15x24 - The Invasion of Time - part 4

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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15x24 - The Invasion of Time - part 4

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Four

Original Air Date: 25 February 1978
Running time: 23:31

DOCTOR: Don't point that thing at me. I am the President, you know. You owe me a little respect. Stun him, K9.

DOCTOR: Good dog. Well, don't just stand there, reconnect.

K9: Commencing reconnection.

KELNER: Arrest Commander Andred and his guards. If they resist, k*ll them.

GUARD: Yes, sir.

LEADER: There is something wrong?

KELNER: Nothing my guards cannot deal with, honoured sir. A minor infringement of discipline.

LEADER: You are right. Lack of discipline cannot be tolerated.

DOCTOR: Come on, K9, come on.

ANDRED: Die, traitor.

DOCTOR: Not now. Can't you see I'm busy?

DOCTOR: It won't work in here. It's a patrol staser. It doesn't operate, you see, not in a relative dimensional stabiliser field.

ANDRED: What treachery are you attempting now?

DOCTOR: A rather more effective treachery than yours, I hope.

ANDRED: Now look, you're surrounded. There's no way you can leave this craft and live. Didn't you hear me?

DOCTOR: I heard. K9? I'm going out for a few moments. I'll rely on you. And you, don't touch anything.

ANDRED: Goodbye, Doctor.

DOCTOR: What's going on out here?

GUARD: They were trying to assassinate you.

DOCTOR: What? Did you have to k*ll them all?


DOCTOR: I see.

GUARD: Lord President, I don't think you understand the seriousness of the situation.

DOCTOR: But I assure you I do, I do. Someone's made an attempt on my life and you let the ringleader escape.

GUARD: Ringleader, sir?

DOCTOR: Yes, your own commander, Andred.

GUARD: Don't worry, sir, he won't get far.

DOCTOR: I hope not. You get after him before he tries again.

GUARD: Yes, sir.

DOCTOR: No way to go out there and leave. I've got news for you.


DOCTOR: You're stuck here.


DOCTOR: Your pitiful attempt at revolution has failed.

ANDRED: You're lying.

DOCTOR: I'm the living proof I'm not. I don't know what they teach you at the Academy these days, but if you can't pull off a simple palace revolution, what can you pull off, hmm?

ANDRED: I don't believe you.

ANDRED: It's jammed.

DOCTOR: Yes. And it's going to stay jammed until the invaders have gone. (quietly) You see, while I'm in here, they can't touch me, and they can't read my thoughts.

ANDRED: You mean they can travel along any form of broadcast wavelength?

DOCTOR: Yes, and materialise at the end of it. But until they do materialise, I can't identify their planet of origin and time loop it.

ANDRED: But you have access to the greatest source of knowledge in the universe.

DOCTOR: Well, I do talk to myself sometimes, yes.

ANDRED: I mean the Matrix.

DOCTOR: Oh. Oh, that old thing. Yeah. There's a problem there. I've been under a bit of a strain recently. You see, the Matrix has been invaded.

ANDRED: The Matrix has been invaded?


ANDRED: Why haven't you explained this to the Supreme Council?

DOCTOR: Shush. Because they can read thoughts. Even encephalographic patterns. That's why I've plugged K9 into the Matrix instead of me. He's got no brains, you see. Sorry about that, K9.

ANDRED: Can you trust a machine?

DOCTOR: This one I can. He's my second best friend.

KELNER: There is another matter I should like to raise with you, sir.


KELNER: Unfortunately, it is a matter of some delicacy.

LEADER: Speak.

KELNER: The President has been behaving, well, strangely. Just a suspicion, no more.

LEADER: We speculated as to how long it would take for you to recognise and report this.

KELNER: You knew?

LEADER: We have suspected the Doctor since we first made contact. We shall deal with him soon.

DOCTOR: Well, at least they don't suspect me.

ANDRED: Yes. Banishing Leela and the others was the best way of protecting them.

DOCTOR: Hmm. ... It might just work. Give me your helmet.

ANDRED: He's mad. One of us is mad. It's either him...

LEADER: And all the rebels are dead?

KELNER: Yes, all except Commander Andred.

LEADER: Ah, you took him prisoner. Good. Bring him to us.

KELNER: No sir, I'm afraid he has escaped.

LEADER: Escaped?

KELNER: My men have made a thorough search of the Citadel, sir. He is not inside. He must have escaped to Outer Gallifrey.

LEADER: To Outer Gallifrey? This is most unsatisfactory.

KELNER: There is no need to worry, sir. He won't survive out there for long. No one does.

NESBIN: Good sh*t.

LEELA: It's a good w*apon. We must make some more.

NESBIN: We'll need to if we're to go on feeding this lot. How many more is he going to expel?

LEELA: Not for food. We shall need more weapons if we are to att*ck the Citadel.

NESBIN: We can't fight with these?

LEELA: Why not?

DOCTOR: That should keep them guessing.

ANDRED: My helmet?

DOCTOR: Yes, I built a partial encephalographic barrier into it. It'll keep your deepest thoughts hidden, but you're going to have to concentrate. Can you do that?




DOCTOR: Never mind.

K9: Master?


K9: Channel located.

DOCTOR: What is it?

K9: It is an outer spatial exploration and investigation channel, number nine nine seven seven nine five seven positive.

DOCTOR: Can you tell where it's tuned to?

K9: Negative.

DOCTOR: Why not, K9? Sorry. Go on, K9.

K9: There is considerable radiolactic interference.

DOCTOR: Is there now? That's interesting. Is it deliberate?

K9: Probability ninety five percent.

DOCTOR: We're going to have to force them to materialise before we can identify their planet of origin.

DOCTOR: K9? I'm going to have to play along with them again.

ANDRED: What are you going to do?

DOCTOR: I'm going to dismantle the forcefield around Gallifrey.


DOCTOR: It's the only way to convince them that we're really cooperating.

ANDRED: But that could blow us all to pieces.


ANDRED: You can't do that.

DOCTOR: I can't, but Rassilon can.

ANDRED: Yes. Rassilon's dead.


ANDRED: Eons ago.

DOCTOR: That's right, but his mind lives on in the APC net. I'm part of that net now. Rassilon built the forcefield. Maybe he can dismantle it.

ANDRED: But if you do that, you'll leave the whole of Gallifrey defenceless.

DOCTOR: Exactly! Which is why it's the only way to convince them. How do you feel about that?


DOCTOR: That's the spirit. K9, you're in charge.

ANDRED: Now, look

K9: I'm in charge. We will now trace the circuit again and fuse it.

ANDRED: But the circuit is part of the Academy. Instruction and investigation control.

K9: We will give them a day off school. Blow it.

NESBIN: This is hopeless.

LEELA: I agree. They are.

NESBIN: So much for that idea.

LEELA: We shall just have to fight on our own.


LEELA: Well, you and your warriors. With me.

NESBIN: There aren't enough of us to capture the Citadel. Not if Castellan and his guards are working for the invaders. They all have stasers.

LEELA: Then we shall not try to capture the Citadel. We shall just rescue the Doctor. He will know what to do.

NESBIN: But he is on their side!

LEELA: Never! He cannot be!

NESBIN: It's still impossible.

LEELA: Not if we can surprise them. Choose your best warriors. Rodan can come with us. She will be able to guide us once we are inside.

LEADER: You must not waste time, Doctor.

DOCTOR: I've been thinking about it very hard, but I need to contact

LEADER: Yes, we know, Doctor. You need to consult the APC net again.

DOCTOR: That's right.

DOCTOR: There is a way.

LEADER: Well? Proceed!

LEADER: Doctor! We are watching your every move and monitoring your every thought.


ANDRED: Z over P times log three five nine six equals

K9: Cosine four seven three two.

DOCTOR: Well, it doesn't look too difficult. Well, don't stare at me. This is a very delicate operation. You're making me nervous.

DOCTOR: Right, that seems to be in. Right? Right. Now hold your breath, or whatever it is you fellows hold. This is the tricky bit.

DOCTOR: Hang on, Doctor, you're nearly there. What did you say? I said, hang on Doctor, you're nearly there.

DOCTOR: Well, I did it.

K9: Imperative we reach President's office immediately. Helmet!

DOCTOR: There you are. I did it.

LEADER: You have turned off the forcefield?

DOCTOR: It's impossible to destroy the forcefield without atomising the entire planet, but I have made a sizeable hole in it above the Citadel.

LEADER: You have done well.

KELNER: A hole in the forcefield? Then we're without protection!

VARDAN: You have our protection now. Are you not satisfied?

KELNER: Oh, yes, yes, yes, of course.

LEADER: This hole is permanent?

DOCTOR: Well, I'd need to do a little more work on it to achieve that.

LEADER: We are safe now.

KELNER: They're just human.

DOCTOR: Mmm. Disappointing, aren't they. Nice to see you again.

LEADER: Continue with your work. Assist him.

DOCTOR: No, I can manage very nicely, thank you.

LEADER: Accompany him!

DOCTOR: Would you like to assist me in my work? It's, er, it's this way.

LEELA: Nesbin, you must take your warriors, enter the Citadel from that side. att*ck the Chancellor's guards, create a diversion. I shall enter from the other side with Rodan and Jasko.

NESBIN: That sounds good. Take care now.

LEELA: You too.

NESBIN: Come on, then!

K9: We must wait for the Doctor.

ANDRED: How long will that be?

K9: Closing down to conserve resources.

LEELA: Something's wrong.

RODAN: What?

LEELA: Where are your defences?

RODAN: The transduction barrier's down.

LEELA: But where are your guards?

RODAN: Missing.

LEELA: Exactly.

DOCTOR: Shush! I've had an idea. Two seconds.

DOCTOR: Ah, there you are. I'm so glad you could make it. Base lead.

ANDRED: Insulation.

LEADER: The Doctor! He has betrayed us!

KELNER: What do you mean, master?

LEADER: He has defected. k*ll him!

LEADER: You are now in charge of this rabble. I must have discipline!

KELNER: I shall issue instructions and take control immediately.

JASKO: Hey, suppose he's not in there?

LEELA: Where else could he be?

RODAN: The President's office, I suppose.

LEELA: Lead us there.

KELNER: Expedite immediately. I repeat that under the circumstances I assume complete authority. The President is to be sh*t on sight.

DOCTOR: Take that.

DOCTOR: And that.

DOCTOR: And that. Come on, boy.

DOCTOR: Shush, don't be frightened. Hand me the Sash. Trust me.

DOCTOR: There we are.

DOCTOR: Ready, K9?

K9: Affirmative.

DOCTOR: Now don't get any ideas.

VARDAN: Break the door down.

NESBIN: Well met, Leela.

LEELA: What was that?

RODAN: Someone vanishing.

LEELA: Where's the President's office? Here?



LEELA: Break it down.

DOCTOR: Open the door, Andred.

ANDRED: No, keep still.

DOCTOR: (quietly) Ready, K9?

LEADER: Alert! Alert! I detect an illegitimate frequency tracer! Alert! Full alert!

K9: Contact. Coordinates of Vardan source planet vector three zero five two, alpha seven, fourteen span.

DOCTOR: Activate the modulation rejection pattern.

K9: Activating now.

KELNER: Sir, I can't break into the

KELNER: What happened?

K9: Negative. Confirm negative. No trace of alien waveform on Gallifrey.

LEELA: What's the matter?

DOCTOR: We've won again. I've sent the invaders back to their own planet. Course, I'll need the Matrix to jury-rig a time loop, but that's not

LEELA: But how have we won? We fought no one but a few guards.

DOCTOR: Well, it can't always be like the relief of Mafeking, you know.

LEELA: All right.

DOCTOR: Don't shout at me. Don't shout. Have you ever thought of taking it up seriously?

LEELA: Taking what up seriously?

DOCTOR: Well, k*lling people. A little practice, you'd become quite proficient.

LEELA: What does

DOCTOR: Come on.

LEELA: Excuse me, what, do you know what

LEELA: What does proficient mean?

KELNER: Oh, Doctor! President.

DOCTOR: Castellan, is the Chancellor still in his office?

KELNER: Yes, your Excellency.

DOCTOR: Good. Castellan, as Castellan you are responsible for security on Gallifrey in general and for my safety in particular, are you not, Castellan?

KELNER: That is so, Excellency.

DOCTOR: Castellan, I don't think you're very good at it. That's just my opinion, I'm only the President. Still, every oligarchy gets the Castellan it deserves, eh, Castellan?


DOCTOR: Yes, well, never mind. Just clear up the mess when you've got a moment.

LEELA: Is it over?


DOCTOR: It's been a long, hard road, but at last the future of Gallifrey is assured. What, what are you looking at?

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Louise Jameson

Voice of K9
John Leeson

Christopher Tranchell

John Arnatt

Ray Callaghan

Hilary Ryan

Derek Deadman

Stuart Fell

Stan McGowan

Tom Kelly

Presidential Bodyguard
Michael Harley

Castellan Guard
Eric Danot

Gold Usher
Charles Morgan

Christopher Christou

Michael Mundell

Castellan Kelner
Milton Johns

Lord Gomer
Dennis Edwards

Lord Savar
Reginald Jessup

Max Faulkner

Gai Smith

Assistant Floor Manager
Terry Winders
Romey Allison

Dee Kelly

Barbara Gosnold

Film Cameraman
Ken Westbury

Film Editor
Chris Wimble

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Maureen Winslade

OB Cameraman
David Goutier
Alan Hayward

Graham Williams

Production Assistant
Colin Dudley

Production Unit Manager
John Nathan-Turner

Script Editor
Anthony Read

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Mike Jefferies

Studio Sound
Anthony Philpott

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Colin Mapson
Richard Conway
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