01x03 - Born to the Purple

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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01x03 - Born to the Purple

Post by bunniefuu »

Ambassador Mollari! We need to talk
about the Euphrates treaty.

-This is hardly the time or the place.
-l agree.

You've been ducking me for a week.
l expect you in Council Chambers. . .

. . .at 1 0 a.m. tomorrow to begin
negotiations with the Narn.

Unless you wish to cede all claim
to the Euphrates sector.

l would rather kiss a Jovian tree worm.

You've kissed worse things
in your time.

Yes, and you can kiss
my plump Centauri. . . .

This is what l've been waiting for.
Sit down.


ls she not perfection?

Gentlemen, of all things in life. . .

. . .are females not the finest?

On that, Mollari,
we can at least agree.

Ambassador G'Kar!

l am Ko D'Ath, the new head
of your diplomatic staff.

Yes, l wasn't expecting you
for several days.

l was eager to begin my duties,
so l booked early transport.

Mr. Garibaldi said that
l would find you in this. . .

-. . .establishment.
-Yes, Mr. Garibaldi is most helpful.

Hey, how about we blow this joint
and go play ''Scan the Sector''?


You must be fatigued
from your long journey.

Allow me to show you
to your quarters.

You know, sometimes
l almost feel sorry for G'Kar.

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind...

... 1 0 years after
the Earth-Minbari w*r.

The Babylon Project
was a dream given form.

Its goal: to prevent another w*r
by creating a place...

... where humans and aliens
could work out their differences.

It's a port of call,
home away from home...

...for diplomats, hustlers,
entrepreneurs and wanderers.

Humans and aliens,
wrapped in 2,500,000 tons...

...of spinning metal,
all alone in the night.

It can be a dangerous place.

But it's our last,
best hope for peace.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2258.

The name of the place is Babylon 5.

Com check, all channels.

Communications check commencing.

Anomaly discovered.


What the hell?

Garibaldi to Sinclair.

Sinclair here.

l found an unauthorized transmission
to Earth on Gold Channels.

Run it by the EO.
l'll check back when l can.

This delay is insufferable!

As ambassador of the Narn,
l demand Mollari be censured. . .

. . .for his flouting of protocol!

l'll be glad to censure him
when he gets here.

-Mr. Cotto?

Please try the ambassador again.

l tried three times,
there's no answer from his quarters.

Then try him again.

lf you'll excuse me for a moment.


l'm sorry.

-Are you all right?
-l had to get some distance.

Too much strong emotion
in close proximity is hard to block.

These talks are important,
aren't they?

Earth Central wants
a peaceful settlement. So do l.

lt'll show them
Babylon 5 is doing its job.

lf the Narn and Centauri cooperate.

Londo and G'Kar know a peaceful
solution would benefit more. . .

. . .than a conflict.
That's where you come in.

You'll peel away the lies
until they're left with the truth.

-Sounds like you got a good shot.
-l do. . .

. . .if Londo ever shows up.

Great Maker!

For a moment there
l thought l was dead.

You seemed alive enough
a few minutes ago.

You make me alive,
you fountain of passion.

lt's the least l can do, ambassador.

l hate it when you call me that.

l'm Centauri.

Your title pleases me.

Just as it does you.

So it's my title you wanted all along?

l want no more than l'm getting.

And what is it
that you're getting, Adira?

A washed-up old republican. . .

. . .dreaming of better days?

These are my better days, Londo. . .

. . .thanks to you.

You're needed. . .

. . .and l have to go.

All right, l'm coming.

What do you want,
you moon-faced assassin of joy?

You were supposed to begin
negotiation with the Narns an hour ago.

-Sinclair is quite beside himself.
-Well, it does G'Kar good to wait.

-But tell Sinclair l'll be there shortly.
-Yes, sir.

-And, Vir.
-Yes, sir?

-Have some hot jala waiting for me.
-Yes, sir.

There could be several reasons
for this communications anomaly.

-Such as?
-Computer error, magnetic pulse.

-l checked.
-Maybe someone is saving credits. . .

. . .or maybe it's what us Russian
pilots used to call ''gremlins. ''

Gold Channels are priority access,
useable only by permission of Sinclair.

Only ambassadors and senior officers
know they exist.

Security could be at risk.

Pireaus requests clearance to depart.

Re-route the Balosian freighter.
The Pireaus may depart at 1 200.


lt's a problem, but one
transmission isn't a conspiracy.

l will attend to it
when my other duties permit.

Monitor the Gold Channels
in case there's another occurrence.

-l've already seen to it.
-Then there's no further need to chat.


You have my abject apologies.

l was delayed
on an important matter of state.


Ah, the impressive Ms. Ko D'Ath.

So good to see you again.

You are a treasure, Vir.

Shall we begin?

-Feeling happy, are we?

l take it all is going well
with the ambassador?


Then why haven't you got
the purple files from him yet?

lt's difficult.

-He doesn't trust me.
-You forget your place, Centauri.

A sl*ve must never lie to her master.

Trakis, please.

You know why a drunken fool
like Mollari has the power he has?

His family has been collecting
dirt on other families for years.

Like all the noble houses
of the great Centauri Republic.

That's how they play the game,
isn't it?

Whispers in the dark.
A knife in the back.

Not all Centauri play such games.

Yes, and they wind up like you,
without family. . .

. . .prestige or power.


Those files can bring down
any house in the republic.

The Narn will pay well
for that data. . .

. . .and l want it. . .

. . .tonight.

Use the mind probe.

You know how.

Cheer up. lt's not so bad.

After you're done, you'll be free.
Mollari will have his memories. . .

. . .and l'll have the Centauri Empire
by its mighty throat.


Star Laces!

l haven't seen these since l left Davo.
Where did you get them?

l had them grown for you.

-What's this?
-Open it and find out.

lt's beautiful.

lt's from the earliest days
of the republic.

lt belonged to a matriarch
of my family.

A woman of wisdom and strength,
grace, and great beauty.

l've had it for many years.

l can't take it.

Oh, but you must.

l insist.

And you know how stubborn l am.
Come on.

Go ahead.


Well. . .

. . .should l order some supper?

-You must be hungry.

After spending a day dealing with G'Kar,
l long to sink my teeth into something.

But why don't we go out?

-You're not serious?

l've made the reservation
at Fresh Air.

That's the finest restaurant
on Babylon 5.

What will people say
if we're seen together?

They'll say, ''Ambassador Mollari
is a most fortunate man. ''

We Centauri live our lives
for appearances. . .

. . .positions, status, title.

These are things by which
we define ourselves.

But when l look beneath the mask
l am forced to wear. . .

. . .l see only emptiness.

And then l think of you. . .

. . .and l say:

''To hell with appearances. ''

Lousy Dodgers.

Gold Channel opened.

Tracking program commencing.

Channels locked in.

Belcort line 57930.

-Got you now, you--

-Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics.
-l.C.E.? Damn!

This place is marvelous.

After your effort today,
you deserve it.

What a mind full.
l haven't sensed so many lies. . .

. . .since working for
the Political Bureau. And Londo.

-What about him?
-Well, his thoughts, they were. . .

. . .intensely. . . .

lntensely what?


l'm not surprised.

Garibaldi, why are your fingers
on my console?

-Our gremlins made another call.
-Did you track it?

Got a prefix on a Russian consortium
then l hit a wall program hard.

-lf he used l.C.E., it'll show up.
-l know.

System clear.
No illegal programs detected.

What? That's not possible.

Display all unauthorized transmissions.

No unauthorized transmissions logged.


You sure this isn't just
your imagination?

A cry for help, perhaps?

Did you enjoy the dinner?

lt was wonderful.

Why don't you. . .

. . .make yourself more comfortable. . .

. . .while l finish the drinks?

A capital idea.

To many such evenings.

Londo, can you hear me?

Adira, my dove.

Londo. . .

. . .tell me the access code
for your purple files.

Tell me now!

Triple cipher.

Wine. . .

. . .women. . .

. . .song.


Triple cipher.

Wine, women, song.

Purple files accessed.

Transfer all data to crystal port.

Transfer of data complete.

l'm sorry, Londo.

Assassin, villain!
Stop that infernal bleeping!


Oh, my head.

You ordered me to rouse you
for the negotiations.

Quietly, though, Vir. Quietly.

My brain feels like it's been
sucked out through my ear.

-Get my coat, will you?
-Yes, ambassador!

Where have you been?
I've been trying to reach you.

-Did you get Mollari's files?


-I'll be there at once.

Londo may come looking for me here.

l'll meet you on the Zocalo,
near the Galactic Boutique.

Ten minutes. Don 't be late.

Ambassador, l really think
we need to be going.

Vir, l had a thought.

Why don't you represent our republic
in the talks today?

-Yes, why not?

You know the situation.
lt's the perfect opportunity. . .

. . .to get your feet moist,
as the Earthlings say.

-l don't think it's wise for me--
-Nonsense! l have confidence in you. . .

. . .which is why l am giving you
full ambassadorial authority.

Be proud, my boy. You are now the voice
of the mighty Centauri Empire!

Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.

That's the spirit! Go now!

l'll be along later
to see how you're doing.

-And, Vir.
-Yes, sir?

-Don't give away the homeworld.
-No, of course not.


-Hey, who you pushing, cork-face?
-Out of my way.


She's not there, ambassador.

My name is Trakis.

We have a great deal in common.
Adira has betrayed us both.

A transport leaves for Davo tomorrow.
Trakis won't find me there.

-Can you book passage for me?

And don't worry.
You'll be safe at my place until then.

Adira, a Narn agent?

You must be mad. She is Centauri.

Don't be a fool, ambassador.

lf the files end up in your
enemies' hands, your career. . .

-. . .and your republic are finished.
-What's your concern in this?

l'm simply protecting my interests. . .

. . .and my property.

She's a sl*ve?

Contracted by the laws
of your republic.

And by those laws, as her owner. . .

. . .l can be held responsible
for any crime she commits.

She's used you, just as she's used
everyone in her life.

You must find her!

-Get out.
-She lied to you.

-She didn't care for you, she--
-l said, get out!

Are we to suffer another delay
thanks to the Centauri ambassador?

Commander. Ambassador G'Kar.

Where is Mollari?!

He's busy with other important matters,
but he's given me authority. . .

. . .to negotiate on behalf
of the Centauri.

Are you serious?

You expect me to negotiate
with this underling?

Perhaps we can begin the talks
while Ambassador Mollari is found.

l've done my best to cooperate,
but this insult cannot be tolerated.

l shall return, but when Ambassador
Mollari is here, and not before!

ln the meantime, Ko D'Ath
will represent the Narn Regime.

Thank you, ambassador!

l shall represent our people
to the best of my ability.

Just don't give away the homeworld.

-Keep them talking. l'll find Londo.
-What if he refuses?

Then l hurt him.

Access to purple files confirmed.

-Whatever it is, l don't have time.

l don't wanna hear it.
These talks are a joke to you. . .

-. . .that may harm a dozen worlds.
-l know!

l have been a fool
because of a pretty face.

-l beseech you. Help me.
-What are you talking about?

Adira has stolen something from me. . .

. . .that could shake
the Centauri Republic foundation. . .

-. . .and cost me my career!
-You reported this?

No. lf it becomes official,
my government will hear of it.

This calls for the highest discretion.
Sinclair, only you. . .

. . .my good and dear friend,
can help me.

lf l do. . .

. . .will you agree to my compromise
on the Euphrates treaty?

-l'll even seal it with a kiss.
-That should make G'Kar's day.

Let me do the talking.
l know how to handle these types.

Club doesn't open for an hour.

We wish to speak
with some of the dancers.

This ain't no data bank.
You wanna see dancers, come back later.

We don't wish to cause any trouble.

Too late, numbo.

Well, do something!

Argo was right about you, Ock.
You run things tough.

You know Argo Big Belly from Red Five?

Enough to know not to call him that.
Last one who did wound up an entr?e.

Yeah, Argo has a bad temper.
So, what is it you want?

We're looking to hire some dancers
for a private show.

-He said you had the best, but. . . .
-He's right.

Norg! Get the girls out here.

Have a good look.
When you're done, we'll talk price.

l'm stunned. How did you do that?

l like to know all about Babylon 5,
and Garibaldi's files are thorough.

Now, this is my department.

Ladies, we need some information
about Adira Tyree.

She's not in her quarters,
but it's imperative that we find her. . .

. . .immediately.

She has a friend named Gera Akshi.
They roomed together.

And where is that friend?

She lives somewhere
in Brown 6, I think.


Many complications. Price high.

l'll pay for it.

Just delay Mollari and Sinclair
until you have the girl.

-k*ll them if you have to.
-Trouble, maybe?

lf there is, l'll double the price. . .

. . .when l have the girl
and the data crystal in hand.

How we gonna find Adira's friend?

l have a friend or two
down here myself.

l take it these are not them?


This way!



-Who sent these men, Londo?
-lt can only be Trakis, that worm!

g*n One.

Property secured. Abort mission.


They got the woman.

Let's go.

Looks like Trakis has your dancer.

There's a report of w*apon fire
in Brown 7. Check it out.

-With pleasure.
-I'll keep watch for your gremlin.

-Send a team to Brown 7. Code 1 0-57.
-Roger, chief.

-Computer, locate Commander lvanova.

According to logs, nothing's
left Babylon 5 for two hours.

That means your files
are still aboard.

-No doubt in the hands of Trakis.
-l could arrest him.

-There are enough charges.
-All of which hinge on my testimony.

When the homeworld hears of this,
l will be on a slow ship to oblivion.

Besides, he might harm Adira.

She's the one
who got you in this mess.

l know.

There must be some other way.

All right. l have an idea.

Gold Channel opened.

Lieutenant Gremlin,
this time your butt is mine.

Load lcebreaker
and track transmission.


I. C.E. in use.

Icebreaker activated.

Stand by.

Gold Channel opened.

He's come out of the coma,
but his condition 's much worse.

-You only have a few minutes, at best.
-l understand.


Is that you, Susan?


Dear God, I never thought
that I'd see your face again.

It makes this easier.


...I know I haven 't been
the best of fathers to you.

But when your mother...

...passed on and your brother
was k*lled in the w*r...

...I was too wrapped up
in my own grief...

... to pay attention to your needs.

And when you joined Earthforce
against my wishes--

You don't have to say this.

Yes, I must.

There's no more time.

I want you to know...

...how proud I am of you, Susan.

I always have been.

But a father should give
his daughter love...

...as well as respect, and in that...

...I failed you.

I'm sorry.

I'm ashamed.

Forgive me.

Thank you.

Dushenka moya.

''Little soul. ''

You haven't called me that
since l was. . . .


Your proposal is interesting,

But why do you wish to provide me
with an advantage over Mollari?

Not you, us. My government wants
concessions in the Euphrates sector.

l'm sure the Narn will be grateful.

The gratitude of the Narn
is well-known.

But will the merchandise be genuine?

Ms. Winters will make sure it is.
Earth Alliance will pay her fee.

-Then we have a deal?

Let us say, an understanding.

l never knew you could
be so devious, commander.

Coming from you, that's a compliment.

l won't do it. lt's against
all Psi Corps regulations. . .

-. . .to interfere in personal matters.
-The life of a woman is at stake. . .

. . .to say nothing of my career.

ls he serious about that woman's life?

All right. But l won't break
Psi Corps rules.

Only information from
his surface thoughts. No probes.

But certainly his thoughts
will all be on the deal.

There is a way.

-Ambassador G'Kar?
-A great pleasure.

This is Ms. Winters,
our resident telepath.


-You said nothing about this.
-lt's standard procedure.

-l don't like anyone playing in my head.
-l won't be.

l'm here to verify the merchandise.
Don't think of anything else. . .

. . .such as information sources
or intent in selling it. . .

-. . .or where Adira Tyree is now.

What is it?

The Alien Sector on level four.

Security, Alien Sector, level four.


That is for Adira. . .

. . .and this is for me.

My dear, G'Kar, how can l ever
thank you? You have saved my career. . .

. . .and the honor
of the Centauri Republic.


Garibaldi, shouldn't you
be in Brown 7?

lt's taken care of.

Anything else?

My gremlin made another call
and this time l tracked it.


You won't believe this. . .

. . .but it was what you originally said.
Computer error.

l fixed it and l don't think
it'll happen again.

Will it?

No, it won't.

Buy you a drink?

l'm on duty.


Maybe some other time.



So you're going back to Davo?


You should be just in time
for the blooming of the Star Laces.

-l never wanted to hurt you.
-Adira. . .

. . .l am an old man.

l've been in love many times,
and hurt many times.

l'll survive.

Adira. . .

. . .Commander Sinclair convinced Trakis
to cancel your contract.

He can be a frightening man.

Londo. . .

. . .thank you.

Transport to Aries Sector...

...now boarding through Gate 3.

That's my ship.

Adira. . .

. . .you could stay.

Now that we have
seen beneath our masks. . .

-. . .we can have great times together.
-Londo. . .

. . .you're sweet, but the wounds
are too fresh.

All right. . .

. . .then take this.

And wear it proudly as a free woman.

And someday. . .

. . .come back to me.

Goodbye. . .

. . .my ambassador.
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