15x26 - Red Ranger Unplugged

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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15x26 - Red Ranger Unplugged

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Go Rangers, go Rangers
Go! Go! Go!

♪ Go Rangers, go Rangers
Go! Go! Go!

♪ Pow-er Rangers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Pow-er Rangers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Like five fingers reaching
for the sky in five ways

♪ Five her_s walking
through the sun for five days

♪ Dark forces lurking
Leaving evil where they roam

♪ Five Rangers looking
for the same five stones

♪ Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go! Go!

♪ There's treasure to be found
There's some lives to be saved

♪ A planet to look after
There's a whole lot of space

♪ Good versus evil
We got her_s on the scene

♪ Power Rangers Overdrive
is the number one team

♪ Pow-er Rangers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Pow-er Rangers

♪ Operation Overdrive ♪

mill] Last time on Power Rangers:
Operation Overdrive:

Looks like we picked up
a computer virus.

Good thing!

Good thing!
Good thing!

Did something happen to me? Dad?

You're an android, l created you.

- l was too busy to find a woman...
- Why didn't you make one of those?

[Ronny] So, you're an android.
That doesn't change you.

- We have a lot to talk about.
- l've had a long day.

- How about tomorrow?
- That's gonna be a long day, too.

[Dax] Mack! You got a special delivey
from your adventure book club.

Ah, it's the new Baron's novel!
The Baron's Demise.

Just put it on the table.

Are those Spencer Specials?

- Yeah.
- [chuckles]

Mmm. Mmm...
What are you waiting for?

l'm not really sure whether
l even like cupcakes anymore.

l don't even know whether
l like adventure books.

Uh-oh! l've heard of this happening.

People waking up
and not remembering anything.

My name is Dax.

No, it's not that.

lt's iust that l've spent
my entire life... mo whole years,

if you can call that a life...

...doing exactly what my ''dad,''
if you can call him that,

programmed me to do.

l can't tell the difference
bemeen who l am and my so Mvare.

This is what's known
as an identity crisis.

You need to do some soul searching,
ty new things, see what fits.

My father always told me,

''Dax, you can be
whatever you wanna be,

just as long as you're not a stuntman''.

Yeah. Yeah, you're right, Dax.

l gotta figure out who l am.
It's time for an upgrade.

[snarls] There you are.

lt's time we locate
the Octavian Chalice.

l agree, but what about
the Power Rangers?

Ah, we have some new help
to distract them.

Help? Who?

- Her...
- [shrieking laughter]

At your service.

The sensors are picking up
new Fearcat energy.

Those flea bags
are multiplying like mice.




What's wrong with you?

l think l have a cold.

Yesterday l was outside
playing with Tubby,

my favourite-ist sea lion,

and then this morning,
l woke up like this.

- [sneezes]
- Oh !


l can't have you being sick.
l need you to be strong.

Those Fearcats have been
a thorn in my side for too long!

And now their power
is multiplying in numbers.

lt's time to take out the competition.

l want you to gather the Chillers,

track down the Fearcats,

and destroy them!

- [sneezes]
- [grunts]


- Destroy them?
- And don't mess it up,

or this will be
the last cold you'll ever get!

[electric guitar playing]

[Dax whooping]

- Rock and roll!
- Thank you, San Angeles!

[laughing and cheering]

Where's Mack?

lt's still me, guys,
l'm just tying new things.

You know, l wanna find my true self.

What do you think?

- That's great.
- Yeah.

- It's awesome.
- Keep it going.

[speakers unplugged]

l'm sory to interrupt
this raucous event.

Mr. HaMord needs you
down in the command centre.

ln my day, one could
get arrested for that. [chuckles]

Rangers, we have a problem.

Mack, is there something
wrong with your uniform?


[sighs] There's a new Fearcat
on the loose. She's up to something.


What? You know her?

- Long stoy.
- We'll have to hear it later. Go!

And Mack, you might want
to put on something more appropriate.

- [panting and grunting]
- [cackles]

- Crazar!
- So you're a Power Ranger now.


- How did you...?
- Thought l was destroyed, huh?

Think again!

[all yelling]


PerFect. The Power Rangers
have their hands full with Crazar.

- Let's go get the Chalice.
- Yeah! [laughs]

[gasps] There they are!



[screams] What?

Ha! l'll give you something
to sh**t at, Rangers.



- [gasp] Huh?
- Great, now we have to fight ourselves!

- [laughs]
- [growls]

Meet your match! [cackles]

- Get ready.
- Ready!

Ready! [shout]

- Crazar!
- Your turn!

- Come on!
- [yells]


- Take this!
- [screams]

- [grunts]
- [snarls]

Finally l'll finish this,
once and for all! Yaah!

[groans] Fire!

[screeches and groans]

Lucky sh*t!


You may have won this time,
Mercuy Ranger,

but l will return.

[grunting and gasping]

[gasps] Huh?

- Where'd they go?
- Far away from here, l hope.

Crazar is back.
And she is worse than Mig and Benglo.

When we get the Octavian Chalice,
eveyone will kneel before us.

Ah, the Fearcats will rule. [laughs]


The Octavian Chalice?

We better ambush them
before they... they...






Oh... Come on, Chillers!

[whimpers] Ouch.

Maybe it's time for me to go.

This forest is full of adversaries.

Don't wory.

l have a plan if any more pests
are following us.

There's something l didn't tell you
about the fateful day at the cave-in.

Crazar was there as well.


l thought Crazar was buried inside,

because l didn't see her leave
with Mig and Cheetar.

Why didn't you tell us this before?

[sighs] My girlfriend, Vella,

was lost in the cave-in.

- [shouts and grunts]
- She and l were inseparable.


We were going to be married.

l'm sory, Tyzonn.

[alarm sounds]

l'm getting mo separate Fearcat
signatures. They've split up.

Spencer, where's Mack?

l think he's ''strumming my pain
with his fingers''. Shall l get him, sir?

No, no, l'll talk to him.

- l'll go after Crazar.
- We'll get Benglo and Mig.

Mack will catch up.

[soft guitar music]

Mack... you got a minute?

Yeah, sure.

[exhales] l see
you've taken up the guitar.

l know what you're gonna say,
so save your breath.

lf you'd wanted me to be a rock star,

- you would've programmed it.
- Not what l was going to say.

Look, l don't know who l am.

l don't know whether
l wanna be a rock star,

or a sports star, or no star.

l'm just tying to figure it out.

Am l allowed to have my own life?

[exhales] Yes, you are.

And you're right.

l want you to grow and explore
new things. l always wanted that.

You're not like evey other kid,
that's true,

but you're still my son.

l want you to find your own path.

But don't forget about
your commitment to the team.

[scoffs] No way!
l love being a Power Ranger.

Just... l wish it was my decision,

not part of my programming.

lt was your decision. When you
grabbed that morpher, it was all you.

You mean it wasn't programmed?


l don't know how,
but at that moment you seemed almost...


l gotta help my team.

[Ronny] Hey, remember us?

[snarls] Rangers?


[screaming and grunting]

They don't usually run.

Maybe they're late for their flea bath.

We meet again, rescuer.

Oh, and sory about
your little friend in the cave.

She seemed like a sweet girl.

[inhales and grunts]



Give up?

[gasps and grunts]



- [groans]
- Need some help?

She's strong!

Strong enough to destroy mo Rangers.

They went this way!

[all] Whoa!

[Rose] That looks pre_ deep!

This planet will be boring without you.



Anyone have a parachute?

[Ronny gasps] This is not good.

Dax, can you reach my boot?
l've got a laser cutter.

- [grunting]
- [Ronny] No, that's my boot, Dax.


Yeah! Got it.

Hold on to me, guys!

Double-Oh Zip sh**t!


[Ronny] Guys!

Ronny! Ronny!

[Ronny] Yeah?

Gotta love super speed.

[screaming and grunting]


- You up to this, Mack?
- This is what l do best.

- Ready?
- Ready.

Overdrive Accelerate!


Come on!

- Drive Detector!
- Gotcha!

Drive Defender!


All right!
Red Sentinel Ranger, activate!


That got her.

- Ha! Gotta love being a Power Ranger!
- Yeah.

[growling and roaring]

- Hold on!
- It's not over yet!

Mack and Tyzonn need your help!

Abort the mission! Hury!

Go get her, Sentinel Knight! [shouts]

Sentinel Knight! Ha!

- What are you doing?
- It's an old Mercurian battle spell.

Does it work?


Look out, Ty! [yells]

Full power!



You will fall like the others
before you!




- Hey, guys!
- We've got your back!

- No worries.
- Let's do it!

Keep it up, Tyzonn.


- You ready, Mack?
- Absolutely!

l'm not afraid of you stinking Rangers.

- [shrieks]
- Hold on, eveyone!

Oh! We've got trouble
in the core engine!

- l'm tying something new.
- What?


Drill Drive MegaZord!



[Mack] Do it, Tyzonn!

Full power!





That was for you, Vella.

[Flurious] You've failed me
for the last time.

Any last words?

No. [gasps]


Just that the Fearcats are going
after the Octavian Chalice,

but that probably isn't important.
Blast away.

The Octavian Chalice...
Yes, l should have known.

Norg, you'll live to sneeze another day.

But it takes more
than just the Octavian Chalice

to win the planet. [laughs]

This footage was taken an hour ago.

That looks like some sort of cup.

lt may lead to a jewel.

l'll keep searching with the satellites.

Meantime, why don't you guys
take a much-needed break?

Perhaps work on your guitar, Mack.

Nice ty, but l don't want to be
a rock star anymore.

Anyway, l got a new book to read.

Hey, Spencer,
you got any more of those cupcakes?


Oh, did you say something, Master Mack?

Yeah, what's with the earplugs?

Uh, l was iust preparing
for your next concert.

Well, you know
how l love heavy metal.

[all laughing]
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