02x90 - Mitsuki and Sekiei

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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02x90 - Mitsuki and Sekiei

Post by bunniefuu »


You'll pay for this, Mitsuki!

Lord Ku! Please stop!

Out of my way!

You need medical attention now, or else—!


Watch out!


Thank you!



That guy—!

Boruto and Sarada, go after Ku.


Trust me.

I'm happy that you came after me.

But there's something that I have to do

before I can go back with you.

All right.


Why, Mitsuki?!

I won't let you go any farther!

You just don't know when to give up, do you?!

But, I'll k*ll you this time.


Let's go!


Mitsuki and Sekiei You totally deceived me, Mitsuki!

Mitsuki and Sekiei

Mitsuki and Sekiei Don't keep doing this, Sekiei.

If you do, your body won't hold up.

You should be ashamed.

Stop acting like you're my friend at this point!

Lady Tsuchikage has been released.

It's over for Ku.

You've lost.

Shut up!

There's no need for us to keep on fighting.

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

You lied to me!

I thought you were my friend

and I felt that we really got along well!

But in your heart, you were laughing at me all this time!

You're wrong.

I want to help you.

You want to help me?

Then give me your heart!

I won't let you get away, Mitsuki.


Thank you!

It's still too soon to be thanking me.

Those glasses are really pretty.

I'm going to take them, after all.

I'd forget about doing that.

You wouldn't look good with glasses.

So arrogant!

I wouldn't talk so big if I were in your situation.

You're really out of options.

But you're panicking, right?

I can see it on your face!

Shut up!

I'll crush you!

W-What is this?!

No way!

I was saving this doll for last!

It's too bad,

even if you were my special dolls, you're not pretty to look at.

But, to get rid of ugly ones like you

Something like this is just right!

Damn it!

Seems like you're in an uncool situation, brat.


I get it!

You're mincemeat!

Summoning Jutsu!

What was that?!

Thanks for saving me, Garaga!

Huh? When did I save you?

You're horrible.

That's why you're such a spoiled brat

Are you still saying stuff like that?!

Anyway, I'm in a bad situation right now!

Like I care.

All I'm doing is putting out the sparks

that are raining down!

See? You're fighting with me, after all.

Shut up!

This isn't for you.

For me, this is

We're going to wrap up today's mission in a bold way!

Yeah, there's no way we'll lose!

Mitsuki, thank you!


I just figured

maybe it's not a bad idea to trust and help humans once more.

Don't let ugly things grow in numberAkuta!


Damn it

That was a close call!

Who told you it's okay to hop onto me?!

The next att*ck's coming!

Don't get yourself knocked off, brat!

I knew it!

You may be humans, but you're not pretty at all.

Don't you dare underestimate me!



Don't underestimate my Sharingan.

Lightning Style: Lightning Ball!

Did you get to see something pretty?

Sorry it wasn't real.

You said we're not pretty at all.

But there are precious things hidden inside us humans.

Like never giving up

Not being obedient

And things like the Sharingan.

Shut up!

No! Why? Why?

Akuta! What are you doing?!

Hurry up and save me!

Don't let it get away!


Just tear that thing off of you!


Get 'em, Garaga!

I'll break him into pieces!

No, stop!

Why must someone as pretty as me, end up like—!

I guess even if you got all dressed up on the outside,

it wasn't enough to make you pretty.


You wanted to k*ll us from the very start, didn't you?

You just pretended to be on our side,

and toyed with us.

I'll never forgive you!

Just die!

If k*lling you was my goal

I wouldn't have saved you back then.

I had to find out if you were going to

harm the Hidden Leaf Village.

That's why I came with you.

Well then, the answer is clear!

We are the guardians of the world!

No, you're wrong.

Ku's taken the wrong path.

And there's no turning back for him.

If things are left as they are, you will become an enemy to humans.

What would you know?!

Lord Ku

Lord Ku is doing this for the sake of humans!

I know.

It's because we're probably very much alike.

Like you said, perhaps we were compatible.

That's why I know.

Know what?!

You all have a will.

I do, and so do you.

That's why I want to save you.

That is my will.

You have no right! You betrayed your friend!

Quit running and fight me, Mitsuki!

I'll show you, with my strength!

Fighting each other is meaningless.

Oh yeah?

Then I'll give you a reason to fight.

I'll k*ll Boruto.

This precious friend of yours, your "sun"

I'll k*ll him with my own hands!

Is fighting the only way?

There's no other path left.


All right!

So, you've made up your mind?!



Disappear forever!

Lightning Style: Snake Lightning!

What's going on?!

Why didn't it explode?


Sekiei, you're an Earth Style jutsu user.

My Lightning Style can nullify it.


Well it's like I said

I guess we weren't compatible after all.

I have to hurry

Lord Third!

Is that you, Sekki?

What are you doing here?

Yes, well, Mr. Akatsuchi told me to rescue you, so here I am.

Akatsuchi did?

I see, thank you.


Lord Third, climb onto my back.

We'll get out of here and join the others.

No, I cannot run away.


Sekki, I need your help.

Where are you going?

To a place to end this battle.

Time's running out.

This is—!

You're in critical condition!

Not yet! I cannot afford to fall now!

Hurry Hurry with the heart!

I'm very sorry.

The donors escaped before I could complete it.

If only I had the raw materials, I could get one ready immediately.

I see

You just need the raw materials, right?

A human heart!


Try not to move!

I know of a way to get you a heart.

The one who created me

He can get you a heart

You don't have to console me.

I know my own body, at least.

It's not fair!

You had what I desired from the very start.

What you desired?

Remember what I told you?

I wanted something to protect.

Someone to protect

A precious person.

Human have others they cherish,

and that's why they get stronger, right?

Lord Ku, Kirara, Kakou, Kokuyou, and you.

You became someone precious to me.

But I guess we couldn't be like you and that Boruto guy.


Your strength

I know now that it was a strength to protect Boruto, not me

I envy him!

Hey, why didn't you try to fight me?

I'm your enemy.

No, you're not.

You told me before,

that I was carrying loneliness while I was in the Leaf.

Boruto and everyone in the village treat me very well.


Sometimes, I felt as though my words didn't reach them.

So, I thought, if that's what loneliness is,

then you were right.

You guys and I are alike.

We are?

I fought you because it was for Boruto.

But that's not the only reason.

Everything I said earlier was meant for you.

I just wanted you to stop.



I guess

I won't be the only one who's gonna die

I can tell.

Kirara just d*ed

Kakou and Kokuyou too

I'm going to join them



We were

friends too, right?

Lady Tsuchikage!

We've subdued the enemy on the north side of the village.

All right.

I leave you in charge of tending to the wounded and guarding the rear.

Yes, ma'am!

Those who can still fight, come with me!


It's awfully quiet.

There's no Akuta either

Don't let your guard down.

I know that!

I'm gonna capture Ku no matter what.


Sorry I kept you waiting.

You're late!


Are you okay?


I'll get the details from you later.

Looks like Ku's taken refuge in there.

He can't move easily with that injury.

We're gonna wrap this up quick and go home the Leaf Village!


So, you've come here to die, you weaklings?

You seem to be doing good,

even after being wounded by Mitsuki!

Look! His chest!

Th-That's a—!

Because we've experienced pain,

we realize the preciousness of peace

and do our utmost to protect the weak.

But there are times, upon hitting a wall,

that the will to do so, is lost.

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"Ohnoki's Will"

But since you've been given a chance to face yourself,

you can pick up the pieces and start over.

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