.

Or in your case, they
actually perform surgeries.
Uh, so...

Wasn't that cool
how she just trached you?

Right there in front
of everybody.

She just
whacked that thing
right into your throat,

like, punched it in there
and just saved your life.


You're a liar.

[CHUCKLES] No. No, sir.

I'm not a lawyer!

I'm not even
an MBA candidate.

Although I'm sure
you probably figured
that out already.

He didn't call you
a lawyer.

He called you
a liar.

a little confused.

Divya did tell you that
she's a physician assistant?


Uh, this was


So it was really nice
meeting you,

and, uh,
feel better, okay?
Feel better.

And, uh, here,
enjoy your samosas, or...


Why are you dressed
like you're going to ride?

Because I am.
All you have to do
is clear me.

Your father doesn't
want you to compete
and I can't clear you.

Listen, even with
yesterday's fall,

I'm only two points
away from qualifying.

Please, Dr. Lawson.
I wish I could, Beth.

You don't understand.

This place used to
have a training school.
My dad ran it.

And he was so happy.

And then the rumors started,
and parents stopped
sending their kids.

If I win first place,
people will want to
train with him again.

Look, that's
a big burden for you
or anyone to take on.

I am sure your dad will
be just as proud of you
next year.

Just, please,
take the helmet off.

Are you okay there?

I've probably snapped
this helmet on and off,
like, a billion times.

Here. Let me...

You've done
enough. Thanks.

I've just been really
tired and spacey lately.

She's having seizures.

Beth told us she was taking
the dextroamphetamine
because she was exhausted,

and I think she was exhausted
from having the seizures.

I've never seen her
have a seizure.

Not one.
I would know that.

Not necessarily.
There are many types that
are impossible to detect.

Beth may not even be
aware she's having them.

How can that happen?

There are simple partial
seizures. One of the
symptoms is jamais vu.

Jamais vu?
Yes, the opposite
of déjà vu.

You feel like you're
performing a task
for the first time

despite the fact
that you've done it
countless times before.

You've seen this
with Beth?

Yeah. Yesterday
when she was fixing
her saddle,

and then I saw it again
just a few minutes ago.

Beth was trying to
take off her helmet...

Isn't that
Beth's horse?

This way. This way.

What's happening?
She's having a seizure.

A tonic-clonic seizure.
It's like an electrical
storm in her brain.

Why? What happened?

Fatigue, stress,
adverse drug reaction,
maybe her previous fall.

Help her! Please!

Hold her gently,

We have to let
the seizure run its course.

Why is it
taking so long?

Dan... Dan?
She's gonna be okay.

The convulsions
should stop soon.

Now, when she comes to,
she'll be tired.

Maybe a bit disoriented also.
She should get that EEG
as soon as possible.

Of course. Of course.
Great. I'll call
the hospital.

Beth? You okay?



Thank God!

How you doing, Beth?

A little woozy.

The beam of light
is gone.

What beam of light?

It's common for people
with this condition to
have visions, auras.

Why didn't you
tell me about this?

I was afraid you'd
keep me from riding.

I just want to ride.

You will. The seizures can
be controlled by medication.

You will lead
a completely
normal life.

You hear that?
You're gonna be okay.

And you can
keep riding.

That's great news,
isn't it, baby?

But you don't
have to keep riding.

It's whatever you want.


I'm sorry, okay?
I'm really,
really sorry.

This is not how
I wanted my parents
to find out.

Okay. How did
they react?

Uh, well, your dad looked
like he was getting stabbed
in the throat again,

and your mom took it
almost as well as that.



They'll never
accept this.

Well, they have to.
You're too good at it
for them not to.

Divya, if it
weren't for you,

HankMed wouldn't be
the meteoric startup
that it is.

You just don't
get it, Evan.


You launched
a successful company

in one of the most
exclusive markets in
the world, all right?

I'm proud of you
and I don't even
like you that much.

So, you're right.
I don't get it.
Explain it to me.

When I was 10,

Nigel threw
a plastic shovel at
my best friend, Holly.

It cut her
right above her eye.

I grabbed
the first aid kit.

I cleaned the wound.

I applied
antibiotic cream and
put a Band-Aid on it.

Then I grabbed the shovel,
hit Nigel with it,

And started the process
all over again.

That's what I call
full service.

It was a great day.

It was the day
that I knew I wanted
to practice medicine.

When I told my parents
that I wanted to attend
med school,

they told me
what they wanted.

A daughter with
an MBA from Wharton

who would become VP
of Development and

at Katdare Properties

Evan, I hate

And I hate development.

And I hate real estate.

But most of all,
I hate that they never took
my dreams into consideration.

So why don't you
walk in there right now

and tell them everything
you just told me?

And now you
know everything.

I have wanted to tell you
both for ages and I'm
sorry that I didn't.

I've hated
lying to you.

I hope that
you'll forgive me.

You saved my life.
You took responsibility
for your deception.

It is behind us.


it's almost over.

What are you
talking about?

Soon, you won't even
be in the Hamptons.

Of course. Yes.

Because I will be
moving to London
and engaged to Raj.


That was your plan
all along, yes?

Yes. Of course.

Have fun at your
first horse show?

Yeah, not so much.
No, you?

Not so much.

I heard
you saved a girl.

I heard you
saved a girl.

Yeah. I'll tell you
what, Henry.

Bringing families together,
it's exhausting work.

[CHUCKLES] I couldn't
agree more.

Divya and her parents,
that is one complicated
family, man.

They are all over her.

I had this patient.
This 15-year-old girl,
great girl,

with this dad hovering.

I wanted to just... Mmm.

He drove me crazy.

And it got me thinking.

About how Dad used
to hit us ground balls
over and over?

Like, even after
it got dark out,
he'd just keep going.

About the fact that as
difficult as this man was,

the last thing
he would ever do is
walk out on his child.

I mean, this girl was
a mess, you know?

She was overstressed,
taking pills to compensate.

And yet, I found myself
totally jealous of her.

You think when
we have kids,

we're gonna
mess them up?

You ever think
about that?


Oh, sorry. I was just
thinking about what kids
of yours would be like.

Oh, what?
Just smart and intelligent

and just overall
awesome, and...

Then they'll take
after your wife.

Wait, so you actually
envision me with a woman
like that, huh?

Not any more
than I envision you

sitting on a terrace
in the Hamptons
sipping a mint julep.

Well, crazier things
have happened.

Yes, they have,
my brother.

Yes, they have.



Mmm! I like it.


Hey. What's up?

I've been thinking about
something you said about
finding another ER doctor.

Hank, uh...
I think I can help.

You don't have
to do that.

I know I don't have
to do that. I want to.

Until you find
someone full time.

Who knows?
Could be fun.

You and me working
under the same roof,

by the water cooler.

Yeah, or being
gossiped about.

It could be

Stop looking
at me like that.

Stop looking at me
like that.

This is my office,

And I'm not
that kind of girl

Thought never
crossed my mind.



This is
an awkward moment.


Hank, this is Charlie,
our new ER doctor.

He applied directly
to the Chief of the ED
without my knowledge

and was hired
this morning.

Let's not be
Jilly Bean.

I just went and got
my old job back.

Some people here
still think I'm worth
keeping around.


Oh, by the way.

Oh, yeah,
how's the hand?
Oh, it's great.

Uh, whoa, whoa, whoa.
I'm sorry.

You two
know each other?

Uh, yeah, we...
Yeah, we met

Charlie Casey.


[SIGHING] Charlie is
also my ex-husband.

And the "ex" part's
not official.

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