01x06 - (D) Rage, You Damn Nerd

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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01x06 - (D) Rage, You Damn Nerd

Post by bunniefuu »

Even if I have a lot to learn...

I'll focus on what
I can do right now.



[IZUKU] It hurts,
but not as bad as before.

[AIZAWA] A throw like that
requires a lot of force.

Did he focus all that
power into one finger?

Mr. Aizawa.

You see? I'm still standing.

This kid.

He threw it over 700 meters!

Nice, he's finally showing
us his true power!

But his finger appears
to be broken now.

Just like in the exam.
This Quirk is very odd.

It wasn't a very pretty throw.


What the hell was that?

If he had a Quirk,
he would've gotten it

when we were kids!
This is impossible!

He's up to something.

Someone I look up to...

...told me I have what
it takes to be a hero.

That's why I'm going to UA!

[KATSUKI growls] I'm getting
to the bottom of this.



Deku, you bastard!

Tell me how you did that,
or you're dead!





Why the hell is your
damn scarf so strong?

Because it's a capture w*apon

made out of carbon fiber
and a special metal alloy.

Stand down.


It'd be wise to avoid making me

use my Quirk so much.

It gives me serious dry eye.

Too bad. That power is amazing!

[PRESENT MIC] Class 1‐A's
homeroom teacher: Shota Aizawa.

He can erase the Quirk
of anyone he looks at,

but the effect ends
when he blinks.

You're wasting my time now.

Whoever's next can step up.

Ouch, is your finger okay?

Sure. Fine!


Until the exam, he was nothing.

A little bug I could
crush if I wanted to.

Wow, you're so lucky!

Your Quirk is amazing, Kacchan.

When I get mine, I hope
it's just as cool!

[KATSUKI] Whatever, Deku,
no matter what power

you end up with, you'll
never be able to beat me.

Just an annoying bug

that I can smash
into the ground.

[IZUKU] After that, I had
to fight through the pain

as we finished up the rest
of our physical fitness tests.



[AIZAWA] All right, time
to give you your results.

I've ranked you all
from best to worst.

You should probably have a good
idea of your standing already.

I'll just pull up
the whole list.

It's not worth going over
each individual's score.

[IZUKU] The person ranked
last is gonna be expelled.

And the only test I was any good
at was the softball throw!

Can I squeak by on
that score alone?

I bombed the rest
of the challenges!

[IZUKU whimpers]

I'm in last place. I failed.

And I was lying,
no one's going home.

That was just a rational
deception to make sure

you gave it your
all in the tests.

[GROUP yelps]

I'm surprised the rest of you

didn't figure
that out. I'm sorry.

I guess I probably should
have said something.

Yeah, you should have.

That was pretty
nerve‐wracking, huh?

Nah, I'm always down
for a challenge.


[AIZAWA] That's it.
We're done for the day.

Pick up a syllabus
in the classroom.

Read it over before
tomorrow morning.



Take this and go have
the old lady fix you up.

Things are gonna
be tougher tomorrow

when your actual
training begins.

Make sure you're prepared.

[IZUKU] I managed to make
it through the first day.

But there was so much,
I completely failed at.

I'm starting out at the bottom.

[IZUKU] I've still got
a whole lot to learn...

...if I'm gonna
achieve my dream!

Aizawa, that was a rotten move.

All Might. So you were watching.

No talk shows today?

"A rational deception."

That's cute, but you're
not exactly known

for being lighthearted.

I read your file.

Last year you expelled an entire
class of freshmen students.

You have no problem
kicking students out.

Anyone you deem unworthy.

You were planning to
send last place home.

So that can only mean...

...you see the same
kind of potential

in Young Midoriya that I do.

What is this about?

It almost sounds
like you've been

in his corner the whole time.


[AIZAWA] Isn't it a little early
for you to be playing favorites?

He doesn't have zero
potential, I admit.

If that were the case.

I would have sent
him straight home

after class without hesitation.

It's cruel to let a kid
keep dreaming of something

that will never come true.

[ALL MIGHT] In your own strange
way, you're a kind man, Aizawa.

I know that.

But clearly, we are
gonna have us a problem.

[groans] I'm so tired.

[gasps] Hey there, Iida!

How's the broken finger doing?

O‐Oh. It's doin' fine,
thanks to Recovery Girl.

[IZUKU screaming]

Whoa, thanks, that
feels so much better!

But, uh, I suddenly
feel really tired.

I need a nap.

My Quirk stimulates
your ability to heal,

but healing takes energy.

It's not my fault, that's
just how the body works.

Get too many big
injuries, your stamina

will be shot and you'll
die instead of healing,

so be careful.

You mean this could k*ll me?!

[IZUKU] I can't keep relying
on help from others.

I have to hurry up and
learn to control my power.

I was a bit concerned

by Mr. Aizawa's
approach to class.

But I trust the
school's judgment.

UA is the top program.

Even so, lying is
downright immoral.

[IZUKU] I thought he was
scary, but that's not it.

He's just really
serious about school.

Hey! Wait up, you two!

Are you going to the station?

I'll join you guys!

It's her again!

Oh, you're the infinity girl.

I'm Ochaco Uraraka.

Let's see. You are Tenya Iida.

And your name is...
Deku, right? Midoriya?


Uh, yeah, isn't that
what Bakugo called you?

During the fitness
test, he said...

Deku, you bastard!


Uh, well. My name's
actually Izuku.

Deku's what Kacchan calls
me to make fun of me.

That's unsportsmanlike.

[OCHACO] Oh, I didn't
realize that! I'm sorry.

But, you know what?
I like "Deku."

It could make a great hero name!

Plus, I think it
sounds kinda cute.

Deku it is!

Just like that?

Weren't you saying
that it was an insult?

[IZUKU] Paradigm shift!
My whole world is upside down!

Wait, what?

I survived my first day at UA.

Even if I kinda failed.

But, you know what, All Might?

At least I'm making
some new friends.

That's gotta be a
good thing, right?

[ALL MIGHT] You don't have
time to relax, Midoriya.

Not yet. The real
test begins tomorrow.

UA's Hero Course curriculum.

There are normal core
classes, like English.

They meet in the mornings.


Which of these four sentences
contains a mistake?

So boring.

This really sucks.

Hey, everybody, look
alive! Grammar rules!

[IZUKU] The relative pronoun's
wrong in the last one!

Yaoyorozu, lay it on us!

[IZUKU] We eat lunch
in the main cafeteria,

where we can buy pretty
tasty stuff on the cheap.

[LUNCH RUSH] White rice is the
perfect comfort food, isn't it?

‐‐[IZUKU whimpers]
‐‐[TENYA gasps]

This is super good.

[IZUKU] And then, in the
afternoon, it's finally time.

Hero Basic Training.

I am here.


Coming through the
door like a hero!


I can't believe it's
really All Might!

So he is a teacher!

This year is gonna
be totally awesome!

Hey, look.

Is he wearing his
Silver Age costume?

I'm getting goose‐bumps.
It's so retro!

Welcome to the most
important class at UA High.

Think of it as "Hero‐ing 101."

Here, you will learn the
basics of being a pro.

And what it means to fight
in the name of good!

Let's get into it.

Today's lesson will
pull no punches!

Fight training.

Real combat?

But one of the keys
of being a hero is...

...looking good!

These were designed for you

based on your Quirk registration
forms and the requests

you sent in before
school started.

[STUDENTS gasp, cheer]


Get yourselves suited up,

and then meet me at
Training Ground Beta!

Yes, sir!

They say that clothes
make the pros,

young ladies and gentlemen,
and behold, you are the proof!

[ALL MIGHT] Take this to heart.
From now on you are all...

... heroes in training!

[ALL MIGHT] This is getting
me all revved up.

You look so cool!

Now. Shall we get started,
you buncha newbies?

The clothing allowance.

Before we enrolled at
UA High, we submitted

our Quirk registration
forms; which included

physical measurements and
any desired costume designs

to an exclusive clothing company
designated by the school.

With all that info, they created

costumes for us.

[IZUKU] I need to go to
city hall today and get

my registration form for
the clothing allowance.

[gasps] But I'm already
registered as having no Quirk!

Oh, no, what should I do?

Quirk registration?

Yeah, you can update
that, not a problem.

It's that easy?

[ALL MIGHT laughs]
Y'know how everyone's

examined and registered

when they enter
elementary school?

Well, there are plenty
of cases where people

discover that their
Quirks aren't exactly

what they thought
they were at first.

You're allowed to
revise your forms

once or twice when you
understand your powers better.

Normally, they won't let
you change it too much,

but if you had "none" before,

I'm sure they'll want you to
update things. Look, just‐‐

Hi, I'm home!

[gasps] Crap! I hung
up on All Might!

I'll have to apologize later.

Heya, Mom!

Oh, good. You're here.

Congratulations! I'm so
proud you got into UA!

Is that a costume?

I guess I might have
jumped the g*n a little bit.

I brought you food earlier
but you'd dozed off,

and I maybe happened to
peek at your notebook.


To be honest with you,

I've been feeling
really terrible lately.

About something I said to you.

I think you might have felt

that I gave up on
you a while back.

But now look at you.

You persevered, and kept
chasing your dream

like a real champion.

I'm sorry, Izuku. And I promise,

I'll support you with everything
I've got from now on!

It's a gift from my mom,

so of course it's
what I'm gonna wear!

It's not state‐of‐the‐art
or flashy, but it means

something to me.

This is it. My hero costume!

Ah! Hey, Deku!


[OCHACO] Love your costume!
Not too flashy, ya know?

[IZUKU muffled whimpering]

[OCHACO] I should've been more
specific about what I wanted.

This bodysuit is skintight.
Not really my style.

I love this school.


[ALL MIGHT growls]

You're so obvious.

Now that you're ready,

it's time for combat training.


Oh. So That's Iida under there.

He looks so cool!

[TENYA] This is the fake city
from our entrance exam.

Does that mean that we'll be
conducting urban battles again?

Not quite.

I'm going to move
you two steps ahead.

Most of the villain fights
you see on the news

take place outside.

However, statistically speaking,

run‐ins with the most dastardly
evildoers take place indoors.

[IZUKU grunts]

Think about it. Backroom deals,

home invasions, secret
underground lairs.

Truly intelligent criminals
stay hidden in the shadows.

For this training exercise,

you'll be split into teams
of good guys and bad guys

and fight two‐on‐two
indoor battles.

Isn't this a little advanced?

The best training is what
you get on the b*ttlefield!

But remember, you can't just
punch a robot this time.

You're dealing with
actual people now.

Sir, will you be the
one deciding who wins?

How much can we
hurt the other team?

Do we need to worry
about the losers

getting expelled like earlier?

[TENYA] Will you be
splitting us up based on

chance or comparative skill?

Isn't this cape très chic?

[ALL MIGHT growls]
I wasn't finished talking!

Listen up.

A script?

The situation is this.

The villains have
hidden a nuclear m*ssile

somewhere in their hideout.

The heroes must try
to foil their plans.

To do that, the good
guys either have to

catch the evildoers
or recover the w*apon.

Likewise, the bad guys
succeed if they protect

their payload or
capture the heroes.

[IZUKU] Sounds like a
classic action movie setup.

Time's limited, and
we'll choose teams

by drawing lots!

Isn't there a better way?

Think about it!

Pros often have to team up with
heroes from other agencies

on the spot, so maybe that's the
reason we're seeing that here.

Yes, I see.

Life is a random
series of events.

Excuse my rudeness.

No sweat. Let's draw!

Wow, what are the
chances? We're a team!

Oh my gosh!

I have to make a good
impression on her.

I declare that the first
teams to fight will be...

...these guys!

Team A will be the heroes,

Team D will be the villains.

Everyone else can head to
the monitoring room to watch!

Yes, sir!




[ALL MIGHT] Bad guys, you can
go on in and get set up.

In five minutes, the good
guys will be let loose

and the battle will start!

Yes, sir!

Young Iida. Young Bakugo.

The key to being successful
in this challenge

is to embody villainy.

Think from the perspective
of an evildoer.

Got it!

[ALL MIGHT] If things go
too far, I'll step in.



Even though this is training,

it pains me to be aligned
with criminal behavior.

[TENYA] So this is the
w*apon we must protect.

Fake, of course.



[KATSUKI] Do you really
think Deku has a Quirk?

You saw how he
threw that ball.

Though I think his
power hurts his body.


[TENYA] Why is it that you
seem to be especially angry

when it comes to Midoriya?

[KATSUKI] Was he seriously just
tricking me all these years?

I'm gonna roast that
damn nerd today!

[OCHACO] Ya think they
expect us to memorize

this building's floor plan?
It's so big! You know.

All Might's just as cool in
person as he is on television!

I'm glad he's not threatening us

with some kind of
punishment like Mr. Aizawa.

We can relax‐‐

Ah! You're sweating
through your costume!

Uh. Well.

It's just because we're
up against Kacchan.

Plus there's Iida, too.

We should be on our guard,
who knows what they'll pull.

Oh, right. Bakugo.

He's the one who's always
making fun of you.

[IZUKU sighs]
And he's amazing.

I'll end up more popular
than All Might himself,

and be the richest
hero of all time!

He can be a real pain, sure.

But his strength
and confidence...

...and his ambition...

Not to mention his Quirk.

They're all so much
greater than mine.


[IZUKU] But that just means
I have to do better.

I refuse to lose today.

So it's a fated
battle between rivals?

[IZUKU] Oh, not that I'm
trying to get you wrapped up

in my fight or anything!

Are you kidding?
We're a team, right?

Let's win this!

All right!

Let's begin the indoor
combat training!

Team A and Team D,
your time starts now!

Pay attention, kids.

Think about what you would do.

Young Midoriya!

In this class, you're
just another student.

I'll grade you as I
would anyone else.

Without playing favorites.

And just like that, we're in.

[IZUKU] Careful, there are
a lot of blind spots.

[IZUKU] I still have basically
no control over One For All.

I can't risk using it.

If I did, I'd probably
end up k*lling someone.

We'll just have to win with
Uraraka's Zero Gravity,

and whatever I can
do without a Quirk.

I've gotta use my head.

I took a lot of notes
on indoor battles

and fighting in tight spaces.

I can do this!

[IZUKU gasps]


Uraraka, you okay?

I'm fine. Thanks!

Oh! Deku!

It's just my mask.

[BOTH gasp]

What's the matter, Deku?

Afraid to stand up and fight me?

I knew you'd
come at me first.

And figured you'd try
to catch me by surprise.

He almost got the jump on them.

Sneak attack, Bakugo?

What kinda man pulls
cheap crap like that?

It's a viable strategy.

He's playing the part.

Acting like a
true villain would.

It didn't work.
Midoriya dodged him!

Look, there he goes!

I won't hurt you so bad

they'll have to stop
the fight. Just close!



Wow! Look at those moves!

Impossible. How'd he know?

He's not that good!





[IZUKU pants]


You always use a big
right hook to start a fight.

I know because I've
watched you for years.


[IZUKU] I analyzed every
amazing hero, even you.

I wanted to learn everything
I could about them.

It was all in the
notebook you burned

and threw away.


You can call me Deku, but
I'm not the same helpless,

defenseless kid anymore!

You hear me? I've changed.

From now on, Deku is
the name of a hero!


[OCHACO] But you know
what? I like "Deku."

It could make a
great hero name!

Plus, I think it
sounds kinda cute.


If you keep on hurting him,
then I'll stop you myself!

[IZUKU grunting]

[KATSUKI] You're shaking in
your boots, you're so scared.


But you wanna fight me anyway.

That's why I hate you!

[TENYA] Midoriya. Even though
this is just training,

I'm going to give my all, 100%.

That's the Iida way,
and I won't tarnish

my family's heroic name!


Are you sure you can play
a convincing villain?

[TENYA laughs]
Of course.

Didn't you know,
I'm extremely evil?

[IZUKU yelps]
He's so in character.

Next time: "Deku vs. Kacchan"!

Hold on, I didn't know Uraraka

was a baseball player!

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!
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