08x106 - Bein' with You This Way; How to Be

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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08x106 - Bein' with You This Way; How to Be

Post by bunniefuu »

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions


the world awaits

between the lions between the covers


between the lions

being with you this way

here we go

hey everybody are you ready

then snap those fingers and tap those

toes and sing along with me

all right here we go

she has straight hair

he has curly hair how perfectly

remarkably strange


now isn't it beautiful

simply unusual

being with you this way

say what a big nose

hey what a little nose how perfectly

remarkably strange

big nose a little nose straight hair

curly hair different

but the same

now isn't it satisfying simply

electrifying being with you this way


now his eyes are brown and her eyes are


how perfectly remarkably strange


eyes big nose little nose straight hair

curly hair different

but the same

wow those are thick arms hey those are

thin arms how perfectly remarkably



thick arms fit arms brown eyes blue eyes

big nose little nose straight hair curly



but the same

now isn't it fabulous

simply enraptuous

being with you this way


hey everybody are you ready

then snap those fingers and tap those

toes and sing along with me

all right here we go

she has a short nose he has a long nose

how perfectly remarkably strange


furry skin shiny skin different

but the same


isn't it beautiful

simply unusual

being with you this way

what a big

how roar

remarkably strange



now guys it satisfying simply


being with you this way

now her hair is long

and his hair is shite how perfectly


furry skin shiny skin

now isn't it fabulous

simply enrapturous

being with you this way


now isn't it terrific

simply exquisite


which begins with the letter y

now you can watch for more about the

letter y











it's game time and welcome to the

blending bowl i'm terry bradshaw and

i'll be doing the play-by-play today for

this incredible showdown in red we have





well that's about it folks and until

next time for the blending bowl i'm

cherry bradshaw hey thanks for watching



flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of



today's adventure number 2712

cliffhanger and the yodeling yellow



yak excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him


hanging from a cliff


hold on much longer

suddenly far below him cliff overhears

two scientists yakking i yearn to find a

yodeling yellow yak me too quickly cliff

reaches into his backpack and yanks out

his trusty survival manual

using his expert decoding skills cliff

begins to read if you hear two

scientists yakking about a yodeling

yellow yak

put on a yellow yak costume and start

yodeling why didn't i think of that



yikes that's a yodeling yak yes let's

yank him off the cliff and bring him

home with

us our cliffs years of hanging from a

cliff about to come to an end no we must

leave this magnificent creature here

where mother nature meant for him to be

you're right of course

the yak stays here i'm not really a yak

and that's why he's called drift


hold on much longer

come on come on don't be shy why yeah

yeah yeah yeah yeah

yeah yeah



yeah l




and now it's time for the wayne's word

wayne's word

accent who ain't

at blend mart where two brave knights

and armor with shopping carts will

charge together at high speed make a

word and go shopping competing today we

have sir yo yo



yo yo

excellent that's gwen's word for today

and this is going to say yo i'll see you

all next time on

hopping out of the bushes is it a bug is

it a squirrel


it's opposite bunny





and now he's eating something yummy how

does that bunny do it

who was that cute bunny

that was the opposite


here are some words that begin with the

letter y yeah







y yeah


by barbara juster as benson

yellow sun and yellow sky

a dandelion's yellow eye

yellow pollen dusts the breeze

and yellow

lights the summer trees

a yellow buzzing prints the air

in dappled yellow dreams the pear

and from the finch's yellow throat

one golden flowing

yellow note

it's short story time with arty smarty



i'm going to read you a story about the

cat meow and some


and the book is called tabby cat scarf

by phyllis roots

illustrated by katherine mcewen

mommy knits a scarf


happy cat finds the yarn


tabby cat grabs the yarn

tabby cat pulls the yarn


tabby cat throws the yarn

tabby cat loops the yarn

tabby cat rolls in the yarn

now tabby cat has a scarf

i love that yarn

and now i'll say



hey nice hat

great shirt huh and oh oh

wiggly ears

yeah i gotta say i really really like

being with you this way

you know what i mean

i think i do


how to be a bunny

hop hop hop

how to be a person

watch this

how to be



to be

how to be by lisa brown


how to be

a bear

catch fish with your hands





be brave


how to be

a monkey


swing from a tree

eat with your toes


copy someone


stop copying me stop copying me

be curious

what curious lionel what's when you want

to know things oh why do people want to

know things so they can learn well why

do people want to learn so they could be

leona could we just get back to the

story please sure i know i was just

being curious

how to be

a turtle

bask in the sun


bask in the sun

okay who ordered the fruit drinks



move very


come on slowpoke

be patient


how to be


a snake


shed your skin



dance in a basket


thank you

be charming

leona have i ever told you what a great

sister you are oh my no thanks that

means so much to

wait a second you're being charming

aren't you charming like a snake


how to be

a spider


creep along walls


wait for a meal to come to you

okay come on lay down now it's my turn

come on build a web

be creative


amazing this really makes you think



how to be

a dog



be friendly

how to be

a person








and friendly




oh you guys startled me i didn't know

you were back there

oh did you like that story sweetie do

you guys like that book yeah the book

that was a good story right

coming up next lots of ways to describe

animals and people hey i'm hanging here

anyway i might as well watch and so

should you

all about

everything one thing at a time

and now the information hen oh finally

welcome what thing will we learn about

today turn turn turn

turn turn stop

all about being patient oh that's a good


being patient means waiting calmly for

something you want like say uh your

lunch and you're really really really


but it's not lunch time yet so no use

getting upset you take a deep breath

just say to yourself be patient and then

you play a little game with your fingers

to keep your mind off of being hungry

oh and before you know it

it's lunch time

oh bird seed aushou my favorite

oh that's all for about everything

one thing at a time

hi there i'm synonym sam

girl genius

i'm getting to that rufus

welcome to my bedroom i mean my lab

my dog rufus

will assist me in my demonstration

now with my super synonym machine i will

be able to demonstrate the meaning of


ready rufus





today's demonstration was a complete

success i'd like to thank my assistant


take it out rufus



better turn this off


ladies and gentlemen boys and girls

presenting the incredible daring

trampolini brothers performing the brave

human cannonball hoopla

ready artero


arturo is brave ready lorenzo


lorenzo is braver

ready felix


felix is the bravest

ray braver bravest

folks let's hear it for the terrific

trampolini brothers







there are just so many ways you


who can mean you're not too friendly who

can mean there's not

word it much hits the spot it's so cool

how many meetings


you're cool



yeah there's just so many different


and now it's time for us to go we're

really glad we helped you

know yeah


so cool so


hopping out of the bushes is it a bug is

it a squirrel


it's opposite bunny


quiet the duck was loud now he's quiet

how does that money do it

who was that cute bunny

that was the opposite bunny

back again it's the word doctor with dr

ruth werdheimer hello

here's dr ruth

hello i'm dr ruth what i meant with

another word that's tired of being what

it is and wants to change

so tell us what's your story

oh i'm sad sad

oh can you help me dr ruth of course i

can but first you must let go of that

part of you

that makes your ad


the letter s

that's right let it go


now i feel such a sense of loss

i feel sorry for you but now we will

replace that sad s

with a g

and an l

and now

you are



glad oh thank you dr ruth thank you

you are welcome


i am good

some different words for good or thus my

favorite one is fabulous and marvelous

and splendid and the list is far from

ended fantastic terrific

so swell and so specific

which brings us back to fabulous my

favorite word for good which brings him

back to fabulous


hey norm want to play how to be sure

great let's play how to be in the jungle

you'll be a monkey i am a monkey

no no no no no no no a monkey sounds

like this


hey hey come on back come on


yo check it out we're going surfing

without a board dudes okay because we're

surfing between the lions website


go to pbskids.org


being with you this way is based on the

book by w nicola lisa





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