01x41 - Strength in Unity

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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01x41 - Strength in Unity

Post by bunniefuu »

How is it? Is it too tight?

It's just a scratch.

Oh really?

Acting tough is fine and all,

but just be careful! Oww!

I mean, it doesn't hurt at all.

It actually hurts, doesn't it?

I said it doesn't hurt!

There's no doubt that the shinobi hired by the Pale Blue Valley is our enemy.

Because they left this

"You've ignored repeated warnings, so this is our last resort.

Bring the deed to the bridge in exchange for Kiri's life."

The deed to the bridge?!

What do they mean by repeated warnings?

The village head seemed to know.


In other words, the storehouse att*cks were the warnings.

I thought something was weird, for her to request your protection.

But why didn't she discuss it with us?

I think I understand how she feels.


I mean, she wanted to handle it alone

Like her old man!

Strength in Unity

Strength in Unity All you had to do was turn over the deed.

All you had to do was turn over the deed.

How long have you been dealing with them?

Since a little before I k*lled your father.



In these parts,

the deed to the bridge is worth a bar of gold.

The Pale Blue Valley offered to buy it for a very high price.

And later, I acquired poison from the shinobi,

and made your father drink it

Damn you!

If you succeeded your father,

knowing how you hate to lose,

I figured you would keep it all to yourself

and try to outdo your father in resolving things, and ultimately fail.

That's what I thought, and yet

You requested help from the Leaf shinobi.

I certainly wasn't counting on that.

Without a doubt, our predecessor was a great man.

And part of his greatness was

because he never kept problems to himself,

but listened to everyone's opinions.

Lady Kiri is still young, and very honest.

We know very well,

how sincere her desire is to protect the Green Banks is.

That's why I wish she had consulted us

and tried not to handle everything all by herself.

If she did that, it wouldn't have come to this, right?


Will you rescue the village head?

Please, for our sake!

I understand.

So, getting the village head back is gonna be our mission?


Please take this.

Is this the deed to the bridge?

Are you sure about this?

The village head tried so hard to do everything herself, for that!

It's okay. This is nothing

It can't take the place of Lady Kiri's life.

That's how we all feel.

I understand.

Let's go, you guys!

Yes, sir! Yes, sir!

Listen up, from here on,

rescuing the village head is our top priority.

Judging from their recent att*cks, they're very violent.

We don't know their strength, so I'll deal with them.

You three find an opening,

rescue the village head and return to the village.

But that will leave you vulnerable, Sensei!

She's right.

I'll lend you a hand, Big Bro.


Considering the situation,

this is the best way to ensure the mission's success.

Don't worry, I'm not a wimp.

Okay, got it.

Well, I certainly didn't expect

your first mission to turn into something this tough.

Expect the unexpected, and don't take any chances.

Especially you, Boruto.

Do you understand?

Let me handle this!

But why didn't she discuss it with us?

I got it, ya know...


I sense some kind of movement.

Hey, you're late!

Bringing her here is one thing,

but the fact that I'm after the deed might have been exposed!

Is everything okay?

Yeah, everything is going fine.

Well, I hope so.

I hired you shinobi because I heard that you were trustworthy.

I'm satisfied as long as I get the deed!

A big fiasco isn't what !

Shut up

Yes, you can trust shinobi.


We forgot to tell him

that we're ex-shinobi.


Yeah, I know.

Shall we make a deal Leaf shinobi?

Things don't seem too harmonious.

Don't let it bother you.

As long as we both get what we want,

what's the problem?

Huh? Not that!

Why did you bring that?!

I told you just how precious it is!

I'm sorry we're late.

Forget about me!

The deed!

I missed getting them, huh?


I got it, ya know!

Let's retreat!


It's probably from that earlier att*ck.

Are you all right?

Konohamaru Sensei!

I'm okay.

Take the village head and go!

That won't be possible.

I'm going to k*ll all of you here.

You have the deed to the bridge.

You see, having that girl around is going to be troublesome.

That goes for you guys too.

Don't underestimate us just 'cuz we're kids


Calm down.

Stick with our strategy.

But !

You saw the way they operate!

I can't fight them and protect you at the same time.

Don't worry, I'll catch up right away.

Listen to me.

The three of you will complete your first mission successfully.

I'm counting on you.

You got it!

Why did you come back for someone like me?!

On top of that, you brought the deed !

You still don't get it, do you?!

Everyone in the village asked us to save you.

They did?

How do you like my special Clone Trap?

Can't move, can you?

Ashimaru, I'll take care of this guy.

I'm leaving those brats to you.

Yeah, I'll k*ll 'em.

The rumors are true

Hidden Leaf shinobi are pushovers.

Is your arm okay?


Boruto, I don't think she's okay.

You !


I set all the traps we have.

That'll buy us a little time.

Bear with me just a bit longer.

If you don't speak up, how can we tell if you're in pain?

Forgive me.

I didn't want to be any more of a burden than I already am.

The trouble with you is, you try to do everything by yourself.

Are you that determined to be like your old man?

But if I'm to protect the village, I have to be like my father


He was a great man.

All right, put your back into it!

All right!

Okay! Who's next?!

In strength or wisdom

no one could come close to my father.

I won't let you touch a hair on the villagers' heads!

He confronted enemies all by himself

and single-handedly protected the Green Banks

and all of the villagers.

He also had many successful undertakings.

When my father was alive, the power he exuded

prevented the Green Banks from being att*cked.

The village head of Green Banks is determined by hereditary succession

And just because I was his daughter,

I became the village head.

I know that I'm weak.

That's all the more reason why

I must be as resolute as possible,

otherwise it will make everyone more anxious.

And all this time, I thought I'd been giving it all I've got

But it ended up like this,

and I couldn't protect the villagers who are like my family

as my father had done.



Did you just get reminded of yourself?


Lord Seventh and the village head.

You and Kiri.

I'm saying that's what you were thinking about right now.

What?! No way!

I think you hit the bull's-eye

What? Not you too, Mitsuki!

I guess those traps didn't stop them.

Damn it! We have to go now.

Wait, Boruto you idiot.


What'll we do if we take Kiri and run,

and they overtake us?

Well if that happens

We'll "figure it out then." Right?

You're not that stupid that

you don't know how outmatched we are, are you?

I have an idea.

Instead of running away,

if the three of us engage them right here,

we have the advantage.

I'd like to try out

our teamwork that Konohamaru Sensei mentioned.

M-Mitsuki, you too?

I I didn't reach out to anyone,

and carried the burden by myself

and this is where it got me.

So please show me this teamwork of yours.

I guess we have no choice.

Then I'll show you

just what teamwork is!

"We'll show you," okay? "We'll show you," okay?

Guys like us lost their jobs after the Great w*r ended.

And the Leaf sends brats like that on a mission.

The Leaf's so soft.

If I were you,

I wouldn't take them too lightly.

How you can say that in your current situation?

It's over for you too!

There's a lot of talk about trouble in remote areas

along national borders.

I've heard rumors too,

about Rogue Ninja looking for places to get violent.

Just be aware of that.


Also, young shinobi don't understand

how difficult missions can be.

Please guide them with a steadfast grip

Yes! I've got to get a grip!


You used Wind Style to undo the jutsu by force?

Did you say earlier that the Leaf are soft?

Want to test that out?


Come on out quickly.

Damn it!

I wanna get a hit in somehow!

You shouldn't.

If you get too close, you'll die.

Not yet?

No backbone, after all.

I thought so

You're late, Sarada.

I know. I'm sorry.

And? How was it?

Well, maybe it's because he has confidence in himself

He doesn't even bother to dodge most att*cks

he takes the hit, then counters.

So, we'll look for an opening,

and finish him all at once!

Which means that, right?


Looks like you have some backbone.

Let's go!

Yeah! Right!

We're counting on you


So fast!

But it's over.

I don't have the eyes to read his att*cks.

I don't have the speed to toy with an opponent.

I don't have the frame of mind

to use the Wind Style as creatively as you do.

But But

We can b*at him! We can b*at him!


What's up with that monster strength?

It worked!

She might k*ll me one day.

You've got your hands full with Himawari and Sarada.

Hey! Don't turn your back on me, Mitsuki!


I'm sorry I'm late.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Our mission is complete.

So? Wouldn't you say Don't get so high and mighty!

those three are something? I should say that about you.

Shut up! Wanna fight?!

All right, let's do this.

I mean when we get back home

Yes, they are. Let's do this here!

- We'll settle it when we get home. - Let's do this right here!

I'm back.

Yes, I'm glad you're unharmed.

Please forgive me.

I didn't consult anyone, and acted hastily on my own

and all this happened as a result.

I'm very sorry!

We understand.

Please raise your head!

I'm not much of a village head

But, will you give me your support?

Yes. Please come to us anytime, without hesitation.

You know I'll never be like my father.

No, watching how you did everything with all your might

You're just like your father when he was young.

You'll keep gaining experience and become just like him

No, I think you'll be an even greater village head!


All right, it's time for us to leave.

Please wait!

I must thank you all as well.

I learned much from your teamwork that rescued me

You did?

Anyway, hang in there and do your best.

What gives you the right to act so high and mighty?

I couldn't agree more.

Shut up, you guys!


We're finally home!

I'm starving!

It was tiring, as one would expect.

You did great on your first mission, guys!

Yeah! Yes!

Thank you for your hard work, Konohamaru.


Looks like it turned out to be quite a difficult mission.

Yes, but the three of them did a great job.

I see!

That's because you guided them well.

I'm counting on you to keep up the good work, Captain of Team !

Yes, sir!

Well? How did your first mission turn out?


It's a drag to even remember it.

This thing had dug in deep underground,

and we had to b*at 'em out.

No kidding?!

Was it a monster? Was it strong?

N-Nah, we popped it out smoothly!

What? I wanna hear more about this.

Well It wasn't like we exterminated it

It's more like we had to go help

pull out a giant turnip

What? That's so uncool!


Then what kind of mission did you have?

Huh? You wanna hear it?

I fought against shinobi.

Are you serious?


The enemy was pretty strong, but I brought 'em down fast.

Amazing! Tell us all more about it, Boruto!


The enemy were these horrible guys.

Even Big Bro Konohamaru got himself all in a panic too

That's where I burst in with my jutsu and saved the day!

And the incident

Damn it! was resolved in a flash!

He's really getting too carried away. was resolved in a flash!

Konohamaru Sensei's sent out an emergency summons!

It's probably just gonna be a mission

to look for a lost cat or dog

That's not what it's for!

We're to apprehend a robber who's barricaded himself in a bank!

A bank? A robber? Barricaded himself?

That's the kind of mission that's worthy of my attention!

Next time on Boruto Naruto Next Generations:

"A Ninja's Job"

My chance is finally here!

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