01x01 - Load o' Bees

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Santo Bugito". Aired: September 16, 1995 – August 17, 1996.*
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The show primarily deals with slice of life stories, but often with a strange insect twist.
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01x01 - Load o' Bees

Post by bunniefuu »


this the place yeah let's do it

wait a minute


they hit this like a

to torpedo a potential

we do not deserve such as these

go away won't you please


a little drop of nectar and a little

tiny twist of the aphids

carmen i really miguel where are your


say thank you


oh stop me please is this brilliant or

what ah the

what are you doing please

don't move i am capturing you carmen you

you you here

now your your assaults

well it's a little tragedy i'm working


see i can see that

i'm still a little short on a crushing


is he talking about who knows

buenos dias muchachos uh

store una balso

thank you for asking oh listen love of

my life

wish you were here the human scalp

oh it's a nice place to visit but i

would not want to live here no no no

no it rains every day too though i must


i am meeting many new friends longing

for my return to your side yours forever

whoa nelly check out the size of this uh

uh uh thingamabob

oh like don't share with your best

friend or anything

early bird gets a worm sporto

but if you want bert i can whip half

this puppy back out and you can have at


you'd do that for me but of course he


you see the common house fly sometimes

has to regurgitate stomach contents

onto the food in order to soften it up

first yes yes

that's true also there is the uh

uh uh uh oh oh oh dear i forgot what's a


no read gerge tape

you know vomit

spew forth expel eject wretch reversed


bart why me and clem do that

all the time don't we buddy all the time


want me to do it now no that's okay clem

i ain't hungry on account of that green

stuff we found away here anyway

what was that stuff

oh my

my portrait my masterpiece it was here a

moment ago no now it's gone

just kept from the masses oh

censored by the ruling elite

what am i gonna do don't you worry now

eaton we'll help you find your


our guy can't even leave his masterpiece

lying around without getting

swiped what's this country coming to


i don't know bert but it ain't no good

that's for sure

ah i know

oh fudge

that's the j yeah

oh the pain of it all

where could my art have wish i

out of knew 10-4 buddy oh well you just

be looking at the time

miguel and i must be flying

buenos dias yo is this that joint and

are you that dame

who feeds and takes care of any bug who

passes through these parts

see i am carmen and

this is my cocina yeah well don't go

nowhere cause we got plans for you see


yeah big plans

k*ller bees spotted in santa bogito two

of them

big ones i saw them today with my own

twenty thousand

eyes do you know what this means wicked

hairy-legged thugs nectar laughing honey

loving scoundrels

hi uh nice weather we're having don't

you think

hey what's you know going on out here


look at him k*ll our bees here in santa


ah worse yet these thieves stole

my art you know look you two

we you know don't want any trouble you

know what i'm saying

here trouble us sure you just

fingers i'm afraid we're gonna have to

resort to


Oh will not k*ll a piece with musicians

violinist for the Philharmonic


indeed young man your hypothesis is

quite incorrect observe the ovipositor

or stinger the hairy legs the pollen

baskets of tonight's our stinger tickles


the pro notum short collar like the

membrane wings the ocean body hairs

juicer are clearly a k*ller Bee no need

to pretend in santa buggy we accept all

kinds of bugs we have spiders and

beetles and mites and most casinos need

a sec okay okay all right you're right

all right all right so we're k*ller bees

so what look it's nothing we don't want

everybody to know you see it's not like

we like advertise you know I mean we got

a bad reputation in some societies in

some circles of bees but you know what

it is exactly true is it fingers you're

right pal but either way you just sit


we got plans for you in your little town

shall we babyface

what did I tell you if it ain't from

Texas you can't trust it for as far as

you can throw up on it or something

yeah or something

plans for Carmen plans for all of us

right but they've got a six point

comprehensive invasion plan

whoa slow down there you're making sick

plans of our own you know togetherness

resolve teamwork we'll show them come on

let's follow them

spy on their hide and find out what this

big chicka-chicka skalman say let us not

go buzzing to conclusions The Strangers

have done nothing wrong

see now I want all of you to promise

that you will stay here at home and

leave these strangers alone even if they

are k*ller bees come friend then

ah could I

hmm oh this is horrible it will take

forever to find my art work why whispers

oh yeah logistical staging area supplies

packing up the whole hive something big

is definitely going down yo I'm gonna

miss it here me too what the family's

gotten too big for the old joint yeah

yeah yeah get off your abdomen palookas

so you got it straight soon as

everything is ready to go we are off to

Santa Patito oh sure

we got it

packing up their entire garment corazon

see to my reason to PPV remember your

big I thought I would perish without you

we must dance

oh I missed you how was your journey

muy bien my little desert cloud where is

everybody I have so many gifts for them

I I try talking to them but don't know

how they are

come I will show you

people that was a charge hello

well Ralph you and me yeah all right

don't worry about it you're gonna be

okay let's go

we'll never surrender you flower sucking

pollen smelling matrix on guard swing

money yeah you want maybe I should take

care of this okay ladybugs don't eat

bees well we don't want no trouble see

we just like to do a little business

with your town I'm the queen mother and

I am Godman so nice to meet you

you mean you're not here to invade us

invade please your little village is

much too small for my family

look my children and I just wanted to

stop here is a little break get

something to eat something to drink

then we'll be on our way but you said

you were heading off to a new home that

was going to a big White House summit

east coast see yeah we already cased the

joint Amina rose garden is downright

huge pretty paint how nice oh you see my

children this was all one big

misunderstanding I am so sorry

how could I be so so it's flavoring I'm

sorry oh please you and your family

shall be our honored guests yeah we got

us the same knees here parts me Casper I

see you Casper yep our casa is your casa

you know I do have many children you

don't say see come if you have a few

hours I will show you that


Oh Bert I'm feeling so good

Oh masterpiece is back
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