09x111 - Night Shift; Under Construction

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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09x111 - Night Shift; Under Construction

Post by bunniefuu »


pbs kids

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions


between the covers





night shift

get your ice cream

ice cream here


it's the ice cream monkey


gosh rooney the best ice cream in town

and nobody's buying



maybe this big library here

i scream i scream for ice cream

ice cream ice cream

ice cream ice cream ice cream

ice cream

ice cream

and you none for me thanks

what on earth are you doing selling ice

cream at this time of night it's 3am

everybody says that man i can't figure

it out you are my first customers all


well that's because selling ice cream

usually isn't a middle of the night job

mr ice cream monkey

yeah surprisingly neither was surfboard



for nighttime surfing

or sunblock salesman

no wonder you've had a tough time little

monkey and none of those are nighttime


and a nighttime job is

boy have i got the book for you hey i'll

tell you what how about we all uh finish

our meat cicles and our ice cream while

we read the book and then we can all go

back to sleep huh come on right over to

the comfy chair that sounds cool good

idea honey

okay now the book is called

night shift and it's written and

illustrated by jesse heartland


late at night when the owls are out

and the raccoons are diving into trash


and you are finishing up the last bit of

chocolate pudding

and then brushing your teeth and wishing

you didn't have to go to bed just yet

there are people out there awake doing

all sorts of interesting things

they are on the night shift

what is that swishing sound outside

the street sweeper

at 10 o'clock in the evening when the

streets empty out the street sweeper

swishes along down the roads

leaning way out the driver skillfully

edges up against the curb

brushes spinning they twist and turn

swivel and swirl to get every bit

candy wrappers a lost mitten acorns

leaves paper cups and other trash all

get sucked up by the big sweeper

who keeps the street sweepers whistling

in the wee hours

the late night radio dj

disc jockeys are the voices that talk to

us through the radio and they choose the

songs and play them they tell us the

time and weather

it's 11 30 p.m at 53 degrees

is anyone out there listening

who likes to request his favorite songs

late at night

the security guard

at the closed and quiet modern art

museum the security guard is making the


no visitors here at 11 45

this job is about protecting the

priceless artwork

wait there's a rustling sound turn down

the radio check all doors and windows

monitor all surveillance systems test

alarms sensors and infrared detector


no paintings are askew

no sculptures are wobbling

look it's just a mouse

who does the guard see through the


bridge painters

on a cool dry night bridge painters

assembled to climb the massive

suspension bridge

step by step they clip and re-clip their

safety belts

nets are below to catch those who might


at the tower's top is an enormous nest a

hawk with three eggs are painted around

some paint drips down but the traffic is


not many cars out so late at night

whose boat gets splattered passing under

a dripping bridge at 1am

the freighter captain

the freighter boat plods along cruising

the great ocean from south america

carrying huge containers filled with

perishable freight of all kinds

bananas cocoa pods mangoes sardines

coconuts and ocelots

boat captain at the wheel easing ahead

radar navigational charts gps oh

that's a global positioning system and a

compass keep her on course

seagulls up ahead land must be near

who takes the freight from the ocean


the truck driver

under an inky black sky the truck driver

swiftly loads up perishable freight just

arrived from south america

coconuts going to kansas maine goes to

iowa cocoa pods to california should

make good time the roads are empty at 2

30 a.m

whose night shift slows down the truck

in the middle of the night

the road worker

at three o'clock in the morning road

workers meet to mend a broken highway

bumps humps lumps potholes bulges and

cracks need to be fixed a backhoe breaks

up the old road a crater spreads out the

new one a roller rolls it smooth

traffic is light but still a bottleneck

is formed three lanes into one

what a mess

but better to fix it now than at rush


who do the road workers visit for a

snack when morning comes


the waitress at the all night cafe

at the end of the night and at the start

of the day the night shift meets at the

all night cafe

the end

so was that at all helpful


are you kidding me that was life

changing i know exactly what i'm gonna

do now exactly

get a day job no

something even better oh bye you guys

get some sleep thank you for everything

good luck


come on clubs

let's go to bed

hello everybody please welcome my guest

i oh what's coming up on between the

lions well let's see uh oh plumbers

pilots truck drivers all kinds of jobs

oh and a song about jobs too hi you

there velocity and i got a job watching

a pipe that's right we're pipe watches

hey look a sign

if the pipe leaks


uh what's that word i don't know it

starts with a p

that white is too hard to sound out

quick we need a word that starts with p


porcupine starts with a p


it worked like a charm

i'm thinking that word isn't porcupine

if the pipe leaks call applause

wait a second who do you call when you

need help fixing pipes


a plumber is a person who fits his pipes

look at that porcupine swim

people do all kinds of interesting jobs

i'm a pilot i fly airplanes

i'm a pilot too

i'm an artist i paint pictures

i'm an artist too

i'm a truck driver and i drive trucks

i'm a truck driver too

i'm a fisherman i catch fish


i'm a fisherman too

i'm a director i direct tv shows


welcome to a special midnight edition of

what's cooking tonight's recipe is

chef's midnight snack surprise

and with permission to stay up late our

surprise guest chefs are lionel and


folks he's been wearing that helmet all

day and he doesn't want to take it off


put on chef's hat

chef's hat uh do i have to well if you

want to be a chef son okay


get meat


yell surprise

oh we can do that yeah

what what yeah dad it's okay it's okay




really well that's what it says

midnight snack surprise




okay aaron take one

it's my job and i love to do it every


it lets me shine in a special way

i want to share it with the world today



and i love



in a special way






thank you you're welcome

ice cream on the night shift genius

this is your announcer bunny coming up

next construction


hard hat

under construction


good morning i thought i'd wake up a

little early and take yo dump truck out

for a spin

across the valley of the dust bunnies

straight to dust mountain huh so we

returned to death mountain

up to the kingdom of the computers

and now we cross the branches up the

entire length of the tree

the tree huh

what's a tree doing in the library

hey everybody there's a tree in the


you don't have a tree in the oh

it must have crashed through the through

the skylight during that storm last

night oh everybody just stay calm i

think i can fix this uh all i need is uh

duct tape of course what

mom thinks you can fix everything with

duct tape

buzz duct tape will not be sufficient

you need help

got it huh help help dad help dad dad

dad i know what we should do we should

look for help on the internet oh that

makes a lot more excuse me leona okay

let me pull out the drawer here's the

keyboard i'll type in the words broken

window plus building

it's a website all about construction

and look there's a video let's watch it

yes yes let's

under construction push


move and push



dump trucks



that's right that's how we do it




under construction

dig it

dig a deep deep hole


lift it up

and set it down



mix spin

do it all again

concrete mixer

my pickup truck


under construction

mouse recommends utilizing help function

oh help

you order the handy monkey hey what took

you so long

oh i see your problem you got a tree in

your library don't worry everything will

be fine i got a crane out back and i got

a dump truck and i got a backhoe in case

we need to dig some holes really huh

everything will be fine i'll get started


that monkey certainly seems to know it's



monkey business you see

um the problem's actually in the in the



let's see what we got

oh look at this a

backhoe oh

yes let's see what else we got let's see

look a

cement mixer

stay tuned for more exciting

construction vehicles


my next guest is one of the hardest

working pieces of equipment in the

construction business please welcome


thanks joy i really dig being here right

because you have a shovel

now i understand you just finished

making a new movie actually i helped

finish a new movie theater i have a

photo nice work who were some of your

co-stars well there's excavator

bulldozers cement mixer crane it takes a

lot of us working together to build a

road or a bridge or even a movie theater

what's your big scene backhoe i help dig

ditches for all the pipes we pick up the

dirt and put it into dump truck i love

dump truck yeah that's my favorite truck

he's great so then i uh can i meet dump

truck uh joy he's kind of busy what

about an autograph i'll ask him tell him

it's for my nephew

please ladies and gentlemen the annual

construction vehicles race is about to

begin all the pigs are climbing into

their vehicles ready pigs start your


uh-oh nobody can get their engines


everybody is getting out of their


all right pigs start your engines again

and they're off

down the stretch it's bulldozer crane

and steam shoveling it sure looks like a

close one

oh no all the vehicles have broken down

can they push them to the finish line

but wait what's that pig doing

can you hold

and the on is big on the crane by a

pigtail right look hopping out of the

bushes is it a bug is it a squirrel


it's opposite bunny

the elephant has built a tower

i built it

the elephant has demolished the tower



the elephant is sad




now the elephant is happy

the elephant was sad and now he's happy

how does that bunny do it

who was that cute bunny

that was the opposite funny

no i'm just saying

ah hello

reginald livingston


i'm wearing a hard hat because i have a

poem for you about a construction


it was written by charles mallam and

it's called steam shovel

bring it out


the dinosaurs are not all dead

i saw one raise its iron head to watch

me walking down the road beyond our

house today

its jaws were dripping with a load of

earth and grass that it had cropped

it must have heard me where i stopped

snorted white steam my way and stretched

its long neck out to sea and chewed and

grinned quite amiably


i wonder what i should draw today

yes that's it

a cement mixer is a kind of truck that

makes concrete you know the hard stuff

that sidewalks and streets are made of

it has big wheels and a cab the driver

sits in and a big round part where you

pour in sand and stones and dry cement

and water

it spins and spins to mix everything up

so the concrete doesn't get all hard

before you pour it out in the back

then you cover it all with pink and

purple stars

i made that part up very interesting




excuse me

excuse me

today's adventure episode 16 cliff

hanger and the crane

we find cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff


hold on much longer

suddenly cliff notices that a big

construction project has started up in

the valley below

wow maybe they're building a skyscraper

so tall i'll be able to jump onto the

roof and ride the elevator down to


say fellas you aren't by any chance

building a tall skyscraper are you

afraid not pal but uh let me know if

there's anything else my crew could help

you with hmm

let me consult my survival manual using

his amazing decoding skills cliff begins

to read

if a construction crew offers to help

you ask them to use their machines to

get you off your cliff

say guys can you use your machines to

get me off this cliff well i'm not sure

the dump truck but a steam shovel will

be much help but

this crane here with the electric

powered magnetic lifter it's got some


maybe the magnetic lifter can only lift

metal objects and i'm not sure it can

reach high enough but we can try

don't worry about the metal objects i

just happen to have this large iron

anvil here in my backpack well all right

then let's give it a go




hold on much


wow that looks so much better without

that big branch sticking through it is

better than michael and then we've got

talc hey you did a great job skylight's

all fixed



it's a little too late for that cleo

dear but uh maybe you can help us with

the bill

i tell you these darn glasses of mine

they keep falling off my face oh um

have you tried

duct tape

well goodbye hey thanks again for not

charging us well you fixed my glasses it

was the least i could do

duct tape it really can fix anything



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