07x91 - The Problem With Chickens; An Egg Is Quiet

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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07x91 - The Problem With Chickens; An Egg Is Quiet

Post by bunniefuu »

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions


the world awaits

between the lions between the covers



between the lions

the problem with chickens


how you doing

oh quack


what did you do that for well i'm a lion

lions pounce it's how we get exercise

well yeah but i mean there are other


chicken chicken



no thanks cubs i had a sandwich a little

while ago no no dad there was a chicken

right behind you there was

where i don't see any oh chicken


who you calling chicken dude yo i've

surfed waikiki okay those are some

pretty gnarly waves

chicken no no there was a chicken behind


you saw him didn't you yeah i i think he

jumped into that book


the problem with chickens huh by bruce

mcmillan illustrated by ganila huh

we'd better read it cubs something foul

may be afoot

in a small village on the far end of

iceland there were plenty of eggs even

if there were no chickens

the eggs were on the cliffs where the

wild birds lived


there were more eggs here than the

ladies of the village could ever use for


but it was too difficult for the ladies

to get these eggs

their husbands might have gathered them

but the men were always too busy fishing

and farming

so the ladies traveled to the city to

buy some chickens

the chickens were happy in the village

every day they laid many eggs

the ladies were overjoyed to have so

many eggs for cooking

their cakes were delicious

that is when the problem started

the chickens forgot they were chickens

they started acting

like ladies

when the ladies went to pick blueberries

the chickens went too

when the ladies went to a birthday party

the chickens went too

when the ladies sang to the sheep the

chickens sang too

when the ladies took a rest from their

gardening the chickens rested too

everything the ladies did the chickens

did too


the ladies couldn't even have tea and

cakes by themselves

the chickens were so busy acting like

ladies that one day

they stopped laying eggs

that's when the lady said

we have a problem

so the ladies came up with an idea it

was a very clever idea

they would fool the chickens

the ladies started exercising

soon the chickens just like the ladies

were exercising

day after day the chickens exercised

just like the ladies

their wings grew stronger and stronger

then the ladies lifted the chickens one

by one into the air and said

remember you are birds

the chickens flew to places on the

cliffs where no other icelandic birds

lived there they made their nests and

laid their eggs

this could have been a problem but the

ladies had planned for this

the chickens weren't the only ones who

got strong from all that exercise


finally the strong chickens in the far

end of iceland acted like birds


and the strong icelandic ladies had no

problem gathering the eggs

also from then on


if the ladies ever needed to go to the


it was no problem at all

the end


what a great book oh it was about the

unity of all life you know how like

we're all really one


maybe not


i liked it but

what was it about

well let's see it it was about these

ladies who had a problem uh they they

couldn't get eggs yeah yeah and then

they got these chickens right right

chickens who acted like ladies




maybe we should get some exercise too uh

let's go change into our sweats gracious



excellent what's next on between the

lions chimps and chickens juggling about

the chest sound check it out dudes














the dixie chimps sing goodbye chick

first it was charming then became

alarming when a chicken chose to just be


she chewed up my trees never ever said

please play checkers but she always


gonna chase that chicken right out of my


she's chomping at my chips like she

belongs there she's chuckling and

chirping chase her out and make it quick

the choice is me or her

so it's goodbye




here are some words that begin with the

letters ch






and now a word from mr al roker



thank you very much chilly it is chilly

and now it's time for

dwayne's words


excellent kuwait here once again at

blending fields where two brave knights

and armor will charge together at high

speed and make a word

competing today we have sir



chase excellent that's good for today

and this is gwen saying don't forget to

check us out next time on

guys word queen's word

now twist your tongue around this one

choppers shopper shop shoppers chop

shopper shop shoppers shop shop and shop

choppers shop


shop traffic shop shop and shop choppers

chop shopper shop jumper chomp chopper

shop chopper


once again it's the continuing daring

and dangling adventures of cliffhanger

today's adventure chapter 12 363

cliffhanger and the chuckling chickens


excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff


hold on much


by chance cliff looks up and spots a

bunch of chuckling chickens clutching a

chain with a chair on the end of it

quickly cliff reaches into his backpack

and extracts his trusty survival manual

using his champion decoding skills cliff

begins to read

if you spot a bunch of chuckling

chickens clutching a chain with a chair

on the end of it

ask them to get you down

get me down


what does down mean

i'll look it up in my trusty chicken

dictionary down

the soft feathers of young birds often

used to make pillows

but down has another meaning too it's

the opposite of up

enjoy your down and you can keep the




hold on much longer







three oh this is awesome i can really

feel the burn dude

you're telling me i think someone better

cut down on his bananas






first came the chicken

now comes the egg thank you

an egg is quiet


what's lionel doing i'm going to find


hi lionel shh

what are you doing

listening to this egg

lionel's listening to an egg

why are you listening to an egg oh he

wants to find out if it's quiet

nothing i've heard enough

this egg really is quiet mom the book is

right you're right

what book


this one

an egg is quiet now lionel do you

remember where we were wait wait wait

wait start at the beginning

i want to hear about eggs being quiet

too oh

you don't mind do you lionel

books are for sharing right here we go

back to the beginning

an egg is quiet by diana aston

illustrated by sylvia long

an egg is quiet


it sits there under its mother's



on top of its father's feet


buried beneath the sand




an egg is colorful

an egg is shapely


there are round eggs

round eggs fit together nicely in tight


there are oval eggs

there are pointy eggs

seabird eggs are pointy at one end so if

they're laid on rock ledges they roll

around in safe little circles not off

the cliff

there are even tubular eggs

the markings on some eggs help them

blend in with their surroundings

this is called camouflage

camouflage is an egg's way of hiding

an egg does not want to be eaten by a

raccoon or a snake or a fox or an insect

eggs come in different sizes

an ostrich egg is so big and so round it

takes two hands to hold one egg

hummingbird eggs are the size of a jelly


egg is artistic


an egg is textured

there are hard eggs

and soft eggs

and gooey eggs

there are smooth eggs

and rough eggs

an egg gives the little creature growing

inside it everything it needs

the shell is its home

the yolk is its food

the egg white or albumin is its pillow

the shell is covered with teeny tiny

holes which allow air to enter


here's what a baby chick looks like

growing inside its egg after the first

three days

here it is at seven days

13 days

and 18 days


after 21 days it hatches into a baby


an egg is quiet

then suddenly

an egg is noisy


the end


here i thought an egg was quiet and it

turned out that the exact opposite is

also true

an egg is noisy


this one is still pretty quiet

she's right why is this one quiet

that's because it isn't hatching if

something comes out of it then it will

be noisy

what's gonna hatch from it

maybe it's a duck

or huh turtle

or even

a dinosaur

who knows

well i have to go mow the lawn let me

know if the egg starts making noise okay


i think we should wait here until this

egg hatches i want to know what comes

out oh me too me too


do you think we should sit on it

well don't birds usually sit on their

eggs to get them hatched no we might

break it let's just watch it okay

more mom


hello everybody please welcome my guest


sup man what's coming up on between the

lions well let's see uh oh watch for

more noise and more chickens

oh and a hen singing about chickens too

ladies and gentlemen boys and girls

presenting the incredible daring

trampolini brothers performing the noisy

balancing ballyhoo


that's noisy

that's even noisier


that's the noisiest of all

noisy noisier


folks let's hear it for the terrific

trampolini brothers


i won't lie


loud it's very very loud oh yeah

and it's big

so big

it's very very large oh yeah

it's very loud



and it hammers and it dumps

and it rocks


it's down and very very dirty up and

very very high

it's very tough we're very hot and very



very loud and very very


is it a bug is it a squirrel


it's opposite bunny



the duck was loud now he's quiet how

does that money do it

who was that cute

bunny that was the opposite bunny

baby chick by aileen fisher

on the warm brown egg

out comes a neck

out comes a leg

how does a chick who's not been about

discover the trick

of how to get out


public library information

what kind of bird is a hen

well you've certainly come to the right

place listen to this




like a dog mixed with a quail a

peacock's like a turkey


my is

increases your frustration the only

thing important in the end



you're welcome

information hand how may i help you

here's some different shapes we see

every day

i see an oval egg


i see a round ball

i see a flag that's a rectangle

i see a square box

and this is a triangle

what shape do you see

it's short story time with arty smarty



uh hello

my finger is stuck in the book and i

want to read it to you oh i will pull it


cool well the book is titled worm is

stuck written and illustrated by kathy



worm is a circle

worm is a square

worm is a triangle

worm is a



is a figure eight


worm is a bowl

is a nut


is stuck

the end



oh no and now it's

time to say goodbye

oh i'm stuck again oh



did you hear anything yet no did you no

how long do you think we have to wait um

oh oh sorry hey hey have either of you

seen my oh there it is my egg what this

is this is your egg

well hey what kind of egg is it oh yeah

is it a dinosaur egg with a two little

teeny tiny dinosaur in it with teeny

tiny wings yeah no

no no it's not the kind of egg that


it's a hard-boiled egg


cooked it's my lunch



yo check it out we're going surfing

without a board dudes okay because we're

surfing between the lions website







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