08x14 - Who's Your Neighbor?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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08x14 - Who's Your Neighbor?

Post by bunniefuu »

(dramatic music)

♪ Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination ♪

♪ And when he's tall

♪ He's what we call a dinosaur sensation ♪

(cheerful upbeat music)

♪ Barney's friends are big and small ♪

♪ They come from lots of places ♪

♪ After school they meet to play ♪

♪ And sing with happy faces

♪ Barney shows us lots of things ♪

♪ Like how to play pretend

♪ ABC's and 's and how to be a friend ♪

♪ Barney comes to play with us whenever we may need him ♪

♪ Barney can be your friend too ♪

♪ If you just make believe him

(cheerful music)

(dramatic music)

- Look, here's my house, Gianna.

- Okay, Tony. Put it beside my house,

so we can be neighbors.

- Okay.

- Neighbors! That's it.

Now, we need top put more people in our neighborhood.

- Okay.

Here's Mr. Boyd. He helps take care of the park.

- All right, I'll put him right beside the caboose.

And here comes Officer Phillips, she helps keep us safe.

- So, Barney, do you want to be our neighbor?

- Whoa! Yes, I do.

- Barney. - Barney.

- Hi, everybody.

What are you doing?

- We're making our neighborhood.

See, here are our houses.

- Okay, let me see.


This looks great.

- Here's the police station.

- That's the fire department.

- Every neighborhood needs police officers and firefighters.

- And here's the hospital, where doctors and nurses work.

- Oh, and this looks like Mr. Brantley,

in front of his ice cream shop.

- It is. - Yes.

- The most delicious place in the neighborhood.

- There are a lot of great places in our neighborhood.

- Absolutely.

♪ Oh I'm looking round my neighborhood ♪

♪ And what do I see

♪ Some houses and cars and kids like me ♪

♪ I see buildings made of brick ♪

♪ Others made of wood

♪ I see people helping people in my neighborhood ♪

♪ There's a school and a tree

♪ I can see the post office and the library ♪

♪ Oh boy I'm in luck

♪ I can even see a shiny red firetruck ♪

- [Barney] Oh, boy. There's a lot to see.


♪ Oh I'm looking round my neighborhood ♪

♪ And what do I see

♪ Some houses and cars and kids like me ♪

♪ I see people and their pets

♪ And it makes me feel good

♪ To know that I'm a part of my neighborhood ♪

♪ There's a school and a tree

♪ I can see the post office and the library ♪

♪ Oh boy I'm in luck

♪ I can even see a shiny red firetruck ♪

The neighborhood looks so wonderful.

- Okay, here's the doctor's office.

- I went to see my doctor last week.

- Were you sick, Sarah?

- Oh, no! I'm very healthy, I just went for a checkup.

- Well, that's good news.

You know, it's been awhile since I had a checkup.

Does your doctor take care of dinosaurs, by any chance?

- Oh, Barney. He's a doctor for people in the neighborhood.

- I see.

- Barney, I know a doctor you could see.

- You do? Who?

- Me! Dr. Gianna!

- Great!

- Right this way, Barney.

- Okay, I hope I'm not late for my appointment.

- No, you're right on time.

- Good.

- Barney, the doctor is ready to see you now.

- Thank you. Here I am.

- Now, open wide so I can take a look inside.

- Okay. - Say ahhh!

- Ahhh!


- Well, everything looks good in there.

Now let's listen to your heart.

- Okay.

(heart thumping)

- A nice, steady b*at.

- But, can you dance to it?

- Barney! - Barney!

♪ First the doctor checks my ears and nose ♪

♪ And everything from the neck up ♪

♪ Then comes my tummy and my legs and toes ♪

♪ Soon I'm finished with my check up ♪

♪ And I'm feeling extra fine

♪ Healthy most all of the time

♪ But when I'm sick the doctor will help ♪

♪ 'cause the doctor is a friend of mine ♪

♪ The doctor is a friend of mine ♪

♪ Yes the doctor is a friend of mine ♪

- It could be fun to go to the doctor.

♪ I like to hear my heart b*ating tick tick tick ♪

♪ if I march it even beats quicker ♪

♪ When the doctor's through and I'm all done ♪

♪ Sometimes I even get a sticker ♪

♪ And I'm feeling extra fine

♪ Healthy most all of the time

♪ But when I'm sick, the doctor will help ♪

♪ 'cause the doctor is a friend of mine ♪

♪ The doctor is a friend of mine ♪

♪ Yes the doctor is a friend of mine ♪

It's true.


Thank you for my check-up, Dr. Gianna,

I feel A, Okay!

- That's great. And for being such a good patient,

here's your sticker.

- Thanks.

- Now remember, Barney, to stay healthy,

you need to do three things.

- Okay, what are they?

- First, you should eat right.

- That means, plenty of fruits and vegetables.

- Yum! That sounds delicious.

- And second, get enough rest.


- I like to take naps.

- And third, get lots of fresh air and exercise.

- Like when new play outside?

- Right. A day in the park is just what the doctor ordered.

- Oh boy, oh boy! Let's go.

(kids chattering)

- It's fun being healthy, come on.

(dramatic music)

- See, what a beautiful day, perfect for playing.

- What should we play?

- How about tag?

- Or hopscotch?

- Those are both good games for exercise.

- Hi, Barney! Hi, everybody!

- Hi, Jackson. - Hi, Jackson.

- Look, I got a new ball.

- It's really nice. - That's really nice.

- Do you want to play with me?

- We'd love to.

♪ Exercise by bouncing a ball

♪ Bouncing a ball bouncing a ball ♪

♪ Exercise is fun for all

♪ Won't you come and join me


♪ This is great

♪ Exercise by reaching high

♪ Reaching high reaching high

♪ Stretching up to touch the sky ♪

♪ Won't you come and join me

Can you reach up high?

Very good.

♪ Exercise by bending low

♪ Bending low bending low

♪ Stretching down to touch your toe ♪

♪ Won't you come and join me

- Okay, let me try this here.

This is not going to work.


I got it.

♪ Exercise by skipping rope

♪ Skipping rope skipping rope

♪ Skipping like an antelope

♪ Won't you come and join me

I just love to skip

(dramatic music)

♪ Exercising when we play

♪ When we play when we play

♪ We can exercise all day

♪ Won't you come and join me

- Oh, no! My ball!

- It went into the streets.

- I'll get it.

- Wait, Jackson.

It's not safe to go to the streets by yourself.

- But how will I get my ball?

- We can go and get it together.

- Okay! - Okay!

- I bet someone is looking for this ball.

- Hi, Officer Phillips.

- Hi, Barney, hello Kids.

I found this ball on the street.

Does it belong to any of you?

- Yes, it's mine.

- Here you go.

- Thanks for getting my ball out of the street.

- You're welcome, Jackson.

Helping people is all a part of being a police officer.

- I see police officers

directing traffic by my school everyday.

Do you ever do that?

- Yes, I do.

That's how we help cars and people use the street safely.

- Once, I got lost in the crowd of people,

and a police officer helped me find my mom.

- You can always count on a police officer

whenever you need help.

- Police officers are terrific neighborhood helpers.

- Thanks, Barney.

Helping people is my favorite part of the job.


♪ The police are people who give help ♪

♪ Each and everyday

♪ If you'd like to help people

♪ Then joining the police is A-OK ♪

♪ 'Cause people helping other people ♪

♪ Is what this world's about

♪ And police are surely people

♪ We couldn't do without

- You are absolutely right.

♪ Oh a teacher is a person who gives help ♪

♪ Each and every day

♪ If you'd like to help people

♪ Then being a teacher is A-Ok

♪ 'Cause people helping other people ♪

♪ Is what this world's about

♪ And people like our teachers

♪ We couldn't do without

Yeah, they're very important.

♪ Oh a doctor is a person who gives help ♪

♪ Each and every day.

♪ If you'd like to help people

♪ Then being a doctor is A-OK

♪ 'Cause people helping other people ♪

♪ Is what this world about

♪ And people like our doctors

♪ We couldn't do without

It's true.

- I'm really glad, there are police officers

in our neighborhood.

- Me too! Yeah.

- Thank you.

- Whoops!

- Here you go, Jackson.

- Thank you. - You're welcome.

I hope you remember to never run into the street.

It's best to ask a grown-up for help.

- Okay, I'll remember.

- Well, I better be going,

I need to patrol the rest of the park, bye, bye.

- Good bye.

- See you later, Officer Phillips.

- Maybe I should practice crossing the streets, Barney.

- Well, that's a good idea, Jackson.

We want you to be safe.

Now, who knows a good safety rule for crossing the street?

- I do! It's important to be very careful

when crossing the street, so you won't get hurt.

- And before crossing the street,

stop, look, and listen,

for any cars that might be driving nearby.

- And be sure to look both ways

before crossing the street.

- That's right. Just follow these few simple rules,

and you can cross the street safely.

- Can you help me practice, please?

- Why? I'd be delighted.


- Whoa! - Cool!

- Barney, you're dressed like a crossing guard.

- What is a crossing guard, Barney?

- That neighborhood helper

who helps you cross the street safely.

♪ Look both ways when you cross the street ♪

♪ Here's the reason why

♪ There might be a car or bus or a big truck zooming by ♪

♪ Look both ways when you cross the street ♪

♪ Look both ways when you cross the street ♪

♪ Look both ways don't move your feet ♪

♪ Till you look both ways when you cross the street ♪

- And it's important to be safe

when you're crossing the street.

Can you show me how?

♪ Look both ways when you cross the street ♪

♪ To the left and to the right

♪ Look both ways when you cross the street ♪

♪ Hold a grownup's hand real tight ♪

♪ Look both ways when you cross the street ♪

♪ Look both ways when you cross the street ♪

♪ Look both ways don't move your feet ♪

♪ Till you look both ways when you cross the street ♪

♪ You see a friend on the other side of the street ♪

♪ You can wave and shout Hello

- Hello.

♪ Don't ever cross the street yourself ♪

♪ First get help from a grownup you know ♪

♪ Look both ways when you cross the street ♪

♪ Look both ways when you cross the street ♪

♪ Look both ways don't move your feet ♪

♪ Till you look both ways when you cross the street ♪

♪ Ding ding dararara

- Great job.

- Great job, everyone.

I think you got it, Jackson.

(dramatic music)

- Hi, there.

- Hi, Mel. - Hi, Mel.

- That looks like fun.

- It is. Do you want to play with us?

- Oh, I'd like to,

but I have lots of mail to deliver.

- Oh, my! You sure do.

- Delivering mail is how I help people in the neighborhood.

Let's see,

this package won't fit.

Does anyone know who Tony Marino is?

- That's me.

- There you go.

- Oh, wow! - Cool. Thanks.

- No problem.

Well, I'll see you later.

I've got lots more mail to deliver.

- Okay, bye. - Bye.

- Good bye, now. See you later.

- What is it, Tony?

- I don't know.

- Who sent it?

- My uncle, Frank.

- Is it for your birthday?

- No, it's not my birthday.

- Well, whatever it is, it's always exciting

to get something in the mail.

♪ Think of what might be in a letter ♪

♪ A note or even something better ♪

♪ A birthday card or something from a friend ♪

♪ Or a picture of your Irish Setter ♪

♪ Oh the mail yes the mail

♪ The post office sure has lots ♪

♪ Oh the mail yes the mail

♪ It's fun to put a letter in a mailbox ♪

- It sure is.

♪ Think of what might be in a letter ♪

♪ A note or even something better ♪

♪ A birthday card or something from a friend ♪

♪ Or a picture of your Irish Setter ♪

♪ Oh the mail

♪ Yes the mail

♪ The post office sure has lots ♪

♪ Oh the mail

♪ Yes the mail

♪ It's fun to put a letter in a mailbox ♪

Here's mine. Thank you.

I can't wait to see what's inside the package, Tony.

- It's gonna be great. - It's gonna be great.

(kids chatter)

- I wonder what it is.

- Wow! It's a firetruck!

- Well, would you look at that?

- My uncle is a firefighter.

- Oh, really? Wow!

- He gave me a ride on a real firetruck once.

- I wish I could ride in a firetruck.

- Well, anything is possible when you use your imagination.

(sparkles) - Wow!

- Hurry! Hurry! We've got a fire to put out.

- Get the ladder.

- And the hoses.

- Ready?

- Ready.

- Let's go!

♪ Here comes the firetruck

♪ The people shout hooray

♪ The siren tells the cars and trucks ♪

♪ To get out of the way

♪ Look at all the flashing lights ♪

♪ And watch the water spray

- Hey!

♪ F-I-R-E-T-R-U-C-K

♪ That spells Firetruck

♪ I love the firetruck

♪ with all its hoses and ladders ♪

♪ And firefighters off to save the day ♪

♪ I love to watch them ride

♪ As they hang onto the side

♪ Of the F-I-R-E-T-R-U-C-K

- That spells Firetruck.

- All right.

♪ Here comes the firetruck

♪ The people shout hooray

♪ The siren tells the cars and trucks ♪

♪ To get out of the way

♪ Look at all the flashing lights ♪

♪ And watch the water spray

♪ Hey F-I-R-E-T-R-U-C-K

♪ F-I-R-E-T-R-U-C-K

♪ Here comes the firetruck.

♪ Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

(firetruck honking)

- Thanks, Barney. Driving the firetruck was really cool.

- You're welcome, Jackson.

- If you were a real firefighter,

you could drive a firetruck all the time.

- That's true,

but firefighters do lots of other things too.

- Like what, Barney?

- Well, follow me to the caboose

and I'll show you on the computer.

- Oh, yeah! Let's go.

- Come on, everyone, here we go.

Watch your step.

Firefighters do lots of things, I'll show you.

So where's the computer?

There it is.

Sarah, would you turn on the computer, please?

- Sure Barney.

- Thank you.

Now, let's look for firetrucks and firefighters.

- Okay.

Here's a firetruck.

- Firefighters have to hurry,

so they can get to a fire quickly.

- Those firefighters,

look like they're wearing raincoats and boots.

- [Barney] Those are special clothes

that keep them safe and dry while they put out a fire.

(dramatic music)

(firetruck sirens) - Wow! That siren is loud.

- That's so the people in their cars

will know to get out of the way of the firetruck.

- [Jackson] What's he doing, Barney?

- [Barney] He's going to use the water hose

to put out a fire.

- [Jackson] Firefighters really work hard.

- [Barney] Yes, they do,

Firefighters help keep people

and buildings in the neighborhood safe.

- That's awesome. I want to be a firefighter when I grow up.

- You'd be a fantastic firefighter, Jackson!

- Thanks, Barney.

- Do you know what you want to be when you grow up, Tony?

- I'd like to be a mail carrier, and deliver mail,

to all the houses in the neighborhood.

- Everyone likes getting letters in the mail.

- How about you, Gianna?

- I really want to be a doctor,

so I can help people when they're sick.

- I want to be a teacher.

- And I'm going to be a firefighter.

(dramatic music)

♪ What I want to be

♪ What I want to be

♪ When I grow up to be big me

♪ What I want to be

♪ What I want to be

♪ Is a doctor

♪ Or a mail carrier

♪ Each day I work what fun it would be ♪

♪ I'll always do my responsibility ♪

♪ I'll do what I do so carefully ♪

♪ when I grow up to be big me

- What do you want to be when you grow up?

- I want to be scientist.

- I want to be a mommy.

- I want to be a doctor.

- I want to be a princess.

- I want to be a teacher because I want to learn.

♪ What I want to be

♪ What I want to be

♪ When I grow up to be big me

♪ What I want to be

♪ What I want to be

♪ Is a teacher

♪ Or a firefighter

♪ Each day I work what fun it would be ♪

♪ I'll always do my responsibility ♪

♪ I'll do what I do so carefully ♪

♪ when I grow up to be big me

♪ Doctor

♪ Mail Carrier

♪ Teacher

♪ Firefighter

♪ When I grow up to be big me

(kids chant)

- Great. You can be anything.

- Let's see what else can we add to out neighborhood.

- Okay.

- Well, we have a doctor, a firefighter,

a mail carrier, and a police officer.

- Here's the garbage truck.

- And here's the driver.

- He helps keep our neighborhood clean.

- There are a lot of helpers

that are important to the neighborhood.

- What other neighborhood helpers do we need, Barney?

- Well, how about someone to help you find books to read?

- That would be a librarian.

- Good.

- And maybe someone to help you keep your teeth healthy.

- Like a dentist.

- That's right, Tony.

And it's important

to keep the pets in the neighborhood healthy too.

- We need a veterinarian.

- Right.

- That's a doctor for animals.

- You've built a super-D-duper neighborhood.

Let's take a walk and see who we meet.

♪ Let's walk around the block

♪ To see who we meet up and down our street ♪

♪ Let's walk around the block

♪ Let's take a walk with happy feet ♪

♪ It'll be such fun for everyone ♪

♪ So let's walk around the block ♪

♪ There are people we see every day ♪

♪ Our neighbors at work and play ♪

♪ It's oh so good in our neighborhood ♪

♪ On my block is where I want to stay ♪

♪ Let's walk around the block

♪ To see who we meet up and down our street ♪

♪ Let's walk

♪ Lets walk

♪ Around the block

♪ Let's take a walk with happy feet ♪

♪ It'll be such fun for everyone ♪

♪ So let's walk around the block ♪

♪ Oh come on

♪ Let's walk

♪ That's it

♪ It'll be such fun for everyone ♪

♪ So let's walk around the block ♪


- This is a great neighborhood.

- Yes, it is. It's full of wonderful places.

And there are some really terrific friends

and helpers here, too.

- Like mail carriers.

- And firefighters.

- Police officers.

- And doctors.

- Right! All friends and helpers,

help to keep us safe and healthy.

- But there's someone else

who makes this neighborhood extra special.

- Who's that?

- YOU! - You!

- Thank you.

It's friends like you

who help make this neighborhood a terrific place to be.

♪ I love you you love me

♪ We're a happy family

♪ With a great big hug

♪ And a kiss from me to you

♪ Won't you say you love me too ♪


♪ I love you, you love me

♪ We're best friends like friends should be ♪

♪ With a great big hug

♪ And a kiss from me to you

♪ Won't you say you love me too ♪

- Oh my!

- I'm getting kind of hungry.

- I know someone who can help you.

- Who's that?

- Mr. Brantley. My mom said,

she would take us to his ice cream shop this afternoon.

- Oh, yes. - That is yummy.

- Thanks for a great day, Barney.

- It's always a great day, when I spend it with you.

- Bye, Barney. (kids chanting)

- Goodbye, everyone! I'll see you later.

Thanks for today, bye, bye.

(cheerful music)
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