01x09 - Christmas in July

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Rescue Bots". Aired: December 17, 2011 – October 22, 2016.*
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Set on the fictional island of Griffin Rock somewhere off the coast of Maine, the Rescue Bots (a group of Autobots designed for rescue missions) named Heatwave, Boulder, Blades, and Chase respond to Optimus Prime's message for any active Autobots in outer space to come to Earth.
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01x09 - Christmas in July

Post by bunniefuu »

Christmas on July How hot is it in Griffin Rock today? So hot they say that one can fry an egg on the sidewalk.

Or can one? Well, the Mayor is about to find out.

Beat the heat.

Summer treat.

- We accept cash, credit, or plutonium.

- Here you go.


Francine Greene's beverage enterprise is illegally operating in a non

-commercial zone, and I fear Cody may be an accessory.

Why don't we let it go this time, Chase? The kids are helping people stay cool.

Speaking of which, all the advance technology that went into you bots, they couldn't give you air

-conditioning? I was unaware my air needed conditioning.

Yeah! Yeah! All right! I'm a trained emergency responder, not a sprinkler.

Quit complaining.

The rug rats love it.

Hey, Cody.

We're low on ice.

No problem.

I'll head over to the firehouse and Apparently, it's not only hot enough to fry an egg, but to start an omelet

-sized inferno! Help! A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later, awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now, and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission.

Learn from the humans, serve and protect live in their world, earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others, remain robots in disguise Rescue Bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes, indeed Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots.

With Cody to guide them and show them the way Rescue Bots will be saving the day Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots.

No! Stop! Just no! Not the hair! Mr.


Better not keep the kiddies waiting.

Blades and Boulder better be suffering, too.

Ice! And yes! Juice bars! Nothing better on a summer day.

Seasons another fascinating human concept.

How do they work, exactly? Well, there are four of them and And you can just pick whichever one you want? No.

Because, well, you can't.

There's a natural cycle, and Snow! May we see some? In person? You will when winter comes.

But that's still a ways off.

That doesn't make any sense.

Shouldn't we have snow now when it would be more appreciated? But if it snowed in the summer, then it would be winter and help me out here.

Don't look at me.

Nothing on this planet makes sense hot dog, but it's not a pet.

You know what, Boulder? You're right.

It would be great to have a snowfall right now, but Hmm.

We do have a weather machine, Cody, but it was developed before I came to the island, so I've never had any direct experience with it.

According to this inventory, the weather machine is back here

- On the B.




- B.



? "Best left forgotten.

" Inventions that didn't quite make the grade, like this perpetual motion lamp.

It'll keep not working forever! And somewhere over here is the invisible telephone.

It's missing! Just kidding I think.

Is this the weather machine? I believe so.

Intriguing design.

It looks brand


And it appears to be in perfect condition.

- Whoa!

- Noble! Cleanup on isle seven.

Why all the interest in the weather machine, Cody? Cody has an idea.

Well, I just thought, with all the heat, it might be nice to offer a little relief maybe some, I don't know, snow.

Christmas in July.

That's brilliant! Yeah! We could set up the machine in the town square.

Or maybe we could just enjoy the summer and go for a cool swim.

- Nah!

- Nah.

Please enjoy the unseasonable weather responsibly.

How cold is snow? What does it feel like? Is every snowflake actually different? Just help me with this fence, would you? Frankie, you're going to freeze once the snow starts falling.

Sorry, Cody.

Glad your idea worked out, but I like summer.

I'm going to the river.

See you later, Daddy.

What? Oh! Yes, honey.

Be safe.

And obey the lifeguard.

Here you go, Mayor.

Hello, hello.

One, two, three.

Is it Oh! It is.

Welcome, friends and family.

I thought it would be a nice treat for everyone to experience christmas in July.

What?! That was my idea, Dad.

He can't Now's not the time, son.

And so I personally made all the arrangements to bring the Uh, hello? Hello? Ugh! Get that thing fixed.

Mayor or no Mayor, he's not telling a lie over my public

-address system.

- Thanks, Chase.

- Cody.

Since this was your idea, care to do the honors? Whoa! Wow! Whoa.

So, what do you think? Well, beats playing lawn sprinkler.

Snow comes from the sky? I had no idea.

It's so beautiful.

I wish we could be over there.

Yeah! Look over here! So cool! That's it.

Time to go.

But the snow just started! Sorry, big buddy.

We have a mission.


-da! Whoa! But how? I asked Doc Greene to test the weather machine over here this morning.

It's all yours.

- You mean we get to play in it?

- What if somebody sees us? Most of the town's in the square.

And I'll be on watch just in case.

Come on! Before it melts.

This is so strange.

Just pick up a handful, smash it together Now what? Aim for something, think, "I'm gonna hit that," and throw.

I'm gonna hit that.

Nice try, green bean.

You couldn't hit the back side of Unicron with a lobbing ball.

Here's how it's done.


- This is still strange.

- It's still strange.

Good one, Boulder.

Is it permissible to attack one another using frozen precipitation as a w*apon? Not only permissible, Chase.

It's required.

And humans enjoy this why? Oh.

Someone's coming.

- That was close.

- Here comes another one.

Look I made a snow


Come on.

I'll make it easy for you, big boy.

- I won't move a servo.

- Bet you still can't touch me.


I'm gonna hit that.

The human word for that is "oops.

" Uh, it's not supposed be snowing here.

- It's getting colder, too.

- That can't be good.

I can't move it.

The control panel has been damaged.

There doesn't seem to be an off switch.

Whole town's gonna be covered in no time.

This is turning into a disaster! Whose idea was snow, anyway? But but you just I know how to turn that thing off.


If we destroy the machine and the cloud stays where it is, it could keep snowing indefinitely.




-can't we just take the whole thing inside or cover it up? Just cover it up! The beam consists of sub

-ethereal particles.

They pass straight through solid objects.

Why do you science types always have to make things so complicated? The only solution is to repair the weather machine so that we can reverse the effect.

I need to bring this back to my lab.

Cody, check in on Frankie for me, will you? Sure thing, Doc.

- Boulder.

- Understood.

Faster, all of you.

Before Griffin Rock becomes "glacier rock".


-I'll be inside city hall g

-getting warm.

Warm is not a bad idea.

Attention all, the snow is making it hard to get anywhere.

And with the temperature dropping, I think it's best for everyone to get inside city hall to wait out the blizzard.

- Kade, help them get settled.

- Can't Cody do that? He'll be on dispatch.

Dani, I need an eye in the sky.

You and Blades look for trouble spots anyone who might need help.

It's cold up there, so stay low.

I know a bot who'll like that concept just fine.

Graham, you and Boulder plow a path back to Doc's lab.

Make sure he gets there in one piece.

Yes, sir.

Cody, get the com

-tab from Chase, and use city hall as H.


Let's go, g*ng.

Christmas came early, but it didn't stay long.

Dad, there's a five

-car pileup by the drive


We're on it.

Cody, it looks like the bridge is turning into solid ice.

Kade and Heatwave are going to get salt for the roads.

I'll send them over.

And maybe you should shut down the bridge, in the meantime.

We're on our way.

And Dani, can you and Blades do a flyover by the river and check on Frankie? Just saw her don't think you need to worry.

Cody! I'm glad you called.

I changed my mind.

I love your snow.

You have to come down here and try this.

Uh, love to, but I'm a little busy right now.

I'll let your Dad know you're okay.

Tell him to come down, too.

Hey, if this keeps up, we could sell hot chocolate.

See you later.


I was just thinking, wouldn't it be a good idea to close both ends of the bridge? How about I keep an eye on the other side? This will take quite a while to plow through even for your vehicle.

But not for my robot.

Boulder, transform and dig.

Graham, city hall's roof is caving in.

I'm sending you pictures.

Looks like at least four tons of snow up there.

That roof won't hold much longer.

Are people still inside? Yeah.

People and me! Cody, get out! Get everybody out now! You heard him.

I'm out of here! I mean, uh, I'll lead the way.

We're trapped! All rescue teams, report to city hall.

The roof's about to collapse! Cody's still inside?

- Go!

- Hurry! Please vacate the premises in an orderly fashion.

Cody, come on.

Where's Boulder? I have an idea.

Let's talk about it outside.

Oh, Cody.

What were you doing in there besides giving us a heart attack? I was trying to get a better view of the roof.

What do you need to see? It's caving in.

If Boulder can prop up the ceiling from the inside, it'll give us a chance to clear the snow off the roof.

And prevent any more damage.

Great idea, Cody.


Get us up there.

The three of us could clean off that roof in no time.


Too risky.

Your weight combined with the snow way more than the structure can handle.

Maybe we could melt the snow.

You know, with a giant hair dryer or something.

Or not.

What we need is a way to get rid of the snow without actually going on the roof, like a giant snowblower.

What? Is there something on my cheek?

- Ready to shake things up a little?

- I'm not sure I know what you I didn't even know I could do this.

Whoa! Did we do it? We did.

But now we better get you thawed out.

Your shift is up, Boulder.

Doc, how's the repair going? Cross your fingers.

- Whoo


- Yeah!

- Yes!

- Yeah! Frankie, your Dad did it.

Sorry we had to break up your fun.

Uh, that's not all you broke up.

I just invented a new sport, and I'm not so sure I like it.

Dad, this emergency's not over yet.

Rescue bots, roll to the rescue! Dani, we need Blades to airlift Frankie out of the river.

What's your status? Grounded.

Blades is still iced up from our last flight.

I'm trying, but my swashplate just won't defrost.

If you get a moment, I wouldn't mind the help.

I'm gonna hit that.

The human word for that is "whoo

-hoo!" I wouldn't want to do it again, but that was awesome! According to practically every law of physics in nature, that should not have worked, but thanks.

Where did Chase go? I think I understand now.

Ha! So, summer is summer, and winter is winter when everybody's ready for it.

Like my Dad says, "there's a time and a place for everything.

" And I think the best time and place is here and now!

- Oh.

- Ha! What? Would that be an "oops" or a "whoo

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