02x04 - Gratitude - The Discontented Stonecutter / Cornelia's Jewels

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Adventures from the Book of Virtues". Aired: September 2, 1996–September 6, 1999.*
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A buffalo uses stories to answer children's questions.
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02x04 - Gratitude - The Discontented Stonecutter / Cornelia's Jewels

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Tell me a story

♪ Read me a poem ♪

♪ Wrap it in melody ♪

♪ Sing me the song ♪

♪ Then let me hold it ♪

♪ Deep in my heart ♪

♪ Where it can speak to me ♪

♪ All the day long ♪

♪ The adventure of virtue ♪

♪ The adventure of truth ♪

♪ The thrill of knowing ♪

♪ That it's up to you ♪

♪ Building a new day shining in the sun ♪

♪ This is my story ♪

♪ The adventure has ♪

♪ Begun. ♪

"Virtual city, spring valley's hottest hangout."

This place will be perfect!

Mother: what are you up to?

Planning my party.

I don't understand something.

What's that?

Well, if my birthday is today

Why am I having the party next saturday?

Oh, uh...

Well, we just thought, um...

Well, that's just how it worked out.

That's cool.

Listen to what I have planned:

A ball game in the afternoon

Dinner at burger busters, and then, virtual city.

It's just opened so nobody's been there.

( Both sighing )

And what's this?

The guest list.

It's awfully long.

Long? It's not done yet.

When we said you could have

A birthday party...

I thought it was a cool idea!

You're the best.

Well, it's just that

We were thinking of something smaller.


Should we skip the ball game?

We were thinking of something here.

Maybe pizza and games?

"Pizza and games"?

We can't afford this.

Wouldn't it be nice to order pizza

And have four or five friends come over...?

That's not a party!

Billy's party was at wacky world.

There were roller coasters and kids.

Please don't get upset.

( Groans )

Pizza and games is totally uncool!

Why don't we just forget the party?

A pizza party could be fun.

It's lame.

They have no idea how to have a party.

I think plato's right.

It could be fun.

Do you think some pizza party

Will be better than virtual city?

Maybe you'll be surprised and have fun.

Doubtful. Totally doubtful.

Happy birthday.

Did I miss the celebration?



What celebration?

I-i didn't say celebration, did i?

That's what I heard.

Let me help you, huh?

I can help you

Set it down, uh, okay?

Uh, no, thanks, ari.

I think you're a little too small.

You couldn't handle it.

Happy birthday, za...

Whoa! Za...

Hey, hey, what's going on here?

Careful, sock.


( Gasps )

Stop the world.

I want to get off.

Hold on.

I've got you.

( Screaming )

Watch the cake!

( Panting ): happy birthday-- birthday, zach.

It's chocolate cream, your favorite.

( Dully ): thanks.

What's with him?

His parents are throwing him a party

But not the kind he wants.

It's not just that.

I can only invite a few people.

That means a few gifts.

I wanted more.

Oh, I know how that feels.

I want more, too--

More height, more respect

More chances to carry the birthday cakes.

I have no idea what he means.

Oh, yes, you do, socrates.

I helped make that cake, too.

I'm sick of being little.

We want more.

Is that so wrong?

Nothing wrong with wishing for more.

Just remember to be grateful for what you have.

Having more won't solve your problems.

Why wouldn't it?

There's a story of a man who didn't have much.

He thought life would be better

If he just had more.

Long ago, outside a japanese village

There lived a poor stonecutter named hofus.

Hofus was not a rich man

But he worked hard and he was happy.

His best friend

In life was a small cricket he called hoki.

Each day, hofus went to work at the mountainside

Where he put in long hours cutting stone.

( Grunts )


It's beautiful.

( Grunts )

( Grunts )

One day, hofus was bringing some granite

To the home of a rich man.

( Grunts )

( Grunts )

( Sighs )


You must be the stonecutter.

What a magnificent stone you found for me.

Please bring it inside.

( Grunts )

Set it down there.

My men will be here soon to carve a seat

So that I may look out at my beautiful gardens.

Oh, even more spectacular.

Ah, now this is luxury.

Hoki, if you could have seen this house.

This man had more than I could ever wish for.

Beautiful gardens, lovely fountains.

( Cricket chirping )

I've always been happy as a mere stonecutter.

Sometimes... I wish for more.

I wish for the wealth and the power

Such as I saw today.

I wish I were a rich man.

( Gasps )

( Gasps )

Who have I heard wishing for more?

It is... I, hofus, a lowly stonecutter.

( Quavering ): and who are you?

I am the spirit of the mountain

And I have the authority to grant your wish.

You can make me a rich man?

You can give me a luxurious home

With lovely gardens and curtains of silk?

Your wish is granted.

( Blowing )

( Screaming )

What is happening?!

( Screams )



( Sighing )

Hoki, I had the strangest dream.

The spirit of the mountain came...

( Chirping )

What is this?

( Gasping )

It's true.

( Chirping )

Hoki! The spirit was here.

He granted my wish.

I shall never wish for anything again.

Hofus ran throughout the house marveling

At his newfound wealth.

From here, my dear friend, you shall watch my gardens

And keep me company.

Now that I have the wealth of men

I shall never work another day in my life.

This is how I shall spend my days--

Counting my riches.

Hofus sat in his garden pagoda a long, long time.

As the seasons passed

So did his interest in counting his money.

( Horse whinnying )

Hofus: hoki, look. A prince.

Oh, he has exquisite horses and servants.

He has more than I could dream of.

All I have is this house, these gardens.

Why don't I have servants, a palace

A horse-drawn carriage?

Spirit of the mountain, come to me.

Hofus, what is it that you wish?

I am bored with my simple wealth.

I wish for power.

I wish for a kingdom to rule.

I wish to be a prince.

Your wish is granted.

( Blowing )

( Gasping )


Hoki, a golden cage!

My palace!

My gardens!

My servants!

You mustn't let the sun overheat you, your majesty.

This is the life, hoki.

I have all the power in the world.

( Gasps )

What's that?

In my garden?

( Chirping )

You're right, hoki.

It is dying.


Water for my flowers... Now.


Nothing dies in my garden.

( Gasping )

It is the sun.

That infernal sun is k*lling my flowers.

Even I cannot stop this sun from b*ating down on my garden.

Spirit of the mountain, appear!

Yes, your majesty?

As a prince, I had hoped

For more power and wealth than anything

And yet, the sun kills my flowers.

The sun is a powerful force, sir.

I wish to be a powerful force!

I wish to be the sun!

Your wish is granted.

I am the sun!

Behold my power!

( Laughing )


Oh! Ouch!

My feet!

( Chirping )

( Clamoring and screaming )

( Laughing )

Hofus used his tremendous power to dry up crops

Drive villagers from their homes and bring

Incredible heat

To the japanese countryside.

( Chirping )

What is this?!


This cloud blocks my every move.

He is indeed more powerful than i.

I wish to be a cloud!

Your wish is granted.

Now we shall see my true power.

( Laughing )

( Screaming )

( Chirping sadly )

( Screaming )

Why does the mountain refuse to budge?

Is it more powerful than i?

I wish to be the mountain!

Your wish is granted.

And hofus became the mountain.

Finally, he was content.

( Chirping )

And hofus remained

Content for many years, until one day--

What is this?

Spirit! I see that somebody has the power to chip away at me.

I wish to be this person

With the power to bring down a mighty mountain.

Hofus, your wish is granted.

And so, once again, hofus was a stonecutter.

Hoki, my friend

I have missed you.

And he was content the rest of his days.

Sometimes, hofus learned, you should just be grateful

For what you have.

And now, I think it's time for cake.

Here you are, plato.

Thank you.

Maybe there's some use to being

A little guy after all.

Plato, I know I've got

A lot to be grateful for

But nobody will have fun at some small party.

I'll be the school joke.

I like small parties, zach.

Billy's party was fun, but we hardly saw billy.

If your party's small

You'll get to spend time with your friends.

It's more personal.

Gratitude is also about appreciating

The people in your life.

This all reminds me

Of a story that takes place in ancient rome.

It's called "cornelia's jewels."

Cornelia was the daughter of a famous roman general

And the wife of a politician.

She had twin boys.

They lived a life of wealth and nobility.

One day, all that changed

For on that day

Cornelia learned her husband had been k*lled in battle.

( Sobbing ): no, no, it cannot be.

Please, please, no.

Unable to afford her extravagant lifestyle

Cornelia was forced to sell her furniture, her jewelry--

Even give up her servants.

She was left with nothing

But an empty home

And her two infant sons tiberius and caius.

( Twins gurgling )

As the years passed, cornelia raised the boys herself.

To make ends meet

She took odd jobs cleaning houses and washing clothes.

( Twins yelling )


One day, cornelia got a letter from an old friend.

Mother, mother!

Tiberius, caius

We're having a very important guest for dinner.

You can help your mother

A great deal

By cleaning the house

While I prepare the meal.

Who is this important guest?

Her name is alexandra.

We were friends as young girls.

I haven't seen her since before you were born.

She's very wealthy.

Does she have her own carriage?

I'm not sure, but I suppose we'll find out.

( All gasping )

It is spectacular.



( Gasping ): she is beautiful.

She looks like a princess.


You look beautiful.

And, cornelia, you look... Charming.

I'd like you to meet

My boys, tiberius and caius.

The pleasure is mine, I'm sure.

During dinner, cornelia and her sons listened patiently

As alexandra told them of her worldly travels.

With each town she visited, it seemed

Alexandra purchased another ring, another necklace

Another jewel.

This is one of my absolute favorites.

( Boys gasping )

A trader brought it to me

From the darkest jungles of africa.

I see I've caught

Your attention, boys.

Would you like to see more?

Please! Oh, yes!

Servants, bring me my jewels.

Alexandra proudly showed the boys her many jewels:

Ruby necklaces, diamond bracelets, gold earrings.

Aren't they beautiful, cornelia?

Yes, they certainly are.

Alexandra has so many jewels.

Don't you wish mother had jewels

As beautiful as those?

Servants, we are finished here.

Secure the jewels in my chariot.

So, dear, I have shown you my precious gems.

Where are your jewels?

Well, i...

It's been said you lost your wealth.

Is it true you do household chores

To put food on your table?

Is your poverty so deep?

Have you no jewels of your own?

Alexandra, my old friend

I do, indeed, have jewels--

Jewels far more precious

Than anything you have shown me today.

( Gasping )

Then let me see these precious jewels.

Mother, we want to see these jewels, too.

Here they are.

These are my jewels.

I will always be thankful for them.

Don't you agree

They are more valuable than your gems?

Indeed, they are.

Alexandra left cornelia's house that day

And never showed off her jewels again.

In return for their mother's love, tiberius and caius

Provided a very comfortable home for cornelia in her old age.

They appreciated her

And I appreciate my parents, too... And my friends.

I know, deep inside, the important thing

Is to spend time with them.

Still, virtual city is so cool.

It does look pretty fun.

We can go there another time.

I guess so.

I saw the ad and thought it would be great

To have a party at a big arcade.

Zach, bigger is not always better.

Sometimes, it's the little things

That are really the most precious.

I know, plato.

It's just another birthday party, right?

I hate to cut the party short, but I'm going.

Bye, annie! See you later!

Bye, everybody!

Happy birthday, zach!

See you later, annie!

I got to tell my mom and dad I'm sorry about this morning.

Maybe I sounded a little ungrateful.

Happy birthday, zach.

Yes, happy birthday.

Happy birthday, zach.

See you later.

Plato: for mother love and father care

For brothers strong and sisters fair

For love at home and here each day

For guidance, lest we go astray

Father in heaven, we thank thee.

For rest and shelter of the night

For health and food, for love and friends

For everything his goodness sends

Father in heaven, we thank thee.

Mom? Dad? I'm home.

Are you here?

I wanted to say I'm sorry...

Surprise! Surprise!

Happy birthday!

Zach, all right!

Happy birthday, son.

Mom, why didn't you tell me this is what you had planned?

Then it wouldn't be a surprise

Would it?

( All laughing )

♪ You've got friends, you've got smiles ♪

♪ These are all the things making life worthwhile... ♪

Having fun, zach?

Yeah! Everyone's having fun.

So, were you surprised?

( Chuckling ): totally.

You wouldn't believe how surprised I was.

And, you know, I'm sorry if I acted ungrateful before.

This was a great birthday.

♪ Look around

♪ And you're bound to say some thank you's ♪

♪ And you'll feel great when you celebrate ♪

♪ Walking in your own shoes ♪

♪ Keep the good in your attitude ♪

♪ That's gratitude ♪

♪ Keep the good in your attitude ♪

♪ Oh, that's gratitude ♪

♪ Special things come your way, and the moment you know it... ♪
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