03x04 - Where's Jeff/Make Some Rosy Tea

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Wiggles". Aired: 1993 - 2022.*
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Wiggle fans can join in on the fun with the beloved quartet Anthony, Murray, Greg and Jeff.
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03x04 - Where's Jeff/Make Some Rosy Tea

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music] Go,
go, go, go, go, go!

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Welcome to our TV show.

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Everybody, let's go.

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Welcome to our TV show.

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Everybody, let's go.

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Everybody, let's--
everybody let's--

everybody, let's go, go, go.


Hi, I'm Greg. [SINGING]
And I'm ready to sing

at Network Wiggles.

Hi, I'm Anthony.

I'm dancing to Network Wiggles.

Hi, I'm Murray.

I'm playing music
at Network Wiggles.

Hi, I'm Jeff.

And I'm ready to--


No, let's get him
to Network Wiggles.

Oh, yeah, good idea.
Come on, Jeff.

Let's go.

Come with us, everyone.

["wake up jeff" playing]

[SINGING] Wake up, Jeff,
everybody's wiggling.

Wake up, Jeff, we
really need you.

Wake up, Jeff, you're
missing all the fun now.

Wake up, Jeff, before
the day is through.

What's that sound?

I can hear somebody snoring.

What's that sound?

It's not Murray or Greg.

Anthony's awake, so let's
have another guess now.

Oh, my goodness,
it must be Jeff.

Wake up, Jeff,
everybody's wiggling.

Wake up, Jeff, we
really need you.

Wake up, Jeff, you're
missing all the fun now.

Wake up, Jeff, before
the day is through.

JEFF: [snoring]

[SINGING] Dorothy the Dinosaur
is munching on some roses.

Wags the Dog is
digging up bones.

Henry the Octopus is
dancing round in circles.

Wake up, Jeff, we
need you for the show.

Wake up, Jeff,
everybody's wiggling.

Wake up, Jeff, we
really need you.

Wake up, Jeff, you're
missing all the fun now.

Wake up, Jeff, before
the day is through.


Can you keep that noise down?

I'm trying to sleep.

Hello, and welcome to
Network Wiggles News.

Today, Dorothy the Dinosaur
visited a preschool.

Let's go now to Dorothy and
see what she discovered.

Thank you, Greg.

And hello, everyone.

I've come to kindergarten today.

There are so many things
to do, so let's play.

Come on.

Wow, a slippery dip.

Jumping in a sling,
that looks like fun.

Let's go over here.

Oh, I love swinging.

You can knock down the skittles.

We can play a circle
game or walk on stilts.

Oh, I've had so much
fun at kindergarten.

But we have to go.

So it's back to you, Greg.

Woo, hoo, hoo, hoo.

[laughs] Oh, hi, there.

Yes, from up here, I
can see that Captain

Feathersword's ready to
tell us the weather report.

Let's go now to the Captain
and see what the weather's

got in store for us today.

Whoa, thanks, Greg.

Hoo, hoo, hoo.

Ahoy there, me hearties, ho-ho.

My magic weathersword
tells me that today,

there's going to be a shower
of fluttering butterflies.

A shower of fluttering

That can't be right, can it?

[wind blowing]


Whoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!

Wow, fluttering butterflies.

Back to you, Greg.

Thank you, Captain.

It was an exciting game of
soccer played today, and--

[chuckles] fluttering


There was an exciting game
of soccer played today

with an incident on the
field between Captain

Feathersword and Wags the Dog.

Let's go to the soccer and
see how the game finished up.


Oh, I love soccer.

DOROTHY: There we go.

HENRY: I'm the goalkeeper.

Sorry, Wags.

GREG: Oh, that's going to hurt.

Oh, that was my
fault, me heartie.


GREG: Let's have a
look at that again.

There you go.

Oh, sorry, Wags.

Oh, that was my
fault, me heartie.


HENRY: Oh, dear, I think that's
a free shot to you, Wags.

DOROTHY: Are you OK, Wags?

WAGS: Oh, oh.


Whoa, oh.

DOROTHY: Go, Wags.

WAGS: [barks]


I'm ready.

Whoa, he did it!



Whoa-ho, good save, Henry.

Great save.

WAGS: Thank you.

Thank you, Captain.

DOROTHY: Go, Wags.

Oh, great save there, Henry.

Well done.


[chuckles] Well,
that's the way it is

here at Network Wiggles News.

I'm Greg Wiggle.

And until next
time, keep wiggling.


NARRATOR: And now, a Wiggly
Community Service Announcement.

GIRL: Are you out fishing?

Not having any luck?

The fish just aren't biting?

Maybe you should use a hook.

This has been a
Wiggle tip brought

to you by Network Wiggles.

["anthony's workshop" playing]
Anthony's workshop.

It's a workshop with Anthony.

Anthony's workshop.

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to Anthony's workshop.

It's creating day to day.

I tell you what, beautiful
pictures, paintings going on.

And today you really do need
an apron if you're painting.

Lily has started the
ball rolling, shall

we say, with a beautiful,
beautiful painting

with all different colors,
Lily, and all in a long row.

Tell us about it, Lily,
your wonderful painting.

LILY: It's, sort
of, like a rainbow.

ANTHONY: Yeah, very much
like a rainbow with the blue.

And what color is this one here?

It's sort of a combination.

LILY: Browny red.

ANTHONY: A browny
red with a green.

And then we have
a type of yellow

and a lovely another
red, sort of, color.

What color would you think
you would put on next?


A beautiful choice.

Everybody have a look
at that, a lovely brown.

Over here, we have Jayden.

And Jayden, you're
working beautifully here.

Jayden has used all the
space on the picture

to create a beautiful montage of
colors, I guess, you'd call it,

lovely browns and swirls.

It's beautiful.

And over here, Sophie
has done a beautiful--

a beautiful tree picture scene.

And over here we--

A canary, yeah.

I haven't done the
other wing yet.

Another wing coming.

A wing coming, the tree, and
what's this in here, Sophie?

SOPHIE: It's a hole.

hole in the tree.

SOPHIE: Yeah, where
an owl could live.

Where an owl could live.

Brilliant work.

And Sam, of course, is
painting away as well.

And Sam, what have
you been doing.

SAM: Grass, and
then there's a tree.

And then it's hollow in there.

ANTHONY: A hollow in there.

And what might
live in the hollow?

An owl.
An owl, too.

It's fantastic.

We have owls, trees,
beautiful swirls, rainbows.

It's all happening at
Anthony's workshop, everybody.

Beautiful paintings going.

I might make one
myself in a second.

We'll see you again sometime.


NARRATOR: Can you help
the Wiggles find Jeff?

["where's jeff" playing]

[SINGING] Where's Jeff?

Is he sleeping outside?

Where's Jeff?

Has he come for a ride?

Where's Jeff?

Is he in the countryside?

Looky, looky, looky, looky.

Wy, yi, yi, yi.

Where's Jeff?

Is he sleeping inside?

Where's Jeff?

Is he still on his ride?

Where's Jeff?

You know he's nowhere in sight.

Looky, looky, looky, looky.

Wi, yi, yi, yi.

Looky, looky here.

Looky, looky there.

Looky, looky, looky,
looky everywhere.

Looky, looky here.

Looky, looky there.

Looky, looky, looky, looky.

Wi, yi, yi, yi.

Where's Jeff?

Is he sleeping outside?

Where's Jeff?

Has he come for a ride?

Where's Jeff?

Is he in the countryside?

Looky, looky, looky, looky.

Wi, yi, yi, yi.

Looky, looky here.

Looky, looky there.

Looky, looky, looky,
looky, looky everywhere.

Looky, looky here.

Looky, looky there. ,
Looky looky, looky, looky.

Wi, yi, yi, yi.

Where's Jeff?

Is he sleeping outside?

Where's Jeff?

Has he come for a ride?

Where's Jeff?

Is he in the countryside?

Looky, looky, looky, looky.

Wi, yi, yi, yi.

Where's Jeff?

Is he sleeping inside?

Where's Jeff?

Is he still on his ride?

Where's Jeff?

You know he's nowhere inside.

Where's Jeff?

Where's Jeff?

Where's Jeff?

Where's Jeff?

Where's Jeff?

Where's Jeff?

PLAYING] Captain's magic

buttons, he's got half a dozen.

Lets him in different ways.

Whoa-ho, here we go.

Magic buttons--

Hey, everybody, it's
Captain Feathersword.

Let's all say, "Ahoy there,
Captain Feathersword."

Ahoy there, Captain

Ahoy there, me hearties.

- Captain?

Oh, yeah.

What were you doing
then when I came in?

Oh, Greg, I was just
doing some gardening.

I was using my shovel.

And the magic buttons
were helping me.

I was just--


Captain, that's fantastic.

You know what?

I'm wondering if
any of our friends

have some ideas on some
other gardening things

that we can get you to do
with your magic buttons.

Any ideas?

Lots of ideas, Captain.
- Great ideas, great.

You know which one I like?

I like the one they're planting
little seeds in the soil.

Oh, painting little
seeds, OK, let's see.

- Here it is.
- OK.

GREG: It's always fun to plant
seeds when you're gardening.

Oh, yeah.

Captain, there were some
other ideas that I liked.


One of them was
watering the garden.

Oh, watering the garden?

Watering the garden.

Watch your toes there, Greg.

Oh, sorry, Captain.

Didn't mean to get in the way.

Another idea that I'm
liking is pruning,

cutting back the branches.
- Pruning?


Oh, very quick
pruning there, Captain.

I made an elephant, Greg.


I like the elephant.

What's that one?

Oh, using a wheelbarrow.

Great idea.
- Wheelbarrow?


Well, let's see, Greg.

You might be able to
help me with this one.

- Yeah, sure.
- Just push the button.

Here we go.

Take that leg, Greg.
GREG: All right.

OK, now take this leg.

GREG: Right.

OK, let go.

Oh, a wheelbarrow.


GREG: Great fun, Captain.


[laughs] Hey, I love
this wheelbarrow, whoa!

Here's a song
where we gulp, gulp.

[SINGING] Drink some water.

Gulp, gulp.

Gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp.

["gulp gulp" playing]

gulp, drink some water.

Gulp, gulp, drink some water.

Gulp, gulp, drink some water.

It's so good for you.

Have a drink of water.

It's so good for you.

Have a drink of water.

It's the best thing you can do.

Have a drink of water.

Drink it all day through.

It's cool.
It's clear.

It comes from a tap.

And it tastes good, too.

Gulp, gulp, drink some water.

Gulp, gulp, drink some water.

Gulp, gulp, drink some water.

It's so good for you.

Have a drink of water.

It's so good for you.

Have a drink of water.

It's the best thing you can do.

Have a drink of water drink.

Drink it all day through.

It's cool.
It's clear.

It comes from a tap.

And it tastes good, too.

Gulp, gulp, drink some water.

Gulp, gulp, drink some water.

Gulp, gulp, drink some water.

It's all good for you.

Gulp, gulp, drink some water.

Gulp, gulp, drink some water.

Gulp, gulp, drink some water.

It's so good for you.

It's called aqua, too.

[glasses clinking]

["music with murray" playing]
Mu-mu-music with Murray.

Yes, everyone.

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to "Music with Murray."

I'm here with our friend Aidan.

And he's going to
help me play the drum.

We've got a snare drum here.

And I've heard that Aidan is
a really fantastic drummer.

If you've got something
like a drum at home,

you can play along, too.

It's good fun, or you
can just tap your knees.

That's fun, too.

You can see behind us, we've got
our friend, The Oscilloscope,

so we can see the sound waves.

So we might see what sort
of waves the drum makes.

Aidan, can you do this?

Can you copy what I do?
- Yes.

I'm going to play
a little drum beat.

And you see if
you can do it, OK?



How about--



How about--


Let's look up here
and see what happens

when Aidan plays the drum.

Can you play something
for us, Aidan?

We'll see what-- oh, that
really makes the waves jump,

doesn't it?

Here's another one for you.

Aidan, see if you
can do this one.

Here's a really tricky one.


You are so good, and
you're a fantastic drummer.

How about here's a
tricky one, let's

see if you can try this one.

Oh, I can't trick you, Aidan.

We're having a great
time playing the drum.

Hope you're having fun, too.

We'll see you later with
"Music with Murray."

[SINGING] Mu-mu-music
with Murray.

Yes, everyone.

NARRATOR: And now a Wiggly
Community Service Announcement.

GIRL: Feel like
knowing something?

Want to know the
answer to a question?

Things not quite making sense?

Well, look it up in a book.

Books available on bookshelves.

This has been a
Wiggle tip brought

to you by Network Wiggles.

["hot potato" playing]

[SINGING] Hot potato,
hot potato, hot potato,

hot potato, hot
potato, hot potato,

potato, potato, potato, potato.

Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti.

Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti.

Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti.


Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti.

Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti.



Spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti.

Ooh, wiggy wiggy wiggy.

Ooh, wiggy wiggy, wiggy.

Give me that, give me
that, give me that food.

Ooh, wiggy wiggy wiggy.

Ooh, wiggy wiggy wiggy.

Give me that, give me that.

Mashed banana, mashed banana.

Mashed banana, mashed banana.

Mashed banana, mashed banana.

Mashed banana, mashed banana.



Banana, banana, banana.

Ooh, wiggy wiggy wiggy.

Ooh, wiggy wiggy wiggy.

Give me that, give me
that, give me that food.

Ooh, wiggy wiggy wiggy.

Ooh, wiggy wiggy, wiggy.

Give me that, give me that.

Hot potato, hot potato.

Hot potato, hot potato.

Hot potato, hot potato.

Hot potato, hot potato.

Hot potato, hot
potato, potato, potato,

potato, potato, potato, potato.

PLAYING] Where's Jeff?

Is he sleeping outside?

Where's Jeff?

Has he come for a--

ANTHONY: And here's
your host Greg Wiggles.

Ciao, amici.

Hello, friends.

Welcome to "Where's
Jeff?" the only quiz

show where you get
to look for Jeff.

Well, right now, we've
got a contestant with us,

our only contestant today.

Oh, boy.

It's the blue wiggle Anthony.

Ciao, amigo.

Hey, Anthony, great
to have you here again.

Pleasure to be here.

Now, what are some
of your hobbies?

Oh, my hobbies, I love
driving around a big red car

and meeting lots of friends.

Oh, fantastic.

But right now, Anthony, we're
going to play "Where's Jeff?"

- Beauty.
- All right.

Head on over there.

We'll lower the "Where's
Jeff?" quizmatron helmet,

so you cannot see or
hear where Jeff is.

Now, Anthony, ask
your first question.

My first question is, is
Jeff in the Wiggle House?

Oh, no, he's not
in Wiggle House.

Then he must be outside?

He's outside.

Hmm, is he with
someone we know?

GREG: Oh, well, he's not alone.

He is with someone we know.

That is right.

Well, is that someone we
know is one of our friends?

Well, it is, but which one?

Oh, well, the
Captain and Wags have

gone to the shop for Dorothy.

Henry's having a swim.

I am guessing that
Jeff is with Dorothy

the Dinosaur in the park.

You're right.

He is indeed.

Fantastic work, Anthony.

But you know what?

We're going to
have to wake him up

because he's fallen
asleep when I count 3,

one, two, three, wake up, Jeff!


Those roses have got
thorns on them, Dorothy.

DOROTHY: Oh, come on,
you got to get up.


JEFF: Oh, no,
Dorothy, I'm OK, see?

Better get back to
Network Wiggles.

Yes, come on back, Jeff.

Thanks for joining us for
another game of "Where's Jeff?"

until next time,
we'll see you later.


[SINGING] Where's Jeff?

NARRATOR: And now, a Wiggly
Community Service Announcement.

GIRL: Are you amused?

Finding it hard to contain your
mirth or just simply happy?

Laugh, available in different
sizes from a small chuckle

to a king-sized mirth.

This has been a
Wiggle tip brought

to you by Network Wiggles.

Dorothy, I'm thirsty.

I'd love some rosy tea, just
like we had at Wiggle Bay.

Come on, everybody.

Let's make rosy tea.

[SINGING] Everybody
loves rosy tea.

DOROTHY: I love rosy tea.

make some rosy tea.

It's a dinosaur egg recipe.

Oh, yes, it is, indeed.

make some rosy tech.

And a rose petal,
ha-ha, or maybe three.

Three rose petals.

Come on, everybody.

make some rosy tea.

We like rosy.

Let's make some rosy tea.

Yes, indeed, Dorothy.

[SINGING] It's a cinch,
I'm sure you'll agree.

We all agree, Greg.

make some rosy tea.

She's a clever
dinosaur, Dorothy.

Thank you very much,
Captain Feathersword.

make some rosy tea.

Let's take a sip
and yell, yippee!


Come on, everybody.

Let's make some rosy tea.

We love rosy.

Let's make--

Wow, so it's the best cup
of rosy tea I've ever had.

I'm glad, Captain.

[SINGING] We love rosy tea.

Let's make some rosy, too.

DOROTHY: Do yo like it, Wags?

Hey, Wags, have you had 55
cups of Dorothy's lovely tea

as well?

DOROTHY: Take it easy, captain.


Let's make some rosy tea.

We like rosy.

Let's make some rosy tea.

Tea for 1.

Tea for a teeth.

Let's makes some rosy tea.

We like rosy.

We love some rosy tea.

We like support.

[theme music]

DOROTHY: Well, the
show's over for today.

I'm going off to
have some rosy tea.


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