01x26 - To Catch A Duck

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series". Aired: September 6, 1996 – January 17, 1997.*
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In another universe exists a planet populated entirely by humanoid ducks.
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01x26 - To Catch A Duck

Post by bunniefuu »

[opening theme playing]

♪ On the road to glory ♪

♪ Ain't no turning back ♪

♪ It's got to be
the Mighty Ducks ♪

♪ On a quack attack ♪

♪ Look out, clear the way ♪

♪ The Ducks are here to play! ♪

♪ Ducks rock! ♪

♪ Ducks rock! ♪

♪ Mighty Ducks! ♪

♪ Here come the Mighty Ducks ♪

♪ Burning up the ice ♪

♪ Just try and stop
the Mighty Ducks ♪

♪ And you're gonna
pay the price! ♪

♪ Here come the Mighty Ducks ♪

♪ Fighting for the gold! ♪

♪ Let's hear it
for the Mighty Ducks ♪

♪ Time to rock and roll ♪

♪ Let's go, let's go ♪

♪ Ducks rock! ♪

♪ Mighty Ducks!
Ducks rock! ♪

♪ Let's hear it
for the Mighty Ducks! ♪

♪ Mighty Ducks! ♪

Oh, I fear the ducks
will be here any moment.

If we hadn't tripped every alarm
in the building breaking in--

If you had set
the stupid teleporter
to bring us inside

instead of smack
into that mud puddle...

Oh, yeah.
She's the real thing, all right.


Tiny garden for your taste,
isn't it, Seige?


Looks like they're muscling in
on your old racket, Duke.

[shouts indistinctly]

[both grunting]


Hey, can't you bumbling boobs
pull a simple heist?

Ah! Missed him again.

I wonder how many
of these jewels

they were planning on taking?

Apparently, one is enough

for some people.

I was trying to keep those
overstuffed iguanas
from getting it.

Yeah, right.

All right, Mallory. Ease off.

Well, the last person
who should be handling jewels
is a former thief.

We gain by what we leave behind.

What's that supposed to mean?

Duke's outlaw days
are over, right?

Yeah. Not according
to some people.

Well, look, if this whole show's
gonna be about Duke,

I'm just gonna kick it
with my comic books.

Not so fast, baby brother.
We've got work to do.

What would Dragaunus want
with the world's biggest ruby?

Gems are used
as focusing devices for rays.

But what kind of ray?
That's what worries me.

Don't tell me you dunderheads

can't steal a simple piece
of aluminum oxide.

That simple piece
of aluminum oxide

has a very complicated
alarm system.

[exclaims] I know someone
who won't bungle it.

An old ally of ours
from Puckworld.

I should know better
than to send a halfwit

to do Falcone's job.


-[whistle sounding]

-Mighty Ducks!

You take a knockin',
keep rockin'!
You've got "The Dive," live.

It's Klegghorn.
You remember that ruby
the lizards tried to steal?

-Yeah, yeah. So?
-[Klegghorn] Someone stole
it... last night!

Ooh, those creep-asauri
didn't wait long to come back,
did they?

Unless it wasn't
the creep-asauri.

You weren't here
last night, Duke.

Yeah. Neither was
most of Anaheim.

You gonna accuse them, too?

Hey, no one's accusing
you of anything, okay?

But just for the record, uh...
where were you?


Who is this guy? A sushi chef?

Definitely done with a blade.

Like a sword.


[Klegghorn] This is the second
jewel theft in 24 hours.

The world's biggest emerald was
stolen in New York. Same M-O.

I know who did this.

I found this on the floor.

-It belongs to Falcone.
-The who?

He was in the mob
I ran on Puckworld,

The Brotherhood of the Blade.

That's just his style.

Yeah. But if he's on Puckworld--

Dragaunus must have
brought him here.

So let's get this bird
to tell us

what old lizard-lips is upto.

Falcone? No, he'll never talk.

There's only one way
to get to him.

You haven't even given Duke
the benefit of a doubt.

Well, I'm sorry, Wildwing.
But he's been
acting suspiciously.

There's no reason to think
that Duke would ever return
to a life of... crime?

Kind of, uh,
over-accesorized there,
aren't you, buddy boy?

Those are burglar tools.

Nah. Hunting tools.

Tanya and Nosedive
will go with you... to help.

Oh, you mean, to make sure
I don't steal anything?

I didn't say that.

Duke must reconcile himself
with his past,

or he'll have no peace.

[alarm sounding]

You know, I like fog
as much as the next duck,

but what exactly are we doing
in San Francisco?

Yeah, there's a pattern
to these crimes.

The world's biggest jewels.

And the biggest diamond's
in Frisco.

Falcone's already here.



Gee, I could have sworn
I just saw him a second ago.

Sorry, but I've got to do
this one alone.

Come on, we gotta find him.

-Ah, fellow art lovers.
-[Tanya] It's Falcone!

Oh, how astute.

You must belong
to the Audubon Society.


This part of the job
is so crude,

but you just can't get
good strong-armed help

these days, can you?

If you would be so kind,

your communicators, please?

Ah, come on.
What are we gonna do for fun?

Oh, my apologies.

Well, since the oxygen
in this vault will run out
in three hours,

you won't be bored
for very long.


[chuckles nervously] Oh, man.

We're gonna become permanent
fixtures in this museum.

Hey, what are we gonna do?
This vault's gonna
run out of air in three hours.

Uh, two hours
and 57 minutes, actually.

Well, I told you we shouldn't
have just sat around
during the commercial.

At least I've still got
my omni tool.

Good thinking. If I have to go,

I wanna go watching cartoons.

Hey, look.

It's that overstuffed parakeet.

My God, I'm good.


Still can't tell glass
from the real thing,
huh, Falcone?

Duke, old chum.

I thought you'd become
one of those dreary do-gooders.

Don't be so sure.

I might have a little larceny
left in me.

En garde!

I have been perfecting my art,

while going straight
has made you soft.

[both grunting]

Okay, well, maybe not so much
soft as pliable.

[both grunting]

Perhaps, just a tad bit pushy.

[stammering] Whoa!

Is that any way
to treat an artiste?

Aw, don't take it
so hard, Falcone.

I might even be willing
to let you have this rock.

I say, that's awfully
decent of you.

In exchange for what?

Well, if you're stealing
these jewels for Dragaunus,

you've got to have an angle,
huh? Cut me in on it.

Now hold the phone, old boy.

I thought you went straight.

Not according to my teammates.

I've had it with those birds.

I want in on the action.

Uh-uh. Not until you tell me
what this is all about.

Patience, I'll fill you in.
After you help me steal

the Dumont sapphire of Fredonia.

It'll be like the old days.

Okay. Come on,
my ship's on the roof.

Hmm. Who's conning
who here, huh?

Duke's going off
in Dragaunus' scout ship.

I don't believe it.

Yeah. He never travels coach.

I guess Mallory was right.

He has gone back
to a life of crime.

Ah, there. I've patched
that TV camera signal

into the building's
main power supply.

Every TV within 500 miles
will pick us up.

Uh, hello out there.

Uh, we're here
in this museum. Uh...

We're sort of stuck in,
like, a vault.

Could somebody,
maybe, get us out?

Tanya, you may know
a lot about science,

but you are clueless
about showbiz, girl.

Tonight, we rip the lid off
of the true story of two ducks

trapped inside a museum vault.

All the sordid facts,
exclusive shocking video...

stuff you've never dreamed
we could show on TV.

What's going on up there?

So basically, that sums up
my entire life.

Then I said,
"That's not my grandma,
that's a sofa."

[laughs] Okay. Hey, now, my bud
Tanya and me are stuck
in this vault

in the Pacific Museum.
And we're running out of air.

So, if anybody
out there's listening,

and I'm sure you are...

Let's move it.

[chuckles] Just like
the good old days, eh?


[Duke] Where there's a guard,
there is loot.


Okay, there's the safe.

Step aside.

Watch how a real pro
cracks a safe.

Ugh, please. You couldn't
crack your knuckles
without setting off an alarm.

Watch and learn.

I'll open this primitive
piggy bank in a flash.

Yeah. [exhales]
Let me know when you need me.

No one's come to our rescue.

Our rating's must really stink.

We're definitely
about to be cancelled.

[both gasping]

You guys okay?

Aside from the lousy
production values.

[sighs] We are now.

Where's Duke?

Uh, well, we think

he's gone off to Fredonia

to steal the world's
largest sapphire with Falcone.

-I knew he was no good.

It would be a mistake to judge
a teammate so hastily.

Well, we've got to find out
what he's upto.


Mmm-hmm. Hmm...

That's it.


Cheap earthling junk.

How can I practice my art
with inferior materials.

[laughing] Can't do it, huh?

I'll do it all right.

And set off every alarm
in the country?

Let a pro take a shot at it.

If I can't do it, you...

Well, I got it started.

What the deuce?
There's nothing but

this tacky piece of bric-a-brac.

Hey, hey, hey.
This must be the key

to where the sapphire's
really kept.

Obviously, it's up
in the clocktower.

The 12 must stand for 12:00.

The sun and moon mean
midnight and noon.

Badabing badaboom, baby.

Whatever's up there can only be
opened at midnight or noon.

And we're just in time.
[laughs] Oh, yeah.

Oh, dear. Clumsy me.

I seem to have
set off the alarm.



I believe you have
something for me.

By the way,
when they throw you in prison,

make sure to get
the upper bunk, old boy.

Better view.

[laughing] Ta-ta.

Ah, looks like
we got ourselves a thief.


We're gonna lock you up
and throw away the key, we are.

Uh, that's okay. I don't really
need a key, you know.



[struggling] Ahhh!

Now, where would that safe be?


Time is definitely on my side.

Just a few seconds more.

I'm so clever, I scare myself.

Now, I, Falcone,

am the greatest thief of all.

You're the greatest rat.
That's for sure.

Really, Duke?

Your competitive streak
is so tacky.


[screams and groans]


[both grunting]

You ain't stopping me from
being the best tis time, Duke.


[exclaims] Take that!

[grunting] Oh, you'll have to do
better than that. [laughs]

Hey, don't kid yourself, bub.
You're still a loser.


What sour grapes.
Not very becoming of you.


Enough talking, Falcone.
What's this all about?

The jewels are part of a ray
Dragaunus invented

that will wipe out the minds
of everyone on the planet.

But wait, wait, old buddy.

I just got it.
We can double-cross him.

We can take the ray
and raid the richest planets
in the universe.

You know, I think you've done
enough double-crossing
for one day, Falcone.

Oh, for sure. That's what
makes me better than you.

I think big.

With that ray,
I'll be the greatest artiste

in the annals of crime.

With you out of the way,
dear boy,

I'll finally be number one.




[laughing] When these last
jewels are in place,

the mid-wipe ray will be mine.



[gasps] Yo, Wildwing, wait up!

Duke, what's going on?

Well, have you changed sides
or what?

Hey, of course not.

But I had to make him
think I did

to find out
what Dragaunus is upto.

Speaking of which,
what is Dragaunus upto?

That ship is equipped
with some kind of mind-wipe ray.

-[Duke] We've got
to take it down.
-We are on it.

With the mind-wipe ray
at my command,

I'll be the king of beings.

You won't even be court jester.

[gasps] Dragaunus.
[chuckles nervously]
What a pleasant surprise.

I was just going to
test fire the ray for you.

Please, the double-cross
was all Duke's idea.

I am just an innocent...

I hope you can fly, Falcone.


Oh, Duke. Thank heavens!

I always said you were the best.

The ritz, the cream, the crush--

Shut up!

-[rope snaps]
-[both screaming]

[gasping and coughing]

Now, to head for
the upper stratosphere

and turn the brains
of every wretched human

on this planet
into summer squash.

[Nosedive] Speaking of squash,
lizard lips,

that's exactly what we're
gonna do to you.


[alarm sounding]

Duke, we all owe you an apology.

Especially me. I should
never have doubted you.

You have made peace
with your past and so have we.

Well, I was kinda hurt.

But, hey, I can never stay mad
at you guys for very long.

Come here. Group-hug.

[Nosedive] Oh, great.
Group-hugs are so cool.

[chuckles] Okay,
that's about enough.

Now we can stow our gear in--

Hey! Where is our gear?

What the...



[Wildwing] And the rest of 'em.

Very funny.

Hey, I gotta keep
my skills sharp, right?

[closing theme playing]
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