02x81 - Boruto's Wish

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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02x81 - Boruto's Wish

Post by bunniefuu »

Lightning Style

Snake Lightning!

No way!





Boruto's Wish

Boruto's Wish Mitsuki's not here yet.

Boruto's Wish

Boruto's Wish He's probably

still crashed out at home.

It's pretty unusual for him to be late.

Oh well

Shall we go to his house to see what's keeping him?

Did I keep you waiting?

Damn it! You're late, Mitsuki.

What's the matter?

I feel like I just woke up from a bad dream,

and I can't remember anything.

That Mitsuki

Did he really att*ck Boruto?

I still can't believe it.

Damn it.

And we were so close!

Going with them is "my will."

Those were Mitsuki's very words, right?


He said that clearly.

He won't let go of Mitsuki's headband even though he's unconscious

Boruto's the one who led us this far.

As long as he's unconscious

Where are Cho-Cho and Inojin?

I'm having them search the area for any remaining enemies.

Since we've left the Land of Fire,

we could be ambushed at any time, right?

You're being way too nervous!

You need to keep it together!

After that battle we just went through, I can't help it!

Those shinobi were seriously tough.

Yeah, even the Leaf jonin were no match for them.

Will we be able to take them?

If we can't, we hightail it out of there.

Hey What was that?

I have a bad feeling about this

Could it be those Akuta that Shikadai and the others fought?

Inojin, go check it out.

Huh? Why just me?

Because you're a guy.

Are you gonna make a cute lady go?

Damn it! You're all talk!

Sarada, what do you think?

Should we keep going or turn back?

I'm not sure

Based on the snake's thoughts

Mitsuki was trying to save the gatekeeper's life.


That made me think Mitsuki might be innocent.

The guard did survive.

But then, we both heard Mitsuki say it himself,

that he was joining the enemy shinobi.

It might be best if we return to the village.

To report in?

And risk being punished for deserting the village?

Is there anything more that we can do?

I suppose you're right

As genin, it's probably the right thing to do.

But you know

I think we should keep going to the Land of Earth instead.

What do you mean?

From what I saw of the Akuta,

it's almost a given that those Land of Earth guys are up to something.

That's true, but

Hidden Leaf jonin were taken down!

It's already way past what we can handle.

They've used strong-arm tactics

with absolutely no regard for anything during peacetime.

I don't know what they're up to,

but right now, we're the ones closest to finding the answer.


Damn it!

Chubs, you owe me one!

I understand what you're saying, Shikadai

Watch Boruto!


Where's Inojin?

Over there!



Hope we get there in time!

Hurry, Cho-Cho!

Inojin is being att*cked by an Akuta!

Help me!

He won't let go!

Hey! C'mon!

Let go of me!

You know, I don't think this guy is trying to att*ck you.


This isn't quite how I remember Akuta being.

I'm glad he let go

Let's hurry up and get rid of it

I don't feel safe with this weird thing around.

But look at it

I'm starting to feel like this little guy really has a lovely face.

What gave you that idea?! So tasty!

Look at it!

There isn't anything lovable in that blank face!

I was thinking of having it join us too.

Not you, too, Shikadai!

This guy is one of "them"!


This one's small, but the ones we saw before were bigger,

and better fighters than regular shinobi.

You're right, they were formidable opponents.

If more of those things are being made,

we're going to have a huge problem.

We need to gather as much evidence as possible.

Even if it's not aggressive right now,

there's no guarantee it won't suddenly go on a rampage.

In that case, what if one of us kept an eye on it for a while.

If it doesn't appear dangerous, we could take it with us.

If you say so, Shikadai.

But who's gonna be the one to take keep an eye on it?



You found it first, and besides

He kinda seems to like you.


Sharing potato chips is a sign of friendship.

Nice to meet you.

The hell did you do that for?! Hey!

I'll turn you back into soil!

Calm down, Cho-Cho!

Hey, that's enough. It's an Akuta

Seriously? I have to take care of it? It's just an Akuta!


Hey! You guys just got done?

Yeah. We finished early considering Mitsuki showed up late.

Mitsuki did? Not you, Boruto?

That would've made more sense!

What? Mind your own business!

What's up?

It's nothing.

But why does it hurt?

I can't remember.

Forget about it, Boruto.


If you can't remember, who cares?



Where did everybody go?

So this is where you were, brat!

You're not slinking out of the promise we made at Ryuchi Cave.

You got that?!

It's you!

What are you doing here, Garaga?

Remember your boasting from the last time we met?

You said you'd bring Mitsuki back!

Yeah, I sure did.

And we agreed

If you couldn't, I'd get to eat you.

If you're here about that deal, I won.

Mitsuki's right here with me!


You still don't get it?!

What are you talking about?

There's no point.

I'd rather eat you when you're at your best, but oh well

I'm hungry!

Damn it!

Run, Boruto!

Hey, Mitsuki!

Such a stupid brat!


Just go away!

Damn it.

What did you do that for?!

I give up

Here, go fetch.

There, go fetch!

It would be great if it never came back.


That's mine! When'd you take that?!

No! Don't do that!

Stop copying me!

I wish I'd never found you.

Hey! Stop following me.

Oh well, go play with this.

Ninja Art: Super Beast Scroll!

Whaddya know It's kinda cute.

Hey, you okay?

What's the matter?

Wow! You're like a hunter!

Good job! Good job!

Wait! Not that!

Wait! Stop!


I wonder if it's all right?

You probably won't understand, but

Life is precious.

I wonder if you understand

Mitsuki! Wait!

We can't just leave Garaga like this!

Damn it!


I shouldn't be in pain.

Are you okay, Boruto?

Look, I think we should go back to Garaga and

We don't have to.


Boruto, all you have to do is stay somewhere safe.

What are you talking about, Mitsuki?

You just have to keep on running away

so no one can hurt or betray you.

Just keep on running away.

Are you


Where am I?

Was I just dreaming?

Oh yeah

Mitsuki's gone.

That means you're ready to be my prey.

Hold on!

I can't die here yet—

Finally realized, huh, brat?


What were you saying about Mitsuki?

What are you planning to do?!

Even if you make it out of here alive,

the only thing waiting for you is betrayal by your friends.

No one knows that better than you do.

How pathetic

You created imaginary friends to try to protect your soul.

Don't talk as if you know anything about me!

What do you know?!

Not again!

Don't think you're the only one!

When my friends betrayed me,

I tried to run away from the worst possible reality.

But this eye I lost

never lets me forget those awful memories.


But all you ever did was run away without learning anything.

Not only that, you tried to avoid even feeling hurt.

In the end, you didn't try to learn a thing!


You don't need that anymore.

Just throw that thing away.

You must already know what's causing your pain.

It doesn't matter

Either way, I'm gonna to eat you.

Game's over!

How pathetic


I never imagined you'd be the one who'd make me realize.


But thanks to you, I'm over it.

Thank you, Garaga.

Tsk! You brat

Thank goodness

I was worried because you weren't waking up!

Where are we?

We came here after the battle.

I see.

We got away,

but we're still really close to the Land of Earth.

No telling when we might be fighting again.

I know you just woke up, but

I want your opinion, Boruto.

Do we turn back and return to the Leaf Village?

Or do we keep pursuing Mitsuki?

My mind's already made up.

I'm going after Mitsuki.


Damn it!

Hey, are you all right?

Are you really going to go?


I don't want to believe it.

But after what Mitsuki did to you

Like you, I can't stand the thought of Mitsuki going to the Land of Earth.

But if joining those shinobi is what he wants to do,

maybe we should let him do it.

I know how much this hurts.

But that's all the more reason why we have to face the facts.


You saw it with your own eyes.

You saw what they did to those Leaf shinobi.

After seeing that spectacle,

can you still let Mitsuki go off to the Land of Earth?

I know, but

I don't want Mitsuki to join up

with people who didn't hesitate in taking down our comrades.

Even if that's what Mitsuki wants?

Doesn't matter.

If Mitsuki didn't go there of his own free will,

we have to rescue him and bring him back!

If Mitsuki's going down the wrong path,

I'm dragging him back even if I have to kick his ass to do it!

That's what friends do.

I'm going to return this to him.

To my dear friend.

You mean "our," right?

Thank you, Sarada.

What're you going to do with that guy, Inojin?

I want to bring it back as proof of the existence of Akuta,

but if there's any risk, I think we should

If it's for proof, then do we have a choice?

It's a little rascal, though.

I see

We'll be in the Land of Earth, once we cross here, huh?

We'll be right in the lion's den.

We have to be extra cautious, huh?

Boruto, at this point, we're all in this together.

We've decided to follow you.

But there's no telling what awaits us up ahead.

Do you have a plan to put the odds in our favor?

Yeah, I do.

There's an old man named Ohnoki at the Hidden Stone Village.

I'm sure he'll lend us a hand.

That's right! The Third Tsuchikage!

If you're ever in the Land of Earth, come and visit me

Wait for me, Mitsuki.

This time, I'm coming to bring you home!

That's the Village Hidden in the Stones?

We're finally here!

I totally didn't expect we'd go to another village when we left the Leaf

But there's no going back now, Boruto!

Yeah, first we've got to find Old Man Ohnoki!

I'm sure he'll help us out!

Next time on Boruto Naruto Next Generations:

"Infiltrating the Hidden Stone Village!"

All right, everybody! Let's go!

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