06x02 - Itty Bitty Bugs

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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06x02 - Itty Bitty Bugs

Post by bunniefuu »


Treehouse is proud to present this

program which is suitable for viewing by

all ages


thank you

I wonder if there's a ladybug hiding

under here

over there

my mom was right this is a good day for

a picnic and a great day to play outside

where should we set up the picnic how

about right here good idea Linda hi guys

hi what are you doing we're getting

ready to have a picnic do you want to

join us yeah and I know a fun game we

can play what's that we could play a tag

wanna play sure okay catch us if you can

ready or not here I come





I'm glad you're here today now we can

pretend or we can play our favorite

games with all our special friends let's

play together


oh I just love to play with my friends

when it's a rainy day we'll have lots to

do we can be inside and play as long as

I'm with you let's play together

let's play together


that was fun

all that running around made me hungry

yeah me too Linda where's Chip I thought

he was coming to our picnic he had to go

to the doctor today oh isn't he feeling

well here

he heard soccer practice and Mom said

the doctor would make sure it would be

okay that's a good idea the doctor can

help his foot get better it's a shame he

has to miss our picnic you're right my

mom packed some yummy snacks for us a

little picnic is a super delicious idea

Hannah Danny's up in the tree house I'm

sure he'd like to come to the picnic too

great the more the merrier why don't you

give him a call okay


hello hi Danny come on down to the

playground we're going to have a picnic

a picnic great I'll be down in a couple

of minutes right after I find one more

insect bye-bye okay bye


Danny will be here soon then let's get

ready for the picnic

having a picnic under the trees having a

picnic under the trees having a picnic

under the trees we're gonna have a

picnic yeah



picnic basket with lots of food picnic

basket with lots of food picnic basket

with lots of food we're gonna have a

picnic Lulu


my darling

it's going to be so yummy

cups and plates are what we need cups

and plates are what we need cups and

plates are what we need we're gonna have

a picnic

Skip to My Lou


My Darling

and what else are we going to have on

this picnic

lemonade ice cream cookies too lemonade

ice cream cookies too eliminate ice

cream cookies too we're gonna have a pig



I need just one more insect

maybe I can find a caterpillar or a

dragonfly or a grasshopper or maybe I

can catch a butterfly with my net

oh let's see here you know

what are you doing up here

I'm looking for bugs me too I've been

bug hunting all morning did you find

anything yet no nothing so far and now

I'm getting kinda hungry that reminds me

Robert said there was going to be a

picnic on the playground a picnic gray

well what do we wear for let's go a boy

oh bad pickles yeah


wow this is quite a picnic Hannah's mom

gave us these tasty treats would you

like an apple okay thanks Hannah you're


what's that

sounds like a fly oh


Joy thinking what some of your Applebee


I'm not sharing my apple with a fly go

Shoe Fly


don't bother me

I feel I feel I feel like a morning star

I feel I feel I feel like a Morning Star




hey Danny do you see that butterfly I

sure do BJ I think it's a monarch

butterfly it has bright orange and black

wings awesome I've been looking for a

butterfly like that all day

I'll see you later guys


well now that we've finally got rid of

the fly it looks like we've got some

ants sharing our picnic and square right

here this is one of my favorite snacks

can you guess what it's called

the raisins are Ants Marching on a log

you're right Robert my mom calls it ants

Ants On A Log

on a log

we see Barney oh yum this one has peanut

butter my favorite

the ants go marching one by one hurray

hurray the ants go marching two by two

hurray hurray the ants go marching three

by three the little one stops to climb a




little one stops to pick up sticks


one two three


ants go marching seven by seven hurray

hurray the ants go marching and flying


who wrote the ants go marching nine by

nine the little one stops to check the



they are marching down to the ground



the ants go marching ten by ten the

little one starts to sing the end



I'd say this place has gone buggy for

insects we've been learning about

different kinds of bugs and insects in

school this week Barney did you know

that insects have six legs one two three

four five six six legs oh no wonder they

move so fast

Carney don't some insects have wings yes

Linda some do like this beautiful

butterfly I learned that an insect's

body has three parts see one two three

and those are the antennas they help the

insects feel and smell oh my Robert you

have learned a lot about insects come

look at our Ant Farm okay

oh wow that's a lot of ants and they're

all so busy that's because every ant has

a job to do some ants gather food some

keep the aunt house clean and others

take care of the baby animals oh I can

see they really know how to work


well now this looks like a nice place to


caterpillars turn into

they sure do they turn into one of my

favorite insects how do they do that

come here we'll show you oh boy


starts out as a tiny egg sitting on a


and before too long

the baby caterpillar comes out and

starts to eat

and it eats and eats and eats until it

grows very big

then the caterpillar makes a little home

called a chrysalis and changes while

it's inside

and when the caterpillar comes out again

it's a butterfly all right Belinda

caterpillars make very beautiful

butterflies oh I wish we didn't have to

wait for the butterfly to come out well

we wouldn't have to wait if we made our

own butterflies but how can we do that

this sounds like a job four

Imagination Day

that's right


oh I've been looking in my Barney bag

and I found a lot of things

gizmos and gadgets Buds and ends and

even subtle string

what can we make today with imagination

today yeah we'll see what we can make



yeah well you've all made some super

duper butterflies

Butterfly Song


five little butterflies resting at the

door one flew away and then there were

four butterfly butterfly happy all day

Fly Away

four little butterflies

four little butterflies sitting in a

tree one flew away and then there were

three butterfly butterfly happy all day

butterfly butterfly fly fly away


three little butterflies looking at you

you one flew

flew then there were two

butterfly butterflies


two little butterflies sitting in the

sun one flew away and then there was one

butterfly butterfly happy all day

butterfly butterfly fly fly away

one little butterfly left all alone one

flew away and then there was none

butterfly butterfly happy all day

butterfly butterfly fly fly away

who those butterflies look very pretty

with the flowers they remind me of the

butterflies that live in my

grandmother's Garden lots of bugs and

insects live in gardens and help flowers

and plants to grow that's right Danny

the garden's a great place to see

dragonflies ladybugs butterflies beetles

bumblebees there are some ladybugs

is it all right to pick one up Barney oh

sure Linda ladybugs are safe to touch

but remember you should always ask a

grown-up before you touch any bugs or

insects there's another one I'm going to

put it in my bug jar well it's fun to

catch bugs and watch what they do but

it's also important to let them go so

they can go back to their homes

hey guys I finally caught a butterfly PJ

that's not a real butterfly it's a paper

one we made them oh man I've been hiking

all over trying to get some cool bugs oh

hiking's a fun way to see all kinds of

bugs hey who'd like to go on a nature


Nature High Lights



Oh Linda look at this bug what is it I

think it's a praying mantis

wow look at those crickets go they can

really go fast

we're having lots of fun we're having

lots of fun

I think this is one of the coolest bugs

I've ever seen but where but I don't see

a bug I just see a stick that's it

Barney that stick is the bug I call it a

stick bug oh it's really good at hide

and seek I almost didn't see it


this way


hiking is fun yeah and we saw some

really awesome bugs I always see lots of

bugs when I go camping in the woods with

my dad oh that's cool it's really fun at

night we sit around our campfire and

then listen to the different sounds that

box make oh you're right Robert

nighttime is a great time for bugs and

insects to come out and play oh I wish

it weren't nighttime right now yeah then

we could listen to the bugs well just

listen closely and what do you hear

sounds of the nighttime loud and clear


Tim did you hear that

wonder what's making that sound I don't

know but it sounds like it's coming from

outside well you never know what you

might find out there let's take a look

Listen to the Nighttime


I just love listening


to my ears

listen to the night time

you can hear the window whistling

listen to the night time

you can hear a star fall


listen to the night time

you can hear the froggy singing

listen to the night time

you can hear the Crickets call


it's each and every nighttime friend

making music for days

it's like a nighttime Symphony


just listen


listen to the night time

you can hear the Starlight twinkle

listen to the night time


and if it's raining

you can hear a nighttime sprinkle


listen to the night time

you can hear the branches blow


it's each and every nighttime friend

making music for days

it's like a nighttime Symphony




do you see that

yeah it looks like a star

look there's another one

whoa whatever it is it's winking at me

my dad says they're fireflies BJ and

sometimes these special bugs are called

lightning bugs because they Flash and


fireflies lightning bugs I just call

them cool

Little Lightning Bug


twinkle little lightning bug twinkle

twinkle little lightning bug for me

Twinkle Little lightning bug all through

the night your twinkles are so special

to me

Sparkle made a lightning bug Sparkle



are so special to me wow look at them




the lightning bug for me




Sparkles are so special to me

your twinkles are so special to me

oh man I just gotta try to catch a

firefly to show sassy oh good idea BJ

baby puff would love to see one just

remember to let it go after she sees it

okay I'll remember okay hey wait for me

Fireboy oh you guys are fast


you know

I better check on the bugs I put in my

bug jar they're probably ready to

explore someplace new good idea come on

let's go


there you go guys a little more room to

run and play it looks like they like

their new home I'll bet they're having a

great time so did we thanks for a great

day Barney oh you're welcome

every day is a great day when I spend it

with friends like you

I Love You

I love you you love me

we're a happy family with a great big

hug and a kiss from me to you

won't you say if you love me too


I love you you love me we're best

friends like friends



I need to get home I want to see if

Chip's foot is all right oh tell Chip we

missed him at the picnic yeah yeah I'll

walk home with you great

come on Robert let's see if we can find

any more cool bugs okay bye

see you soon


hey everybody it's time for Bonnie said

hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

Never End here's what we did today we

had lots of fun playing outside could we

played tag

and shared a delicious picnic

we discovered lots of new six-legged

friends living in all kinds of places

we made beautiful paper butterflies for

our window box garden

they looked so pretty and so real even

BJ thought they were real

oh I just love spending the day playing

with my friends and remember I love you

thank you
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