01x06 - Cody on Patrol

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Rescue Bots". Aired: December 17, 2011 – October 22, 2016.*
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Set on the fictional island of Griffin Rock somewhere off the coast of Maine, the Rescue Bots (a group of Autobots designed for rescue missions) named Heatwave, Boulder, Blades, and Chase respond to Optimus Prime's message for any active Autobots in outer space to come to Earth.
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01x06 - Cody on Patrol

Post by bunniefuu »

Cody on Patrol Dad.

Dani, Mr.

Harrison is on the loose again.

Found him.

Looks like he is having another stabilizer malfunction.

We might need all hands on this one.

Water should short out the heli

-pack so when Mr.

Harrison dips low enough, we'll hose him down.

I assume "we" means me.

That worked much better in my head.

Boulder, catch him with this.

Sort of like baseball, right? And here comes a line drive.

Uh, make that a Baltimore chop.

A routine patrol with four bots in stasis Years later awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission Learn from the humans, serve and protect Live in their world, earn their respect A family of heroes will be your allies To others, remain robots in disguise Rescue bots, roll to the rescue.

Humans in need.

Heroes indeed.

Rescue bots, roll to the rescue Rescue bots With Cody to guide them and show them the way Rescue bots will be saving the day Rescue bots, roll to the rescue Rescue bots transcript by Arvegtor timing by Deska corrections by f1nc0 Oh, thank you.

Whomever you are.

You're welcome, Mr.


Cody? Nice job, little bro! Where did you get the go

-kart? Storage room, I expect.

In back, under a tarp.

How did you know? I built her when I was your age.

It's that old? Cody, you're lucky it didn't disintegrate.

Ha ha.

You're all a riot.

The kart is a little old

-school, dad.

So, if it is okay, I'd like to fix her up a little.

I am sorry to interrupt, but could one of you possibly give me a ride to work? It's so tiny! Bet it doesn't even transform.

It's not supposed to, Heatwave.

This is an unlicensed vehicle.

You cannot lawfully drive it on public roads.

Guys, Griffin Rock has a hundred routes for alternative vehicles.

Stop worrying.

Hey, what's wrong, Blades? Well, I guess this means you won't be needing us for transportation anymore.

A go

-kart is just a ride.

You guys are my best friends.

Just have to mark these items, then let the scrapmaster do its job.

Awesome! I can't believe the stuff people just throw away.

Another benefit of living in Griffin Rock even the trash can surprise you.

If people just took the time to look, they'd find beauty hidden everywhere even in a junkyard.

Like this.

Wait and see.

My kart's really gonna turn some heads.

Come on.

Does a new paint job really justify a ceremony? Cody! Need a hand with anything? I'm ready.

Are you ready? We are ready! Dad, go ahead! Lady, gentlemen and autobots, may I present Cody Burns and his Rolling Thunder.

- Sweet mod, Cody!

- Very classy.

Not half bad.

Wow, what do you know? It did transform.

Griffin Rock emergency.


I'll send someone right away.

Seems Mrs.

Niederlander's cat is stuck on a tree again in the Town's Square.

I'll take care of it.

Hang on, Kade.

Cody, are you and Rolling Thunder available? Really? You bet! Heatwave, if you'de be so kind? Yes, sir! Rolling Thunder, roll to the rescue! Uh, on alternative vehicle routes only.

Uh, this is Rolling Thunder reporting in.

Any other assignments, Dad? Nothing yet, Cody.

I'll keep you posted.

Copy that.

Hey, Frankie.

What do you think of my new Edison! Aristotle! The traffic! Stop, doggies! You did great, Boulder.

Cody, what happened? Frankie's dogs broke loose and Rolling Tortoise couldn't catch up! Canine rescue successful.

Edison, Aristotle, you scared me! Thank you, rescue bot! Oh, and thank you, too, Graham.

You did order your bot to intercede, didn't you? Of course! Cody helped, too.


Thanks for trying, Cody.

Love the toy car.

You better get back to planting those trees.

Come on, Boulder.

You all right? "Toy car"? I'm telling you if Rolling Thunder was just a little faster, I could've ended up in the street and been flattened by that truck.

More speed isn't always the answer.

Easy for you to say.

You can go turbo whenever you want.

Cody, believe me, sometimes putting the brakes on lets you see things more clearly.

Slow going is fine sometimes, but you know what this baby really needs? A bigger motor! Then she could really fly.

See you, Boulder.

Define "bigger".

Nothing outrageous just a 484 blown HEMI big

-block with dual injection.

Can I borrow your credit card? The lawn

-mower engine was enough when I was a boy.

But Rolling Thunder is too slow for most rescues.

Maybe, but remember it was your quick thinking that saved Mr.

Harrison yesterday, not a faster go


Dad! Cody, driving a high

-speed vehicle requires training.

You'll get that training someday.

Understood? My Dad's not here.

What do you need him for, anyway? I was hoping he'd have some kind of bio

-engineered fuel for my go

-kart to make it run better.

Like super gas? If my dad were here, he'd make a joke about burping.

But follow me.

Sometimes, when we're running late, Dad pours one of these into the t*nk of his truck and zoom! Don't tell your father.

What about this stuff? I never seen that one before.

"Nanite fuel.

" What are they? Bugs? Nanites are like tiny robots.

Label says they can be used on any machine to "enhance performance.

" Jackpot! Careful! A motor that size probably needs just a little boost.

If a little is good, a lot will be better.

My Dad said something like that once just before the lab exploded.

It's working already.

All right, Rolling Thunder, let's see some lightning! Dispatch, connect me to Chief Burns, please.

Emergency? Not yet, but any second now.

This is more like i




Hi, Dad.

Cody, what's your status? Um just out for a drive.

And maybe having a little trouble stopping the go


Head for the junkyard.

One of the big mulch piles should slow you down.

Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue! Whoa! Wait, how are you able to shred things that nobody's marked? Run, Cody! Cody, are you all right? I'm sorry, Dad.

It's out of control.

What is? Better transform.

You don't want to see what that thing does to vehicles.

Halt! It appears to have no regard for authority.

What happened to the scrapmaster? It's not supposed to shred everything.

The nanites I borrowed from Doc Greene's lab shot out of the go

-kart and into this thing's gas take.

Nanites! They must have overridden the scrapmaster's system somehow.

Everyone, take cover!

- Heatwave!

- On it! That is one tough hunk of metal.

Yeah, practically cybertronian.

If the nanites is the problem, we need to disconnect the scrapmaster's fuel line and drain them out.

I can do that.

Distract it!

- Good job! Yeah!

- Way to go! Nice, Boulder! Whoa! I think everyone better g


-get back! My brakes don't Ok, not good.

The nanites are controlling Boulder! Vehicle modes, Now! Boulder, can you resist the nanites at all? That last transformation not my idea.

Boulder! Listen to me! Get control of yourself 'cause if you can't, I'll have to.

He's headed for the park.

Please evacuate the park immediately.

I repeat evacuate the park immediately.

No, no, no, nooo! Poor Boulder.

Why would those nanites invade him like that? Cody, what are you doing? Trying to put the breaks on.

Boulder says it helps you see things more clearly.

The nanites keep moving from one machine to another, right? And each one's bigger than the last.

It's like they are searching for something gigantic enough to really let them cut loose.

Dad, what's the biggest machine on the island? The generators over at the power plant.

Why? Great idea, Cody.

The power plant is so large, even a million nanites won't overload it in theory.

It's risky.

Worth a try.

Boulder, did you copy that? Power plant.

Ggot it! Sorry, tree! Boulder, inside, you'll see rows of turbines and generators.

You have to open one of the pipes to connect them.

Boulder! Don't worry about me.

Did it work? Do we need to evacuate the town? No.

We're good.

We will keep an eye on things, but it looks like the nanites have finally met their match.

Boulder, I am sorry.

I wasn't thinking.

I just wanted to go faster and I know.

Are you gonna be okey? Takes more than a bunch of whatever those were to hurt me.

You had us quite concerned, Boulder.


Just be glad I didn't have to tackle you and give you a thumpin'.

Not entirely sure who'd have thumped whom.

And don't worry about the trees in the park, Boulder.

I believe you have a volunteer to help replant them.

Right, son?

- Come on, Dad.

- Hey, let someone else have a turn!

- The brake is to the left of the gas pedal.

- Just one more lap around the park! State



-art rescue vehicles sitting here idling and that's what they choose to drive.

Sitting is not so bad.

Enjoy it while we can.

I believe the level of smog emissions from the go

-kart might exceed EPA standards.

There is taking things slow and then there is slacking off.

These trees aren't gonna plant themselves.

I lied! This is the last time.

I promise.

You're not listed in the inventory.

Where did you come from?
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