01x05 - Biting the b*llet

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Furia". Aired: September 26, 2021 - present.*
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On the run from his past and with a new identity, police officer Asgeir moves with his daughter to an idyllic small town in western Norway.
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01x05 - Biting the b*llet

Post by bunniefuu »

Wanna tell me what's happening?

Ragna is our voice.

Explain to me what she's doing
in the f*cking trunk of a car.

What's that?

A photograph taken by a speed
control camera on our way here.

How do you know that? This
could be old. From anywhere.

I have a source at the very
top of the Innenministerium.

The Scorpio.

So I know it was
taken on the way here.

That's why we're going to find
out who's leaking information.

- But Ragna...
- Ragna was the last one to join us.

Only an idiot
wouldn't suspect her.

Or someone who can no
longer see clearly.

Your catholic god
needs your confession.

As you said, faith
is never enough.


Untie him.

Everybody listen.

Come closer, please.

You all have been carefully selected
and trained for a very long time.

Everyone agreed on waiting
for our moment to come.

To fulfill our duty for our country,
even to give our life for it.

Everyone... except
the rat among us.

The police has my photograph.

And a name only very
few of you know me by.

She was the last one to join us.

Chris was responsible for
our safety while I was gone.

And you, my dear Daniel...

You controlled our accounts.

Since the cyber currency
also has been compromised,

I'd kindly ask you to join them.

- What?
- He's not a traitor.

All the better. Then
he has nothing to fear.

I didn't do anything.

Turns out he wasn't as
innocent as we thought, though.

They found evidence on his phone
connecting him to the cell,

but still...

he was a child.

Anyway, you got my message?

Yes. You found the name Brehme

in a case about financing
right-wing propaganda.

Do you know who he is?

No, not yet. But we
are looking into it.

Have you had contact
with your agent?

No. We're tracking the IP of the
last communication as we speak.

You'll meet Asgeir
later today then. Good.

- Hi.
- Hi.


Furia is in Germany.


What does Berlin say?

You think we have
jurisdictional challenges.

In Germany they have 16 states, all
arguing over who gets to know more.

The guy who had your
job over there...

had to resign because of
right-wing sympathies.

Have you informed them?

You must inform them, Inger.

I have made contact unofficially
with the best I know over there.

- Someone we both can trust.
- Ok.

Then what's your plan?

Inger, you drag me into your mess,
I have to know what your plan is.

We work through my contact
until Furia is located.

We keep her identity secret,
until she points us to Cato.

Then my contact
sends in her cavalry.

Who's your contact?

Kathi Falke.

Never heard of her.

I worked with her four years ago
when she was state prosecutor.

I trust her completely.

There's one more thing.

What's that?

I have to...

I need you to get in touch
with the Americans and EST.

Get me all intelligence on a
Russian mob leader, Ziminov.

- Why? Isn't that the guy who...
- Yes.

I need everything
they have on him.

- They never caught him, why risk...
- Because I need it.

You really don't want to
know any more this point.

You too.


You didn't answer the
phone. Is everything okay?

Everything's fine. Kirsten
made a delicious breakfast.

Things are great. She's happy
and smiling. All is well.


You're not gonna
be late for school?

Asgeir, relax. It's going great.

The x-rays didn't
really scare Chris.

It didn't make him talk.

Then we just have to question
him a little less subtly.

I suggest you become
a part of them.

And stir the sh*t
a little, yeah?

- One hit.
- Where?


Show me.


What are you doing here?

I want to know how you are.


Because of the dead boy. I know
you take this very seriously.

How else should I take this?

I just want you to
know... I'm here.

Yes, I can see that.
Thank you, Ruben.

I'm in a hurry.

How did you even get in here?

I don't have a key, if
that's what you mean.

Ms. Wilberg was on her
way out with her dog.

Tell me, why do you never
answer when I call you?

- Must I?
- Yes. You must.

When we have the same employer.

We want to get along
with each other.

Or do you want stress
in your private life?

I thought you don't have time for
private life, it slows you down.

Did you take notes,
or does it still hurt?

- What a shitty line.
- I'm sorry.

Ok, so what? What do you want?

The headline "Dead Muslim Child" will
continue to be the top media topic.

Understandable. People don't want
children k*lled in police operations,

no matter where they come from.

Did you get up on the wrong
side of the bed today?

We need to prepare a statement.

No, you need to do it.

It would help if your people

released a few more details about
the t*rror1st att*ck that was foiled.

You arrested Islamists.

Two t*rrorists. That's the story.
That's the truth we prefer.

"The truth we prefer"?

Well, call it a
political signal.

I don't have time for
your beauty pageant.

That "beauty pageant"
is the federal election.

If the NAD really
wins the election,

- you will have a lot of time.
- What's that supposed to mean?

Come on. People are afraid of
an Islamist t*rror1st att*ck.

And we just prevented one.

We need to demonstrate
our successes now.

Otherwise we risk losing votes.
We need to win this election.

Ok. You make sure that
Hardenberg is in good shape.

I'll take care of

As long as we don't know what this
Islamist t*rror1st cell is all about,

we'll continue to say that
we are still investigating.

- I have to go.
- Kathi.

- Who are you?
- Who are you?

- I'm not telling you sh*t!
- He's right.

Who are you? Tell
us who you are!

You shouldn't worry about me. One
of you guys f*cked something up.

That's why you're here.

I told you before,
leave me alone!

Go in there!

Chris, you should
start confessing now!

Am I in here

because I did all the work for
you that you then gave the cops?

- Or are you a cop?
- No.

Chris, are you a cop?

Are you scared of me?

- Are you scared of me?
- Stop it!

Where were you

- the night before last?
- I was at home! At home!

With your wife? Was it good?

You're lying.

You've always been
a liar, Chris.

You know, I was with your wife.
And it was good. Very good.

You shouldn't worry too much
about such little things now.

You have other problems
now. Do you understand that?


Sorry I'm late. Good morning.


They want to make a PR campaign
out of the Safar brothers.

Really? When I worked
in Verfassungsschutz,

this would never have happened.

- There was no Twitter then either.
- Right.

- What did he say exactly?
- Who?

Your ex. The master
of mass media!

He wants us to publish details from
the investigation. What is this?

That's the bad news of the day.

We have now fully evaluated
the Safar brothers' phones.

The list of people
we've identified

as part of the brothers'
t*rror1st network.

That's twelve men
all over Germany.

So we have a t*rror1st network
that stretches across Germany,

and is in possession of expl*sives,
and we had no idea about it?

That is correct.

And we don't know when and where
there'd be an att*ck. How can it be?

We don't know yet.

The Safar brothers have
been questioned for hours,

but nothing has come up yet.

Then we have to talk to them.

Sorry, Helmut. We'll
come back to you...

Excuse me, I only
have one short thing.

- Have you found your informant?
- No.

But we were able look more
closely at the cryptocurrency.

We have several leads to financial
institutions in Frankfurt,

but we are certain that the
money is coming from here.

- A Russian company?
- Yes.

A Russian oligarch with ties
to Putin and the Russian mafia.

His name is Ziminov.

He was also involved in Brexit
and in the last US elections.

He'll be arrested the minute
he steps onto US soil.

And now this organization has its
eyes on our upcoming election.

They finance the NAD and want
Rudolf Hensel as Chancellor.

They're destabilizing Europe,

and are financing even more radical
right-wing extremist groups,

including the one our
informant has infiltrated.

And... can we go
to the next one?

This is... Vito Morelli.

A private banker

who is responsible for the crypto
transactions here in Germany.

- Is he under surveillance?
- Yes.

But he suspects something.

He's closing up shop.
Covering his tracks.

But he may lead us to the
group, and my undercover agent.

Then have him arrested.

On what grounds?

National security
charges. Question him.

Excuse me. We're in the
middle of a meeting.

I know. Sorry.

The minister is about to meet
the press. Any new findings?

In the last 35 minutes?

- Eva?
- Ruben.

When, and only when,
I'm at least 90% certain

that we can verify
what the target was,

I'll come running to my boss.

- Who would immediately report...
- Can I speak to you? Now!

You think that's funny?

How dare you barge
into my meeting?

- Hardenberg needs something now.
- Fine. He can have this.

"The investigation
is still ongoing."


If so, you can
tell him yourself.

What is going on?


Hi Sigrid! Is everything ok?

- Are you ok?
- Yeah. I'm fine.

Am I interrupting?

No, no. I told you, you can always
call me about anything. What is it?

How is the...

climbing going?

It's going...

really well.


We took a 9-rope long route.

At the hardest part it
was 7B+. So it was tough.

But, yeah...

You know we, your
father and I, always...

dreamt of doing that route.

So it was nice.

I miss him.

You have to remember that Bjørn
always wanted you to be happy.

I know.

How is Ragna?

Ragna is fine.


The fact that Ruben
brought you in here

probably means that you're not ready
to reveal any investigation results.

That's your right, and probably
meant as a virtuous gesture,

but the truth is,
it's just stupid.

Minister, the investigation
is still in full swing.

As is the upcoming election.

What will my two opponents do?

Show her.

Amira Hamad visited
the scene this morning.

The scene of the crime and
found moving and consoling words

for the relatives of
the boy who was k*lled.

- It was an emotional performance...
- Amira Hamad visited the scene.

That damned witch.

She is a woman. And she is
from an immigrant background.

She won't wait for
our investigation.

No, she goes straight to the victims
and puts everything on one card.

She offers her condolences
to the dead boy's mother.

Rudolf Hensel also knows how
to make the most out of this.


They know the election will be over
before you finish your investigation.

Then it doesn't matter
what comes out of it.

After the election, the
truth just doesn't matter.

The truth always matters.

No, that's right.

You can then speak to Rudolf Hensel's
n*zi minister about the truth.

She's not saying anything?

That's tough.

Let's go!

- What is this?
- Come on.

Good afternoon.

As you know, police
special forces

fired two sh*ts at
a fugitive yesterday

during a house
search in Neukölln.

The investigation
is still ongoing,

and the arrested persons are
being questioned at the moment.

There is no need to worry.

Minister, one question. You can
understand why the public is worried?

People have a right to
their feelings. Also fear.

That was not my question. Are
the people in Germany safe?

Let me put it in a way ordinary
people will understand.

Security is something that we should
all take for granted in Germany.

Excuse me, a child was k*lled.

Yes, a Muslim boy got k*lled,

because he was evading the
reach of our operational forces.

Our officers had to
weigh up and act.

Of course we mourn
the death of this boy,

it affects us very much, but
this is also the result of...

the fight against
international terrorism.

Sources say you had information
about an imminent att*ck.

What do you say?

I can't comment on the investigation.
I'm sure you understand.

The NAD leader, Rudolf Hensel,

just gave a statement claiming
you're lying about the att*ck.

He provided a police
report showing

that the arrested Safar
brothers were suspects of r*pe

But due to bad police
work, both were released.

- What is this?
- LKA haven't reported this to us,

- but obviously leaked it.
- Themselves.

- We have a problem.
- Yes, we just heard.

We will find out why we
weren't given this information.

I know why.

I stepped on their toes
yesterday in that damn meeting.

When is the report from?

You know what? We'll do it again.
We'll talk to the brothers ourselves.


Daniel! Hey!

Why are you here?

- Are you guilty of anything?
- Nothing.

I've always been
loyal. What about you?

Something is going on.

Are you afraid your
friend will betray you?

One tip and you're screwed.

Or do you think your
friend will vouch for you?

Are you two really...

Close? Daniel?


Danni? Huh?

Where are you from?

Who are you?

You're the storyteller, right?


The legend maker.

It's a pretty good
cover, actually.

Playing with words.
Gaining trust.

While feeding the police
with intel. Am I right?

I just have a question.

You've called all
three of us rats.

I mean, that's very unlikely.

Three rats.

You were thrown in here to
make a fuss, isn't that so?

Are you spying on us?

Is he bothering you?

My apologies. Come with me.

Why can't Ole be here?

My people did some research.

Your stories... from Sweden.

Remember? Gothenburg?


Do you know these men?

They're Swedish.
Brothers, I think.

How do they fit into your
story about Gothenburg?

They don't.

They're just a part of
the scene down there.


Let's call them.

Hello, Sweden.

Hey. Is she there now?

Hang on.

Could you please
tell me how you met?

If it's her.

I can't really see her.

Yeah. Please turn around.

Yeah, it's her.

It's definitely her.

She almost k*lled my brother.

Wasn't this right after her
boyfriend nearly got beaten to death?

I don't know about her boyfriend. I
mean, this was without a boyfriend.

But she b*at up
Gustav. It was her.

And then she disappeared.

You really wanna
talk about this?

Well, I don't talk about it,
because it's a bloody embarrassment.

That you guys say you fight
for our culture and our values.

And you say that Muslim and
African men mistreat their women.

Why don't you tell
him the truth?

How you and your brother
tried to r*pe me.

Of course you didn't press charges
because you know you'd lose.

You should be glad that
the police saved you

- and I didn't k*ll you.
- I don't know what f*cked you up,

but we didn't try to r*pe
you! You lying bitch!

I had my reasons...

why I left Sweden.

First I met those Muslim men.

And then I met those f*ckers who
pride themselves with white culture.

And then they try to r*pe women.

f*ck them.

Those guys...

with their boots and flags...


stupid tattoos and swastikas...

They're not us.

They have no sense of what
identitarians should be.

They have no goal of involving
everyday men and women in the f...

in the threats
facing our future.

And if you keep
questioning my motives

and you choose to side
with those f*ckers...

Well... then we're all f*cked.

You know what?

You're probably being tracked by the
Swedish secret police as we speak.

They are stupid swastika bearers.
Don't you think they're monitored?

It's untraceable.

They think we
called from Hungary.

Stay calm.

Interrogators have been talking
to the brothers for hours,

but it's like talking
to a brick wall.

They act like innocent
lambs. They know nothing.

And now you come here to
show us how it's done, right?

I probably won't
get anywhere either,

but I would like to get an
impression, if you don't mind.

No, please.

And I assume we'll get the
transcripts from those interrogations

before anyone in the
NAD can read them.

Of course.

I would like to speak
to Hamid Safar first.


- Hello.
- Who are you?

I only have one quick question.

My file says that your daughter
is suffering from severe asthma.

She is six years old.

Are you sure that after your
deportation back to Iraq...

- Objection!
- Sufficient medical care

will be ensured?

What is this? Are
you threatening me?

- I'm protesting this thr*at.
- Who are you?

I might be able to help your daughter
if you tell me what your targets are.

What kind of targets?

We're not t*rrorists.

Then why are you in
contact with this man?

This is not me, this is my brother.
My brother met this guy, not me.

Listen. They'll deport
you. And your daughter too.

Just because of the
r*pe in Stuttgart alone.

- You don't have to...
- I haven't r*ped anyone.

That was my brother.

Calm down, we'll
find a solution.

You are in contact
with all these people.

All of these men are
being arrested right now.

In Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich...

But you know better than I do.

You heard your brother.

He'll testify against
you for the r*pe.

To save himself and his
daughter from deportation.

If I can get details
on all the targets,

if you give full information
about all these men,

and if the missing C4 turns up,
then maybe I can help you a little.

I need more time on Daniel.


But Chris is lying.

To his wife at least.
I don't trust that.

What about the girl?

Hard to say, but
Chris knows more.

Ok, you try to get Ragna
talking, and I'll try Chris.

I'm doing my best.

Hurry up. I need results.

My patience is limited.

Put away the cup!

I'm about to start
torturing all of you.

Don't look at me like that.

You were Chris' right-hand man.
Everything he knows, you know.

Come up with something good.

Maybe you're the little birdie.

Tweet, tweet.

Chris. Come.

I... I have to pee.

Ok. You too.

Listen. We don't have much
time. I know you're undercover.


Sit down. Stay away
from the cameras.

We don't have time
for this. Sit down.

The crypto lead that
bothers Brehme...

One of the reasons he
thinks there is a snitch.

The leak came from me.

But the other reason, the
picture, definitely didn't.

It's not coming from those guys.

If they were German police,
I would have known by now.

So that only leaves you.

You're bluffing.

I was recruited by the m*llitary.

I was trained and asked to
create a r*cist scandal,

I b*at an Afghani
soldier almost to death.

At least that's what my
friends and relatives think.

I've been in this cell
for almost four years.

And this is your dilemma now.

If you don't believe me, you
should tell them, but now.

Listen. If it's me who
gets busted first...

make sure I die.

I know what they do
to snitches. Help me.

Hey. Kathi?


- Asgeir. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

You want anything?

I'll have the same.

Excuse me. One more
coffee, please.

- Sure.
- Thank you.

This feels like a
weird blind date.

Inger doesn't know that this has
become Berlin's most infamous

singles cafe, so...

Ok, I get it. I
guess that's a...

That's a good thing
for a lonely tourist.

But you have a friend
traveling to Berlin, no?


Yes, I do.

There you go.

- Thank you.
- Enjoy.


I have a friend who works in the
same business as your friend.

So maybe they should know about
each other so no one gets hurt.

He works in Russian financing.

- Really?
- Yeah. The cryptocurrency.

That's interesting.

I'd like to know
more about that.

I'll do my best.


I need your help too.

The thing is, I lost contact. I
can't reach him at the moment.

It seems like we have
the same problem.

This is the banker.

Won't speak without his lawyer.

- What happened to his arm?
- He tried to flee when we came.

And you broke his arm?

He dislocated his shoulder.

- What?
- I'm not kidding.

When he threw the briefcase
out of the window.

We'll take the laptop.


We're trying to
get in right now.

- Coffee?
- Yes, sure.

We almost have it.




What? What just happened?

That's not possible.

What's going on?

Complete shutdown.
That's never happened.

But we're in now, right?

But there is nothing.

It's wiped clean. They must
have had a burner program.

But how did they know we were
entering if we were offline?

Please shut down all your systems.
Turn everything off for a moment.

Could everything on the computer
have been deleted from the inside?

What? What do you mean?

Who knows the identity
of our agents?

A couple of people on my team.
And our leadership, of course.

Our computer.

Morelli wanted us to
hook up the computer.

You need to find your agent.

I'm losing patience.

What about Chris?

Not guilty.

The snitch is still here.

In this room.

Daniel, come.

No. No, please. No.

No, stop. Let me go! Help!

Please don't. No!




It's very obvious. They're
gonna k*ll one of us.

And they'll do whatever
hellish thing they planned.

They've planned it for
years, I know it now.

I thought I worked on finances
for alt-right digital propaganda.

But I've just seen the financial
structure of this whole operation

and this is about a big
f*cking terror att*ck.

I thought there were only three
programmers, but there are many more.

I'm not saying I believe you.

What's the target?

I don't know.

There are circles.

And sub-groups.

I didn't even know about any
physical att*ck until yesterday.

I'm into online
operations. I feed fear.

But you, you have
to be very careful.

Their leaks amongst them are meant
to protect us, and I don't know who.

I heard Brehme saying
something about "our Scorpio".

But I don't know what it means.


We have to promise each other
that none of us get tortured.

Promise me this.

Don't let me be tortured. I
will do the same thing for you.


I've already asked nicely, if
you're going to talk, talk to me.

Look at him. He's so confident.
He knows we fell for his Trojan.

That's not possible. Our system
is completely sealed off.

Ask your client: Why did you
flee if you are innocent?

Unless we have a mole.

Then I'll ask him again myself: Why
did you flee if you are innocent?


Ask him about his contacts in Russia.
Tell him that we're investigating him

for endangering
national security.

You already know that laundering
money from Russia is a felony.

And election meddling
threatens national security...

Please excuse me for a moment.

Do you see me well?

Yes? Do you hear me too?

Well, then, listen to me.

My client won't say a word until
you present evidence of wrongdoing.

If you're lucky, we won't
make a big deal out of this.

But you can't hide
behind windows

and hollow phrases like
"national security".

This is illegal seizure,

illegal detention, and
an illegal interrogation.

You will let my client go now.


We need to check
out this lawyer.

He's not just a normal lawyer.

What the hell are you doing?

Ole. What does it look like?

Is Ragna ok?

Ok, stop.

Untie him.

The Scorpio.

I asked you a question.

Yes. Come with me.

I hear you. But now I
know who the traitor is.

Who is it?

- Ragna...
- No, there's no f*cking way!

Is not the one.

f*ck you!

f*ck us. I wanted to see your
face. How attached you were.

How much does he know?

He knows only about the financial
side of our propaganda work.

He's been working on
digital platforms only.

And buying marketing for crypto.

Nothing about the Berlin
operation. Let's print that.

- Brehme.
- Yeah?

Don't ever f*cking play me like
that again. Do you understand me?

I don't have time for you
questioning my methods now.

They arrested one of
our bankers today.

If we get problems with the
Russians, we're really in deep sh*t.

Dismissed. Get the f*ck out.



Jan, you are a dead man.

Almost. First I'll find
out what you've told them.

And you will tell me, trust
me. I'll take my time.

You're just as dead as I am.

You better go, this will...

- You're a f*cking cop?
- Get out.

- Traitor. Why don't you...
- Get the f*ck out.

- sh*t!
- Whoa!
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