03x10 - Smoke and Mirrors

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Cleaning Lady". Aired: January 3, 2022 to present.*
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After witnessing a m*rder, a Cambodian doctor cleans the crime scene to stay alive and then begins to live a double life.
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03x10 - Smoke and Mirrors

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Cleaning Lady"...

Who did this to us?!

Sin Cara Cartel.

I think Sin Cara's a woman.

Ramona Sanchez.

Jorge said you've been sh*t.

b*ll*ts contain lead.
Could be poisoning you.

Can you get it out?

The light's out on the smoke alarm.

Want me to check out the battery
while I got the ladder out?

That would be great.

If I die, so will you and your family.


I'm gonna be okay now?

Once your lead levels drop, yeah.

Dónde está Gizelle or Camila?

This whole business with Nadia...

I thought you did it because
you wanted to cut me loose.

Every move I make,
they're all to keep us safe.

I got a bunch of perfectly good cameras

just collecting dust in my truck.


♪ You are now listenin' ♪


♪ To that real ♪

♪ About to blow off this roof ♪

THONY: This is weird, Fi.
Jeremy's up to something.

FIONA: He came in when everyone was out,

and then he snuck back out
when I got home, but why?

I think that he broke the faucet
so I'd call him to fix it.

So what? He's... He's scamming us?


It's more than a scam.
He put up cameras.

Wait, so he...

he's watching us
[CHUCKLES] like a creeper?

I-I don't know. There's something else.

Okay. Didn't Mr. Ludlow
send him? I mean, if...

Yes, he did,

when the warehouse got vandalized,

but I never checked that he actually...

I think he's the one
who trashed the place.

Wait. S-So this whole thing is a set-up?

He could have put cameras inside.

Oh, my God.

He cased the whole place

that first time
he came to fix the toilet.

What? Yeah. Oh, my God.

♪ About to blow off this roof ♪

The smoke detector...
he changed the battery.

Our whole place is bugged.

♪ How 'bout you? ♪

♪ No more bangy-bang ♪

♪ Let the girl do her thingy-thing ♪

♪ Like, k*lling is what I do ♪

♪ How 'bout you? ♪

♪ Rock the boat, ride the wave ♪

♪ Hold your breath for the submarine ♪

♪ It's gettin' deep, we're goin' down ♪

♪ Hope you can swim,
don't wanna make you drown ♪

FIONA: You're kidding.

I-I mean, first grade is
like a glorified daycare.

I mean, no offense, but, uh,

when I was 6 and I wrote
my letters backward,

Ms. Cipriaso... b*at me
with a walis tingting.

Well, American schools are different.

Yeah. They're soft.


Oh, crap.

What is it?
Is it one of those jobs again?

Oh, don't start with me, Fi.

Well, what... Well, what is it then?

I have to go to
the Spring Valley Fluff N' Fold.

Just a simple pickup.

No, nothing is ever simple
with these people.

You're in so deep
that you're... you're...

you've become full-time now!

- You're overreacting.
- No, I am not overreacting.

I'm just so sick of this cartel stuff.

Okay, well, I have to do it

because otherwise they're gonna k*ll me.

Okay. Well, fine. Can you...

Can you drop me off to Susie's

because it's on the way
to the... the Fluff N' Fold?

S-Sure, let's go now
because I-I have to meet them.

Okay, great.



Only you can have guerrilla surgery

and wake up the next morning
looking like

you just came out of a spa.


How are you feeling?

Amazing, all things considered.

The nurse has me
on the perfect cocktail.

Well, I'm glad it's over.

Thanks to Thony.
She did so well under pressure.

You mean being forced
to operate at gunpoint?

Well, that was necessary.

Eh, debatable.

I want you to know
it wasn't just the pain talking.

I meant what I said about you having

more control in the business.

Good, 'cause I'm cooking up

something that you're gonna like.

Do your plans include Nadia?

If so, well, I'd be careful.

She's angry with me.


I've gotten her to see past that.

And, as you know,

Nadia knows some influential
people that could help us.

Well, I'm happy you managed to

work your charms on her, then.

Violeta, dónde está, mi princessa?

Congratulations, Ms. Morales.

All this is officially yours.

Thank you.

And thanks again for your patience.

- Oh, you're very welcome.
- I've had an eventful few weeks.

But it's time
to put the past behind, right?


[SIGHS] Time for a fresh start.



MAI: Sure you don't want some tea? Boba?

Oh, we... we're good. Thanks, Mai.

Yeah, we... we won't
be here long. Thanks.

Please. You ladies
always take care of me.

Let me take care of you.

Fi, that's him. He's here.



He was listening.

See? I knew he was too hot
to be a plumber.

Okay. How many pictures
does he have of... of us?

I mean, of you?

- If he's FBI, what does he have on you?
- I don't know.

I don't know, but all those
times he was pretending

to be Mr. Nice Guy...

I mean, when we were looking for Arman,

he gave us a ride.

That's why the Feds showed up that day.

How could I be so stupid to
let an FBI agent into our home?

The guy had me fooled, too.

He knows I'm working for the cartel.

If Ramona finds out, I'm done.

Didn't you just save her life?

Any chance she can cut you free?

Whatever trust I've built,
I need to use it

to get out of this.

All right, let's go.

Let's go before he realizes
that I'm not showing up.


Okay, well, what about
the cameras that he put up, huh?

And... And the bug
up in the smoke alarm?

We need to get those out.

No, no, no, no. We can't touch them.

Wait. You're kidding.

No, because if we do,
he'll know we know.

What, so we just leave them?

Yeah, maybe we could use them later.

- Thony, this is not a game.
- I know, Fi.

But for the first time,
I'm ahead of things.

Now that I'm stuck
between the FBI and the cartel,

staying ahead is the only way
we can get through this.

Okay, fine.


Everything looks good.

You blood pressure is normal.

Have you had any symptoms
from chelation therapy?

Only the return of my energy
and ability to think.

You really have proven yourself
to me in many ways.

And as you know,
not many people can say that.

[SIGHS] I'd like you to...

be more involved
in my organization, hmm?

I appreciate the offer.
Thank you, Ramona.

Uh, I know you don't
take things, um, lightly.

But since I've proven
that I can be trusted,

I'd like to step away.

I want out.

That's not what you came to me
asking a few days ago.

I know, but...
you'd just tried to k*ll me.

Right. And now?

I'm just concerned for my son.

Especially since CPS
is still dropping by.

I can't be caught doing illegal things.

I'm sure you understand.

Look, you can be sure

that I will never expose
you or Jorge to anyone.

I just want to go back to my family

and my son.

I-I just hope you can understand that.

It might be hard for you to see this,

but you and I are not so different.

I started out like you.

Just trying to do the "right thing"

under challenging circumstances.

And like you, everything
was for my family,

to provide for them,

to keep them protected.

But you know what I've learned?

What keeps my family safe...

is power.

And that's what I'm offering you.

- I'm not interested.

Well, that's not entirely true, Thony.

I've seen you grasping for power

in every situation you've been in,

even when you should be
completely powerless.

It's who you are.

But I see you, Thony.

I may wear the mask of Sin Cara,

but you wear many masks of your own.

Well, that may be so.

But right now,
I just want to be a good mother.

I will make sure that you're well.

And once you're recovered,

I hope you can understand my decision.

I'll consider your request, Thony.

But just to be clear,

I make the decisions
about who's in and who's out.

And frankly, I'm just
not ready to let you go yet.

This is it, Nadia. Look at this.

This is the dream.

[SIGHS] Picture it.

Just, like, right here,

like you're standing
in the middle of it.

I'm not sure I'd ever want to leave.

That's the point. You won't.

I mean, it's for people who want
everything at their fingertips,

power players with friends to impress

and money to burn.

Not to mention being
a haven for money laundering.

Only that won't be in the brochure.

You're gonna fund this
through the cartel?


We'll still need investors, of course.

Oh, so it's not just us?

Nadia, I'm gonna unlock
all of the assets

that the FBI froze from you,

everything Robert Kamdar left behind.

That's how we make this ours.

I was told it could take years.

It's always a bit of a game.

And if we play it right, Nadia,
we're gonna make a k*lling.

And how do you see my role in this?

Pues, como tú quieras.

But honestly,
I can't imagine you in any role

that takes you out of the limelight.

You want me to be the face of it?

The face, the brains, the talent,

'cause you're all of that.

- I'm no glorified hostess.
- No, no, no, no, no, no.

That's not what I meant.
Of course you're not.

I've seen what you can do.

You can convince people of anything.

I mean, you're... it's amazing.

And that, with the clientele

that you've cultivated at the club,

we're gonna reel in the big money.

Mm-hmm. And once it's up and running?

You'll be able to do whatever you want.

You'll be set for life.

We both would.

I'll make sure we're protected

through shell corporations.

You'll be able to spread your wings...

[BOTH CHUCKLE] ... and be free.


There's a new collector here.
She's asked for you by name.

Thanks, Copper.

Striking, isn't it?

Speaks of strength, resilience...

... breaking the binds
of one's circumstances.

This piece just got in
and already has more attention

than anything else in the gallery.

- I can see why.
- Mm.

Though, to me, it seems she's trapped

by the guise of her own making.


[SIGHS] Have you been here before?

No. It's my first time.

It's inspiring, actually.

So many pieces that speak
to a woman's fortitude

- and power.
- Hm.

Thank you. I select everything myself.

I think I remember now.

We've crossed paths at La Habana.

Mm. I've been to La Habana
many times, for work.

RAMONA: What is it that you do?

I'm ASAC Katherine Russo.



That's cool.

Pandemic. I get it.

Not a lot of people shake hands anymore.

But since you don't seem like
the fist-bump kind of gal,

we can skip straight to the intro.

It's Sin Cara, right?

I'm not familiar with that name.


Speaking of, did you know galleries

are often used as a front
to launder money?

Or are you not familiar
with that, either?

Unfortunately, a few bad actors
in the art world

spoil things for the rest of us.

But if you have any doubts,

you're welcome to look around.

Thank you for that.

But conveniently,

I don't need your permission.

Team three, that is a go. Move in.

AGENT: FBI. We got a search warrant.

- Ms. Sanchez?
- Do as they say.

We have nothing to hide.



What is it?


WOMAN: Mr. Sanchez, this is urgent.

We need you in the front.


- Jorge Sanchez?
- Can I help you?

We have a warrant
to search the premises.

Sure. Have at it.

Yes, Derek, the FBI is here, too.

In my home.

They're searching all my properties,

Jorge's office.

Whatever's going on, I need answers now.


Mi amor.

Está bien? Se lastimó? Qué pasó?

No, estaba jugando con sus muñecas

y los argentes la asustaron.



Ah! Hi!

- Hey.

What are you doing here?

- I was at the market today.
- Uh-huh.

And they had a two-for-one
on those shrimp chips you love.

So... Oh, you know the way to my heart.

- Mm-hmm.
- And a bargain, at that.

And these are the ones that Nay gets me.

Ay! Thank you.

Are you playing hooky?

- Sort of.
- Uh-huh.

It's a teacher development day.

- Oh.
- Mm-hmm.

- Used the morning to do some math.
- Okay.

And, uh, I calculated

that I'd rather spend time
with you than grade quizzes.

[LAUGHS] Sounds like you
didn't come here to do laundry.

So let's eat these. [LAUGHS]

Let's go.

So, Jaz tells me
she wants to go Go-Kart racing

- for her birthday.
- Yeah.

That's 'cause Chris talked her into it

'cause he wants to go.

[LAUGHS] 'Course he did.

Hey, did Chris ever
hear back from Camila

after they thought she ghosted him?

Jaz kind of made it sound like maybe

Camila's in trouble or something.

Honestly, um, I-I...

[CHUCKLES] I don't know.

Did have to do with the people
Thony's mixed up with?

The ones who brought you back?

I mean, I've heard bad things
about people like that.

I-I-I just, um...

I don't really want to talk
about it anymore, all right?

All right, I get it.

Is there someone Thony can reach out to?

Not that we could trust them,
but I-I mean...

- Just shut up and come here.
- Oh!



Are you trying to change the subject?

Just stop talking.

Okay. All right.

You know, can we...
can we really play hooky

and just get out of here?

I've been in the house all day.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Let's go. Let's do it.

- Okay.
- I'll meet you in the car.

- All right.
- Can I have the glasses?

- Yes, you can.
- [LAUGHS] Thank you.



JORGE: Whenever you want, okay?

VIOLETA: Okay, Papa.

Cómo está Violeta?

As if she hasn't
been through enough already.

You know, they... they tossed
her room just to spite us

'cause they know they have nothing.

No, no, no, Jorge.

I mean, this wasn't just a flex.

This Agent Russo called me
Sin Cara to my face.

There's no way they know
that for certain.

And if they do,
nothing ties directly to you.

You're clean, spotless.
I've made sure of that.

And you activated all our protocols?

Sí, por supuesto.

Our contingencies are in motion.

We're moving inventory, housing,

rerouting our cargo.

Nothing will trace back to us.

Still, how did this happen?

They've never come at me,
at us, in our home.

S-Scaring Violeta.

I know.

Which is why I keep
saying we need to dump

those smuggling routes
and change things up.

The bigger our corporate framework,

the easier it is to hide.

None of that matters
if we've already been exposed.

Can you just put your
big plans aside for a moment

and focus on what's happening here?

- Look, estoy haciendo.
- No!

Ramona, we can't appear to be reacting,

which is exactly what
they want us to do.

What we need to do is
figure out who did this to us.

Someone leaked something to the Feds.

We need to find out
who, what, how, todo.


I need to make sure that
Nadia hears this from me first.

I don't want her getting spooked.


Do you think right now is the moment?

Can you completely trust her?

I'm making good headway
with her, so yes.

And the investments
we're making together

are gonna protect us from all this.

This came in from Derek.

- Gracias.
- You're welcome.






I'm coming!

Oh, my God.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Hey. Came as soon as I could.

Ooh. It's the faucet that
you fixed the other day.

Damn. I don't know what happened.

Here, let me, uh...

get it.

It's a good thing you were close.

Yeah. Like, always.

Where were you, exactly?


Yeah, yeah, I was just, uh, at this new

taco joint nearby, Taco Nazo.

Oh. I thought you were more
of a Taco Bell guy.

I'm a every-taco kind of guy. [CHUCKLES]

Right. So I'm gonna go pick up my son,

but do you mind staying a little longer?

Fiona has a few questions
about those pipes you mentioned.

- She'll be back soon.
- Yeah, yeah, no problem.

- Thank you so much.
- Okay.

Good luck with this one.

Ramona, what happened here?

The FBI rampaged my home today.

And I know who led them
straight to my door.

This betrayal won't go unpunished.

I-I am so sorry.

I-I didn't know.

Of course you didn't.
She lied to us all.

Nadia cut a deal with the Feds.


D-Do you mind?

Where did you get this?

I mean, is it even a real document?

From someone I trust,

someone I never have to question.

It's just hard to believe.

Yes, it is.
After everything I did for her,

welcoming her into my home,
my heart, my family,

she stabbed me in the back
and exposed me.

- It doesn't sound like Nadia.
- Hmm.

Jorge's gonna have difficulty
believing it, too,

which is why I'm not certain
he needs to know,

at least not now.

Well, let me help you figure this out.

I can talk to her. I-I know her.

I'll find out if she really
talked to the Feds,

and if she did, then...

I'll take care of her myself.

You're not a k*ller.

No, but if she's feeding
information to the Feds,

then she's a thr*at to all of us.

Your family. M-My family as well.

I can do it discreetly.


It will never lead back to you.


I'll make it look like an overdose.

You've got ketamine in the stables.

It'll be painless.

And Jorge won't need to know.

Talk to Nadia.

But if what I suspect is true,

her life ends today.

And if you warn her off,

you'll have betrayed me as well.

But the Feds didn't find anything?

They won't.

Anything in our names
is completely clean.

As for the rest,
we've got safeguards in place,

emergency protocols.

At this point, it's an
annoyance more than anything.

Oh, trust me, I know what that's like,

trying to stay calm
when all you want to do

is rip your hair out.

Which is exactly why we need to take

this business to a new level.

One they... they can't touch.

So I just wanted to reassure you

that despite what happened
today, nothing has changed.

I don't need any reassurances.

I've already made my decision.

You know what you said about being free?

That's what I want now.

Well, then, um...

here's to us...

becoming untouchable.


And, um, as far as investors,

have you ever heard of Christian Waller?

Waller? Yeah, sure.

He's a blind partner
on half the hotels on the Strip,

but I hear he keeps it
close to the vest.

Oh, yeah, he definitely has some
trust issues, but not with me.


You think you can get
us a meeting with him?

I already did.

Charmaine is holding a table
for us tonight at 8:00.

Oh, no.

- THONY: Nadia.
- What now?

We need to talk.

- Hi, Thony.
- Hi.

Alone. Now.

We'll talk later.

Yeah. See you tonight?

See ya.

Wait. I-I think it's here.


You brought Chris here?

No. No, no, no. Not in... Not inside.

I mean, the last thing
I wanted him to do

was barge in looking for Camila.

I've never seen him like this
before about anyone.

Yeah, he's in deep.

I know what that's like.

Just wish you'd looped me
into all this sooner.

Well, you are now.

Come on, let's go.


- Not much out here.
- Yeah, that's the point,

but it doesn't feel right.

I mean, last time I was here,
there were...

there were a bunch of cars
in the driveway and...

and men hanging out to... to keep watch.

I-I'm... I'm gonna check in there.

Maybe they're in there.

Hey, hey, wait for me. Hold on.

No. No, no, no.

No, no, the... they're... they're gone.

Everyone's gone.

They... They cleared
the whole thing out.

I mean, w-what have they done
to everyone?

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

I mean, JD, did I... did I do this?

No, Fi, you're not gonna
put this on you.

No, t-there was a man that day.

He asked me what I was doing,
and he kicked me out.

We're gonna find her, Fi.
Look, you don't get it.

There's something
about these people here.

They were... They were all
crammed in a room

and sharing a bed.

And, I mean, they weren't locked in.

But they were trapped.

W-What if... What if they moved,
everyone because of me?

I mean, how... how are we gonna find

Camila and Gizelle now, huh?

Hey, it's not your fault, Fi. It's okay.

It's okay.

- It's okay.

Did you cut a deal with the Feds?


No. No, I didn't.

N-Nadia, I really need to know.

What the hell, Thony?
You think it's okay

to just come in here
and accuse me like this?

That body-cam video you showed
me... was it from the Feds?

Did Russo approach you with that?

Just talk to me, Nadia.



- Okay, yes.
- Ugh. Oh, my God.

Yes, all right?

Okay, Thony, w-when Arman went missing,

Russo came to me offering a deal,

but I didn't take it
because she was playing me.

All I wanted was to find Arman,
Thony, like you.

I wanted to protect him.

But when she wouldn't make
a deal for him,

I-I just cut things off.

Well, why didn't you come to me?

Why would I? It was over.

That's why Russo froze all my assets,

because I refused to work with her.

I swear to God, Thony.

I could have helped you, Nadia.

But now...

Now what?

Are you asking me this because
of the raids on the cartel?

Because I had nothing to do with that.

I know you didn't. I believe you.

But other people won't.

You have to be careful, Nadia.

You always think you know everything.

But you don't.


RAMONA: What did you find out
for me, Thony?

We need to talk about Nadia.

Did you do your due diligence?

Yes, I did, but, uh,
we need to met in person.

There's nothing
to talk about anymore, Thony.

I made my decision,
and I already sent someone

- to handle things.
- What?

Well, I-I was just
talking to her, and...

and I-I told you
that I would take care of it.

Well, it's not in your hands anymore.

Truth is, I realized
it's probably too close to you.

No. No, I want to do it.

For Arman.

You can certainly try.

But if you fail, my guy won't.


JD just dropped me off and...

we went to... to the house to
find Camila and Gizelle and...

Hold on, hold on.



They're gone, Thony.

I mean, I think they cleared them out

because... because of me. I...

What if it's my fault
that we lost them, huh?

THONY: No, no, Fi, it's...
it's not your fault.

Ugh. I think the cartel
had to move people around.

Ramona got raided by the FBI.

Oh, my God. Wait.

So they know who she is?

Yeah. Because of me and Jeremy,

but she thinks it's Nadia
who talked to the Feds.

- And she wants her dead now.
- Oh, crap.

D-Does Nadia know?

No, I-I couldn't tell her.

Ugh, if she tried to run,

and Ramona thought I warned her off...

Oh, my God, please, please
just stay out of this, okay?

I-I can't, Fi.

Thony, what are you gonna do?




Yes, Atticus?

ATTICUS: I'm leaving La Habana now.

I got the address, and I'm on my way.

Good. Get it done quickly.

I always do.

FIONA: It's a bad idea, Thony.

Don't get in the middle of this.

Damn it, Thony, please.

I know it feels like
this is the only way,

but if... if you go in there,
it's not gonna end well.

I mean, how much more blood
do you want on your hands?

And what if... what if you get k*lled?

Okay, please, just...
just turn around, yeah?

Thony? A-Are you there now?

A-At Nadia's new house?

Just... damn it.

No, no, no, don't...
don't go in the house.


RUSSO: Hey. Hey.

Something's going down
with Thony and Nadia Morales.

Fiona's totally freaking out about it.

Where? I'll send another agent.

No. I'll go.

Jeremy, you can't blow your cover.

No, I can't lose an asset, either.

I'll sh**t you the address.
I'm headed there now.




W... Oh, my...

- What are you doing here?
- Are you alone?

What the hell? What...

Okay, uh, Thony.

Thony, please,
you just can't barge in here.

I have an important dinner.
I need to go.


- What's happening?
- Nadia...

Ramona thinks you made
that deal with the Feds.

[SCOFFS] Again?

I already told you.
I walked away from it.

It doesn't matter.

She has a copy of the deal
with your name on it.

S-So she blames me for those raids?

Thony, I didn't do it.
I know, but she...

she just blames you for everything.

She wants you dead.



I need to get out of town.

- Yeah.
- Come on, i-it's useless, Nadia.

- Yeah, I do. I need...
- There's no way out.

- Ohhh...
- She's gonna find you.

Uh, I need to go somewhere.

Where did I leave the keys?

- Nadia.
- Ugh!

This can't be happening! This can't!

I just got my life back again.


I'm so sorry.

- You need to talk to her.
- Nadia...

You need to talk to her. I need help.

- I tried.
- Oh, my God.

Are you okay? Nadia?

- Oh, my God.
- Sit down, sit down.

- Just talk to her.
- Nadia, I tried.

- You have to explain to her...
- I tried. I am so sorry.

I'm sorry.


There's only one way out of this.

I can make it painless. What the hell?!




So you'll send the autopsy
and death certificate

straight to me?

Yes, ma'am. Will do.

Thank you.

♪ Woman can't run
from the things she's done ♪

♪ When the weight's
got her on her knees ♪

♪ Time don't know
where the river flows ♪

♪ I pray it's out to sea ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Gonna bury me ♪

♪ Keep 'em going down now,
let 'em drown ♪

♪ Keep 'em going down now,
let 'em drown ♪

♪ Bury 'em down, bury 'em down ♪

I'm sorry. I was unable
to reach Ms. Morales.

♪ Let 'em drown ♪

♪ Keep 'em going down now,
let 'em drown ♪

ATTICUS: Your girl took care
of it for us.

Mm. Gotta say I like her style.

Thank you, Atticus.

♪ Keep 'em going down now,
let 'em drown ♪

♪ Bury 'em down, bury 'em down ♪

♪ Keep 'em going down now,
let 'em drown ♪

♪ Keep 'em going down now,
let 'em drown ♪

♪ Bury 'em down, bury 'em down ♪


Where am I?

What the hell?


Thony, where am I?

Uh... What did you do?

What did you do?

I-I-I help you die,

so you can live.

JEREMY: Thony.

Thony, what the hell happened?
Is she dead?

No. No, but...

you're gonna help me make
everyone believe that she is.

Yeah, and how exactly
am I supposed to do that?

Because you're FBI.

And why would I help you do this?

Because if you don't,
the cartel's gonna k*ll her.

And if I do?

I will help you take Sin Cara down.


I'm already on the inside.

I can give you whatever you need.

All right, then.

But I don't think for one second

that what you did was okay.

It wasn't.

What'd you give her?

Just a sedative. It slows your heart.

But we have to move fast
because the cartel's already

sending someone to k*ll her.

Well, we know how to put on a good show.





- I've got an M.E. finishing up inside.
- Uh-huh.

But you should set up a perimeter.

- No cars coming in or going out.
- Yes, ma'am.

But this man...
he's been cleared already.

- He's free to go.
- Copy that.


Thanks for coming through, man.

You got it. I'm always here to play.

Yeah, she's good.


So everyone thinks I'm dead?

How? You can't fake a death certificate.

No, but he can.

THONY: This is Agent Jeremy Dolan.

You mean he's FBI.

Wait a minute. So you were the one

who was working with the Feds
this whole time?

No, I didn't know.

He was a plant.

JEREMY: But when Thony found out,

she insisted that I help you,
to protect you.

So it's official.

You're deceased.

So Ramona's no longer after me?

No, you're free.

How am I free, Thony?

You just took my whole life from me.

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