02x82 - Infiltrating the Hidden Stone Village

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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02x82 - Infiltrating the Hidden Stone Village

Post by bunniefuu »


I'm the only one staying behind?!

But, we can't enter Hidden Stone Village with him.

We'd attract attention.

Stay here and watch over him.

Besides, this place is a good reference point for us.

If anything goes wrong, we can meet up back here.

I know how you feel, Inojin.

Yeah, yeah, I get it.

We can't storm in together and risk everyone being captured.

If anything leads you to think the worst has happened to us,

take that guy with you and return to Hidden Leaf.

I got it.

You guys be careful, okay?

That's the Hidden Stone.

So, the town's all the way up top, huh?

We're finally here!

I totally didn't expect we'd go to another village

when we left the Leaf

And who were we looking for?

I told you! An old man named Ohnoki.

When we saw him in Hidden Leaf, he said to visit him anytime.

As the former Tsuchikage,

he might know something about the people Mitsuki joined up with.


I'm sure the Old Man can help us!

Let's get going, everyone!

Infiltrating the Hidden Stone

Infiltrating the Hidden Stone I'll send several of my men over

to the Hidden Stone.

We need to find out what's going on there.

If this becomes known, it could start a w*r.

It's risky.

But since we can't contact Kurotsuchi anymore,

we don't have much choice.

And if the word comes back that Mitsuki has joined the enemy

What then?

We've lost contact with every team we've sent after Mitsuki.

As far as the Hidden Leaf is concerned,

we can't allow someone who might have turned against us to go unpunished.


Not right now!

We're in the middle of discussing important business

Give me

the mission.

Seems you were eavesdropping.

This concerns my team.

As a shinobi,

I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to get a subordinate in line.


I know how you feel, but I can't let you handle—

This is a mission

where no one can know that you're a Hidden Leaf shinobi.

And failing this mission could disrupt the peace in the village.

You intend on going, even after knowing this fact?


I understand.

I leave it to you.

Yes, sir! Thank you very much!

I'll head to the Hidden Stone immediately!

There doesn't appear to be any extra security around.


And they seem to be doing pretty well given how barren their land is.

We should be able to get in easily, right?

No, they're not going to let total strangers pass, right?

Then, what do we do?

What's that?

It's most likely the sewer and water mains for the town

That would mean it connects to the town above.

So much trouble!


This is looking good!

Guess I can go out to look for food.

Oh yeah, do I have to feed the Akuta?

Hold on!

That guy!


Where did he go?

Don't scare me like that!

What are you doing here?

You can't play with that guy anymore.

All right.

Now then


This is called a grave.

We're going to let it rest in peace.

C'mon, let's go back, Akuta.

Come on in and

check out our recent arrivals on limited edition goods!

It was easier to get in than I expected.

Seems they don't have tight security like the Leaf.

Now we know one thing for sure.

What's that?

The one who calls himself Kokuyou is no ordinary shinobi.

What do you mean?

Think about it!

Many shinobi from Leaf Village were taken down.

In spite of that, things look normal here.

That could only mean

they were on a top-secret mission.


they're an illicit organization with no connection to Hidden Stone.

So, what do we do?

Could you try thinking on your own—?!

Either way

Our only lead is Old Man Ohnoki.

But we don't even know where he lives.

How are we going to find him?

Anyway, we just need any information we can get.


W-What? What's wrong?

Do you have a good plan?

I'm starving!

Hey, you know

I can't help it!

Do you know how many days it's been since I've had a decent meal?

Was that a stomach growling?

Who are those kids?

Hey This isn't good!

But it won't stop!

Let's get out of here!

Hey! What are we gonna do if people start suspecting us?

Like I said! I can't help it!

I'd stop it if I could!

We should've left her behind too.

Okay, okay

You kids

H-Hey?! This is the place, right?


Y-Yeah, this is it. This is the place.

Hey, Cho-Cho, we're here. Food!



Excuse me, do you have a table for four?


She's been so anxious to eat here, she's been like this all the way here.

C'mon in.

That's Old Man Ohnoki, isn't it? They have everything here!


What'll you have?

Let's see

I'll have the Rock hamburger, Rock fried rice, the Rock ramen.

Why does everything start with "rock"?

You kids aren't from around here, are you?

We heard how wonderful the food is here,

so, we came a long way to come here!


That's right! You're well known in our village.

So, we made a special trip out here from far away, ya know!

That well known, you say?

Of course! Of course!

In that case, I'll do my best to please!

That was delicious!

All right! I'm gonna get dessert!

You're still going to eat?

Anyway, we've had our fill,

so now how do we find that Mr. Ohnoki?

He's the former Tsuchikage,

so maybe we could try the Tsuchikage's office?

That's risky

One misstep and we could end up like this.

Oh man.

Just where could Old Man Ohnoki be?

Here you go. One Rock ice cream.

Huh? We didn't

The young lady there enjoyed my food so much

It's on the house!

Wow! You're the best, gramps!

Pardon my asking, but

You kids know about Lord Ohnoki?


Why of course!

Ohnoki the Fence-Sitter is the world-renowned hero of heroes

in the shinobi world.


For young 'uns these days I'm impressed!

Since kids these days don't know how great Lord Ohnoki is!

I have the utmost respect for Lord Ohnoki, who despite his age,

fought to protect us in the Fourth Great Ninja w*r.

That old man did that?

We owe the peace in this village to Lord Ohnoki.

Young 'uns these days need to be more thankful to Lord Ohnoki.

He sounds just as incredible as we imagined.

Oh, you understand, do you?!

For that,

you get another Rock ice cream on the house!

Oh yeah! No one's seen Lord Ohnoki around much recently.

I wonder where he could be?


If I'm not mistaken, after he retired

He's been living at home since an old ailment got worse.


Oh, is that so?

His house is somewhere to the south, right?

What are you talking about?!

Lord Ohnoki's home is

Now we know exactly where to find him.

Yeah, let's head there now.

You can thank me.

Thank you?

Thanks to my stomach, we know where he is.


All you did was eat!

You were eating too, Boruto!

Hey, Akuta!

I told you to stay inside.

How many times do I have to tell you?


You don't seem to like being called

by the name the enemy gave you.

Okay, then

I'll come up with a name for you, but then you have to do as I tell you.

That's good enough.

All right! Which one do you like?

Your fate is all up to you.








Is that the one you like?

Well, since you decided and picked it all on your own

From today on, you're Akkun.

He's sure is a strange one, though

I thought he was an enemy because of the way he att*cked us, but


Don't step on me! C'mon!

So this is where the old man lives

Stop right there!

Damn it!

You must be Boruto, right?

Just as the Hokage relayed to us, eh?

Huh, what?!

W-What are you talking about?

The Hokage informed us

that you guys might be coming to the Land of Earth.

Immediately after that, Kurotsuchi disappeared.

The Tsuchikage has?

But wouldn't the Tsuchikage's disappearance

have caused chaos?

The cover story is that she's away on a reconnaissance mission.

But Kurotsuchi has never gone away without telling me first.

I was out walking in the street, trying to figure out what to do, when

I was completely caught by surprise

to find you were already inside the village!

We're sorrywe should have asked permission before coming here.

No, in fact, now I have some useful information,

thanks to you.

The ones who called Kokuyou and Sekiei

They have something to do with this, no doubt about it.

Mr. Akatsuchi

I came all this way because I thought Old Man Ohnoki could help us.

My friends could be in trouble even as we speak.

Please, take us to see Old Man Ohnoki!


You're right, Boruto.

It might be best for us to seek Lord Ohnoki's help.

Besides, he'd be overjoyed to see someone he's invited.

Mr. Akatsuchi!

Mr. Akatsuchi, is Lord Ohnoki here in this house?

No, I'm afraid not.

The only other place he might be is in the old part of town.

The old part of town?

It's not too far from here. I'll take you there.

Lord Ohnoki!

That you, Akatsuchi?

I thought I might find you here.

What's up?

Did you come to check and see if I'm all right?

That, too. But I brought guests.

Y-You are—!

Hey, Old Man!

W-Why are you here?

We came to ask you for your help.

My help?

We're out of our league by ourselves

That's why we need your help.

You told me to come and visit anytime

Oh yes, I did. I certainly did.

I never thought you'd come such a long way, though.


We had an incredibly rough time getting here.

I bet you did.

But just as I'd expect of Naruto's son, you did well to get here.

And Sarada too.

It's great to see you once again.


You must be tired.

You're welcome to stay at my residence and rest.

Akatsuchi, they're my important guests

Old Man, we don't have time to relax.


Do you remember Mitsuki?

He left the village and joined up with some Hidden Stone shinobi.


We've come to bring him back.

Mitsuki is somewhere in the Land of Earth.

That's why we came to see you and ask for your help, Old Man.

I'm sorry, I don't think I can help you with anything.


That can't be true!

Any little thing you can tell us will help!

My dear Akatsuchi, I'll be fine by myself for a while.

Please see these young people back to the Leaf Village, personally.

What made you suddenly change your mind?

A minute ago, you said they were your important guests!

That's right!

What's changed?!

I'm asking too!

Something definitely happened here in the village!

I want you to help Boruto!

I won't.

You need to go back home to the Leaf!

Why, Old Man!

Why won't you tell me anything?!

What the—?!

What is that?!


What are these guys doing here?!

These guys are dangerous, Mr. Akatsuchi!

Protect the Old Man!

Got it!

What's that?!

Who are you?


Behind you, Lord Ohnoki!

Master My dear father

The test subject is ready.

We await your order!

Old Man Ohnoki!

No way!

What's going on? Old Man!

This is for your sake, this is all for the sake of peace.

What does this have to do with taking Mitsuki away?

Return Mitsuki!

I'm sorry, but that's something I can't do.

Next time on Boruto Naruto Next Generations:

"Ohnoki's Justice"

You see, Mitsuki's cooperation is crucial to our plans

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