21x16 - Planet of Fire - part 4

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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21x16 - Planet of Fire - part 4

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Four

Original Air Date: 2 March 1984
Running time: 24:44

PERI: Urgh!

DOCTOR: There's healing power in one of the volcanic gases. Could be why the Trions constructed the Hall of Fire, some sort of curative centre. I must release the gas flow. Strictly for medicinal purposes, of course. There we are.

ROSKAL: You're doing what Timanov wants.

DOCTOR: Why not, if it saves Malkon's life? Bring him to the Hall of Fire, quickly.

AMYAND: Do you think this is wise?

TURLOUGH: Don't stop them. The Doctor wants to use the gas for its original purpose.

TIMANOV: This is for you, Chosen One. The gift of Logar.

TURLOUGH: Thank you. Wait a minute. I've seen one of these before.

DOCTOR: Excellent.

AMYAND: That flame will burn, not heal.

DOCTOR: There's still a residue of hot gas still to burn off.

DOCTOR: Where did you get this?

TURLOUGH: Timanov gave it to me.

DOCTOR: More gifts from Logar?

TURLOUGH: Yes, from a Trion ship. It's a coded circuit release key. I know the lock it operates.

DOCTOR: Pure numismaton gas. It's quite safe.


TURLOUGH: What are you waiting for?

PERI: There you are.

TIMANOV: Praise be to Logar.

DOCTOR: Logar had very little to do with it.

MALKON: What happened?

DOCTOR: You were shot, but you should be all right now.

TURLOUGH: Assemble the rest of the citizens here. Please, my friend. We need your skills of leadership and organisation. Logar demands it.

TIMANOV: Yes, of course, Chosen One.

DOCTOR: Amyand, I'll need your help as a guide. We must get to the seismic control centre.

AMYAND; I'll do my best.

DOCTOR: Turlough, when I've got the TARDIS working, we'll materialise here and take the Sarns on board.

TURLOUGH: That won't be necessary.


TURLOUGH: If it's still intact, I think I can operate the main transmitter on my father's ship. That gives us direct access to Trion Communications Executive, and the Custodians will send a rescue ship.

DOCTOR: Couldn't do better.

DOCTOR: Just a minute. You were concerned about the Custodians earlier.

TURLOUGH: I'll be all right.

DOCTOR: You are in trouble.

TURLOUGH: The Misos Triangle is the mark of a prisoner, and Sarn is a prison planet for very special people. That's why my father was sent here. If he had lived, he would have been your leader.

AMYAND: Are we Trion prisoners, too?

TURLOUGH: No, you are all that is left of the indigenous population.

MASTER: Miss Brown, Peri, listen to me. There is no way you can escape either from my TARDIS or from the control centre.

PERI: We'll see about that.

MASTER: Help me. I'll spare your life.

PERI: Spare my life? You come out here and say that.

PERI: Who's there?

PERI: Pleasant dreams.

DOCTOR: Turlough, how did your family become criminals?

TURLOUGH: There was civil w*r on my planet. My mother was k*lled. My father was on the wrong side and was exiled here with my younger brother. I, for my sins, was sent by the regime to Earth.

DOCTOR: But how could they possibly know you've absconded?

TURLOUGH: The Trions have agents on every civilised planet. An agrarian commissioner on Verdon, a tax inspector on Darveg, and a very eccentric solicitor in Chancery Lane. They'll know, all right.

DOCTOR: I'll see you back at the TARDIS.

TURLOUGH: Good luck, Doctor. Come on.

DOCTOR: This must have been a very fertile planet.

AMYAND: When the Trions were here?

DOCTOR: Oh, don't be too hard on them. It's their technology that's maintained the stability of the planet.

AMYAND: You call this stability?

DOCTOR: They did their best. The silver things that were seen on the mountain, they were Trion volcanologists attempting to control the eruptions.

AMYAND: So they could imprison here their own undesirable elements. Like fools, we've tried to make sense of things, inventing legends and myths to explain them away.

DOCTOR: Well, that's at an end. The old order's gone forever. There'll be no more Outsiders, no more Chosen Ones.

AMYAND: And the years that have been wasted.

DOCTOR: With a leader like you, Amyand, your people will soon advance.

TURLOUGH: Come on, we're nearly there.

AMYAND: Which way? There must be an entrance somewhere on this hill. Let's try along here.

TURLOUGH: Somewhere over here.

ROSKAL: We must hurry.

DOCTOR: Get back!

AMYAND: We're trapped.

PERI: Doctor!

PERI: It's this way. It's in here.

DOCTOR: All right, come on.

PERI: Okay.

DOCTOR: Quickly.

ROSKAL: Is it still working?

TURLOUGH: I don't know.
Keep your fingers crossed.

TURLOUGH: The emergency power cells may have decayed. No, we're in luck. (static) There's a lot of geomagnetic interference.

MAN (OOV.): This is Trion Control.

ROSKAL: It's amazing.

MAN (OOV.): This is Trion Control. You're transmitting on an executive frequency. Please state name, rank and identification code.

TURLOUGH: My name is Vislor Turlough, Junior Ensign Commander, identification code VTEC9/12/44.

MASTER: Come, my sl*ve. Revive. We're not defeated yet.

DOCTOR: The seismic control centre. It's impressive. The question is, how effective. Keep an eye on him, would you?

PERI: What are you doing now?

DOCTOR: Trying to slow down the eruption. The Master's interference has caused the seismic machinery to become unstable. If I can override the a*t*matic controller, I can delay the worst of it.

PERI: Can't you stop it?

DOCTOR: I doubt it. The Master's already triggered a massive surge of numismaton gas in the planet's core. It that hits the surface it will disrupt the inhibition circuit altogether. There'll be devastation.

TURLOUGH: At least they're sending a ship.

ROSKAL: They won't punish you.

TURLOUGH: Just so long as they don't send me back to Brendan.

ROSKAL: Where?

TURLOUGH: The worst place in the universe. An English public school on Earth. Come on, let's get back to the others.

DOCTOR: There we are. That should hold back the eruption for a while. Now for the Master.

PERI: There it is, but he could be anywhere.

DOCTOR: Fair exchange is no robbery. The Master's temporal stabiliser.

PERI: Will it fit your machine?

DOCTOR: Oh yes.

MASTER: Revive. Revive, Kamelion!

DOCTOR: How does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine?

MASTER: I live, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Albeit in somewhat reduced circumstances.

MASTER: I shall soon be restored to profit from my research.

DOCTOR: Ah, you're experimenting with the Tissue Compression Eliminator.

MASTER: To increase its range. I was building a new and more deadly version.

DOCTOR: You made it too powerful for your own good.

MASTER: A small design problem.

DOCTOR: And a very small Master. That's why you needed Kamelion, isn't it?

MASTER: I've lodged in the mind of that sl*ve since our fateful meeting on Xeriphas.

DOCTOR: The scream in the TARDIS. He even felt your pain.

MASTER: Mmm, and came instantly to my help. Now, with the next surge of numismaton gas, all is prepared for my supreme renewal.

AMYAND: k*ll him, Doctor.

K-MASTER (OOV.): Get away from the box.

DOCTOR: No need to remind you what will happen if you use that thing in here.

K-MASTER: I don't think that'll be necessary. Now, outside.

PERI: He's let us go.

DOCTOR: He needs to move his TARDIS into the circle of flame. When the next surge comes, he'll be surrounded by restorative gas. Amyand, I want you to go back to Turlough and give him this.

PERI: Look!

PERI: We're trapped.

DOCTOR: No, we're not. Amyand, your turn to play Logar.

TURLOUGH: Your people must go to the ruin.

SORASTA: To the ruin? Why?

TURLOUGH: That is where the Trion rescue ship will land. Please, you must hurry.

PERI: Good luck!

PERI: Now what are you doing?

DOCTOR: I'm trying to raise some local radiation. If I can induce a sympathetic reaction in Kamelion's psychocircuits, he'll have the electronic equivalent of a heart attack.

PERI: What are you trying to do?

DOCTOR: You'll see. Now, when I give you the word, I want you to push this control here hard to its end stop, all right? Now, get down behind the desk.

K-MASTER: Get away from the controls.

PERI: Doctor.

DOCTOR: He won't dare fire and risk hitting the control system.

PERI: He's a robot. He'll just walk through the flame.

DOCTOR: I hope so. What I've prepared will only work at close range.

K-MASTER: I've warned you, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Just as you say.

DOCTOR: (quietly) Keep down. (loud) Now!

K-FOSTER: Kamelion no good. Sorry.

DOCTOR: I'm sorry too, Kamelion.

K-FOSTER: Destroy me. Please.

DOCTOR: Get back.

DOCTOR: I must try to control the surge of energy the Master's programmed, otherwise the planet could be destroyed before the Sarns can escape.

PERI: How much longer do we have?

DOCTOR: I don't know. I just hope Amyand get the stabiliser to Turlough in time.

PERI: Does Turlough know how to fly the TARDIS?

DOCTOR: He doesn't have to. It's still linked with the Master's. It should materialise in the same relationship as the ruin.

TURLOUGH: We're running out of time. You must leave for the landing ground.

TIMANOV: Leave us in peace. We wish to die with our sins.


AMYAND: On your feet, all of you.

AMYAND: So much for Logar.

TIMANOV: Deception. Another deception, and from a heretic.

TURLOUGH: Where's the Doctor?

AMYAND: Trapped by the fire. He said you must fit this into the TARDIS.

TURLOUGH: The stabiliser. Quickly, to the ruin!

TIMANOV: You will never understand, Amyand. Logar is everywhere. He cares for the faithful.

AMYAND: Perhaps that's why he's in the ship from Trion. Perhaps he wants you to live.

PERI: Now that's what I call a real spaceship.

DOCTOR: It's no good to us. The TARDIS is the only way out of here. Hurry up, Turlough.

CAPTAIN: Now, you're sure this is the last batch?

SORASTA: Yes. Yes, it should be.

CAPTAIN: They've no option?

SORASTA: They don't want to leave their own place.

CAPTAIN: Excuse me. [/i]

CAPTAIN: It's customary to salute a senior officer, Turlough.

TURLOUGH: I'm very sorry, but there isn't time for that.

CAPTAIN: Where are you going?

TURLOUGH: The TARDIS is on a time-delayed takeoff. We have fifteen seconds to clear this room.

CAPTAIN: Still running away?

TURLOUGH: If I were running away, I would hardly have asked for a rescue ship from Trion, Captain.

PERI: Is this it?

PERI: Oh, no.

DOCTOR: Well done, Turlough. Quickly, into the TARDIS.

MASTER: I shall come from this fire a thousand times stronger, to hound you to the borders of the universe. Bwahahahahaha!

MASTER: Oh! Cancel the ray injection immediately. Doctor! I'll plague you to the end of time for this. Help me! I'll give you anything in creation. Please! Won't you show mercy to your own Argh!!!

PERI: Doctor? Are you okay?

DOCTOR: Er, yes, of course. I'm all right.

CAPTAIN: We must hurry.

TURLOUGH: Am I under arrest?

CAPTAIN: Do you wish to be?

TURLOUGH: I thought

CAPTAIN: Things have changed on Trion. Former political prisoners are no longer persecuted. You're welcome to return.

CAPTAIN: Or not, as you please.

MALKON: Turlough.

CAPTAIN: We'd best be gone.

TURLOUGH: You go. Go on, please.

TURLOUGH: My exile has been rescinded.

DOCTOR: I'm pleased for you.


DOCTOR: I shall miss you.

TURLOUGH: I don't want to go, Doctor. I've learnt a lot from you. But I have to go back to Trion. It's my home.

DOCTOR: Better to go back while you're a bit of a hero, eh?

TURLOUGH: Thank you for everything, Doctor. Look after him, won't you? He gets into the most terrible trouble.

PERI: Well, I

DOCTOR: Well, I should get you home.

PERI: Oh, must you?

DOCTOR: Oh, yes. Your friends will be worried.

PERI: It's funny, but just before I met you I was saying I wanted to travel, and I've still got three months of my vacation left.

DOCTOR: And you want to travel with me.

PERI: Is that an invitation?

DOCTOR: Actually, it was a question.

PERI: May I?

DOCTOR: Three months, you say?

PERI: That's right.

DOCTOR: All right. Why not.

DOCTOR: Welcome aboard, Peri.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Mark Strickson

Nicola Bryant

Peter Wyngarde

The Master
Anthony Ainley

Barbara Shelley

James Bate

Professor Howard Foster
Dallas Adams

Voice of Kamelion
Gerald Flood

Edward Highmore

Jonathan Caplan

Michael Bangerter

Simon Sutton

Max Arthur

John Alkin

Assistant Floor Manager
Robert Evans

John Peacock

Malcolm Thornton

Film Cameraman
John Walker

Film Editor
Alastair Mitchell

Incidental Music
Peter Howell

Elizabeth Rowell

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Claire Hughes Smith

Production Associate
June Collins

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
John Summers

Studio Sound
Scott Talbott

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Chris Lawson
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