15x05 - The Invisible Enemy - part 1

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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15x05 - The Invisible Enemy - part 1

Post by bunniefuu »



Part One

Original Air Date: 1 October 1977
Running time: 23:09

An asteroid field with a shuttle very cautiously and wobblingly entering.

A wider sh*t of the asteroid field with the shuttle moving more confidently.

Flying asteroids!

Inside the shuttle we see Safran and Silvey in comfy chairs. Then we see Meeker at the bridge.

MEEKER: Going to manual.

SILVEY: What for?

MEEKER: Why not? If we're going to be slammed around, I'd sooner do it myself.

SILVEY: It's still telling you what to do.

MEEKER: Yes, but at least I'm doing it.

SILVEY: Come on, Meeker.

SAFRAN: You're off course.

MEEKER: Yes, sorry, skipper.

SAFRAN: Put it back on a*t*matic, please.

Meeker tries various controls and it's obvious there's a problem.

MEEKER: Eh? I can't!

SAFRAN: Titan shuttle captain. New course for Titan, please.

He climbs up toward Meeker.

SAFRAN: All right, Meeker, that is enough.


SAFRAN: Off watch. Please.

Safran takes the pilot's seat.

MEEKER: Look, I qualified for exploration eight years ago, and what am I? Glorified garage attendant on some planetary filling station.

SILVEY: Your turn'll come. You'll be glad enough of refuel bases then.

MEEKER: All I'm saying is that I want a real

SAFRAN: Not now, Meeker.

COMPUTER: Unidentified organism. Changing course to avoid.

The shuttle is caught in some kind of weird webby thing with lightning.

SAFRAN: What was all that about? There's nothing there. Titan shuttle captain. Report please.

Silvey turns to the others.

NUCLEUS (OOV.): Contact has been made.

SAFRAN: Contact?

In the TARDIS Leela carries the hatstand and sets it down. The Doctor enters.

LEELA: We've never been in here before.

DOCTOR: You've never been in here before.

LEELA: What is it?

DOCTOR: Number two control room has been closed for redecoration. I don't like the colour.

LEELA: White isn't a colour.

DOCTOR: That's the trouble with computers. Always think in black and white. No aquamarines, no blues, no imagination.

LEELA: Have we stopped?

DOCTOR: No, we haven't stopped.

The scanner opens.

LEELA: Have we materialised?


LEELA: Where?

DOCTOR: Solar system, between Jupiter and Saturn. About five thousand AD. Five thousand AD? We're still in the time of your ancestors.

LEELA: Ancestors?

DOCTOR: Yes. That was the year of the great breakout.

LEELA: The great what?

DOCTOR: Mmm. When your forefathers went leapfrogging across the solar system on their way to the stars. Asteroid belt's probably teeming with them now. New frontiersmen, pioneers waiting to spread across the galaxy like a tidal wave. Or a disease.

LEELA: Why disease? I thought you liked humanity?

DOCTOR: Oh, I do, I do. Some of my best friends are humans. When they get together in great numbers, other lifeforms sometimes suffer.

The shuttle approaches Titan. We see the landing area as the shuttle comes in.

Cut to a close-up of gloved hands operating the controls of the shuttle. We see the shuttle coming down from its nosecone.

Then we see the shuttle land on the pad and the pad begins to sink into the ground.

The hands switch off the controls.

The pad rotates, with the shuttle on board.

The pad begins to move carrying the shuttle with it.

The space-suited crew walk through the bridge (we can see through the shuttle cockpit window beyond).

COMPUTER: Docking. Docking. Contact. All locked.

As the crew head through the door, they each take a blaster. They holster the blasters and go through the inner door.

MAN (OOV.): Hey, are we glad to see you. Welcome to Titan. You're welcome to it. We're in the mess. Come on down.

The crew head toward the doors.

The first door is the wrong one, and the leader gestures to another when they hear laughter from behind it.

The door slides open.

MAN: Come on in. Join the party. Our last supper on Titan. Well, come on. Get your gear off and relax. You're going to be here for

The crew pull their blasters and aim at the three in the mess.

MAN: Hey, what kind of a joke is ...

The crew fire at the men who fall to the floor dead. Safran lifts his visor.

His face is covered in green scales.

SAFRAN: There is one other. The station supervisor. We must find him, destroy him.

SAFRAN: Then we can make this the ideal place in which to breed and multiply.

LOWE: Shuttle relief crew. Shuttle relief crew. Come in, please. Shuttle relief crew, this is Supervisor Lowe. Please report. Relief crew, this is the supervisor. Where are you?

He activates a remote camera monitor to see what is happening in the mess.

He pans his camera around.

LOWE: My God, what's happened? Hello? Hello?

LOWE: What is it? What's gone wrong?

SAFRAN: Wrong? There is nothing wrong. This is most suitable for our purpose. What, what purpose? Safran. Safran, is that you? What has happened?

SAFRAN: Who is this Safran?

Lowe looks horrified.

LOWE: Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! This is Titan Base. Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

Meeker and Silvey approach through the halls and reach the supervisor's door as Lowe ducks into the IMURJINSEE EGSIT.

They burn through the lock and enter the room.

MEEKER: The supervisor has escaped.

SAFRAN: Leave him. Let him suffocate.

Safran punches the distress signal to silence it.

Back in the TARDIS Leela is practicing her handwriting on chalkboard.

DOCTOR: As soon as I've reset these coordinates, we'll go somewhere really interesting.

LOWE (OOV.): Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! This is Titan Base. Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

LEELA: What was that?

DOCTOR: Distress call. From Titan. That message took half an hour to get here.

LEELA: Is Titan really interesting?

DOCTOR: What does that matter? What's important is that someone needs help!

We briefly see the webby thing in space again. Then the Doctor is setting controls.

DOCTOR: Quadrant six two. W H I one two one two nine nine zero E X four one. What's the matter?

LEELA: I'm troubled.

DOCTOR: About what?

LEELA: I can feel something.


SAFRAN (OOV.): Titan. This is Titan Base. All vessels, repeat, all vessels disregard mayday. I say again, disregard mayday. All under control.

DOCTOR: There we are.

SAFRAN (OOV.): Our apologies. Our apologies.

LEELA: That's it!

DOCTOR: That's what?

LEELA: That's something evil.

SAFRAN (OOV.): Titan Base out.


LEELA: It was not a human speaking.

DOCTOR: It wasn't?

The TARDIS gets caught in the webby stuff.

There is an expl*si*n on the console as the Doctor leans over, and he briefly glows purple.

LEELA: What was that?

DOCTOR: Static. Nothing important.

LEELA: There was a sort of glow all around you.

DOCTOR: There was? Oh. Well, a kind of Saint Elmo's fire. It happens at sea.

LEELA: Saint Elmo's?

DOCTOR: Yes, it causes a sort of halo effect round the masts of ships.

LEELA: Halo?

DOCTOR: Why do you keep repeating everything I say? You're not a parrot, are you?

LEELA: Parrot?

DOCTOR: Yes. A parrot's a bird that repeats things. Move over.

LEELA: (deep) Move over.

DOCTOR: That's it.

Another expl*si*n.

LEELA: I thought you said there was nothing wrong.

DOCTOR: Well, there isn't anything wrong. Well, there isn't anything important wrong, but I've got to check it, haven't I?

LEELA: I can still feel it.

DOCTOR: Come on, old thing. Come on.

Something zaps the Doctor's eyes.

He takes a step back and his vision blurs.

NUCLEUS (OOV.): Contact has been made.

He falls to the floor.

Back on the base.

SAFRAN: Incubation will start here.

NUCLEUS (OOV.): Contact has been made. The nucleus has found a host. Prepare for his coming.

The TARDIS materializes.

Inside, Leela gets zapped in the eyes too, but it doesn't affect her.

LEELA: Doctor, wake up. We've landed. We've materialised.

The crew approach the TARDIS down the corridor.

SAFRAN: There is one other with the host. She has been rejected. We must destroy her and dispose of her body with the rest. Take up your positions.

The Doctor wakes up.

DOCTOR: Hello, Lally.

LEELA: Are you all right?

DOCTOR: Rightly perfect, thank you yet, Lally.

LEELA: What did you say?

DOCTOR: I said, I'm perfectly all right, thank you, Lally.

LEELA: My name is Leela.

DOCTOR: Hmm? I know your name. Leela.

LEELA: What happened?

DOCTOR: Must have had a bot of a shik.

LEELA: What?

DOCTOR: A bot of a shik.

LEELA: Doctor, what is it? What's the matter?

DOCTOR: There's a voice or something in my head.

LEELA: The evil thing.

DOCTOR: Nonsense. Just a nasty turn. Come on, we're on Titan. Let's take a look.

He opens the doors and walks into one of them.

DOCTOR: That was odd.

LEELA: Doctor, don't go out.


LEELA: It's out there. Evil!

Lowe has returned to his quarters and grabs a blaster.

DOCTOR: We must go. We've had a mayday.

LEELA: No. I can feel it is wrong.

DOCTOR: What, intuition?

LEELA: I don't care what you call it, Doctor. I knew. I knew before that. Before you were affected.

DOCTOR: What are you talking about, affected?

LEELA: Well, before you were knocked out.

DOCTOR: Leela, listen to me. I'm perfectly all right. Move over.

Out in the corridor Lowe comes up behind the crew outside the TARDIS.

LOWE: Drop your weapons. I'm arresting you. All of you!

They turn to fire, but Lowe fires first and Silvey drops to the floor. Lowe dashes back down the corridor and goes in to a cryogenics room.

SAFRAN: Close the door. Turn off the oxygen supply.

The Doctor opens the outer doors, peeks out and slams them again.

A moment passes and slowly he opens the door again, looking down. Cautiously he exits, Leela behind.

DOCTOR: Nobody around. Not a soul.

He blows a bird call.

DOCTOR: Anyone home?

LEELA: Doctor, look.

They kneel down by Silvey's body.

DOCTOR: Disregard mayday. He said disregard mayday. Why?

LEELA: It is still warm.

DOCTOR: Don't be gruesome.

LEELA: I am a hunter.

DOCTOR: You're a savage.

LEELA: Perhaps. I'm not ashamed of what I am and I tell you, Doctor, I can smell danger.

DOCTOR: What did you say?

LEELA: I said, I can smell danger.

DOCTOR: Evil again?

LEELA: Everywhere. In this place.

DOCTOR: We'd better find it before it finds us.

LEELA: Right.

DOCTOR: Stay here.

LEELA: I'm no coward.

They both go off in different directions, but the Doctor backs up again.

DOCTOR: Now listen, whatever happens...

He turns to see Leela has gone, then he sets off again.

SAFRAN: Set temperature and humidity rate for optimum breeding conditions.

MEEKER: Set temperature and humidity rate for optimum breeding conditions.

The Doctor comes upon them.

DOCTOR: Excuse me, you don't know me. Let me introduce myself.

SAFRAN: There is no need. We are preparing the hives now.

DOCTOR: People call me the D. Hives?

SAFRAN: For the nucleus which you carry within you.

DOCTOR: Are you all right? I answered your mayday.

They turn to look at him.

SAFRAN: You answered the call?

DOCTOR: That's right, that's right. Has someone been hurt?

SAFRAN: It is of no consequence. The physical envelope is of no importance.

MEEKER: Of no importance.

DOCTOR: What do you mean, of no importance? I just found a dead body out there.

Meeker sh**t him in the eyes with his lightning glance.

MEEKER: Now that you have arrived.

DOCTOR: I have arrived.

SAFRAN: All that matters is that the reject should be destroyed.

DOCTOR: Reject should be destroyed.

SAFRAN: And breeding begin.

DOCTOR: And breeding from my nucleus begin.

Out in the corridor Leela approaches the Cryogenic sekshun.

She opens the door and a frozen Lowe falls out. She drags him away. Safran hands the Doctor a blaster.

DOCTOR: Leela the reject will not suspect me.

SAFRAN: One of us will follow.

DOCTOR: That is not necessary.

SAFRAN: The nucleus within you must not be harmed.

MEEKER: Must not be harmed.

DOCTOR: Very well.

The Doctor exits followed by Meeker.

In the mess Leela helps a recovered Lowe with a hot drink.

LOWE: Who are you?

LEELA: We answered your mayday.

LOWE: They tried to k*ll me. The relief crew. They're insane. They've already k*lled these poor devils.

LEELA: But why? Are they your enemies?

LOWE: No. I know them. At least, I thought I did. But they've changed.

LEELA: How changed?

LOWE: Their eyes, their manner, their whole behaviour is different. One of them said something.

LEELA: What?

LOWE: Their purpose. This place will be suitable for our purpose. For our purpose, whatever that is.

LEELA: The Doctor will know. He'll be here soon.

DOCTOR (IN CORRIDOR): Leela? Leela, where are you?

LEELA: That's him. That's the Doctor.

LOWE: No, wait. It could be a trap, if they've caught him.

LEELA: What are we going to do?

LOWE: Hide.

DOCTOR (OOV.): Don't worry, Leela, it's only me. Listen to me, Leela. There's nothing wrong with this place. It's most suitable. It's a good place. A good place.

DOCTOR: Come on, Leela. I'm waiting. Please leave me. Please. I can't do it. I can't do it.

MEEKER: Think of the purpose. She is a reject. She must die.

DOCTOR: I can't.

MEEKER: Think of the purpose!

DOCTOR: I can't.

MEEKER: The purpose is all important!

Inside the mess Lowe makes a noise.

DOCTOR: The reject is here.

MEEKER: Stay. The nucleus does not wish to be harmed. I shall destroy her.

DOCTOR: Yes. k*ll her. k*ll her.

The door op ens and Meeker enters.

Lowe points his blaster but Meeker sh**t it out of his hand. Meeker steps forward, not noticing Leela alongside the door.

As Meeker moves into the room, Leela throws her Kn*fe into Meeker's back.

She runs from the room as Lowe bends over toward Meeker.

LOWE: Meeker, this purpose, what is it?

Meeker lifts his head and zaps Lowe in the eyes, then falls dead.

Lowe leaps up with his blaster and runs into the corridor where Leela is prowling.

LOWE: Leave it to me. I know this place!

He dashes off down the corridor.

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Louise Jameson

Voice of K9
John Leeson

Michael Sheard

Brian Grellis

Edmund Pegge

Jay Neill

Anthony Rowlands

John Scott Martin

Voice of Nucleus
John Leeson

Professor Marius
Frederick Jaeger

Roy Herrick

Roderick Smith

Marius' Nurse
Elizabeth Norman

Reception Nurse
Nell Curran

Jim McManus

Kenneth Waller

Pat Gorman

Assistant Floor Manager
Tony Garrick
Christabel Albery

Raymond Hughes

Barry Newbery

Film Cameraman
Nick Allder

Film Editor
Glenn Hyde

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Maureen Winslade

Graham Williams

Production Assistant
Norman Stewart

Production Unit Manager
John Nathan-Turner

Script Editor
Robert Holmes

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Brian Clemett

Studio Sound
Michael McCarthy

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Tony Harding
Ian Scoones
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