15x21 - Once a Ranger pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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15x21 - Once a Ranger pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

# Go Rangers, go Rangers
Go! Go! Go! #

# Go Rangers, go Rangers
Go! Go! Go! #

# Pow-er Rangers #

# Operation Overdrive #

# Pow-er Rangers #

# Operation Overdrive #

# Like five fingers reaching for the sky
in five ways #

# Like five fingers reaching for the sky
for five ways #

# Dark Forces lurking
Leaving evil where they roam #

# Five Rangers looking
for the same five stones #

# Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go Go! Go!

# There's treasure to be found
There's some lives to be saved #

# A planet to look after
There's a whole lot of space #

# Good versus evil
We got heroes on the scene #

# Power Rangers Overdrive
is the number one team #

# Pow-er Rangers #

# Operation Overdrive #

# Pow-er Rangers #

# Operation Overdrive #

WILL: Last time on Power Rangers:
Operation Overdrive:

I am Thrax.

I'm proposing a temporary alliance.

I've severed your connection
to the universal Morphing Grid.

You are no longer Power Rangers!

RONNY: Who are they?

I have asked these
previous Power Rangers to help.

I don't have the technology to repair
the connection to the Morphing Grid.

I think I know who might.

We talked about it, and we'd like
to go back to our normal lives.

BENGLO: We're no better off now
than we were before.

He's right!
We've got new Rangers and no Jewels.

Thrax's plan is failing.

Speaking of Thrax, where is he?

My troops are keeping an eye
on the new Rangers.

But maybe they should be
keeping an eye on Thrax.

Welcome to Angel Grove.

It should be right around here.

And what exactly are we looking for?

I'm afraid you wouldn't believe me
if I told you.

Let me see if I can help.

Guys, I'm getting some strange energy
coming from right over there.

ADAM: Chillers.

It's time for plan Xander.

G'day, name's Xander.
Let's just talk this one out...


( Powerful Shriek )

Ahh! It feels good
to get back to my roots.

Wave bye-bye.

It may be old school,
but it still gets the job done.

This is it.

You're sure this can help?

Never let me down before.

Ah, I see not everyone
has abandoned the mission.

Sweeping isn't exactly
up there with being a Power Ranger,

but I still want to be involved
in the mission.

Remember what the others said:

"Once a Ranger, always a Ranger."

But what good's being a Power Ranger
if you don't have any power?

As long as you keep fighting for
what's right, you'll always have power.

What did Thrax mean when he said
he knew what could defeat you?

There is one w*apon that has the power
to end my days: the sword Excelsior.

I'm sure Thrax intends to get it
and exact his revenge on me.

- Why don't we go get it first?
- No, it's too dangerous.

Protecting the Jewels must come first.

I grow weak. I must rest.

WOMAN: Nice one, Ronny!

MAN: And, action!

- MAN: And cut it.
- MAN : Nice one, Dax.

- Great day.
- All right, that's lunch. Let's go.

- MAN: Hey. Come on.
- Uh, just... Just a minute, guys!

Are you gonna... ( Laughing )

Guys? Hey!

You guys seriously need
to upgrade your security system

or this is going to get stolen again.

Good thing you called me.


And that concludes our lecture on
sustainable energy and global warming.

Mack! What are you doing here?

It's so great to see you!

It's good to see you, too.

But I'm here for something important.

What do you know about
a sword called Excelsior?

There's a book all about it
in our library.

OK, thanks! Bye!

- Wait!
- I gotta go! See ya!

( Bird Cawing )

This isn't so bad.


Next time, Mack,
just keep your mouth shut.

This'll do.

Sorry, pal.
Hope you don't mind.


Very impressive, young man.

But in finding Excelsior,
you led me right to it!

Once you're out of my way,
Excelsior will be mine,

and it will be the end
of the Sentinel Knight!

- Dax! What are you doing here?
- I came with them!

I knew you were going to do
something crazy, so I called them.

ANDREW: Fingers crossed...

Where am I? Adam!

- How do you feel, Alpha?
- That was a wonderful rest,

but it's great
to be up and running again.

We've got a lot
of catching up to do.

This is Andrew Hartford,
the one who reactivated you.

Hello, Alpha.

- The Rangers are in big trouble.
- Say no more.

When it comes to helping
the Power Rangers, I'm your bot.

My parents were weak
and succumbed to goodness,

but I will restore their legacy

by destroying the Sentinel Knight

by the blade of the mighty Excelsior.

- What's happening?
- You obviously don't know the legend.

Excelsior belongs
to the Warrior Goddess.

Only she can release the Sword.

Give me that Sword!

Fine! If I can't have the Sword

then I'll trash your entire planet!

You're the only one with enough
knowledge of the Morphing Grid,

so we're counting on you.

I've never actually been inside
the Grid before, but I'll try my best.

( Alarm Sounding )

TORI: Wouldn't you know it?
They still make 'em bigger.

Adam, you take the Flashpoint.
I'll keep an eye on Alpha's progress.

Come on! ( Groaning )

( Sighs, Panting )

I bet if we were still Rangers
the Goddess would give us the Sword.

No doubt.

Come on. We better get back.

you keep fighting for what's right,

you'll always have power.

No. I'm not going without the sword.

One more try.

( All Grunting )

Greetings, Power Rangers.

I am the Warrior Goddess.

The unity of your friendship
and the conviction in your hearts

has convinced me that you are worthy.

Excelsior is yours now.


What would Zordon do?


No way!

Too tough!

( Grunts ) Man!

- We're down!
- What do we do now?

Hey, who's that?

It's Mack!

- Incredible!
- Way to go, Mack!

- Yeah!
- Yeah!


You should have this.
It can never hurt you now.

Thank you, Mack.


I never knew it had the power
to restore me as well.

Mr Hartford, we were wrong to leave.

And we'd like to come back
and do anything you need us to do.

Welcome back to the team.

- There you are!
- You really saved our butts out there.

Hi! Am I late for the party?

- Who are you?
- Alpha , at your service.

I brought him in
to repair the Morphing Grid.

- He did it!
- Yeah!

- The Morphing Grid is fixed!
- And we got our Ranger powers back!

Thanks, Alpha!

It feels good to be useful again.

Ah, tell us about it.

( Groaning )

- Another down!
- I don't believe it!

Vulturus was supposed to be invincible.

One thing I learned
about the Power Rangers.

Always have a Plan B.

( Growling )

- You ready for action?
- You know it.

Let's do it!

- Ready?
- RANGERS: Ready!

It's morphin' time!

Ninja Storm, Ranger Form, ha!

Dino Thunder, power up, ha!

SPD, emergency!

Magical Source, Mystic Force!

Overdrive Accelerate!

But how? I took your powers away!

- That's what you thought!
- But once a Ranger...

ALL: Always a Ranger!

Come, my evil alliance.

( Grunts )


Mack, here!


( Grunting )

Drive Slammer!

Drive Vortex!


Come on!

( Panting ) Now you've made me mad.

Power Axe!


Drive Claws!

Ptera Grips! Ha!

Drive Geyser!

Ninja sword!

Huh? ( Grunts )

- Fire!
- BOTH: With fire!

BOTH: Let's go!

( Groaning )

BOTH: Oh, yeah!

TYZONN: Drive Detector!

- ( Screaming )
- Good-bye.

Sentinel Knight!

It ends here, Thrax.

You again!

I wish I had the sword Excelsior!

Then I would use its power
to destroy you forever!

That can never happen.

Excelsior is a part of me now.

His evil legacy is over!

- But we're not!
- We'll see about that!

BRIDGE: All together.

( Screaming )

ALL: Yeah!

ALL: Power Rangers forever!

Come on, Mig, we've got jewels to find.

- Not if I find them first!
- Fat chance, lizard lips.

Now that's what I call Ranger power!

You got that right.

First I was glad when you came,
then I was mad when you stayed,

now I'm sad that you're leaving.

Yeah, we're really going to miss you.

We're going to miss you guys, too.

- Your toast, Master Bridge.
- Is it...

The butteriest.

Now, just remember,
we're only a phone call away.

"Tori Hanson, custom surfboards."


Feel free any time
to drop in to the Rockporium.

I'll give you a ten percent discount.

I'm gonna come and see you guys.
I'll bring you my CD I'm working on.

So, Alpha, you ready
to head back to Angel Grove?

- I could use some help at my dojo.
- You bet.

Anywhere's better than that crate.

OK, guys.
Once more for old time's sake?

ALL: Go, go, Power Rangers!
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