09x112 - Bugs; Beetle Bop

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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09x112 - Bugs; Beetle Bop

Post by bunniefuu »


pbs kids


here's how

come and read

between the lions


between the covers




my next guest is a fascinating bug

please welcome caterpillar thank you joy

oh caterpillar what's new i'm getting

ready to turn into a butterfly yeah and

i'm gonna turn into an airplane

i'm serious are you magician no

it's not magic see right now i'm in my

larval stage and i have to eat a lot to

get ready for my pupa stage

would you like some no thanks just had

lunch what's the pupa

that's when i'm inside my chrysalis for

about a month then i turn into a

butterfly sounds like a magic trick to

me can you read my mind what am i

thinking right now i can't read your

mind joy

that's exactly what i was thinking

you're amazing we bugs are amazing

little creatures

why don't we watch a movie that i

brought it's about bugs

oh a movie let's watch

welcome to the wonderful world of bugs

featuring some of the finest and most

fascinating bugs in the world oh that's

a praying mantis but not all mantises

are so scary

this one is beautiful see it it's a

flower mantis hiding in

you guessed it a flower

actually if it weren't for bugs there

wouldn't be as many flowers bees and

butterflies help all sorts of flowers

grow by transporting pollen between them

these bugs aren't carrying pollen

they're leaf cutter ants carrying big

pieces of leaf that's another thing bugs

do they're great recyclers

like this green bottle fly don't get me

wrong bottle flies don't take bottles

back to the store

they recycle in a different way

flies and lots of other bugs eat dead

things and turn waste into nutrients

that help plants grow

but this bugs eating a plant just like

i've been doing a lot lately

in fact we caterpillars eat as much as

we weigh every day

then we turn into a chrysalis


then we turn into a butterfly it's

called metamorphosis

but i call it beautiful

now that looks like a butterfly but it's

really a moth it's called an atlas moth

because it's 12 inch wingspan makes it

as big as a dinner plate speaking of

dinner this mosquito is having a nice

drink of blood i know it's yucky to be

on the sucking end of a mosquito but hey

a bugs gotta eat too

and one thing's for sure bugs get eaten

back bugs are food for millions of other

animals like birds and bats and even

other bugs

that's a spider catching a fly for lunch

but my favorite bug eater is the sphinx

moth a sphinx moth can stick its tongue

out 11 inches that's four times its body

length if a kid could stick her tongue

out four times her life she'd have a 16

foot tongue

my favorite bug jumper is the high

flying cat please it can jump eight

inches or 200 times his body length if a

kid could do that he could leave almost

three football fields in a single bound

yep from fleas to fireflies bugs are not

only fantastic they're the three g's

that keep the world green

bugs are the gardeners that help trees

and flowers grow

bugs are the garbage collectors that

clean up dead plants and animals

and bugs are the groceries that feed all

sorts of animals but for me you know

what really puts the g in bugs

bugs are just great to look at

ah that was cool yeah pretty neat huh


is it over

wow daddy seems really scared yeah

i wonder what he could be afraid of

hey you think it's because we just saw a

show about bugs

bugs where are they on me get them off

get them off get them off get them off

you're afraid of bugs what

me uh scared of bugs afraid of bugs

it is to laugh

okay maybe i am afraid of bugs

huh okay i'm terrified of bugs

especially caterpillars

they're so long and and fuzzy

enough is enough

you really need to get over this fear

and i'm going to help you yeah

all right here

look at that

he is so cute

is that what i think it is

yup it's a caterpillar and you are going

to take care of him for the whole day

and then you will see there is nothing

to be afraid of

yeah you think you can do that um

yeah sure

sure i can do that good yeah here

oh this is going to take some time you

got that right mm-hmm

oh dear

hello everybody please welcome my guest


hi folks what's coming up on between the

lions well let's see uh oh there's more

about caterpillars and other bugs

and a frog that flies like a butterfly

caterpillars by eileen fisher

what do caterpillars do

nothing much but chew and chew

what do caterpillars know

nothing much but how to grow

they just eat what by and by

will make them be a butterfly


but that is more than i can do however

much i chew and chew


get ready to play with words with arty

smarty pants


and now let's play with wow

look what do i have in my hand

a butterfly yes and this is the word

butterfly butterfly what word will we

have if we take away the butter i don't




i love to play

this is a really big event in the world

of bug racing the first day of picnic

season who's going to be the first bug

to reach the picnic tables will it be

grasshopper b mosquito or ant

and it looks like

yes the first picnickers have arrived

the bugs are at the starting line on the

mark get set and


first b is second followed by mosquito

and grasshopper but grasshopper is

making her move she's jumping over the

other bugs now grasshopper is first and

his second b is third then mosquito is


what's this and has disappeared into an

ant hole

approaching the finish line it looks

like a close one

wait a minute that girl has a can of bug


and the winner is


which way to the cupcakes

come on come on i'm trying i'm trying

come on you can do it okay okay

yeah good

bug bug bug bug yeah yeah watch this

what what watch

huh yeah

huh yeah hug hug hug hug

hug bug bug hug hug

bug hug

oh you're crushing me up b u g but

it's time for short story time with


thank you

arty says thank you and artie's smarty

pants say

oh wait they have something else to say

oh look a book

look at me fly

written and illustrated by david martin

one butterfly is flying

oh butterflies are flying

three butterflies are flying

four butterflies are flying

five butterflies are flying

100 butterflies are flying


says lucy

look at me

the end

look arty is a butterfly



three arty is flying


it's short story time




hey cubs cubs have neither of you seen

lloyd who's lloyd oh that caterpillar

you introduced me to


you named him



he looked like a

anyway we have been having the best time

hanging out taking long walks going to

the zoo yeah but but i haven't seen him

for a while

oh lord look for him oh that'd be great

something life

hey what's that

oh and lloyd's chair oh gee i don't know

let's see

oh maybe it's a

maybe it's some kind of

caterpillar goodbye note or something i


maybe i offended him


i know what that is remember that movie

we saw it's the caterpillar turned into

a um a chrysalis yeah

oh is that what this is

oh it's moving

floyd buddy

is that really you




you have wings

now you're lloyd the butterfly will you

look great buddy you sure do wait wait

where are you going lloyd

i guess he just

has to be on his own now

oh i'll miss him


so many memories

oh look

a ladybug

why hello there




he looks like a floyd

it's the bunny hop and next up on

between the lions the beetle bop


gather round folks gather round the show

is about to begin don't be shy it's so



i'm okay i'm okay




i have no idea

hey do you know why everybody's so


me neither

mom dad

what is all the buzz about oh cubs

you're never gonna believe who is going

to play in our library


no no no son son son not the who the

beatles the beatles are the coolest rock

band ever oh yeah yeah they are the most

amazing most stupendous the the greatest

rock band of all time


never heard of them

where did we go wrong oh cubs you just

wait you will love them

and now

the most amazing the most stupendous the

greatest fan the feeder


they seem kind of small to be so


tell me about it

thank you thank you everyone we're the


we'd like to dedicate this first song to

our friends and family back home

in the soil

it's called beetle buff hope you like it



brown beetles

green beetles

not often seen

beetles and needles





swirling beetles


constantly crashing beetles





oh mom dad you were right the beatles

are amazing their music it's so

inspiring i know


that's right i'm jon this is paul


and of course our drummer gus hi

i think you guys are great in fact i

think you're so great that

that i've decided i want to be a beetle


interesting never thought of adding a

lion to the band could bring in a whole

new fan base

oh no no no i don't want to be in your

band i want to be a real beatle

just like you but i'm not sure how

well that's easy love just go to our

website and it'll tell you everything

you need to know

well we've got a jet but you can check

us out on the net

hey that rhymes

oh write that down

a beatles website

time to surf the web and of course to do

that we gotta click it to ride lionel

if you were a beetle you'd be in the

biggest family of animals in the world

with over 370 thousand different kinds

if you were a beetle you could be as

tiny as a feather winged beetle and only

be seen under a microscope or you could

be as big as a titan beetle and be over

six inches long if you were a beetle you

could be as dark as a scarab beetle for

any color of the rainbow you could even

be the brightest beetle in the bunch a

lightning bug you could be as cute as a

ladybug or as scary as a tiger beetle

you would eat nice green leaves or not

so nice poop that's what a dung beetle


if you were a beetle you might live in

water or wood or down in the dirt

if you were a beetle with one thing you

would agree when it comes to numbers

you've got the biggest family tree

wow i learned a lot i'm going to

practice being a beetle

right now


coming up next on between the lions tap

your feet to the e sound made by double

e hey i'm hanging here anyway i might as

well watch and so should you








you've all heard of little bo peep

who stayed up all night counting

well i've good news to tell she replaced

h with l


now she's finally getting some sleep

hey look what

oh yeah





and now fun with chicken j

today chicken jane and the


here bees here comes chicken and jam


the go

yes dot yes i see

i see three b

look dot look

see chicken jane right see chicken jane

write the letters







please scott please

chicken jane is up a tree

we are not up a tree


you jane


look look stacy going up the lane

there goes scott there goes that







you make the birdies





leona what are you doing honey

i'm being a beetle oh but you know what

mama what it's hard being a beetle i

don't like the taste of leaves and

living in the dirt is so


and these antennae really hurt my head

oh well you don't have to be a beetle if

you don't want to sweetheart come here

let me help you with those ready yep

is that better


you're welcome honey


is there another show yeah

ladies and gentlemen now appearing in

the library





i'm going to be your monkey





be here between

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