01x50 - The Chunin Exams: The Recommendation Meeting

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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01x50 - The Chunin Exams: The Recommendation Meeting

Post by bunniefuu »

Please excuse me

Oh? Where's Lord Seventh?

He's with the Feudal Lord.

I'm taking care of whatever work I can,

otherwise, the work will keep piling up.

As always, there's so much work.

Well, yeah

Oh, here's the report from the last mission.

Can you put it in that box over there?


Oh, is this ?

Yeah, that's the outline for the upcoming Chunin Exams.

It's ready?

We're in charge of the test this time.

A lot of VIPs from each village will be attending,

so there's a mountain of things to prepare.

Seems like it's just going to get busier!

It already is.

When the applications are printed, I'll contact you.

In the meantime, think about what you'll do with your genin.

I will.


THE CHUNIN EXAM OUTLINE The Chunin Exams, huh?

JOINT FIVE-VILLAGE CHUNIN EXAM The Chunin Exams: The Recommendation Meeting

The Chunin Exams: The Recommendation Meeting The upcoming Chunin Exam will be a huge event.

Seems we'll be getting many visitors from each village.

Establishing friendly relations is a good thing.

It makes preparations that much more stressful,

and security during the event will be an ordeal.

I'm not looking forward to that.

Now, don't say that.

It's the test where the future of

the genin you're responsible for hangs on the line.

You're right.

Becoming a chunin means making it to team captain level.

It also means you must bear the responsibility for unsuccessful missions,

and your subordinates' injuries or deaths.

Yeah. We need to make sure they meet the qualifications,

so they can be a good fit.

Well, this year's rookies who you taught, Shino Sensei,

are the most problematic ones we've had in recent years!

Boruto, in particular, has been getting into trouble

since the day of the entrance ceremony.

I'll never forget how he rammed

a Thunder Train into the Great Stone Faces.

Cho-Cho Akimichi.


Boruto Uzumaki.

Boruto Uzumaki.

He's not here?

The time came and went, and he didn't show up.

Just when people were starting to talk, something unbelievable happened.

We made it.

Boruto Uzumaki

is here, ya know!


That sure was flashy!

It's nothing to laugh about, Moegi!

I was so shocked, I thought my heart was gonna stop!

That was the worst incident in the history of the Academy.

If all it takes to become Hokage is getting into mischief,

Boruto will surpass Lord Seventh easily!

That's nothing to brag about.

Speaking of which, who paid for all the repairs anyway?

There were no issues.

The Kaminarimon Company paid for everything.

This isn't public knowledge

but that incident was the result of Denki rebelling

because his father tried to force him to attend the Academy's ninjutsu program.

If he was so against it, why did he attend the Academy?

I'm not sure what occurred, but it seems he saw Boruto

and ended up wanting to become a ninja.

Denki from my team?

I didn't know that

How could you not know?

It wasn't just Denki.

Iwabe Yuino caused trouble with Boruto too!

Oh, really?

Don't get all friendly with me damned Hokage's son.

Iwabe at the time, was so frustrated,

because despite having the physical skills,

his grades were so low, he had to repeat.

I'll take you on!

I had heard that he had a temper during his years at the Academy,

but taking part in a duel

There was nothing about this in his student record.

We try not to include too many problematic details

in a student's record.

That's because

Of course, I understand that.

You rarely came to observe at the Academy, Udon.

I-I was busy and had a lot of things to do!

And sometimes, it's better to not have

any prior contact or information that could cloud your judgment.


ARITHMETIC there are no problems with Iwabe now.

there are no problems with Iwabe now.

It's all due to his perseverance.

He accepted Denki Kaminarimon's help

and got through the subjects he was weak in.

I'm not riding on the Hokage's coattails!

By the way, Boruto won the duel

That's nothing to brag about.

But really

When there's an incident,

Boruto Uzumaki is always at the center of it all!

I don't deny that.

Boruto is like Lord Seventh,

and has the knack of drawing people together.

That's a polite way of putting it.

Now that you mention it

When the school building got destroyed,

they were the cause too.

Th-That's right.

What's wrong, Shino?


Wait a minute!

The early bird gets the worm.

That time, it all started with Boruto and Sarada

arguing over yakisoba buns

If they were gonna fight anyway,

I figured if we turned it into a ninjutsu battle at the new school,

it would let them understand

the strengths and weaknesses of men and women.

All right!

Get ready go!

That took some resolve.

And everything turned out okay?

It wasn't okay. That's why it turned out like that.

Oh, I see

Shino, Paper Bombs had been planted in the building that time, right?

Huh? For what reason?

Traps were set, to make it feel like a real battle.

I regret that it may have been a bit too powerful.

Wasn't that part of the cause of the building getting destroyed?

Still, that training was worth it.

Even though it was so soon after entering the Academy,

everyone did their best

utilizing Secret Ninjutsu passed on to them by their parents,

as well as Shuriken Jutsu and taijutsu that they had just learned in school.

Anyway, the girls took the lead and the boys were backed into a corner.

It was do-or-die and

Boruto's Shadow Clones used their taijutsu to charge to the rooftop.

However, the girls' team appeared on the roof a second after them.

And then? And then?

And then, Boruto took the last measure.

Summoning Jutsu!

A Summoning?

He wasn't even a genin yet,

and he used such a high-level jutsu?

In class, I just went over the basics of Summoning.

I didn't teach them exactly how to use it.

So he failed then?

That's the thing

He summoned something terrible

Huh? Don't tell me it was !

Yup, it was. It was Nue.

Still, it's not that Boruto was successful with the summoning.

It's more like his chakra went haywire and

some of it appeared by chance in the outside world, coincidentally.

At that time, even I couldn't understand what it was.


I don't care about what you did!

Ultimately, the school building was destroyed.


So, had Nue already appeared at that point?

It's the first I've heard of it.


We kept that under wraps to avoid creating panic.

But as a result, Sai and the others began a serious investigation.


Danzo's negative legacy Nue.

I couldn't believe such a thing still existed

When I heard about it later, it sent shivers down my spine.


The monster created out of the Foundation's Danzo's hatred

crossed through time and was resurrected.

And it tried to destroy the village.

Originally, it was a living b*mb

that was developed to protect the village.

How ironic, that it would att*ck the village.

Thanks to Lord Sixth, Sai and the Barrier Team,

the worst-case scenario was averted.

Still, it was a close call.

And to think the one who brought it into the village

was the daughter of Tanuki Shigaraki, Sumire Kakei

who was mixed in amongst the students at the Academy.

She's not to blame.

She's a victim of circumstance,

it was the environment she grew up in.

There is nothing wrong with her character.

As her teacher, I know that better than anyone.

I-I'm sorry. I misspoke.

I didn't mean to criticize her!

Udon understands that.

And of course, so do we.

Yeah. Yeah.

I'm back, everyone!

Boruto and the others aren't affected by adult prejudice,

and have all accepted Sumire as their friend.

Having them as friends has been her salvation.

So, there's no need to worry about her anymore.


Everything's back to the way it was.

Since that incident,

Shino's been getting by with only instant noodles for lunch

Huh? You're kidding?

You're too gullible, Moegi!

That scared me Don't tease me like that!

That's a trivial thing.

For real?!

That incident raised the morale of the students.

They accepted each other as friends

and they began to work more diligently.

Shadow Paralysis Jutsu!

Shikadai Nara heir of the Nara Clan.

He uses the jutsu passed down from his father,

and he has a sharp intellect.

Until now, he's shown a lack of ambition,

but lately, it's like something happened

and his demeanor has changed.

Ninja Art, Super Beast Scroll!

Inojin Yamanaka.

He's mastered the Super Beast Scroll,

the jutsu that Sai perfected.

But like Sai, he can be very sarcastic.

It would be great if he didn't make too many enemies.

Partial Expansion Jutsu!

Cho-Cho Akimichi.

She's already mastered the Akimichi Clan's Expansion Jutsu.

GALBI POTATO CHIPS Her motto is "Life can't be bound by calories!"

Her motto is "Life can't be bound by calories!"

I kind of envy her audacity.

The Ino-Shika-Cho trio is alive and well in this generation too.

Subordinates to be proud of, if I do say so myself!

Everyone on my team is doing their best too.

Earth Style! Mud Wall!

Iwabe Yuino.

It took some time, but he's starting to show his true potential.

Repeating paid off.

Having to study the same thing over and over again

gave him a solid foundation in jutsu.

His tenacity despite being a repeater is admirable.

Could you please stop saying "repeater"?!

Leaf Hurricane!

Metal Lee.

Proficient in taijutsu, and works extremely hard.

His grades were also excellent, but

His mental toughness isn't getting better.

Denki Kaminarimon.

I think, perhaps,

he has shown the most drastic growth among the genin.

I predict that his intellect

will be of critical importance in the coming years.

The other two will act without thinking.

He'll be like the command center that keeps them under control.

Well yeah, but I think there's a kinder way of putting it

But Iwabe could be repeating grades again,

if it weren't for this kid, right?

There's no denying that.

You two have no mercy

And finally, there's Konohamaru's troublesome team.

They're not trouble!

First, Mitsuki. He has real skill.

He's already mastered countless Escape Jutsu.

Wind Style: Breakthrough!

Snake Lightning!

However, he is a child of many mysteries.

I don't even know many things about him.

So, you haven't heard?

Huh? Heard what?

I don't know either!

I see

Okay, let's move on.

Hey, hold on!

Sarada Uchiha.


She's the daughter of Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, after all

She excels in everything.

She awakened her Sharingan quite some time ago.

And she's inherited her mother's power.

She still needs to build up her stamina,

but her future is full of promise.

Wind Style: Consecutive Wind Fist! Wind Style: Consecutive Wind Fist!

Take this!

Lethal Boruto Stream!

And, Boruto Uzumaki.

He's got a lot of issues.

However, in terms of ninjutsu, taijutsu and intellect

there's no denying that he's a prodigy.

During the field trip,

he stuck his nose into an incident in the Land of Water,

and ended up settling it.

And even in the Nue incident,

it was because of Boruto that Sumire was able to resolve it.

Boruto's ability is no joke!

I see

So it's only natural that he'll be taking the Chunin Exams, right?


You're not gonna let him take the Chunin Exams?!

It's not that I won't allow it

I'm wavering.

What do you all think?

Of course, we'd let him take it.

Me too.

If they want to take the exam, I think they should be allowed to.

What's on your mind?


This year's rookies are all prodigies, in a way.

Especially Boruto.

He didn't want to be labeled the son of the great Hokage,

and tried to show up his father all the time.

Ordinarily, you'd expect kids like that to fail

and experience huge setbacks.

But he has the unusual knack of overcoming every obstacle.

That's certainly true.

Even during the Genin Exam,

he was driven into a corner by Lord Sixth,

but he figured out the answer.

When he went to file an appeal

because he was dissatisfied with his three-man team,

he outwitted Mirai, a chunin!

And during their first mission,

despite the fact that their foe was a powerful Rogue Ninja,

those three worked together and brought him down.

That's amazing. So, what's the problem?


But that was all was due to luck!

It's essential for shinobi to come face-to-face with power

that totally outmatches them.

They've never been in that position, so they're weak!

I can't argue with that, but

Then that's all the more reason

to let them participate in the Chunin Exams!

And if they go through a hard time there,

maybe they'll realize how naive they've been!


What if the severity of the exam crushes them?!


So, what?

If that's all it takes to b*at them, go ahead and crush them once.

Oh, there you are!

I can't do that!

Oops, did I come at a bad time?

Hanabi, hear us out

about Konohamaru's dilemma.

I totally understand, Konohamaru Senpai!

Yeah! You get what I'm getting at, Hanabi?

How did we end up like this?

That's right!

Just the thought of something happening to Boruto

fills me with worry and dread.

Boruto's such an honest kid.

Whenever we see each other,

he calls me "Big Sis" and is real sweet.

Now that you mention it

Actually, it makes me happy

when he calls me "Big Bro Konohamaru."

Sorry, Big Bro Konohamaru.

You know Boruto is my precious kid brother

that Big Bro Naruto's entrusted me with.

Konohamaru Senpai!

I'm so touched that you care so much about Boruto

This is so stupid.

You don't want to let him We sure get along!

take the Chunin Exam We sure do!

because you're just being overprotective.

Fine. Call me overprotective!

Yeah, that's right!

Say something, Udon!


Please, Shino Sensei!

Well, let's talk again when everyone's sober.

You're on our side too, right Shino Sensei?

C'mon, have a drink.

Thanks, I don't drink

Don't you care about Boruto, Sensei?

No, it's not that

Then have a drink!

Oh, I'm sorry

Are you all right, Shino Sensei?!

Heh Why do you ask?

Isn't the reason Shino Sensei doesn't drink ?


It's so he can control the insects inside his body.

Huh? What ?

Sensei, get ahold of !

Yes, Hokage's office

Yeah, I just got back.


Shino's insects are out of control?!

The hell, what's he doing anyway?

I haven't even slept!

Discussing the Chunin Exams ?

Since this afternoon?

In any case, I'm heading out there right now!

Just like I'd thought, that stupid old man!

Well, it's not like I had my hopes up anyways.

There must have been an emergency

Look, he is the Hokage

Oh yeah, I get it.

I guess it can't be helped the Lord Hokage would put off my birthday.


I'm all right

I am.

Next time on Boruto Naruto Next Generations:

"Boruto's Birthday"

You'd better be here for Himawari's!

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