02x13 - Wisdom - The Story of Two Friends

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Adventures from the Book of Virtues". Aired: September 2, 1996–September 6, 1999.*
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A buffalo uses stories to answer children's questions.
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02x13 - Wisdom - The Story of Two Friends

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Tell me a story

♪ Read me a poem ♪

♪ Wrap it in melody ♪

♪ Sing me the song ♪

♪ Then let me hold it ♪

♪ Deep in my heart ♪

♪ Where it can speak to me ♪

♪ All the day long ♪

♪ The adventure of virtue ♪

♪ The adventure of truth ♪

♪ The thrill of knowing ♪

♪ That it's up to you ♪

♪ Building a new day shining in the sun ♪

♪ This is my story ♪

♪ The adventure has ♪

♪ Begun. ♪

Wow... Sure feels weird not going to school here anymore.


Tommy mendoza...

Zach nichols...

Congratulations, zach.

You're a fine boy.

We'll miss you.

Thanks, mrs. Mathers.

Man: psst! Zach!

Mrs. Mathers: zach!

What a nice surprise.

Oh, hi, mrs. Mathers.

Back to take one last look

At your old stomping grounds?

Yeah. I'll miss this place.

But I'm sure you'll do well at your new school.

When's orientation?


( Gulps )

Hey! Watch where you're going.

Oh... S-sorry. I was just trying to check this map.

Lighten up. Can't you see the kid's new here?

Don't worry. I'll steer you right. Whatcha looking for?

Uh, orientation.

Oh, yeah.

Uh, down the hall, room .

Uh, thanks.

I thought new student orientation was the other way.

It is.

( Both laughing )


"Orientation, room "?

Oh, no!

We run a tight ship. Make sure you get to class on time--

In your seats when the bell rings.

Sorry. I got a little lost.

I trust from now on

You'll leave yourself extra time.

( Class laughing ) yes, sir.

Read the handouts you're getting.

They'll tell you what is expected of you.

Yikes! This is even tougher than I thought.

( Laughing )

It's easy!

We just climb up the tree

Reach in and take the honey.

Aristotle: not a good idea.

Sure it's a good idea.

Those bees won't mess with us.

We're bigger than they are

And their buzz is worse than their sting.

Obviously you've never been stung

But I have and I know better.

Ah, you're just...

( Clucking )


At least I'm not a fool.

Zach: I felt like such a fool.

All the kids stared at me.

Those boys sent me to the wrong room.

That's mean, but I'm sure everyone's not like that.

I don't know.

It's a whole different world.

Kind of big and scary?

The school, the kids and the classes--

I don't know if I can handle it.

What if no one likes me?

What if I'm not smart enough?

Ah, you're plenty smart, zach.

You're dealing with new challenges-- you'll need wisdom.

Just what is wisdom, anyway?

Plato: wisdom is a virtue.

It helps us know the best way to act

And it gives us a sense of the right thing to do.

Well, I'm not sure I've got much wisdom, either.

Hmm... You remind me of a boy in a story I read.

Let me see.

Ah, here it is.

It takes place in uganda, africa.

There once lived a potter, his wife and their young son.

The young boy was their pride and joy.

But as the boy grew older, he became quiet and withdrawn.

His parents, well, they became very worried about him.

Has he been sitting there all morning?

Yes, without a sound.

Mother: I tried to get him to play with the other kids

But he wasn't interested.

I know. All he wants to do is sit alone and think.

Of what, I wonder?

Father: I have asked him, but he does not say.

( Exasperated sigh )

( Kids laughing )

I am so worried about him.

There must be some way to reach him.

I will ask the village elder.

He will know what to do.

My advice to you is to do nothing.

What? There must be something we can do.

Please, you must help us.

Although your son is not exactly like

The other boys and girls in the village

There is no reason to expect the worst.

He hardly ever speaks.

Or plays with the other kids.

All he does is stare off into the forest.

Ildren who are different

Sometimes grow up to be great men and women.

But how can we be sure?

Time will tell whether he becomes

A wise man or a fool.

Early the next morning

The boy left his home to find out...

Am I wise or am I foolish?


( Roaring )

( Sighs )

( Gasps )

Who are you?

( Growling )

And what are you doing here?

Uh... I-i am tired and far from home.

I-i've come into the forest to find the answer to a riddle.

And what riddle might that be?

To... To find out if I'm a wise man or a fool.


( Scoffs )

I-it's true.

That's all I think about.

What? Is that all that concerns you?

Wh-why, yes.

( Growling )

Then you are a fool.

A fool? But why?

Because wise men are more concerned

About helping their village.

( Growling )

( Sighs )

( Gasps )

Goodness! Who are you? What do you want?

I have come to find out if I am a wise man

Or a fool.

Tell me, do you eat?

Why, yes, of course.

My mother makes delicious meals.

( Gulps )

Does she?

Tell me, do you thank her?

Well, uh... Not that I remember.


Then I would say without a doubt

That you are most definitely... A fool.

But... But i...

Trust me.

( Gulps )

You are a fool.

For a wise man is always grateful.

Good day.

( Growling )

( Gasps )

I do hope you have a good reason to be here.

Uh... Uh, yes... Of course.

A very good reason.

Tell me. I can't wait.

( Snarls )

Uh... I-it's to find the answer to a riddle.

A very important riddle.

One of the most important questions of all time.

And that is?

Am I wise man or a fool.

( Purring )

( Sniffing )


First, answer my question

And then I will solve your riddle.


Are you well-loved at home?


My parents love me very much.

No, no, my boy.

I mean... Are you loved in your village

By your neighbors and friends?

No. I do not talk to others much.

Oh... Then I am afraid you are a fool

For only a fool does not try to be a good friend

And a good neighbor.

But I think

About what makes a good friend all the time.

Remember-- a man shows he is wise

By how he acts.

( Growling )

( Gasps )

( Trumpeting )

It is nearly dark.

What are you doing out here?

Shouldn't you be home with your family?

Yes. I am lonely

But I have come to find the answer to a riddle.


I don't have time for riddles.

I have too much good work to do.

Tell me, what kind of work do you do?


Well then, that's why you are miserable.

It is foolish to shun work.

Speaking of which, I must be going.

My family is expecting me.


( Sniffling )

There, there, little one.

Why are you so sad on such an evening?

Because I am far from home and...

And I am a fool.

Why would you think that?

Because I came to the forest

To see if I was wise or a fool

And every animal I asked said I was a fool.

Ah, I see.

Come, it is getting dark and chilly.

You can spend the night at my home.

I must be honest with you.

Everything the animals have said is true.

What do you mean?

If you want to gain wisdom

You must do more than just think.

Isn't that how wise men become wise, by thinking?

Yes, that is one way.

But you forgot the most important way--

By doing.

The leopard told me that.

I guess I haven't been very helpful

Or friendly to others.

It's never too late to start.

Wise people also strive to do good work.

My father is the best potter in our village.

I have often thought about becoming a potter.

That's the spirit.

But remember, whatever kind of work

You decide to do, do it well.

I will try

But work sounds like an awful lot of, well... Work.

( Chuckles ): it is

But that is what makes it so rewarding.

Whenever things appear too hard or a bit scary

I sing an encouraging song to myself.

( Folk song intro )

♪ When the shadows have melted in silver dawn ♪

♪ Farewell to my dreams of play ♪

♪ The forest is full of a waking throng ♪

♪ And the treetops ring with the birds' new song ♪

♪ And the flowers awake from their slumber long ♪

♪ And the world is mine today ♪

♪ My feet are sure and my hands are strong ♪

♪ Let me labor and toil while I may ♪

♪ When the sun shall set in a sea of light ♪

♪ And the shadows lengthen far into the night ♪

♪ I shall take the rest which is mine by right ♪

♪ For I'll win the world today... ♪

Thank you.

You are most welcome.

Here. Let me help you.

( Laughing )

I got it!


Want to play?

Tomorrow. I have some work to do now.

Okay. See ya.

( All murmuring )


Where have you been?

We were worried about you.

I am sorry, mother. Please forgive me.

My son!

Father! Would you teach me

To be a potter?

Not just any potter-- a great one like you.

I'll work hard at it and I'll do good work and...

Hold on, little one.

Of course I will. Of course.

It would be an honor.

Plato: the boy grew up to be a great potter.

His knowledge grew, and he became

One of the wisest members of his village.

As he grew older, he never forgot the hare

And he could often be heard

Singing his friend's encouraging song.

It's cool he became a great potter

But I'm still not sure how he got wise.

By learning from others and from his own experiences.

I'll be wiser after this morning.

I'll get those guys back so no one messes with me again.

The animals didn't say wise people get even.

They said wise people know how to be grateful

And friendly, and do good work.

Hey! Come on, ari.

Let's be wise and do good work gathering honey.

Come on, come on!

( Protesting )

No! That's not wise.

That's reckless!

And recklessness is no virtue.

Yeah, but work and friendship and gratitude are

So knowing about the virtues helps us to be wise?

That's right, and you've learned a lot about them.

Knowledge gives you wisdom

To face new challenges.

Like your new school.

The way I fell on my face, I don't want to go back.

That's how I felt when I fell on my face

In that track race, remember?

( Starter p*stol fires )

I was so discouraged.

I didn't ever want to run again.

But you did, even though you were scared.

Courage helped you get back on the track.

Yeah, the same courage theseus had

When he fought that monster.

Zach: you mean... The minotaur?

( Monster bellowing )

We all have our monsters, zach.

And I guess I got to face mine.

It's just a new school.

You can handle it.

Thanks. You're a good friend.

I just hope I make good friends

Friends I can trust.

Well, you sure saw through my phony friend, sarah west.

Annie! Am I glad I ran into you.

I've changed my mind about the canoe trip.

I'm going with ashley instead.

She left me high and dry just 'cause ashley had

A newer canoe.

She's totally out for herself.

Real friends care about each other

Like that native american boy, waukewa.

Annie: the one who helped the eagle?

Zach: yeah, remember?

He nursed its broken wing back to health...

And then set him free.

Good-bye, little eagle.

Good-bye, my friend.

And the friendship went both ways.

I am powerless against the river.

Little eagle!

That eagle bailed him out, too.

And you bailed me out.

You took sarah's place in my canoe.

Friends are there for each other

Even when they're as different as a bird and a buffalo.

And that kind of wisdom

Will help you make good friends.

It won't help with schoolwork.

My classes look really hard.

Difficult tasks take wisdom, too--

The wisdom to keep trying.

Remember these?

We found them on the trail

The time we all climbed plato's peak.

I had just quit karate.

I had just quit guitar.

I thought it was too hard

Till I heard about ulysses.

Annie: yeah. Imagine being trapped in a cave

By a man-eating cyclops.

It seemed there was no way out.

Not fast enough!

But ulysses wouldn't quit

And finally he figured out how to escape.

Ulysses was pretty smart

But it wouldn't have done much good

If he hadn't stuck with it.

I'm glad I stuck with karate.

Now, I'm a green belt.

Hiya! Hiya!

( Laughing )

And I'm playing guitar in a band

But it's taken determination.

Plato: like it did for you and annie to get home

When you sprained your ankle, zach.

Zach: you weren't around to help us that time

But we remembered

The stories you told us and we leaned on each other.

Your wisdom and determination

Got you out of the woods.

So, you see? You've already gained some wisdom, zach.

Will I get more?

As long as you're willing to learn

You keep adding to your wisdom every day

And it will burn brightly.

Especially if you listen to those who know more

Like parents and teachers.

And plato.

Yeah, and sock ought to listen to me.

Uh... Hey.

Where'd he go?

Sock, no! Don't!

Eh, there's nothing to it.

You'll see.

Oh, I can't look.


Piece of honey cake.

There's just one itsy-bitsy bee

With an enormous stinger.

( Sputtering )

( Laughing )

Maybe he'll be wiser

After getting chased off into the sunset.

Speaking of sunsets, look.

Oh, too bad it has to end so soon.

But the old day has to end

So a new one can begin.

Just like I have to leave my old school.

And you'll have the wisdom to do it.

English ?

Yeah, it's, uh... Up two flights.

Actually, it's on this floor.

Come on. I'm headed there myself.

By the way, I'm zach.

♪ The greatest virtue of all ♪

♪ Has all the others combined ♪

♪ It lifts you up when you fall ♪

♪ Gives courage to your heart and mind ♪

♪ The bright light of wisdom will burn ♪

♪ And guide you along your way ♪

♪ As long you're willing to learn ♪

♪ You'll add to your wisdom each day ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ As long you're willing to learn ♪

♪ You'll add to your wisdom each day. ♪
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