05x01 - Laundry Woes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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05x01 - Laundry Woes

Post by bunniefuu »

I got into my dream school.

I really like you, Mordecai, and what we have is special, but I may never get this opportunity again.

I'm sorry, but I can't be your girlfriend.

I can't be your girlfriend.

Man, laundry takes forever.

You know, this would be faster if you helped out.

Nah man, you got this.

Besides, all you got left is one sweater.

One pink sweater.

Oh no.

Don't do anything you're gonna regret.


Dude, no!

What do you think you're doing?


Margaret's sweater.

She left it here for me to find.

I have to give it back to her.

No you don't!

She probably has tons of these things, chicks love hoalding clothes, it's a fact.

Besides, it's not even that cold out.

Yeah, but what if it's her favorite sweater?

Come on, if she really liked it, she wouldn't have left it.

No dude, I gotta give it back to her.

I don't know.

I don't think that's such a good idea.

I'll just mail it.

Uh I guess mailing its okay.

Yeah, it's gonna be fine.

"Dear Margaret " Ugh!



"I found your sweater, and it still smells like you, even though I washed it.

" Ugh!

Weird, weird.

This isn't working.

It would be easier if I just give it to her by myself.

Dude, you want to go see her?

You just got over her.

If you see her now, you'll just be depressed Mordecai again.

That guy's lame.

That guy's the worst.

Hey, I'm just giving her back the sweater.

It's a bad idea, dude.

I'm fine.



You can't even write her a stupid letter, how is seeing her going to be better?

Whatever man, I'm just not good at writing letters.

Don't worry about it.

What are you doing?



I can't believe you did that.

I would've mailed it.

Sure you would've.

I can read it, I can send it.

Come on, that's perfectly clear.

Ah man.

Hey, where you goin'?

I'm just going to readdress it to the post office.

Wait, so you gonna take this to the post office?



For real?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, uh-huh, yeah.

Hi, Muscle Man, can I borrow your car?

I got something I gotta take care of.

Geez, at this rate, you might as well buy it if you keep borrowing it so much.

It'll be real quick, come on.


But make sure you take your laundry out of it this time, bro.

Unlike some people, I like keeping my things nice.


What are you doing?


I just thought you like some company to the post office.

It can be pretty boring you know.

At the post office.

Umm, yeah.


Dude, you just past it.

I'm looking for parking.

We're going to her college, aren't we?


You gonna drive 20 hours to get Margaret her sweater?

Probably she doesn't even know what's missing.

Look, it's her sweater, she should have it back.

The sweater doesn't even the matter, you're just making excuses.



Oh yeah?

Then I guess it doesn't matter if I do this.

Why did you do that?

What's your problem, man?

I'm not the one with the problem.

That sweater is messing with your head.

What are you talking about?

Just forget it.

That sweater is gone and it's never coming back.

You boys should really be more careful.

I've seen too many good clothes lost in this highway and this is one quality sweater.

It's at least 50 percent cashmere.

Plus it smells really good.

I'm glad I got a hold of it before it was too late.

Here you go sir.

Take good care of this beauty.

Dude, I have to get this sweater to her now.

This is a sign.

This is dumb!

You can't drive twenty hours straight by yourself.

Well, I'm going to, because this is the fate.




The road!

Dude, what the heck!

Have you been driving all night?

You look awful.

It's fine, it's fine.

I just gotta get the sweater to Margaret.

Almost there.

Fine, fine?

Not fine, not fine, not fine!

You've been driving all this time, your eyes, they must be blind.

Cut it out.

Not fine, not fine.

How can you say you are fine.

Thinking bout the sweater, gotta pull yourself together.

This plan will only hurt, you can't never make it work.


Quit it!

Not fine, not fine.

You're anything but fine.

Ditch that stupid sweater, you should be moving on!

The past is the past you and Margaret said so long.

I said cut it out.

Why are you so against me giving Margaret her sweater back?

'Cause it's not about the sweater, and you know it.

You gotta forget about Margaret.

Dude, Margaret is important to me.

I can't just forget her.

Ok, ok.

You don't have to forget her.

But you have to get over her for real!

Staying like this is missed up.

And it's missing you up!

I want my friend back!

Well, if you were a real friend, you'd understand.

I am your friend!

You would realize this, if you weren't such a sad sack chump!

That's it!

Oh, man.

Stupid Rigby.

Why cant you just back me up.

I'm just trying to give her sweater back.


Of course, of course you are, Mordecai.


You're just trying to do the right thing.

I understand completely.

I knew you would.

But why can't Rigby?

I know he means well, maybe I shouldn't kick him out.

I should go back and get him.

If you talk to him he'll understand.

Now, now.

There's no need for that.

The sweater is the only thing that matters.

Forget Rigby.

Forget Rigby?

He'll never understand.

He'll only get in the way.

But- The soon you get Margaret the sweater, the sooner she'll quit school and be with you.

Two of you will be happy forever.

That's not true.

Margaret worked really hard to get to school.

She wouldn't just quit.


What are you doing?

What needs to be done.

She needs to have her sweater back, Mordecai.


Get off of me!

You can't make me do this!

Return the sweater!

You can't fight it!

Just think how happy she'll be.

How happy you'll be.


Rigby was right, I shouldn't be doing this.

I need to get over Margaret!


Vegans need to eat too.

Uh, so I guess wongs hall would be over here?

What the Hope you came to college so you can learn how to drive.

Yeah, are you guys excited for that guest speaker tomorrow?


- Oh, definitely.

- For sure.

Yeah, it's just so cool that we get to access that kind of experience here, you know?

Yeah, you won't find that everywhere.

I wrote down some questions to ask after the lectcher.

Yeah, we'll see, if you don't chicken out this time.

Oh, come on.

One time that happened.

So you guys want to head over to the quad?

Mo Morde cai don't swea sweater stop Don't worry dude, I didn't give it to her.

You were right to try to stop me.

Yeah, I know.

Sorry for kicking you out of the car.

It's okay.

Sorry for calling you a sad sack chump.


Depressed Mordecai is a chump.

Let's go home.

Do you think Muscle Man would notice we missed up with his car?

Nah, it's pretty much the same.
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