01x08 - Super Compilation 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "StoryBots: Super Silly Stories with Bo". Aired: Jun 26, 2022 - present.*
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When Bo the StoryBot attempts to read her stories to a bunch of imaginative kids, they hijack the narrative and take it in all kinds of crazy directions.
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01x08 - Super Compilation 1

Post by bunniefuu »

The Pizza Team

- [Group] Ta da.

♪ Hooray it's time ♪

♪ For super silly stories ♪

♪ With all our favorite time ♪

♪ Where all the stories ♪

♪ Sort of kind of almost rhyme ♪

♪ Nearly ♪


(whooshing sound)

(electronic whooshing)

- Hello everyone.

- [Kids] Hi.

- The best time of the day is here.

- Snack time. - Oh.

- Play time.

- Well.

- One o'clock. - No.

- Two o'clock. - No.

- Three o'clock.

Four o'clock

- No, it's not that.

- Story time.

- Yeah.

(Bo laughing)

- This story is all about friends working together

and helping each other.

It's called..

- [Man] The pizza team.

(dramatic music)

(gentle music)

- I started a pizza for dinner.

- [Bo] Said Bear.

- But I looked for my toppings and nothing was there.

- No problem

- [Bo] Said Fox.

- I can fix that with ease.

- [Bo] He darted away and came back with some..

- Peanut butter.

- Peanut butter?

Oh well, wouldn't cheese make for a better?

- Peanut butter is good.

- Okay. - Peanut butter,

peanut butter (squishing peanut butter)

peanut butter, peanut butter. (squishing peanut butter)

(Bo clearing throat)

- I'll help you.

- Said turtle.

Whose friends called him Tony.

He fetched a container of sliced...

- Marshmallows.

- Really?

(girl laughing)

This is gonna be an interesting pizza.

- But hold it.

- Said deer.

- Now, I don't mean to boss,

but the pizza is missing the tomato.

- Dinosaur.

Tomato dinosaur.

- I'm not sure that's a thing.

- Yeah.

- Really?

- Yeah.

(dinosaur growling)

And it just flies on the pizza?

- Yeah, he's sleeping.

(dinosaur snoring)

- Tomato dinosaur.

- Okay, well then everyone brought

a new topping to add.

They heaped on..

- Banana.

- And chicken nuggets.

- Like (indistinct).

- Donuts.

- Popcorn.

- Cherries.

- A steam train. (train whistling)

A poisonous snake.

- Wait, what?

- To look like it was loaded and ready to bake.

(dinosaur yelling)

Then bear took it out at the sound of the bell.

It was thick.

It was creamy and oh the smell.

- It's brown and it looks burnt.

- He cut it in slices, some think and some thinner.

And then they all..

- Then I got dinner from a taco truck.

(whooshing sound)

- That's probably the happiest ending this story could have.

The end.

Next time, the classic novel, w*r and..

- Geese.

(goose squawking)

- Okay I give up.

The Boy Who Wished For A Friend

(gentle upbeat music)

Hi ya kids.

- [Kids] Hi.

- What would you all wish for, if you had a wish?

- I wish for my stuffed animal to come alive.

- Wow.

- Drive the Formula One car.

- Wow.

- I wanted to have a wish for to buy books.

- Wow.

Well, today's story is all about a boy

who wished for a friend.

It's called..

(gentle music)

- [Man] The boy who wished for a friend.

(Bo clearing throat)

(gentle music)

- A long time ago, in a land far away,

there lived a young boy who just wanted to play.

Though, he longed for a friend,

there were no kids in town.

And so on his face he would wear a big..

- Pickle.

- Pickle?

- Oh, well, that's not exactly

what I've got written down-

- Pickle.

(boy responds indistinctly)

- Okay, well maybe I'll just change that one word.


Okay, one morning the boy took a walk in the park,

where an overgrown garden was shady and dark.

A sound from the bushes was spooky and scary,

but out popped, a beautiful, magical..

- Puppy dog.

(tinkering bells)

- Now, wait a minute.

- His name is Mr. Puppy Wolf Face McIcecream.

- Mr. Puppy Wolf Face McIcecream?

- Yeah. - Yeah.

(dog barking)

- All right.

(dog barking)

Said the fair old puppy dog.

- You're sad I can see.

Just tell me your wishes and I'll grant you...

- 1000.

- Wait, wait, wait.

- 12 million.


- That's very big.

- A trillion.


- A trillion and one.


(girls laughing)

- The boy answered.

- Thanks, but I only want one.

I wish for a friend so that we can have..

- Laser battle.

(kids imitating lasers firing)

- I'll be your friend.

- Said the dog to the boy.

This wonderful news made him jump up for..

- Taco.

- An ice cream falling down the sky.

(squishing sound)

And pizza.

(squishing sound)

And also there's lemons falling from the sky

and also..

- Okay let's move on.

- More ice cream.

- Okay.

- More.

- [Bo] Okay. - Lasers.

Yeah, lasers.

(lasers pinging)

(girls laughing)

- From then on the two lived their days full of laughter.

And the..

- Puppy dog.

- And the..

- Sea monster.

(growling sea monster)

- Lived happily ever..

- Pancake.

- The end.

Next time, I'll be reading the classic fairy tale


- Boarding.

(rock music)

- This is gonna happen a lot, isn't it?

The Princess Ball

(upbeat music)

(electronic whooshing)

Hello everyone.

- [Kids] Hello.

- I got my princess crown on for today's story.

And you know what that means.

- You have to use the bathroom.

- No, no what?

Why would it mean that?

- I don't know.

- It means today's story is a princess story.

- [Kids] Yay.

- It's called,

oh, now I do have to use the bathroom.

(water sloshing)

♪ Wash my hands ♪

♪ Clean those properly ♪

♪ Rubby dub dub dub rubby dub dub ♪

It's called...

- [Man] The Princess's ball.

(triumphant music)

- Oh, you know what ?

That is a tough word to find

the singular possessive of anyway.

(gentle music)

Marie was a princess, the fairest of all.

She wanted to host a magnificent ball.

She'd invited her guests and she dreamed ever since,

of the magical night when she danced with her..

- Dracula.

- Oh, well he wasn't the first person I had in mind.

- She can turn herself into a bat.

- And he dances with the princess.

♪ Blah, blah, blah, blah, blow, blah. ♪

- Okay, okay, Dracula can be there.

Anyway, on the night of the ball, she was thrilled

and excited to welcome the thousands

of friends she'd invited.

The band of musicians then started to sing,

when the palace doors opened and in stepped the...

- President.

- I'm the president.

(girl laughing)

- The president?

What's he doing here?

- It's the weekend.

- I'm the president.

- Blah, blah, blah blah.

- Can we get back to the princess?

Her heart was so light, it was almost alarming.

The music began and she danced with..

- Prince Charming.

- Thank you.

- Prince Charming's horse.

(horse neighing)

(girl laughing)

- Oh.

The princess declared "Enjoy and delight".

- I could dance with..

- A robot army.

- All night.

- [Robot] Everybody do the robot.

- Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

- [Robot] Everybody do the robot

♪ I'm the president ♪

♪ I'm the president ♪

- This party is getting awfully crowded.

Anyway, at last it grew late and her guests said goodbye.

- I thank you for coming.

- [Bo] She said with a sigh.

- How sad that it's over, but everything ends.

It's been lovely to see all my wonderful...

- Anyone?


- Friends.

- And that's when they released the dragon.

(dragon growling)

(people yelling)

- Well, we've all been to parties like that.

The end.

Next time, the scary tale of Mary Shelly's Frank-

- Furter.

(growling frankfurter)

- Oh brother.

A New Ride for Andy

(upbeat music)

Hi ya kids.

- [Kids] Hello.

- Who's ready for a story?

- Me.

- I am.

- Okay, let me show you the pillow.

See that?

This is the pillow.

- Oh well, that's a very nice pillow.

- Pillow fight, do you pillow fight?

- Oh, I guess we could have a pillow fight,

but could you,

could you just spare some time for a story first?

- Yeah.

- Yay.

Okay, this story is all about the coolest new bike.

It's called..

- [Man] A new ride for Andy.

(dramatic music)

- Oh well that was more dramatic

than the story really needs.


(gentle sweeping music)

- I've saved enough money.

- [Bo] Said Andy.

- Hooray, I've got what I need.

So today is the day.

There's no need to wait.

I know just what I'd like.

- So he rushed to the shop for his shiny new..

- Hippopotamus.

- Oh boy.

- Hippopotamus.

(hippopotamus growling)

- [Bo] Ah.

- Hippopotamus.

- I don't know if a hippopotamus

is really gonna work in this story.

(girl laughing)

- We wanna a hippo.

- We wanna a hippo, we wanna hippo, we wanna a hippo.

- Hippo, hippo hippo, hippo, hippo,

hippo, hippo, hippo. - Okay, okay, okay.

- Hippo, hippo, hippo. - Okay, okay.

All right. - Hippo, hippo.

- If you insist.

(hippo gently growling)

The hippopotamus was loaded with extras galore,

like headlights and streamers, reflectors and more.

(hippo gently growling)

A fancy speedometer, mirrors as well.

And for safety when riding a clear sounding..

- Canon.

- I was thinking more of a bell.

- A canon is louder.

- Well, yes, that's technically true.

- Canon ball.

(booming canon)

(hippopotamus growling)

- At last.

- [Bo] He exclaimed.

- Now the fun can begin.

- He hopped on the seat,

to take off for a first spin.

He knew he had plenty of time before dark.

So, we went for a ride at the neighborhood..

- Volcano.

- Volcano.

(booming volcano)

- [Bo] Speeding like lightning.

He zipped here and there.

He dash up a ...

- Crocodile.

- [Bo] And sailed through the air.

He met some..

- Space alien.

- Space alien.

- [Bo] And then they had fun with cross country race.

Which of course Andy..

- Squirrel.

- What?

- Squirrels.

- [Bo] Ah so many squirrels.

(squirrels chattering)

But the sun was now setting,

so homeward he sped.

He ate a good..

- Morning.

(rooster crowing)

- And soon went to bed?

- This day was amazing.

- [Bo] He sleepily sighed.

- Tomorrow I'll go for another great..

- Monster truck rally.

(trucks revving)

(hippopotamus growling)

The end.

(rock music)

- Yay. - Yay.

- Next time, the magical fairytale.

Jack and the..

- Beat boxer.

(upbeat beat boxing)

- Here we go.

- I need a vacation.

Giant Storm

(upbeat music)

(electronic whooshing)


- Hi. (kids laughing)

- Have any of you ever been in really bad weather?

- I have been in a snow storm.

- Oh.

- I have been in rain.

- Oh.

- Yeah and also my favorite weather is,

the weather.

- Oh, well this story's all about a girl

who loved the weather too.

It's called..

- [Man] The big giant storm.

(thunder crackling)

(water trickling)

- Oh lovely.

Kayla was the weather girl on Channel 35.

One day she saw that heavy storms would very soon arrive.

She took to local TV news

to weather sites and blogs,

to warn the tower.

- Take cover now.

It's raining cats and ..

- Pigs and a goat.

(goat bleating)

- And,

a axolotl

and a chicken.

(chicken clucking)

- Not what I-

- A jellyfish everywhere.

- Jellyfish?

Oh, oh okay.

No, that's not the actual phrase.

There's a saying, it was raining cats..

- And lions.

- Lions?

(lion roaring)

- I know about lions.

- Oh boy.

- Lions eat basic animals like humans

and tigers.

- [Bo] Uh ha.

Night lions.

Night lions are the king of the night.

(phone ringing)

- Are they raining from the sky too?


(clearing throat)

It was raining pigs and a goat,

an axolotl, chicken,

jellyfish everywhere.

Night lions.

Any other animals?

- Are there any elephants there?

I would so impressed.

(elephant trumpeting)

- Oh, why did I ask?

She had to get to safety too

and not just shrink and cower.

She hurried up to higher ground and leapt inside..

- For desserts.

(squishing sound)

- For desserts.

- Like the ice creams on the bottom,

half chocolate, half vanilla

(squishing sound)

custard on the top.

(squishing sound)

Oh my God.

I wanna eat this

- [Narrator] Yes? - 500 times.

- Okay, I think we're getting distracted here again.

- The jellyfish will take over.

- Right, right.

- [Kayla] This is awful.

- [Bo] Kayla cried, in worry and dismay.

- It's like no storm I've ever seen.

How can I save the day?

- You'll just get in the car.

- [Bo] Oh.

- Travel everywhere and then tell them..

- [Bo] Oh, you guys are-

- Inside.

Inside, inside, inside.

- And try to get the boxes

so the jellyfish can't escape.

- Right.

- We will say, oh, excuse me.

There's jellyfish in our yard

and we need all the help we can get.

Can you tell your friends?

- [Group] Okay.

- [Bo] So, everyone puts all the animals into boxes.

- All of them.

- Well, I guess that would work.

Good job kids.

The day had somehow all been saved.

By Kayla and some friends.

And now with such a storm returned.

- I like pick them all up in one hand

and eat them all up.

(whooshing sound)

- Well it's good to know they're in safe hands.

The end.

(girl laughing)

Next time, we'll be going through the looking glass,

with Alice's adventures in..

- Thailand.

- Yeah, I'm just trying to find myself.

- Well, we all need a gap year.


(upbeat music)

Arg kids.

- [Kids] Hello.

- Who be knowing why I be talking like this?

- You have a sore throat.

- No, I'm being a pirate.

- [Kids] Oh.

- I's Captain Bo the pirate.

Let me hear your best arg.

- Arg.

- Arg.

- Arg.

- Arg.

(pirate laughing)

- Arg, arg, arg.

- Ye be a fine crew.

Today's story be a scurvy saga of skullduggery.

It be called

(dramatic music)

- [Man] Scruffbeard's Treasure.

- Oh, come on, the one time I wanted

a big dramatic voice for the title.


(gentle music)

(birds squawking)

Gather round, why I tell ye

a tale of the sea and of Scruffbeard the pirate

as tough as could be.

- Me hearties.

- [Bo] He shouted.

- It's time for a trip.

- [Bo] So they hoisted their sails

and took off in their..

- Bouncy castle.

(loud thudding)

- Arg?

- Well I was thinking they'd sail at a..

- Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce.

- Arg, arg.

- Bounce, bounce, bounce.

- Bounce, bounce.

- Arg.

- I suppose.

So Scruffbeard set sail,

with his whole bearded crew.

There was.. - Pink.

- [Bo] Beard.

- Arg.

- Fish

- [Bo] Beard.

- Arg.

- Car.

- [Bo] Beard too.

- Arg.

(car beeping)

- Really?

Car beard?

- Aye and we'd be staying away from fish beard

in the midday sun too.

He'd be getting a bit of a pong.

- [Bo] With a tattered old Mac,

they were now on a quest.

To dig up some gold, buried deep in a..

- Fridge freezer.

- Must be looking tasty.

- Land ho.

- [Bo] Cried the captain.

The Pirate's all cheered.

(pirates cheering)

For just off the starboard an island.

- Exploded.

(loud exploding bang)

- Wait, the whole island?

- Exploded.

(loud exploding bang)

- Let's find a different island lads.

That one be looking a bit explody.

- [Bo] So, they found a new island

and much to their pleasure

they hadn't dug long when their shovels.

- Explode.

(loud exploding bang)

- You really want things to explode, don't you?


Their ship was a..

- Exploded.

(loud banging)

- Their hats.

- Explode.

(loud exploding bang)

- The sea.

- Exploded into a big expl*si*n.

(loud exploding bang)

- Don't worry me hearties.

I've got us a new ship you see.

It's a space ship that...

- Explodes.

(loud banging)

- Oh for the.

Aha, aha.

- Me mates, if we all carry on down this road,

I've a sneaking suspicion, more things might..

- [Kids] Explode.

- Our hunger for treasure went right to our heads.

Me lads, let's become accountants instead.

(phone ringing)

- Arg.

(car beeping)

(upbeat music)

- The end.


Next time, Sleeping Beauty.

- Explodes.

(loud banging)

- That was a first edition.

(whooshing sound)

(upbeat music)
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