20x03 - Arc of Infinity - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderators: Kitty Midnight, Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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20x03 - Arc of Infinity - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Three

First Air Date: 11 January 1983
Running time: 24:37

BORUSA: The space-time dimensions of the Matrix are clear. The creature has been expelled.

NYSSA: I hope you know what you've done.

DOCTOR: Who are you?

CASTELLAN: What was your opinion, Maxil?

MAXIL: The termination? Not quite what I expected.

CASTELLAN: Nor me. I want a full analysis of the event. Be discreet, but do it right away.

DAMON: It's ready, Nyssa. The Doctor?

TIME LORD: The Doctor?

OMEGA: Weak, but he'll live. You did well, Time Lord.

OMEGA: Doctor. Doctor. You know where you are, Doctor?

DOCTOR: I must be in the Matrix.

OMEGA: Only your mind, Doctor. Your body is still in the termination area, shielded by an energy band.

DOCTOR: I knew you couldn't let me die.

OMEGA: You realised this would happen?

DOCTOR: I guessed. Besides, I hoped it would give me the chance to meet you.

OMEGA: And now that you have?

DOCTOR: It'd difficult to say without knowing who you are.

OMEGA: A friend, Doctor. A friend who holds your feeble lifeforce this side of existence.

TEGAN: It's filthy in here. What is this place?

STUART: A service passage.

TEGAN: This is where you slept?

STUART: Yes. The crypt's through there.

TEGAN: It's locked.

STUART: It must be bolted on the other side. Maybe a gardener or worker's been down here.

TEGAN: Colin could be behind there, hurt.

STUART: Look, Tegan.

TEGAN: Colin's.

STUART: He must be still around.

CASTELLAN (OOV.): Yes, Maxil?

MAXIL: I think you should come down here, Castellan.

DOCTOR: If you have something to offer the Time Lords, why not speak directly?

OMEGA: I considered that, but it wouldn't work.

DOCTOR: Then you must be known to Gallifrey.

OMEGA: I was not always as I am now, Doctor. Once I too had life, real existence in your dimension. Soon, with your help, I shall have it again.

DOCTOR: It would mean losing control of the Matrix to you. The price is too high.

OMEGA: Do not provoke me. We shall talk when you are ready to listen.

MAXIL: The circuit was altered, rigged to cut out at the moment of termination.

CASTELLAN: Then the Doctor didn't die.

MAXIL: Not according to this. And something else. The girl was correct about his bioscan. It was transmitted from Gallifrey.

CASTELLAN: We must find the Doctor and the rest will fall into place.

MAXIL: Should the High Council be told?

CASTELLAN: No. We'll handle this ourselves. Bring Damon and the girl here.

STUART: At least you know Colin was here.

TEGAN: What I don't understand is why you'd want to sleep in a place like this.

DAMON: There's no sense brooding on it, Nyssa.

DAMON: What are you doing here?

MAXIL: We've orders to search the Doctor's TARDIS.

NYSSA: Who are you looking for?

MAXIL: You two come with me.

NYSSA: I demand

MAXIL: Move.

DAMON: Do as he says, Nyssa.

TEGAN: What is it?

STUART: I don't know.

STUART: Quick, over here.


CASTELLAN: You transmitted the Doctor's bioscan, didn't you.

DAMON: Without the codes? How could I?

CASTELLAN: But you knew about it.

DAMON: Yes. Talor and I found out by accident.

CASTELLAN: Why didn't you tell me what Talor had learnt.

DAMON: Only members of the High Council have access to bioscan circuits and you are a Councillor, Castellan. That was my dilemma.

CASTELLAN: But there is still the matter of the interference of the termination circuits.

DAMON: Of that I know nothing. I don't know the coding that would give access.

CASTELLAN: The Doctor would know. He could instruct you. You had contact with the Doctor, didn't you?

NYSSA: It's a pity you weren't so concerned when the Doctor was alive.

CASTELLAN: Don't play games with me, girl. The Doctor is alive, and you know it.

STUART: No, Tegan, don't.

TEGAN: We can't just leave him. Colin!

STUART: Tegan!

DOCTOR: All right, let's talk. Do you hear me?

CASTELLAN: We know there's a conspiracy, and we'll get to the heart of it.

DAMON: Then find the Time Lord who k*lled Talor.

CASTELLAN: We will, and the Doctor too. Maxil, continue the search. He must be somewhere in the Citadel. You two will remain here until I return.

NYSSA: He's alive, Damon!

MAXIL: Search the residential wing, but be discreet. No one is to know we're looking for the Doctor.

TEGAN: Where are we?

STUART: I don't know. Are you all right?


OMEGA: If you cooperate, you will come to no further harm.

TEGAN: What do you want of us?

OMEGA: You intruded where you had no business to be.

TEGAN: We were looking for my cousin.

OMEGA: The primitive?

TEGAN: His name is Colin Frazer. Where is he?

OMEGA: He serves me in here. If you are capable of doing the same, you will not find me ungrateful. The Ergon will scan you for possible future use. Step forward, girl. It would be unwise to resist.

OMEGA: So, you are known to the Doctor.

TEGAN: What of it?

OMEGA: Answer.

TEGAN: Yes, I'm a friend of the Doctor's.

OMEGA: Then we are both fortunate.

TIME LORD: We have trouble. A full-scale security search is in progress for the Doctor.

OMEGA: How did this happen?

TIME LORD: The termination aroused suspicion, but the High Council haven't been told yet. We must act swiftly before they do.

OMEGA: Act? How?

TIME LORD: Release the Doctor. You must concentrate your powers on transfer.

OMEGA: We can't risk it. Once free, the Doctor will make trouble.

TIME LORD: We must take that chance. Your only hope now is for a swift transfer.

OMEGA: Hmm. Perhaps the Doctor can be persuaded not to interfere. Very well. I'll do as you say.

OMEGA: Doctor? I have good news for you, Doctor. Since I wish no enmity between us, I intend to release you.

DOCTOR: That's very generous of you. May I ask what I've done to deserve it?

OMEGA: You will be freed if you give me your word not to interfere.

DOCTOR: I will do everything I can to stop you.

OMEGA: Then I am forced to persuade you.

DOCTOR: Tegan!

OMEGA: A friend of yours, Doctor. Please, your word not to interfere or she must suffer.

DOCTOR: No, it's a trick. It's not Tegan.

OMEGA: Tell him, girl.

TEGAN: Please, Doctor, help me.

DOCTOR: It can't be. Tegan's on Earth. I know she is.

OMEGA: Very well. If she is an illusion, then you will not be upset to see her destroyed.

TEGAN: Doctor, please!

DAMON: It'll need your handprint to decode it, Castellan.

MAXIL (OOV.): Castellan?

CASTELLAN: Have you found him?

MAXIL (OOV.): Not yet.

CASTELLAN: While your men continue the search, have Thalia, Hedin and Zorac come to my office immediately.

DAMON: You know who it is?

CASTELLAN: Yes. We have all the proof we need.

NYSSA: So you know the Doctor is innocent.

CASTELLAN: The Doctor plotted this conspiracy. Now we know who helped him.

NYSSA: Can we get out?

DAMON: No, he's operated the lock.

DOCTOR: All right. Whatever you say.

OMEGA: Her life depends on you, Doctor.

DOCTOR: As yours depends on mine.

OMEGA: Then see that nothing threatens it. The next time we meet, it will be on Gallifrey. Goodbye, Doctor.


STUART: Tegan, are you all right?

TEGAN: I saw the Doctor.


TEGAN: I don't know. It was like a nightmare. Unreal. But I saw him.

OMEGA: I'm glad you were of help to me, girl. To show my appreciation, your cousin will be returned to you.

TEGAN: Colin!

FRAZER: Tegan.

ZORAC: What the devil's going on, Castellan? Guards crashing about. It's like a madhouse out there.

CASTELLAN: My apologies, Councillors.

THALIA: Castellan, we are not in the habit of being summoned by armed soldiers. We are waiting, Castellan.

CASTELLAN: A very grave situation has come to light. We have indisputable evidence that the Doctor is alive.

ZORAC: Ridiculous! We saw him terminated.

CASTELLAN: He's alive, Zorac. My men are searching for him now.

THALIA: How can he be?

CASTELLAN: He was helped to evade termination by one of us. One of the High Council.

CASTELLAN: That is a full analysis of the relevant security circuit traffic. Study them well, Councillors. They will tell you who it was.

DOCTOR: Pity. Long cancelled, I expect. Presidential code. Four five, four? Four five, five! Three nine one.

DOCTOR: Three nine one. Three nine one. Three nine one. Six five nine two!

NYSSA: Doctor!

DAMON: How did you manage to open the door?

DOCTOR: Pure luck.

THALIA: The Lord President?

CASTELLAN: You have the proof. His personal codes were used to manipulate the Matrix. Again, his code registered in the computer room the precise time Talor was k*lled.


CASTELLAN: The creature. It's linked to the Doctor and through him to Gallifrey.

THALIA: To achieve what, Castellan?

CASTELLAN: We know the creature controls the shift of the Arc of Infinity. So, what if the Arc were to be permanently located here, linked to the Matrix? (silence) Enormous power, way beyond the ability of anyone to control it, except those already at one with the Matrix.

ZORAC: The Lord President.

CASTELLAN: Yes. And the Doctor. Together with this creature, I'm convinced this is what they intend to do.

NYSSA: At least you could have told me what you were up to.

DOCTOR: There wasn't time, Nyssa. Damon, did you do as I asked?

DAMON: The TARDIS element? Yes.

DOCTOR: What about the power equipment? Anything turn up?

DAMON: Just one item. A fusion booster element was transported recently.

DOCTOR: Fusion?

DAMON: It's a highly advanced piece of equipment. Unstable, but capable of an enormous conversion rate over very short periods.

DOCTOR: What, from water?

DAMON: It's fuelled by anything that contains hydrogen atoms. Water would be perfect.

DOCTOR: Now listen, Damon, this is very important. I need to know the precise destination and who sent it. Do you think you could find that out?

NYSSA: Shouldn't we go while we've got the chance?

DOCTOR: We're going to Earth, Nyssa.

NYSSA: Earth? What for?

DOCTOR: That's where this creature is.

NYSSA: How do you know?

DOCTOR: It's got Tegan. I saw her in the Matrix.

MAXIL: The residential wings are clear. My men are searching the technical areas.

CASTELLAN: You've sealed the Citadel?

MAXIL: Nothing can get in or out, Castellan.

CASTELLAN: Then it's just a question of time.

TIME LORD: The Council know.

OMEGA: They will take action?

TIME LORD: Not until they find the Doctor.

OMEGA: You must delay them. I need more time. I must generate sufficient power for transfer.

TIME LORD: I can't guarantee you will have it.

OMEGA: You must! You will have to isolate the Matrix master control. Use your influence with the Lord President.

TIME LORD: Very well, I will.

OMEGA: Thank you, Time Lord.

TIME LORD: What we are, we owe to you. Your return is all that matters.

OMEGA: Meanwhile, I will try to prevent them using the Matrix against us.

STUART: There's no way out.

TEGAN: The Doctor knows we're here. He'll find a way to help us.

DAMON: You were right, Doctor. The fusion booster element was transported to Earth. It could have been anywhere. The reception area was lost in severe temporal distortion.


DAMON: We know who sent it, though.


DAMON: These codes are unmistakable. You used them yourself to get in here.

DOCTOR: The Lord President.

DAMON: There's no mistake.

NYSSA: What are you going to do?

DOCTOR: Well, we must see the Lord President immediately.

DAMON: The Castellan's guards are all over the place.

DOCTOR: Thank you for all your help, Damon. I shall never be able to repay you.

DOCTOR: Nyssa.

NYSSA: Just in case.

DAMON: Good luck, Doctor.

MAXIL (on screen): You wanted to know if any other High Councillor attempted to see the Lord President.


MAXIL (on screen): Councillor Hedin is with him now.

CASTELLAN: Thank you.

CASTELLAN: Hedin has gone to see the Lord President.

THALIA (on screen): But we agreed to wait.

CASTELLAN: We must act now, Thalia.


DOCTOR: Come on! Come on. In here.

CASTELLAN: You found him?

MAXIL: Not yet, but he can't be far away.

CASTELLAN: Hurry it up, Maxil. I need him. Find him!

DOCTOR: Come on.

BORUSA: It's a highly unusual request, Hedin.

HEDIN: It would only affect the master controls. The secondary functions will continue to operate.

BORUSA: If I charge the transduction field, the Matrix itself will be isolated. No one could use it.

HEDIN: That's why you must do it, Lord President.

BORUSA: You forget yourself, Hedin. Access to the Matrix is guaranteed. Only the gravest emergency could permit me to do what you want.

HEDIN: Nevertheless, you will do it.

BORUSA: No one is above the law, Hedin. Not you, not

HEDIN: Don't force me to use it. Now, if you please, Lord President.

BORUSA: Why are you doing this, Hedin?

HEDIN: There's no time to explain now.

DOCTOR: Hedin, you don't believe this stuff about the Lord President?

BORUSA: Doctor, be careful.

DOCTOR: What is it?

HEDIN: Throw down the w*apon.

DOCTOR: So it's you.

HEDIN: Nyssa, the w*apon. I shall k*ll even you.

HEDIN: Now, over there.

DOCTOR: The bioscan, the rigged termination, all your work, Hedin?

HEDIN: I did what I had to. Now do as you are told.

DOCTOR: It was all done to make us think you were responsible, Lord President. And now, Hedin?

HEDIN: Nothing must interfere with transfer.

DOCTOR: It's that close?

HEDIN: Very.

DOCTOR: I always considered you a friend, Hedin. A man of learning, respected by all. Why now turn to evil?

HEDIN: You don't understand.

DOCTOR: This creature will soon control the Matrix. Is that what you want?

HEDIN: This is no alien creature, Doctor. It's one of us, a Time Lord, the first and greatest of our people. The one who sacrificed all to give us mastery of time and was shamefully abandoned in return.

DOCTOR: Omega?

HEDIN: Yes, Omega.

DOCTOR: But Omega died.

HEDIN: No, he exists, Doctor. He only wants to live amongst us, and he will, as soon as he transfers here.

DOCTOR: Omega is insane. Once in control of the Matrix

HEDIN: He wants nothing for himself. The power he brings is for the good of all.

CASTELLAN: Well done, Hedin.

BORUSA: Castellan!

CASTELLAN: You're under arrest, Lord President. As for you, Doctor, you were sentenced to death. This time sentence will be carried out.


DOCTOR: You fool. He could have told us where Omega is.


BORUSA: Put up your w*apon, Castellan.

CASTELLAN: The Doctor is a traitor.

BORUSA: Hedin is your traitor.

DOCTOR: Lord President, we must shut down the Matrix.

BORUSA: It won't prevent transfer.

DOCTOR: No, but it could delay it, give us time to hunt Omega down.

NYSSA: Doctor!

DOCTOR: It's too late. Omega controls the Matrix.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Janet Fielding

Sarah Sutton

President Borusa — Leonard Sachs

Chancellor Thalia — Elspet Gray

Councillor Hedin — Michael Gough

The Castellan — Paul Jerricho

Cardinal Zorac — Max Harvey

Commander Maxil — Colin Baker

Omega/The Renegade — Ian Collier/Peter Davison

Damon — Neil Daglish

Talor — John D. Collins

Colin Frazer — Alastair Cumming

Robin Stuart — Andrew Boxer

Hotel Receptionists — Maya Woolfe
Guy Groen

The Ergon — Malcolm Harvey

Terry Phillips
Kevin O'Brien
Barbie Denham
Glenn Bexfield
Charis Andrews

Assistant Floor Manager
Lynn Richards

Dee Robson

Marjorie Pratt

Film Cameraman
Fintan Sheehan

Film Editor
Bernard Ashby

Incidental Music
Roger Limb

Frances Needham

Production Assistant
Diana Brookes

Production Associate
June Collins

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Don Babage

Studio Sound
Trevor Webster

Title Music
Ron Grainer and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop
arranged by Peter Howell

Visual Effects
Chris Lawson

Johnny Byrne

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Ron Jones

John Nathan-Turner
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