03x03 - By the Beach/Swim Like A Fish

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Wiggles". Aired: 1993 - 2022.*
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Wiggle fans can join in on the fun with the beloved quartet Anthony, Murray, Greg and Jeff.
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03x03 - By the Beach/Swim Like A Fish

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music] Go,
go, go, go, go, go!

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Welcome to our TV show.

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Everybody, let's go.

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Welcome to our TV show.

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Everybody, let's go.

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Everybody, let's--
everybody let's--

everybody let's go, go, go, go.


Hi, everyone.

- We're the Wiggles.
- I'm Murray.

- I'm Jeff.
- I'm Greg.

And I'm Anthony.

I've got my guitar.

I hope you're ready to
rock on Network Wiggles.

["rock-a-bye your bear" playing]

[SINGING] Everybody clap.

Everybody sing.


Bow to your partner.

Then you turn around.


Hands in the air,
rock-a-bye your bear.

Bear's now asleep.


Bear's now asleep.


Everybody clap.

Everybody sing.


Bow to your partner.

Then you turn around.


Hands in the air,
rock-a-bye your bear.

Bear's now asleep.


Bear's now asleep.


Bear's now asleep.


Bear's now asleep.


Bear's now asleep.

Hello, and welcome to
Network Wiggles News.

Today Dorothy the dinosaur?

Visited a farm.

Let's see what
frolicking fun she had.

Hello, Greg.

Hello, everyone.


We're at the farm to
see the farm animals.

There's turkeys and a rabbit,
sheep, and some piglets.

If you were going
to have a farm,

what animals would you need?

Like, pigs.


Horses, sheep.

- Yeah.
- Joeys.

GIRL: No, you like--


Now, sheep, you'd
need sheep for--

You can get wool.

Yeah, wool to make--

GIRL: And many sell the wool, or
right-- no, you make clothing.

And you fed one of the
animals with the bottle?

Oh, for the baby to--


Baby sheep.

The lambs, they
feed the lambs.

DOROTHY: There seemed to
be a lot of chooks around.

Eggs for breakfast.

Yeah, like you--

You can have boiled eggs.

GIRL: Their hams
feel like bacon, too.

And geese.

GIRL: Because they
could lay eggs.

Why would you need pigs?

Just to make it colorful.

A farm is certainly
an interesting place.

But now, back to you, Greg.

Hmm, great report
there, Dorothy.

Thank you, and--

[goat bleeps]

What's that?

Hmm, good thinking.

Let's go to the weather
with Captain Feathersword.

Thanks, Greg, whoo-hoo-hoo.

Ahoy there, me hearties.

Well, my magic
weathersword's had

quite a busy week this week.

It's been blowing a gale.

There's been plenty of sunshine.

It's had a little bit of rain.

And it's even snowed.

But today it'll be
blowing feathers.

[wind blowing]

Blowing feathers?

How can it be blowing feathers?



Back to you, Greg.

Thank you, Captain.

And now let's cross
to the sport where we

take a look at indoor cycling.

DOROTHY: That looks like fun.


WAGS: [barks]

Whoa-ho, I'm coming, Wagsdy.


DOROTHY: What great exercise.

WAGS: [barks]

HENRY: Oh, I can't
bear to watch.

Whoa, look out, Wags.

I'm in a hurry,

WAGS: Ngiao, broom, broom.

DOROTHY: Oh, watch out, Captain.

Oh, are you OK?



What happened to the Captain?

HENRY: I've got you, Captain.

I've got you.

And I'll get you
another bicycle.

That's it.

You have to be OK.

WAGS: Look in, I'm
going to get you.

HENRY: Whoa, look out.
Whoa, whoa.

DOROTHY: Go, Captain.

HENRY: Whoa, look out, Captain.

And that's Network
Wiggles News for--

for today.

I'm Greg Wiggle.

Until next time we meet, may all
your wiggles be good wiggles.

Captain, that must have hurt.


["anthony's workshop" playing]
Anthony's workshop.

It's a workshop with Anthony.

Hello, everyone, welcome
to Anthony's workshop.

And today at Anthony's
workshop, we're going

to find out how magnets work.

Yeah, you might need
an apron for this work

because we're doing
some incredible things.

Today everybody's got some fish.

And everybody's
decorating their own fish.

Also, Baxter's already done
some wonderful work on his fish

and also had put his name on it,
so he knows which fish is his.

What I'm going to
ask you to do now,

guys, is to put a paper
clip on your fish.

Can you put a paper
clip on your fish?

There we go.

And Paris, here's the paper
clip for you to put on there.

Scarlet, if you can
put a paper clip--

you've already.

Mitea, you've done it, too,
because what we're going to do

is go fishing on
Anthony's workshop.

Scarlet, if you can put
your fish in the fish

bowl, and Mitea, if you can put
your wonderful gold fish in,

here's the big chance to fish.

Scarlet, if you can
fish for your fish,

let's see if you can--

BOY: Oh, you got mine.

ANTHONY: --pull your fish out.

Oh, you got a different pet.

ANTHONY: Ha-ha-ha, you got it.

And here comes Mitea
fishing for her goldfish.


ANTHONY: Well done, Mitea.

Well, everybody, that's
all the time we've got now,

fishing on Anthony's workshop.

We'll see you again.


["caveland" playing]

Hey, wake up, Jeff.

Look, there's a Brontosaurus.

Don't you mean Brontosnorus?

Oh, hey, look,
there's a Diplodocus.

And a Pterodactyl.

Hey, everyone, we must be in--


[SINGING] Let's take
a trip to another time

where dinosaurs are everywhere.

Oh, yeah, ah-ha,
here in Caveland.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.

Pterodactyls in the sky.

Brontosaurus running by.

Oh, yeah, ah-ha,
here in Caveland.

Ooh, ooh, ooh.

We've gone back to
prehistoric times.

To Caveland, to Caveland.

Let's take a look to
see what we can find.

To Caveland, to Caveland.

No cars or trains,
but we'll get by.

Hooh, hooh, hooh, hooh.

Take a ride on a dinosaur, yeah.

Just be careful if
you hear him roar.

Oh, yeah, ah-ha,
here in Caveland.

Ooh, ooh, ooh.

There's no pillows
for your head.

For your head.

Gather leaves to make your bed.

Oh, yeah, ah-ha,
here in Caveland.

Ooh, ooh, ooh.

We've gone back to
prehistoric times.

To Caveland, to Caveland.

Take a look to see
what we can find.

To Caveland, to Caveland.

No cars or trains,
but we'll get by.

Hooh, hooh, hooh, hooh.

Let's do the Triceratops twirl.

Triceratop, yeah.

Now try the Stegosaurus swirl.

Oh, yeah, ah-ha,
here in Caveland.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.

That's where we are, oh, yeah.

We're here in Caveland.

Ooh, ooh, ooh.

We're in Caveland.

We're in Caveland.

We're in Caveland.

We're in Caveland.

Ooh, ooh.
In Caveland.

In Caveland.


In Caveland.


In Caveland.



PLAYING] Captain's magic

buttons, he's got half a dozen.

Lets him sing in different ways.

Whoa-ho here we go.

Hi, everyone, it's
Captain Feathersword.

Let's say, "Ahoy there,
Captain Feathersword."

Ahoy there, Captain

Ahoy there, me hearties.


Captain, what were you
doing then when I came in?

Oh, Greg, I was just using
my magical musical pirate

buttons to help me play
musical instrument sounds.

Hey, Captain, I wonder--


Everybody, can you think of
some different instruments

that we can get the Captain
to play with his buttons?

Oh, lots of good ideas.

Great ideas.

Yeah, I like that one.

Let's try that one.

Captain, a trumpet,
can you do a trumpet?

A trumpet, OK, great.

Let's try that.

[imitates trumpet sound]


I like this.

Any other ideas?

Oh, yeah, that's a
good one, a violin.

- Violin?
- I like that.

Let's try that.

It's great.

[imitates violin sound]

Oh, wonderful, wonderful.

Any more ideas?

Oh, yeah.

- Oh, good thinking.
- Yeah.

Some drums.

Oh, yeah, that's great.

[imitates drum sound]

Boom, boom, boom, boom.


What's that one?

Oh, a tuba.
- Oh, tuba.

Yeah, let's try a tuba.

Oh, OK, Greg, let's see.

[imitates tuba sound]

Oh, hang-- hang
on, Captain, Captain.

They're saying we
should try them

all together, just like
an orchestra playing

all instruments at once.
Let's try that.

Sure, sure, let's see.
GREG: Here we go.


[imitates musical instruments]

Well, it sounds great.

But it's pretty loud,
Captain's magic buttons.

Murray, I love the beach.

Yeah, me, too, Greg.

And here's a song we
sang at Wiggle Bay.

["wiggle bay" playing]

Whoa-ho-ho, let's go.

Ahoy, me hearties.

[SINGING] We're on
our way to Wiggle Bay.

DOROTHY: Hee hee hee.

[SINGING] Just a few waves
and we'll be on our way.

We're on our way to Wiggle Bay.

Whoa-ho, oh, it's a lovely.

Whoo-hoo, Wiggly holiday.

[SINGING] There is sand,
sea, surf, and lots of friends.

Whoo-hoo, oh, you can
dig for buried treasure.

The fun, it never ends, whoa-ho.

[SINGING] We're on
our way to Wiggle Bay.

Oh-ho, I love that Wiggle Bay.

[SINGING] Just a few waves,
and we'll be on our way.

You'll see gulls and trees.

Ooh, aah.

And feel the breeze.


Oh, feel, feeling that sand and
let the waves touch your knees.


[SINGING] We're on
our way to Wiggle Bay.

Just a few waves, and
we'll be on our way.

Oh, yes, indeed,

we're going to be on our way.

[SINGING]: Wiggle Bay.

Oh-ho, I can't wait.

[SINGING]: Wiggle Bay.

Oh, I love--

[SINGING]: Wiggle Bay.

--Wiggle Bay.


NARRATOR: And now a Wiggly
Community Service Announcement.

GIRL: Got an itch?

Do you know what to do?

Scratch it, of course.

This has been a
Wiggle tip brought

to you by Network Wiggles.

["music with murray" playing]
Mu-mu-music with Murray.

Yes, everyone.

Hi, everyone, and welcome
to "Music with Murray."

As always, we've got the
oscilloscope behind us,

so we can see the sound waves.

And we've got our friend
Anthony here today.

And we've got our
other friends here.

And Anthony's got a whole
lot of instruments here.

I wonder what he's got--

what's that instrument,
I wonder, anyone?

Do you know what that's called?
Yeah, Aidan.

- A whistle.
- That's right.

It's a whistle.

Yes, Murray, it's
called a tin whistle.

And you blow through it, and
it makes beautiful sounds.

[whistle music]

MURRAY: It's a lovely
sound, isn't it?

I think he's got some
other instruments here.

What's this one, everyone?

Gemma, what do you think it is?
- It's drum.

MURRAY: I think
you might be right.

This is the snare drum.

You're right.

And of course, you can
have fun with it marching

music with the snare drum.


That's pretty loud, isn't it?

You know, Anthony's got
another instrument here.

I wonder if anyone
knows what this one.


And the violin.

[violin music]

I like that.

Let's play a guessing
game, everyone.

Can you cover your eyes?

Let's all cover our eyes.

And Anthony is going
to play an instrument

and see if we can
guess what it is.

No peeking.

You can guess at home, too.

That'd be great.

[whistle music]

Who knows what that was?



Everyone says it's a whistle.
Was it a whistle, Anthony?

- It was the whistle.
- Fantastic.

Let's try another one, everyone.

Cover your eyes.
- Cover your eyes.

How about this one?



- Oh.
- Drum.

MURRAY: You're right.

It's a drum.

And well, I think that might
be all the time we've got,


We'll see you next time
at "Music with Murray."

Let's have a bit of a
dance around to the violin.

Can we have a dance?

[violin music]

[SINGING] Mu-mu-music
with Murray.

Yes, everyone.

["vegetable soup" playing]

[SINGING] One zucchini.

One zucchini.

One tomato, too.

One tomato, too.

One zucchini.
One zucchini.


[SINGING] One tomato, too.

One tomato, too.

Put them in the pot--
- Oh, I love tomato.

[SINGING] And you've
got vegetable soup.

Ah ha ha, ah ha ha, ah ha ha.

Put it in the pot and
you've got vegetable soup.

Ah ha ha, ah ha ha, ah ha ha.

WAGS: What else now?

[SINGING] One big onion.

One big onion.

One tomato, too.

One tomato, too.

One big onion.

One big onion.

One tomato, too.

One tomato, too.

Put them in the pot and
you've got vegetable soup.

Ah ha ha, ah ha ha.

Oh, yeah, I love tomatoes.

[SINGING] Put it in a pot
and you've got vegetable soup.

Ah ha ha, ah ha ha, ah ha ha.

WAGS: What's next, Greg?

[SINGING] Grab some garlic.

Grab some garlic.

One tomato, too.

One tomato, too.

Grab some garlic.

I love garlic.

[SINGING] Grab some garlic.
One tomato, too.

One tomato, too.

Put them in the pot and
you've got vegetable soup.

What, just one tomato?

[SINGING] Ah ha ha, ah ha ha.

Put it in a pot and
you've got vegetable soup.

Ah ha ha, ah ha ha,
ah ha ha, ah ha ha.

WAGS: Oh-ho, this
is fantastic food.

I love this soup.

What about you, Captain?

Oh, it's the best food
I've ever had, arrr.

WAGS: Greg, we want more.

We want more.

What else?

[SINGING] One zucchini.

One zucchini.

One tomato, too.

One tomato, too.

Once zucchini.

HENRY: Haven't you
already had that?

- [SINGING] One zucchini.
- How many tomatoes?

[SINGING] One tomato, too.

One tomato, too.

Put them in the pot and
you've got vegetable soup.

Ah ha ha, ah ha ha,
ah ha ha, ah ha ha.

Put it in the pot and
you've got vegetable soup.

Ah ah ha, ah ha ha,
ah ha ha, ah ha ha.


Captain, why are you so sad?

Well, I love that
vegetable soup.

But what about dessert?

Captain, did you
just say dessert?


Well, have a look at this.

[SINGING] One banana.

One banana.

A little bit of guava, too.

A little bit of guava, too.
WAGS: Are you happier?

[SINGING] One banana.
One banana.

A little bit of guava, too.

A little bit of guava, too.

Put them in the bowl and
you've got fruit salad, too.

Whoa, dessert time.

[SINGING] Put it in the bowl
and you've got fruit salad,


Ho-ho, this is the best fruit
salad I've ever had, arrr.

PLAYING] Where's Jeff?

Is he sleeping outside?

Where's Jeff?

GREG: And here's your
host, Murray Wiggle.

[non-english] Hello, everyone,
and welcome to "Where's Jeff?"

the quiz show where
we look for Jeff.

Please welcome our contestant.

It's Greg Wiggle.

Hi, Murray.
Hi, everyone.

Hi, Greg.

Now, Greg, you love
sport, is that right?

I love sport.

I love playing cricket.

In fact, you know what,
if I wasn't a Wiggle,

I think I'd be a
famous cricketer.

Ha-ha, I'm sure
you're right, Greg.

But right now, it's time
to move over there Greg

and play "Where's Jeff?"

And we're lowering the
quizmatron over Greg's head,

so he can't see or
hear where Jeff is.

Let's play "Where's Jeff?"

[orchestra music]

Now, Murray, is Jeff
inside or outside?

Greg, he is inside.


Is he with a lot of people?

He certainly is, Greg.

Are those people
making lots of noise?

MURRAY: Oh, Greg, I wouldn't
say they were noisy.

GREG: But they're making
some sort of sound.

That's right, Greg, yes.

Are they making music?

Yes, Greg.

He's with a band.

Well, not really a band, Greg.

Oh, I know.

Has Jeff fallen asleep
in the orchestra?

Greg, you are quite correct.


MURRAY: And now, it's time
to wake him up, everyone.

One, two, three.

Wake up, Jeff!

I just had a wonderful dream.

I dreamed I was playing
in a symphony orchestra.

Ha-ha, beautiful music, Jeff.

Thanks for playing
"Where's Jeff?"

We'll see you next time.

[SINGING] Where's Jeff?

["swim like a fish" playing]

[SINGING] Come on, everybody,
let's dance, swim like a fish.

Come on, everybody, let's
dance, swim like a fish.

I use my fins to
flip and flop around.

I use my tail to
splish and splash.

Swimming like a fish.

Swim like a fish.

Swimming like a fish.

Swim like a fish.

Swimming like a fish.

Swim like a fish.

Swimming like a fish.

Wah wah wah wah.

Come on, everybody, let's
dance, swim like a fish.

Come on, everybody, let's
dance, swim like a fish.

I use my fins to
flip and flop around.

I use my tail to splish splash.

Swimming like a fish.

Swim like a fish.

Swimming like a fish.

Swim like a fish.

Swimming like a fish.

Swim like a fish.

Swimming like a fish.

Wah, wah, wah, wah.

Come on, everybody, let's
dance, swim like a fish.

Come on, everybody, let's
dance, swim like a fish.

I use my fins to
flip and flop around.

I use my tail to
splish and splash.

Swimming like a fish.

Swim like a fish.

Swimming like a fish.

Swim like a fish.

Swimming like a fish.

Swim like the fish.

Swimming like a fish.

Wah, wah, wah, wah.

[theme music]

Oh, what wonderful
camerawork, Captain.

Whoa-ho, thank you, Dorothy.

But unfortunately, we've
come to the end of our show.

So it's time to say
goodbye, me hearties.

- Bye.

See you later--

Bye, everyone.

--on Network Wiggles.
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