Bedzie lepiej (1936)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Bedzie lepiej (1936)

Post by bunniefuu »

Happy Days

Directed by:

Written by: / Screenplay: /
Music: / Songs:

Photography: / Decorations:

Lviv dialect by:

Atelier and laboratory:

Recorded with a noiseless system:


Fur-coats by: / Pianos by:

The city of Lviv is beautiful.

We don't mean Lviv, but a Lviv citizen.

You know why we came here.

No, I don't.


- First you have to...
- I know uncle. And secondly?

- Secondly you have to...
- Oh I know it too, but it won't work.

The word "must" doesn't exist for me.

Wandeczko, it's all about
your happiness. Do you understand?

I do, but if my luck is that
mustachioed-bearded seal with glasses,

then I say again that it won't work.

Mr Dalewicz is a perfect choice.
Intelligent and so exceptional man.

And rich! The richest manufacturer
of toys and playing dolls.

I don't want his fortune. I don't want
to be another doll of this gentleman.

Well, Franciszek has no eyes or what?

I wanted to come in quietly.

Yes, naturally quietly,
but it's not enough.

You'll do anything to disturb my work.

But I wanted to come in quietly...

How many times do I have to repeat?

Silence and work. Work and silence.

She's out of tune.

What? Out of tune? Don't bother me.

Everything's fine.

You have no talent for music.

It is supposed to be... (la, la, la).

Never in the world... (la, la, la).

Where are these terrible...
(la, la, la)?

No, because exactly... (la, la, la).

You both know how it needs to be.
Play for them.

Do you see how he plays?
Just like I sang.

- You remember that, Tonko.
- Tell me Szczepciu, what?

It'll be useful to you.
Remember that it's not poverty

but money is a misfortune.
- Oooh!

If someone has a lot of money,
he thinks he's a king.

He's alive, drinking and cruising
around,all the others are losers!

When the money runs out,
then the party is over.

He groans, he grunts, what's left
for him? Regret after losing money.

We both have nothing and feel like
we're in paradise.

Nothing's terrible for us. If you've
nothing, you cannot lose it.

We worry during the winter and we're
happy when it's May.

We're going through
the world together.

- You remember that, Tonko.
- Tell me Szczepciu, what?

That your friend and brother are
the most precious,

even more than a hundred million!

The one who has money has friends,
has everything!

He's loved by them, they drink with him
wherever they can.

And when suddenly the money runs out

Creditors are chasing him.

Then nobody knows him, nobody loves him,
it's not like us!

There are no people like us
in the whole country.

Both of us! It's like the
hundred of the others!

We worry during the winter and we're
happy when it's May.

Always you and me together.

What's that supposed to mean?

Follow me.

Well? Where are they?!

Come closer.

Not you Franciszek, but them.

Please come closer to the director.

It was you who started to sing.

No sir. We just finished
and the doll started.

Tonko claimed that the doll broke.

She sang like this: (la, la, la).

- No! (la, la, la).
- Silence!

Don't you know you can't sing here?

- Yes, we do.
- What? What?


Instead of working, you have violets
in your head.

Do you know what it smells like?

What? Violets?

Be quiet, now the headmaster's talking.


Oh... Mr Ruczynski.

My respect. How can I help you?


Yes, in did but...

Miss Wanda is not kind to me...


She's very kind, extremely kind.

You can't even imagine what kind of
impression you made on her.

Wet seal with glasses.

Be quiet! No... it wasn't to you.

I was talking to myself.

What's this phrase? Seal?

Seal? No! It wasn't for you either.
No, no, no...

I'm talking to a seal here, one seal.

There's such a badly trained
seal next to me.

You can't even imagine how she feels
about you.

No, not the seal.
What seal? Wanda!

- Uncle, what's that supposed to mean?
- No... I wanted to say that...

She thinks very much about
transporting dolls

that I just wanted to order from you
to her store.

200 pieces. They're supposed
to be playing, they play beautifully.

Allow me to demonstrate to you, please.


Not clearly?

No wonder, because on the phone.

Anyway, I'll sing to you myself.

(la, la, la)

Wrong sir.
It has to be like this: (la, la, la).

Be quiet, you fool.
What? No...

- (la, la, la)
- I'm sorry, but it should be like this:

(la, la, la)

Undoubtedly out of tune,
but that's not dolls are singing.

Get out of here!

Leave the office immediately.



Let the cashier pay them for this week,
I don't want to see them again.

But chief, Szczepciu is innocent.

I am guilty. Only me.

It's not true, because I am guilty.
Tonko is innocent.

Are you done?


But I just wanted to mention this march.

Leave right now, please!

I kiss the hands.

I bow.


I'm listening Mr. Principal?

Go to the expedition. Have them prepare
200 singing dolls for shipping.

Well, nothing?

Is there no job?


Have you read everything?

Tutor needed for an elegant home.

Neither I nor you come from
an elegant home.


Janitor wanted to work in a bank.

Szczepciu, seriously?

Let's go! Someone will be ahead of us.

We need a reference.

So we have to get dressed
in reference?

Where to get the money for it?

Working as a janitor is a good job.

You sit in the office all day,
brewing coffee or tea,

directors pass.

You belong to a health insurance fund.

There're no more job offers here.

What've got here?

Matrimonial offers, buy and sell offers,

housing offers.

You know what I think, Tonko?

We'll go to the magistrate
in the morning,

they plan to dig a channel,
we'll get a good job.

Jozko told me that...


Jozko knows what it's all about.

Be quiet!

No... Szczepciu...

I'm about to crawl out of my skin.

What do you think about this?

What a bad mother! How could she leave
the baby alone to lie down?

And she went to a friend to gossip
for sure.

We have to leave this child here,

because they'll accuse us of kidnapping.

Now kidnapping children
is fashionable.

I'd better put it back, because
we're going to be in trouble.

Oh baby! Quietly.


We have to wait for the mother
to come back.

Good people, look after my son.

I have no livelihood.
God will make it up to you.

What are we going to do now?

We'll go to the police and
give the baby back.

Szczepciu! Let's not go there.

Why not?

Look at this baby, it's so innocent.

It didn't steal anything.
Poor little thing, sweet.

You're right.

It's innocent, my sweet little face.

Pop goes the weasel.

Be quiet, you're so sweet, so lovely!

Poor little thing, why are you crying
so much?


Why is he screaming like that?

Because you are shaking him too much.

Put him down, let him rest a little.

Be quiet, my sweet fish.

My sweet.

You're comfortable, aren't you?

He says he's comfortable here.

Where did you put the baby?

On boards? It'll break its bones.

Don't even say that.

I would never hurt that little one.

Don't talk that much Tonciu. Just get to
work and put something down here.

Maybe something is crushing him?
Maybe I will undress it?

Leave it, leave it.
I don't need your help.

I'll do it myself.



Szczepciu, I already know
why he is crying.

He's hungry for sure.

After all, you said your
first wise word.

Do you have any money Tonciu? A lot?

I have 6 złotych spare change
and 2 złote in banknotes.

Tonciu, go to Mrs. Rajchowa's store and
buy some food for the baby.

Just hurry up!

I go.

Be a good boy.

Unfortunately, you can already see the
towers of Elizabeth's Church in a distance,

maybe you will be able to see
the city of Lviv on your way back.

You will speak Lviv like the emperor,
you'll see.

Be quiet, be quiet.

One day you'll go to a bar with your
father and drink vodka, you'll see.

Drunkards will come to that bar,
they will buy vodka.

Come in!

Quiet, quiet, quiet...

You could help me as I am very tired.

I have already brought it, Szczepciu.

Oh my... What have you brought?

Szczepciu, fresh sausage.

Is it Easter today or what?

A small child doesn't eat sausage.

But not alone, with bread.

Don't be crazy. They feed the child
with milk, give them tea.

For spicy things,
it's chamomile at best.

We have some milk left yesterday.

Szczepciu, I like him a lot.

Tonciu. You know what?

Me too.

My sweet little fish.

My little orphan.

Not orphan. I will be mother for him.

Me too!

Will the baby have two mothers?

That's impossible. You'll be...
I don't know. A father.

I'll be a father?

Yes, but we need to give him a name.

How are we going to call him?

I think that he should be named after
his father, Antoni.

I guess he'd better be named after
his mother, Szczepan.

No, that name doesn't fit him.

Szczepciu! I already know!

It would be best if his name was Bajbus.



Yes, I think it's a good idea, Tonciu.

He's looking good! Look at him.

But remember Tonciu, swear by the
Lviv word of honor,

that we'll do everything for Bajbus!
- My heart!

My soul!

My guts!

Everything you've got.

Szczepciu, we have to ask aunt
Bandziuchowa how to look after baby.

After all,
you said your first wise word.

Let's go, Tonciu.

Do you need help?

Can you?

Me and Tonko can do anything.

I've got a problem with starter.

Are you serious? What a bully.

If we met him,
we would teach him a lesson.

Are you crazy Tonko?
What are you talking about?

Starter is a... is a some... thing!

So? Can you help me?

Nonsense. Of course we can help.

Cars are our specialty.

Let's get to work.

You've got it?


This starter.


It'll be something hard to repair.

Why did you boast about your ability to
repair machines?

Thought I could do this. I was wrong.

We must fix this, because there will be
shame and cruel disgrace.

I'll twist this part and twist the
other too, maybe it'll help.

Wait a minute, Tonciu.

The kidney is in place,
the spleen and the heart also.

What's missing then?

Everything looks fine from the outside,
but I'm not sure inside too.

Thank God I'm alive, because
if I had died, I wouldn't have lived it.

- Tonciu!
- What?


Where's Bajbus?

Thank goodness, Wanda.
You're finally back.

Change your clothes quickly, because
Mr. Dalewicz is coming soon.

I don't think he has to come anymore.

- Wandziuniu, first...
- Oh! Are you starting all over again?

I already know it by heart.

About my aunt, that the family,
that the shop.

That we'll come back
empty-handed, right?

You're right.

Don't worry, Uncle. We'll not come
back empty handed.

What's this?

Quiet, sonny.
Uncle will bring you milk in a moment.

What's this all about?

A child.

Well, I can see it's a baby, not a car.

But what is this child?

First, pretty.

Secondly, mine.

Wanda, don't be kidding, please
say seriously.

Well, I'm speaking clearly,
child, my child.

- Yours?
- Mine.

What? I feel dizzy.

Maybe I'm sleeping? Maybe I'm dreaming?

Wanda, pinch me please.

Oh! This isn't a dream, so I'm awake.

This is your baby?

- My baby.
- Do you have a baby?

Come on, uncle. I can't hide it anymore.

And the father? Where is the father?


Father... We got divorced.

He gave me my child and went out
into the world.

What we gonna do now?

What will your aunt say to that?

What will the family say?

What will Mr. Dalewicz say?

I think Mr. Dalewicz will be very happy
when I tell him.

Don't you dare tell anyone about it.

How lovely he is, how lovely.

He looks just like an uncle.

Don't let him even try to look like me.

Enough of that. Pack your bags and
we leave for Warsaw.

Let the aunt settle the matter.

So we won't wait for Mr. Dalewicz?

On the contrary. We have to leave before
he comes here.

Uncle will play with him while
I will pack my bags.

Perhaps the chief would wear swallows?


Watch out, carefully.

At last I look sedate, serious and
as young as in these jackets.

Let me tell you.

If I had received
such an invitation...

So what?

- I think that...
- What?

You should absolutely look young
during such a visit.

- The woman likes...

Miss Wanda likes serious, stable
and decent people.



Don't cry!

Be quiet!

I can't read my newspaper, you hear?

You wont touch me. First...

These are old tricks, I'm too old,
I won't be fooled.

Second, I don't care about you.

Third, if uncle tells you to be quiet,
you have to be quiet.

Oh come on.


Come on, calm down.

Don't behave like a child.

Wanda is right.

He actually looks a bit like me.

He even looks a lot like me.

He has my eyes.

You won a lottery ticket.

Because I have exceptionally
pretty eyes.

You baby.


I'm sorry. Hello?



In a moment. Wandeczko!

There's a phone call to you.

She's coming, yes.


Yes, my car.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

What's this mystery story?

Everything's fine.

I thought my husband h*jacked my car,

but the police
are sending it back to me.

Everything's packed.

Very good, Wandeczko. We'll talk about
everything in Warsaw. Hurry up!

I have to do something with the baby.

What do you want to do with the baby?

I'll give it to someone to raise it.
I won't take it to Warsaw.

but we will take it to Warsaw.

Let your aunt,
family think of something.

It's my baby.

Sorry, but it's our baby.

Unfortunately, it belongs to the family.

Okay, let it go.

Maybe it'll be better like this?

- I bow.
- Welcome!

How are you?

I'm fine, thanks. Are you leaving?

I have to go out to recover actually.

- And you?
- I...

This is my distant relative.

A very distant.

He arrived unexpectedly and...
- How's that?

- Alone?
- Yes, naturally.

He missed me because we hadn't seen
each other in 20 years.

- Mr. Dalewicz!
- Kissing your hands.

Good morning.

Kissing your hands.
Are you leaving too?

No, I'm away on business.

You understand it best,
a businessman like you.

I just...

You're right, we had to deal
with these 200 playing dolls.

I accept this transaction.

- That's not what I meant...
- I'm really sorry, I'm in a hurry.

I am very happy to be your...
regular customer.

Good bye, good bye.

Mister! Mister!

Where did they go?

- Who?
- They!

- Mr. Ruczynski?
- Yes!

To Warsaw.

Oh no.

Oh God, oh God.

- Szczepciu!
- What?

Are you sleeping?

No, I can't.

And you?

I can't sleep either.

- Tonciu?
- Yes?

I can't live without Bajbus. It hurts.

Me neither. I can't, I can't, I can't.

You know what, brother?

I feel now what it's
like to be a mother.

And I feel now
what it's like to be a father.

Szczepciu, we have to follow Bajbus
to Warsaw. Absolutely!

Are you crazy? To Warsaw?

Do you have money for the ticket?

Together we have not enough
for half the ticket.


Szczepciu, my sweet! I have an idea!

Come over here, listen.


Great, Tonciu! Great!

- Tonciu!
- Yes?

- Are you alive?
- And you?

If I speak, it means that I am alive.

You're right.

Szczepciu, are you comfortable?

Yes, it's great.

Tonciu, and you?

More or less.



Jak daleko do Warszawy?

Warning. Porcelain. Warsaw.
Toy warehouse. W. Ruczynska

Right away! Right away!


They are in a hurry when it comes
to eating.

When it's time to work, then they sleep.

Let it ring, you ringer

When you get tired, you will feel alive.

Finally, Hipek.
How long should I call you?

How many times has the cashier called?

Six times!


You have crossed all the lines, Hipek.


Who works here except me?

They play chess,

drink tea,

nobody wants to work.

Mind your own business, please.

But who is to interfere?

You could lose your job for talking
like that, Hipek.

Optical illusion.

And who will throw me out?

There isn't even anyone here to kick
someone out.

The owner, Miss Ruczynska, drives a car
around the city,

Aunt is a lady and uncle has become
a nanny and looks after the baby.

Heard something about this baby.

I did hear something about it.

What's this child?

It looks like some kind of optical
illusion to me.

My Basia told me that in that house...

Sodom and Gomorrah!
Do you understand?

How does it look like?
What will people say about this?

Here's the child,
but where's the husband?

He ran away.

Ran away.

Who will believe you?

Can you hear me?
Does it interest you at all?

I don't know his address.

Then look for him.

I don't want to know this child
until the father is found.

You've done a number.

What a scandal!

Scandal like this in our honest family.

If this child is bothering you a lot,
I can send it back.

Where? To strangers?

You don't know your husband's address.

What will Mr. Dalewicz think about us?

He is the least important.

He wouldn't leave his
wife with the baby.

He wouldn't run away.


- Does Dalewicz know about everything?
- No.

We need to inform him gently about this.

He is so understanding.

We will hide the baby and you'll
get married.

Oh yes.

Some crates from Lviv came. What should
I do with them?

You can see that I am busy.
Let Hipek handle it.

You need to check these crates and who
ordered them.

- Go, Hipciu.
- Okay, okay.

Nobody's gonna do it if I don't.

How to think so, I don't know if
I'm a janitor or a director.

Optical illusion. I want a raise.


We get off. It's Warsaw.

Are we at the train station?

I wish.

I am so sorry, but I fell asleep.

Where are we?

I think we got to the guy who
ordered the dolls.

Are you leaving again or what?

Yes, uncle. I need to go.
I have a date.

What a mother you are?

You don't care about that kid.

You're my worthy replacement.

Oh uncle, he likes you very much.

He knows people.

So good bye, uncle.

I know people!

Come here.

Tiger aunt is coming.


Is this an appropriate job for an
old gentleman?

First of all there is no old
gentleman here.

- And second...
- Oh! First, first, second...

I've been hearing the same thing
for 30 years.

What're you doing here with this stain
on our name?

First, it's not a stain and the diapers
will wash out.

He's so beautiful, so beautiful.

He looks exactly as me.

Am I leave?

Will you let me stay?

Come on from here.

30 years the same. I never know when you
say "yes" and when you say "no".

Now I'm saying "yes".


I'm coming.

What's going on here?


The second chest is empty.

Nothing but optical illusions
all day long.

- Make a passage for the chief.
- Sure.


Please connect me with Lviv.

Dalewicz toy factory.

2... 2... 2... 2... I don't stutter,
just ask for four twos.


Who's speaking?

Who's speaking?

Who... Who's speaking?


I understand perfectly well, but...


Wanda Ruczynska company?

Quieter Franciszku,
why are you screaming?

Sorry, it's not me. Warsaw is speaking,
Mr. Principal.

A certain Wanda Ruczynska.

Miss Wanda Ruczynska?

Miss Wanda Ruczynska, do you understand?

As you command Mr. Principal.

I am very happy, my respect.

Dalewicz speaking.

I am glad...

- But...
- There is no "but", dear mister.

This is a scandal and nothing else

Do you think we are fools?

I'll have it checked out soon.
No, I'll go check myself.

No, I'll come to Warsaw personally
to explain it to Miss Wanda.

Good good. Please come in person.

Where is Mr. Ruczynski?

What a delightful baby.

Your child too.

- Can he walk?
- No.

Not yet.

But he already has legs.

He must be heavy.

Of course, fatso.

- How much do you weigh?
- 72 kilograms last month.



I asked about the weight of the child.

The baby weighs less.

Much less.

This is also nice. Is it bottle fed?

Yes. Bottle.


- Yes.
- Very pretty girl.

Do you look after the baby yourself?


There's a lot of work to do.

You have to change diapers, wash them,
cover with powder,

heat the milk and serve the milk...

It makes no sense to walk the streets,
because we won't find Bajbus here.

We have to look for a children's garden,
like our Jesuit one.

Yes, it's possible. Let's go look.

People are worried about
these kidnappers.

Have you heard of these kidnappers?

Who are the kidnappers?

They're bandits who kidnap a child
and demand a ransom.

Just like gypsies.

because they raid in broad daylight.

- Miss Frania, let's go.
- Let's go.

Bandits! Kidnappers!

- The kidnappers wanted to kidnap.
- Whom?

- You?
- You, you...

- Me?

I can never get along with you.

No, no, no, no but yes, yes, yes.

There were two of them.
They surrounded me on four sides.

However, I didn't get carried away
and quickly ran away.

I didn't let them kidnap me!

Did you see how fast I was running?

Are you crazy?
What're you talking about?

I'm not crazy. You all have no heart.

They're here! Bandits! Kidnappers!

Let's save the child!

Who are you looking for?

For Bajbus.


- We came here for a child.
- Please, come in.

Tonciu, you'll see what happens.

You don't know me yet, Tonciu.

You too!

We both don't know each other yet.

What do you want?

Put your g*n away, because I'm nervous.

- We came here for a child.

- For Bajbus.
- I'll give you Bajbus!

I'm not giving you the baby,
you kidnappers!

We aren't children anymore, we came
from Lviv to take the child.

By what right?

What right?

I'm his father.

What? What?

Szczepciu, tell him who am I.

Szczepiu, who am I for Bajbus?

What? A father.

How could you left her with a baby and
ran away!

Who ran away? Who? We looked for him
all over Lviv.

We were told that she went to Warsaw.

Now that you know everything, give
the baby back to us, we're leaving.

Give back the baby? To such a father?

I won't give it back for any
treasures in the world!

You say you won't give it back? No?

- No!
- No?

I'll go to the police and come
with the constable.


Give me a second.

I must think about it a little,
you understand.

Maybe we'll figure something out.

I need to talk with my wife.

OK, but hurry.

- We can wait a moment.
- Yes, you can wait a moment.

Maybe the gentlemen will sit
down and wait

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

Give us a minute.

Oh ma'am! What a mess!

Some guys came here to pick
up the baby.

From Lviv?

Who knows? They speak Chinese I think.

- Me here and you here...
- Oh! I know.

- How are you mechanics?
- Kissing your hands.

You made us a lot of problems with
our Bajbus, ma'am.

You took our most precious treasure,
our property.

What? It was you who dropped this child
off and ran away!

Oh my!

We didn't run away.
We couldn't stop the car.

Wait a minute, Tonciu. I'm sorry.

We don't blame you, absolutely.

- Help us, please.
- Tell that man with the shotgun that...

Wait, wait, wait.

Where did she meet such a husband?

She's crazy, she's crazy.

We'll give him money
and let him go away.

But the baby will stay with us.

Lunatic. Lunatic.

She must have a husband.

People must see him.

He is what he is, but it's the husband.

We will save the family honor.

Better than none.

Well, yes, but it couldn't be worse.

How does he look like? Good Lord.

People can't see him.

We can't help it.

We'll bathe him

A bath won't change that face.

We'll dress him up.

I think we'll get by.

Now go to him.

Convince him to stay.

OK, but why me?


- Oh...
- Go!

You say I should go, but you're shaking
head "no".

I go, I go...

- We have a deal, right?
- You've got my word.


Oh, I see that wife has also come.

This is... Bajbus's... mother and...

And my...

What, Tonciu?


Please, maybe a dear relative
will make himself at home.

It'll be our pleasure.

Real pleasure.

You can go now, ma'am.


No, sir. I won't stay without Szczepcio.

Either we both stay or no one is left.

This is also Bajbus's relative.

Oh, I see. In that case please,
make yourself at home.

Maybe you have more relatives?

No, there are only two of us.

Fortunat... Oh, such a pity, really.

Such a nice family.

- Isn't it?
- Oh, mister...

Can we see Bajbus for a moment?

I will go get him and come
with him in the stroller.

Good bye, husband. Good bye.

Greetings, family.

I bow.


You got married painlessly.

He woke up. He woke up.

The prince is coming!

- Szczepciu!
- Tonciu!


Don't breath! Don't breath.

Are you sleeping?

No, I can't.

It's so soft here, Tonciu.

It's a lovely bedding.

Like our aunt's Christmas tablecloths

I couldn't sleep all night.

Not even for a minute.

Maybe your tooth hurt?


They made us sleep in these clothes.

I was very hot.

You could have opened the window.

I'm not used to sleeping with
my clothes on.

My legs are numb.

I stayed up all night and couldn't
turn around

Somebody forbade you?


I was afraid my pants would be crumpled.

You see! Your pants have no folds.

I'm not going to walk around town
in these pants.

Come in.

- Come in!
- Gentleman please.

The bath is ready.

It's wonderful here, Szczepciu.

Leave it, you'll get it dirty.

Wash your face and off we go.

In what?

Here's a bowl.

There's no water.

They'll probably bring it soon.

I think so.

It's wonderful here.

Have you seen how slippery it is?

Wait, I'll come in.

Look, how nice it is.

Do they bathe
in the clothes they sleep in?

As they like.

I think so,
because they have gloves here.

So as not to get your hand wet.

Check this out, Tonciu.

Is it phone? Or what?

Try to dial.

It's probably a phone to kitchen.

It's your fault. If Wanda had been
with us, it would never have happened.

- Am I right?
- Yes, you're right, naturally.

It's nothing terrible that Wanda
got married in secret.

It happens even in the best families.
Even in royal lines.

I heard that some prince
married a seamstress.

Maybe in the royal family,
but not in ours.

Ruczynski family.

Would it be possible?

Yes, yes. Naturally...

Good morning.


There, next to uncle.

What are you gonna do with my fingers?

I need to cut your nails.

What will I look like without my nails?

Leave at least one of them.

No, no. Give me a haircut first, please.

Of course.

Please sit still or I'll cut you.

But for what?

What have I done to you?

I'm seeing you for the first time
in my life.

Oh, I like it.

You can hear it nicely.

Take this plate away or I'll put
ashes on it.

Onufry. Stay where you are.

- But a child...
- Onufry!

Baska's there.

We look wonderful now, aren't we?

Remember. Don't embarrass me
at the table.

I'll be polite like an ant.

It's not about politeness, it's about
the way you eat.

Don't eat the sausage with your hands,
you can eat only ham with them.

If I can ham, why can't I sausage?

Are you crazy? Because it's hot.

And remember the most important thing...

- She can't take care of a child...
- His father will take care of him now.

And what will I do?

You will finally take care of the store.

I think it would be better...

if Wanda's husband would
take care of the store.

- Kissing your hands.
- I bow to you.

My husband.

My wife.

- (french speaking)
- What are you saying, please?

Maybe she asks us to sit down?

Have a sit, please.


We prefer to stand a little.

But please, sit down.

She asks.

You can sit now.

Why doesn't anyone tell us to eat
something too?

Here you are.

Szczepciu. Why is she treating
me like this?

She shows me this sausage, but when
I want to eat it she nods that I can't.

You'll see.

- May I?
- Of course.

Sweet Miss Basia.

Leave that egg, please.

You must go to the store
after breakfast.

What store?

Your wife's store.

I don't want to brag, but all the women
of Lviv liked me.

- Will there be any work there?
- Naturally. A lot of it!

I am willing to work,
but Szczepciu comes with me.

Of course, there is work for two.

Gentlemen, this business looks
like this.

He always sleeps, when he gets bored
the loser plays cards with himself.

Why is he playing with himself?

he likes to play with smart people.

I would take "it"
over the Kierbedz Bridge.

- What "it"?
- This "it".

This "it"?

You! This "it".

Excuse me, where did the gentlemen
come from?

-From Lviv.
- Exactly.

From Lviv?

Everything is clear for me now.

Gentlemen, directors, you will
have your office there.

Please, you first.

Wait a minute. You're at your house.


I was very happy when Mr. Ruczynski
informed me about your arrival.

Maybe gentlemen will take care
of this mess.

It's a little mess here, but I'm both
the director and the janitor here.

That's too much for me.

In my opinion, you should persuade
the lazy to work.

Because... Cheers!

Absolutely! Absolutely!

Ok, fine.

Why is everyone here sad and sleepy?

It's true,
business needs to be awakened.

I believe that they should be
taught to sing,

because when they sing,
they cannot sleep.

Singing is health!

A song straight to the customer's heart.

- Good morning!
- My respect!

- May I help you?
- Yes, I want a doll.

I serve you, please,
a little one, a big one?

But are they cheap?
I would like to buy one,

but poverty... Too bad!

One more day, two more,

Everything in this world has limits,

It was bad for us, it will be easier,

Tomorrow will be better, ok!

Breast forward, nose up,

Fate is against us, we are against fate,

Laugh more and grieve less,

It will be better soon, ok.

How many times has there been
such a miracle,

Someone goes to bed so as not to
feel hungry,

Suddenly we have a letter and
a short message

That he won the lot and has something
to eat.

And he has something to drink and
it must be so,

And one should always live with hope,

Who sticks to this principle,

He'll be better off, ok!

It'll be better finally, ok!

It'll be better finally, ok!

Please wait,
the management is still busy.

Waiting room

If you want to be attractive to women,

be: serious and sedate!

Taciturn and chivalrous!

Hardworking and frugal!

Don't drink, don't dance, don't sing, -
because they call you reckless!

What should you talk to women about?

(Favorite topics of women aged 18-30)

a) Agriculture

b) Poultry farming

c) Classical literature

d) Philosophy

If a man wants to be
attractive to women,

he should be nice,
smiling, polite

- Athletic.
- He should also shave his beard.

Don't wear glasses.

He should sing, dance...

- Sorry, but how? Sing?
- Yes!

Hello, I'm Dalewicz.

- Sorry, who?
- Da-Le-wicz.

It's you who has made a joke to us
with empty crates.

I'm so sorry, but I'm here on purpose
to clarify this matter.

A new transport is coming soon.

Of course! We need the goods.

is spinning like a Geneva watch.

120 seconds per minute.

Yes, yes, I admire, indeed a great

Could you ask someone from
the management? Is Mr. Ruczynski here?

Maybe... Miss Ruczynska?

Optical illusion.

They don't come here anymore because
we have a new management.

New management?

The new management is the one
that figured out to sing at work.

Yes. Singing at work is a great idea.

It's a great method.

What... what are you doing here?

- I bow to you.
- Lowest servant.

What? Top management.

What? They are the directors?

We were looking for a job,
there were no offers,

so we had to become directors.


How are you doing?

Very good, Mr. Principal.

Mr. Ruczynski is pleased with us.

It's fun here, everyone sings.

Yes. That's what I've heard.

It was you who teach them to sing?

We both. Me and Szczepcio.

The problem is
that Mr. Principal doesn't suit us,

because you don't like to sing.

When a man has a problem, when he sings,
his soul and heart feels easier.

I hear the same thing the second
time today.

Underwear warehouse
Men's confection

Ma'am, I'd like a song.

Something like...

I understand,
something trendy, some hit?

Yes, something enjoyable,

- and with some heart in it.
- Maybe this one?

Please come to the piano and
I will copy it.

Thank you, I can handle it. Where can I?

This way, please.

- How handsome he is.
- And elegant.


Beautiful smile.

How nice.

I thought
happiness was only in the song,

and in life everything is different,

and it really does exist,

among us.

It comes and shakes hands with us,

just like it happened to me,

That it came and threw at me its glow.

I don't know what happened to me,

Something so strange,

Tell me why,

Today everything has charm.

And I don't know how it happened,

That your eyes,

Keep me awake at night,

Don't let me live during the day.

And I don't want treasures on Earth,
Sun or stars in the sky,

Today I would give the greatest
treasures in the world for you.

Because I already know what happened
to me,

I already understood,

That I love you so much,

Like no one has ever been before.

Excuse me, did I interrupt you?

Oh no.

You are singing it so beautifully.

Really? Did you like it? Miss...
- My name is Wanda Ruczynska.

I think I know you from the stage.
Are you an artist?

No. Actually yes. I perform very rarely.

My name is Dulski Aleksander.

Nice to meet you.

Sing again, please.

I don't know the words well yet.

Sing for me, please.

And I don't want treasures on Earth,
Sun or stars in the sky,

Today I would give the greatest
treasures in the world for you.

Because I already know what happened
to me,

I already understood,

That I love you so much,

Like no one has ever been before.

That your eyes,

Keep me awake at night,

Don't let me live during the day.

And I don't want treasures on
Earth, Sun...


Quieter, Bajbus is sleeping.

What's this all about?

Oh uncle, for the first time in my
life something with my heart...

Oh god, take Valerian drops.

Uncle, I'm... How to say it... Charmed!

- Stunned!
- Oh, probably some new car model, huh?


I don't understand what's going on.

- Me at your age...
- Were you just as happy as I am?

First, at your age, I was more serious
and much, much older than you.


And second, fifth and tenth, don't
forget that you have responsibilities.

Listen, Wanda.
You know, he's a brave man.

Appearances can be deceiving. He takes
care of business. It was a right choice.

You did it.


Who? Your husband.

My husband? Oh!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

today is even more than yesterday.

Here's the bill.

Thank you, great.

It's quitting time. Hello!

Wait, when Tonko
comes, we'll go together.

I can't, I'm in a hurry.

A female entity.


What woman? Fiancee.

I met someone here also, you know.

- Not a fiancee.
- She loves you?

Who knows? Maybe.

She's wonderful, oh my!

She tells me that she cannot be angry
with such a nice gentleman.

- So she knows me?
- No! She was talking about me.

She made that face later,

I don't know what happened to me,

Something so strange,

Tell me why,

Today everything has charm.

And I don't know how it happened today,

That your eyes,

Keep me awake at night,

Don't let me live during the day.

Oh, Mr. Toncio.


And I don't want treasures on Earth, Sun
or stars in the sky,

Today I would give the greatest treasures
in the world for you.

Sit down, please.

Thanks, I'll stand for a while.

I'll listen and then go away.

Do you like music?

Very much!

You play so wonderfully,
that's heartening.

So you're romantic?

No! I don't have rheumatism.
I'm healthy!

I'm just very soft.

Mr. Tonko. Have you ever fallen in love?

So you must fall in love.

Where would I dare.

Then you will be as happy as I am!

I wanted to tell you something...

That... I... you... very much...

So... I will go now...

Have you met this one yet?

Yes, I found her.

I don't know if she will want me.

I tell Miss Basia,
on the Lviv conscience,

She would have
a heaven on earth with me,

I would give her gifts for Santa Claus,

For Christmas, for birthday.

Whatever she wants.

Then she will definitely agree.

Which woman would not want a husband
like that?

Miss Basia, are you serious?

I... just... that...
What was I trying to say?


Two rich young men want to meet
Dolly and Molly.

They will be waiting at the indicated
place today at six o'clock.

Characteristics: bouquets in hands.
Fred and Ted.

It's us. We are very glad that
the gentlemen came.

This is Dolly and I'm Molly.

- Let's go dancing!
- Yes! To Renaissance!

It's nice here, isn't it?

And you didn't want to come here.

I am telling you
that the fun will be great.

I feel there will be a first-rate
party today.

You are really very nice and very funny.

Molly and I
were laughing at your letters.

Did you wrote something?


Why are you so sad?

You are not smiling.

What am I supposed to laugh at?

Can I help you?

I'd like a veal chop, Mr. Edward.

Omelette for me.

And naturally freeze the bottle.


I like cognac very much.

And you gentleman?

Boeuf strogonov,


Excuse me?

I suggest an egg for an appetizer,

Pommes frites and sauce???

Szczepciu. What language does he speak?

I don't understand anything
in this Warsaw.

- Please serve!
- Right away.

I don't know what happened to me,

Something so strange,

Tell me why,

Today everything has charm.

I have no idea how it happened,

That your eyes,

Keep me awake at night,

Don't let me live during the day.

And I don't want treasures on Earth, Sun
or stars in the sky,

Today I would give the greatest
treasures in the world for you.

I think I've seen you somewhere before.


Oh really?

How much one song can do.

I didn't know you this morning yet.

And now, we're together.

I never would have guessed.

Me too.

But you sang it so beautifully.

- Oh!
- Have you been singing for a long time?

For the first time.
- Oh! I don't believe you.

I couldn't sing earlier because
my mustache bothered me.

- And beard.

- A beard!
- And glasses.

- Glasses! Oh, a seal.

Seal from Lviv!

Sorry, but not a seal!

What happened to you?

Who changed you so much?


And a song.

How naive I was.

That you didn't recognize me
with a beard?

No, that I missed the boat with you.

There in Lviv.

You know that I am also there,
in Lviv wanted to tell you, that...


That I love you.

Then say it now.

I love you.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are starting
our program.

Sisters Dolly and Molly
will dance a bolero.

Tonciu, look! Our neighbors.

They probably took offense at us.

For what?

Because we didn't go dancing with them
and they must dance together now.

It was tactless on our part.

I think we have to go over
there and explain it.

You're right. Let's go.

Gentlemen, come with me, please.

- What's this?
- A bill.

- For what?
- For consumption.

- For what?
- For dinner.

I didn't order anything.

We were invited by the young ladies
who danced there.

Will the gentlemen pay?

Of course we'll pay.

Wait a minute. Please add it to my bill.

Pardon me?

I'm sorry.

It was a very good idea to organize
this propaganda ball, right?

Of course.

Wanda's husband is a very talented man.

Yes indeed.

However, Wanda did not make such
a fatal mistake.

She is so happy.

Are the gifts ready, Mr. Hipek?

Everything is buttoned up
to the last button.

Have a lot of visitors come?

Lots of them.

Is Mr. Dalewicz here?

Mr. Dalewicz? He hasn't come yet.

Please make sure everything
is in order, okay?

Where are Mr. Szczepko and Tonko?

They should be here by now.

They're probably wearing tailcoats now.

- Yes, Tonciu.
- Yes, yes.

We were fine here, but this is not
the place for us.

These are cordial people, you know
brother, they've got pianos...

Have you ever had
such a heartache in Lviv?

No, Szczepciu.

I'll tell you the truth. Neither have I.

We should not leave Lviv.

But we will miss our little
and sweet Bajbus.

We'll take him now and come back.

Wait a minute.
What if they get angry with us?

For what? Are we taking anything
from them? Bajbus is ours.

And if Bajbus will be sad?

He has such convenience here.

An elegant life.

A pretty cot, quilts...

He will be a hundred million
times better on straw with me.

What is there to wonder about?

You have to be a mother for that.

Come aside, prince is going.

Come aside, prince is going.

My respect.

On behalf of the company, we are
very pleased that you have come.

Where's Miss Ruczynska?

She's here. She even asked
about you Mr. Factory Owner.

There she is with children.

Let's go!

- Good morning!
- Bajbus is coming! Bajbus...

- Bajbus! Bajbus!
- Good morning.

Good morning.

- Mr. Dalewicz?
- Yes.

You have changed a lot,
your beard is out,

what are you doing here?

I was invited by Miss Wanda
to today's ball.

What a ball we have here!

I'm looking for her because I wanted
to say hello.

- With whom?
- With Miss Wanda.

With Miss Wanda...
Oh... Miss Wanda...

I need to
talk to you about something.

Bajbus! Bajbus is coming!

So you say that Miss Wanda invited you?

You are surprised, but we're
all right now.

Miss Wanda didn't like me before,
but now I have changed.

I hope that Miss Wanda and me, soon...

No, it's too late.

Too late?

At least a year too late.

A year?

Children, one year old children.

I don't understand what
a child has to do with Miss Wanda?

- Miss Wanda has a son!
- Who?

Miss...Oh... Mrs Wanda has a son...
And husband too!

And a very successful husband.

I'm sorry.
Mr. Dalewicz was looking for you.

He's here. Yes.

Juleczku, how are you?


What happened to him?

He probably got worried.


That you have a son, a husband.

I had to tell him.
I did it very carefully.

What uncle do? I don't have
a husband or a child.

And Bajbus?

It's his son.

- Whom? Tonko?
- Yes.


They dropped baby off.

Who? Tonko?

No. Bajbus.


- Yes.
- To you?

No! He gave me a child but
someone else gave it to him. Oh!

What are you doing here?

We are going to Lviv.

- With someone else's child?
- What do you mean?

It's our child.

What do you mean "ours"?

And what about Miss Wanda?
- She's got no rights to this child.

She's a mother!
- What kind of a mother is she!?

She made us play some crazy
roles, comedies.


Where's Bajbus?

They took Bajbus from me!

Bajbus's gone!

- Where's Bajbus?
- Where's Dalewicz?

I don't care about Dalewicz!
My lovely Bajbus!

She made me pretend to be her husband
to get rid of the bearded mustache seal.

I don't want to pretend her husband!
- What? You don't want to? Thank you!

- Where's Wanda?
- Who cares about Wanda?

Mine? Thank you!

Where's Bajbus?

Where's my...

Gentleman. Give the baby back
to me, please.

It's a pity talking. This is our baby.
We found him.

I know about it because Wanda
told me everything.

What are you going to do with him?

- We are taking him to Lviv.
- Ok, but who will take care of him?

- Me, mother!
- And me, father!

Yes, naturally.

Parents. But you will need help.

Mr. Tonko, Mrs. Szczepciu.

Give the baby back to me, you must
understand. It needs care.

It must have a warm, very clean cot.

Do not worry, because he will be
in my cottage like in paradise.

We'll just have to do
a little redecoration.

We will sleep on the sides and Bajbus
right in the middle, on the mattress.

On the mattress?
It will be too hard for him!

He is so delicate, so tiny.

- You're right.
- You see!

The child is growing, he will
go to school, he will need shoes...

- You're right.
- So you can see, give me back the baby.

I love him so much.

I will take care of him,
I will do my best.

He will have everything he needs.

It will not be so good with us, Tonciu.

The poor thing will tire.

Tonciu, kiss Bajbus now.

My golden child.

My sweet little diamond.

But... One more thing...

In the birth certificate you will write:
"Bajbus, born in Lviv".



Lovely Bajbus.

The end.
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