07x92 - Spicy Hot Colors; Yesterday I Had the Blues

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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07x92 - Spicy Hot Colors; Yesterday I Had the Blues

Post by bunniefuu »

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions


the world awaits

between the lions between the covers



between the lions

spicy hot colors


nice job man thank you lionel what do

you think huh

oh hi

look mama made a purple pin


ma purple pen what oh pinata leona

they're a tradition at parties in mexico

and other places too oh there's one in

this book right here spicy hot colors by

sherry shahan and illustrated by paula

baragan oh would you like to read it

yeah yeah read it

read as chili sauce drip drop spicy hot


red is firecrackers snap bang bebop pop




sizzling lap wraps

orange as roosters flitter flare flap



yellow as gourds spitter sputter seeds

yellow as cobs of corn hip hop and treat



green as mexican iguanas

slither slide samba

green as cilantro and cactus

wiggle waggle rumba




purple as pinatas

smack quack

spin on the ground

purple is hard candy

twist drop swivel around


blue as tin angels zinging on a string

blue as paper dragons

boogie woogie swing


a crisp crunchy sound

brown as a guitar pluck pluck getting

low down



white as sombreros

heel toe hat dances

white as toy skeletons

rattle rap razzmatazz


red orange yellow green purple blue

brown black white

the spicy hot colors sizzle on a

saturday night bebop bolero


and now we'll play with the pinata that

i made why do we play with it well you

whack it really hard with these sticks

you whack the pinata yup you whack it

smash it and clobber it until it breaks

wide open and you get what's inside

huh what's inside

yummy weedy meat treats


okay let's see you go now give it a good

one all right okay take turns

careful go for it yeah oh that was a

good one yeah you got it

look out don't hit each other now

well i was dangerous stuff yes okay hold

on hold on hold on i got an idea hang on

hang on

oh lionel stand back stand back please

be careful



must be harder than i thought


coming up next on between the lions the

hard c sound

hey i'm hanging here anyway i might as

well watch

and so should you










it's game time and welcome to the

blending bowl i'm terry bradshaw and

i'll be doing the play-by-play today for

this incredible showdown in red we have


and in white we have team ook

and there's the kickoff




that's about it folks and until next

time for the blending bowl i'm terry

bradshaw hey thanks for watching



hey if you don't feel so hot yeah when

warm is what you're not you're cool


mean you're not enthused yeah cool


don't get rattled


and if you never seem to sweat or you

don't smile at folks you've met


and now it's time for us to go we're

really glad we helped you know about

crew yeah


so cool so many meanings

you're cool






and now country music legend tammy

lynette singing the two sounds made by c

there are two sounds made by c

in words like cry and certainly

and they're certainly enough to make me


makes me cry

she makes the

incarnate crate

and thus in celebrate

won't somebody call my cell

and tell me why


oh they say c only sounds

before i y and e

in words like city cycle and december

it's clear this rule works nicely

take a cr*ck at it you'll see

it's just a pity

that it's so hard to remain


in circus


i walk in circles crying how can such


though i concede it's hard to cope

i can't conceive of losing hope

yes i'll come through i'll learn the two

sounds made by sea


here are some beautiful colors we see

every day

i see a yellow lemon

i see a red apple

i see a black black olive

i see green broccoli

i see brown potatoes

i see purple grapes

i see orange carrots

i see a blue blueberry

beautiful colors

it's short story time with arty smarty


thank you

and now i will get the book from my

colorful smarty pants

and the book is

pop pop pop pop written by david martin

and illustrated by scott nash

and now let's read the book

monkey he's a red balloon

monkey sees a blue balloon

sees a green balloon

monkey sees a yellow balloon


sees a purple balloon

monkey sees all the balloons


green blue yellow purple ooh





okay okay okay

you know what you almost got it yeah

it's just i i think oh yeah i hope uh

well oh yeah


we've been whacking and whacking this


it still won't break

all right cubs stand back oh look at

that here comes mama it's mommy time

oh yes

before you check out the next story

check out my colorful hat

you should see the pants that go with it

thank you

so yesterday because because i have the


oh yeah oh yeah well well well i'm angry

i wanted to go outside and play soccer


it's raining

i have the reds



i'm sad


okay like this shark

totally took a bite out of my surfboard

dude do i have a bad case of the blues

bummer man



i'm bored cause i was all set to go out

for some fun monkey business but my

monkey business it got rained out

i got the grace

i totally get it


i am thrilled excited enthused with joy

because i have a book that's going to

make you feel the way i do gold and gold

ella book wow i love books golden gold

huh yes ma'am wow

well maybe the book will make me forget

about yo the ring i like my board

all right tone it down guys

yesterday i had the blues by jaron

ashford frame illustrated by r gregory


oh this is a good

yesterday i had the blues

not the rain on the sidewalk blues

or the broken skateboard blues

or the outgrew my favorite football

jersey blue

not even the monday morning cold cereal

instead of pancakes blues

i had those deep down in my shoes blues

that go away mr sun quit smiling at me


the hold a pillow wish it was tomorrow

the kind of bleach make you want to just

turn down the volume

but today i got the greens

they're running my hand along the hedges


down to the drugstore and beyond dirt my

sock screens the kind of greens make you

want to be somebody

daddy says he got the grays

straight shoe laces coffee in the car


the lines between his eyes looking at

his watch grace so don't ask for a new

skateboard till tomorrow grace poor


sasha says she got the pinks

the shiny tights ballet after school

glitter on her cheeks pinks

so where's my butterfly hair clip pinks

the kind of pinks make me want to catch

the next bus

talia says she got the indigos

i said

indigo's the same as blue

tally says uh-uh she got the saxophone

in the subway and it goes

the hair hanging loose write a poem that

don't rhyme in the ghost

the kind of indigos make her act like


graham's got the yellows i can tell

the humming that parade song flowerhouse

slippery eyes

the mix up some oatmeal raisin cookies i

hope yellows

mama says she got the red

look out

yeah yesterday i had the blues

today i got the greens

tomorrow maybe it'll be the silvers the

rocket-powered skateboard silvers

and around here that's okay because

together we got something that will

never change

we've got a family the kind of family

makes you feel like it's all golden

the end

is nice



it's gone

far out dude i'm like shiny


oh golden now yeah like dad like right

like that must mean we all loved the



the rain yeah


no what

read another book yep




i can be


i can be


so many emotions and there's more

let's watch

popping out of the bushes is it a bug is

it a squirrel


it's opposite bunny




who was that cute bunny








some different words for good or thus my

favorite one is fabulous and marvelous

and splendid and the list is far from

ended fantastic terrific

so swell and so specific

which brings us back to fabulous my

favorite word for good which brings him

back to fabulous his favorite one

hi there i'm synonym sam girl genius

i'm getting to that rufus

welcome to my bedroom i mean my lab

my dog rufus

will assist me in my demonstration

now with my super synonym machine

i will be able to demonstrate the

meaning of words

ready rufus








there uh there seems to be some trouble

with the super synonym machine

looks like it's back to the old drawing

board thanks for joining us see you next


there's a gorilla at the zoo

he is looking straight at me

this is what gorillas do

see him swinging from a tree


these are only simple facts that's how

this gorilla


what's this

is that gorilla on the moon

is he shining down on me

is he silly as alone

like gorillas shouldn't be


please won't someone tell me why that

gorilla's in the sky

question mark oh boy there's a gorilla

on my floor look at him and he's staring

up at me i'm scared so i'm running out

the door

i am trying to get free


but he says he came to play he just

wants to be my friend

so we played it home all day


exclamation point


flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of


today's adventure number 11 million and

12. cliff hanger sings the blues


excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff


hold on much


suddenly cliff spots two music talent

scouts on the lawn below his cliff

hey simon are we lucky to be here

looking for red hot new singers or what

other scouts will be green with envy

paula quickly cliff reaches into his

backpack and extracts

his trusty survival manual

using his legendary decoding skills

cliff begins to read

if you spot two music talent scouts

looking for red hot new singers

let them hear you sing

excuse me i've got a little blues number

that i'd like to perform for y'all i've

been hanging here so long that my arm is

getting still

no i can't hold on much longer please

get me off this cliff


does that mean you'll sign me to a

contract and get me off this cliff



we like you but we like the people in

the helicopter better



hold on much longer

hey we're reading a cool book about


i don't have the reds i've got the green

and whites yeah yeah yo and i don't have

the brace anymore i got the green and




let's keep reading yeah

when will this end

question mark

this will end now period



exclamation point


yo check it out we're going surfing

without a board dudes okay because we're

surfing between the lions website


go to pbskids.org






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