03x55 - That's Earth, Papa... Freeza and His Father Strike Back" / "There Is Planet Earth, Father! Frieza and King Cold

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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03x55 - That's Earth, Papa... Freeza and His Father Strike Back" / "There Is Planet Earth, Father! Frieza and King Cold

Post by bunniefuu »

To think, me, beaten by that simian bastard...

Great King Cold...

As we expected, Planet Namek
has been completely destroyed.

Under the circumstances,
not even Freeza-sama...

Don't tell me that Freeza has been...

Does this mean that there is
someone mightier than our clan,

the greatest in all the universe?

If so, I, Cold, will make sure
to crush the life out of them.

W-What's that?!

Dispatch a rescue vessel.
Bring Freeza aboard at once.



We're going to go to Earth now, Papa.

To k*ll the Super Saiyan.

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!

"That There Is Earth, Papa...
Freeza and Father Strike Back."

A year had passed since Son Goku
managed to defeat Freeza,

following a pitted battle.

However, Son Goku still
had not returned to Earth.

Gohan-chan, are you studyin'?

Huh? Mother...

it sure is nice being at peace, huh?

I have to wonder, though,
where did Vegeta go off to?

He's probably zipping around
the universe, chasing after Goku.

He sure doesn't give up easy.

I get shivers down my spine just looking at him.

If you look closer, he's a surprisingly good man.

How so? He's a spaceship thief!

He's pretty daring, going to such lengths

to chase after Son-kun, isn't he?

Hey, Bulma, are you--

Yamucha, don't be jealous, don't be jealous.

I-I'm not jealous.

From what Papa was saying,
he should be running out of fuel soon.

I wonder if he met up with Son-kun.

Ka... me...

...ha... me...


Damn it!

It's no use! At this level, I don't
even hold a candle to Goku!

The time when Muten Roshi was
hailed as the world's greatest

is now well in the past.

Now, you're just a dirty old man.

Goku is probably out there
somewhere in space, still training.

Oh, dear! The spaceship thief came back!

Vegeta, what do you want?!

Oh, dear! Oh, dear! Oh, dear!

It looks like Kakarrot still hasn't returned.

So you didn't run into Goku out in space, then?

I have no need to answer you.

Now, now, that's enough chit-chat.

Come on, how about you take a shower?

Good grief, you're so dirty.

Come on, this way.

Hurry along, now. You're being
impolite in front of a lady.


What the...?

Vegeta is at her beck and call.

Oh, dearie-dear.

I'm leaving a change of clothes here for you.

Get back here quick, Kakarrot.
Show me the power of a Super Saiyan!


Oh, it was Vegeta, was it?

I was positive that Goku had come back.

Goku is still the only thing
on Vegeta's mind right now.

He wouldn't do anything to
bring harm upon us, right?

I don't know.

Woman! Earth woman!

Where are you?! Hey, woman!

Do you hear me, Earth woman?!

Listen here! My name is Bulma.

You will call me by my name. How rude!

What have you done with my clothes?

They were dirty, so I washed them.

Y-You what?!

There's a change of clothes there, right?

You would have me, the prince
of the warrior Saiyan race,

wear something like this?!

You could always go naked.

Damn it, you're making a fool of me!

Th-This is...

Oh, my, it looks surprisingly
good on you, doesn't it?

Don't laugh! if you value
your lives, do not laugh!

Why don't you stay here
until Son-kun comes back?

If you stay here, you'll know as
soon as Son-kun comes back.

Do you feel that, Gohan? That incredible Ki?


Th-This isn't a very nice Ki, either, is it?

No, it's not. it's getting closer in a hurry, too.

You must be vaguely sensing it, too...

This Ki belongs to Freeza, doesn't it?

I-It can't be...

But then, sure enough...

it's not just one. There's
another ridiculously huge Ki.

No-Oh, no...

H-How can this be?

Kakarrot, you punk! You didn't
finish him off, did you?!

A-Are you sure this Ki belongs to Freeza?

Do you think I could be mistaken
about this, you dumb-ass?!

Impossible! I-I'm sure Goku
k*lled off Freeza back then.

That there is Earth, Papa.

It looks like we're going to arrive

before the Super Saiyan who
put me through all this does.

It's a small planet.

We could just wipe it out with one shot.

That would not leave me satisfied.

I want to show him something--

my powered-up form.

Hmph, you mean this so-called Super Saiyan?

I see you on radar. You're flying to Earth, too.

I'll show you soon enough...

...who the real strongest man in the universe is!

Oh, no! Oh, no!

Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no!


H-Hold on, Gohan-chan! Where are you goin'?!

Today's the day your new
private tutor is comin' over!

H-How can this be happening?

This is terrible, Father!

That's Kuririn-san's Ki!

--Kuririn-san, are you sensing this?

The thing of it is...

...there's no way I couldn't sense this.

After all, I've experienced
the effects of his Ki firsthand.


What in the world is going on?

Does this mean that Father
didn't defeat Freeza, Kuririn-san?

That's what I'd like to know.
I have no idea what's going on!

To think that Freeza would still be alive...

Then Kakarrot didn't finish the job after all?

I have to wonder, though--
who is that who's with Freeza?

The one whose Ki is far greater than even his?

It's not so bad traveling around
the frontier once in a while, huh?

You sure do seem fired up, Freeza.

This opponent can't be anyone who
would get you this worked up, can it?

I'm so excited, I can't help myself, Papa.

I'd like to hop up and down, and start dancing.

Great King Cold, Freeza-sama, we will
now commence landing on Earth.

They should probably set down
around here somewhere.

Are you sure about that?

You keep quiet, you know-nothing!

I've actually fought against him!


It's Bulma!

Vegeta! Yamucha! Yoo-hoo!


W-What are you guys doing here?!

We came to see this Freeza guy.

I never even saw him once
when I was on Planet Namek.

Came to see him? You must
realize how dangerous he is, right?!

I do realize, which is why I came.

If Freeza felt like it, all of Earth
would go kaboom, right?

It would be the same no matter where we are.

So I wanted to know what kind of guy he was.

Hmph, apparently, she's more than just vulgar.

The woman's got guts.

Tenshinhan! Chaozu!

Vegeta, you've come back to Earth again?

Sounds like you've got something to say to me.

You bet I do.

After all, we were k*lled by you guys.

I don't know how Yamucha can bring
himself to live together with you.

--Hmph, you guppy.

N-Now, hold on. This isn't the time for this.

This is a real mess, huh? Is it Freeza?

Yeah, apparently so.

Don't just stand there talking--
mask your battle powers already!

You nitwits! They're going to have Scouters.

The Namekian there has long since done so.



How long has he been over there?

Gohan, everyone's over there!

Piccolo-san is there, too!

Everyone else has sensed it, too.


Kuririn-kun, Gohan-kun!

Gohan, is Goku...?

So he hasn't come back yet, after all.

Here they come!

They're landing!

Great King Cold, Freeza-sama,
touchdown complete.

N-No doubt about it. it's Freeza. H-He's alive.

What's worse, there's someone else
in there besides Freeza, all right.

Listen up, you guys! Do not fly!

Walk up closer, so that they don't
detect you on their Scouters!

--Ready to go?

H-Hold on.

Freeza has a Ki that's that
ridiculously, unbelievably huge?

It isn't just that.

He gets much, much stronger.

Y-You've gotta be kidding.

What good will it do for us to get closer?

H-He's an unbelievable monster, isn't he?

And there are two of them.

Th-There's nothing that we can do, is there?

Then what are you going to do?

Sit here and rot? Suit yourself.

We all know there's nothing to be done.

Shall I just spell it out for you?

The Earth is now finished!

Earth, huh? Not a bad little planet.

The earthlings don't matter to me,
but I'm going to make sure

we choke the life out of the Super Saiyan,

no matter what methods it may require.

The one who has the greatest
power in the universe

must be one of our clan.

Papa, if you and I g*ng up
on him, we're sure to defeat him.

I've also powered-up. I could
probably even take him by myself.

Well now, we have three hours
until the Super Saiyan returns here.

Shall we wait for him, Freeza?

Of course we will, Papa.

But I want him to be
mortified when he gets here,

so I'm going to k*ll all of the earthlings.

There seem to be a fairly
large number of people here,

but three hours should be plenty of time.

Take that, Son Goku!

I've crawled up from the depths
of hell to take revenge against you!

Damn it, I just barely got brought back to life,

and now I'm going to die again?

All right, men, fan out
and k*ll every last earthling.

--Yes, sir!

Is there something you needed, earthling?

I've come here to k*ll you.

Suddenly, a mysterious young man
appears and confronts Freeza!

Who exactly could he be?

And what of Goku, and the fate of the Earth?

Flap your wings ever more mightily,

ever more swiftly

Once someone starts running,

they can even fly through the air

Just ride along on the winds of courage

that start blowing within your heart

and before you know it,

your body will start to float

The drive you have to try will be your wings

Flap your wings ever more mightily,

ever more swiftly

Anyone who kicks off from the ground

can even fly through the air

I am Freeza!

Not too shabby, earthling. This is
some good warm-up exercise.

Now, I'm going to take you apart!

You've figured wrong.
Son Goku-san is not the only one.

There's another Super Saiyan, right here.

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"I Will Defeat Freeza! Another Super Saiyan."

Freeza, you are beaten.
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