15x27 - Home and Away

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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15x27 - Home and Away

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Go Rangers, go Rangers
Go! Go! Go!

♪ Go Rangers, go Rangers
Go! Go! Go!

♪ Pow-er Rangers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Pow-er Rangers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Like five fingers reaching
for the sky in five ways

♪ Five her_s walking
through the sun for five days

♪ Dark forces lurking
Leaving evil where they roam

♪ Five Rangers looking
for the same five stones

♪ Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go! Go!

♪ There's treasure to be found
There's some lives to be saved

♪ A planet to look after
There's a whole lot of space

♪ Good versus evil
We got her_s on the scene

♪ Power Rangers Overdrive
is the number one team

♪ Pow-er Rangers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Pow-er Rangers

♪ Operation Overdrive ♪

mill] Previously on
Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive:

You're an android, l created you.

l don't know who l am.

You're not like evey other kid,
but you're still my son.

l gotta help my team.

There's a new Fearcat on the loose.

- Crazar!
- You know her?

Something l didn't tell you.

My girlfriend, Vella,
was lost in the cave-in.

Crazar was there as well.

lt's an old Mercurian battle spell.

- That looks like some sort of cup.
- It may lead to a jewel.

l know l'd seen it before.

That artefact the Fearcats wanted
is in this book on Greek legends.

The Octavian Chalice.

lt's a receptacle that can synthesise
the energy of three ancient relics.

Then the Fearcats will be
after those relics next.

No doubt.

Minerva's Staff, the Root of Hesper,
and the Sands of Scylla.

According to legend,
if these are placed in the Chalice,

it will unleash a power
that can destroy worlds.

That must be their ultimate plan.

l've initiated a global scan
for the other three relics.

When will they stop?

[Dax] Hey, Ty.

Don't take it out on the computers.
We might need them.

The Fearcats destroyed
the most important person to me.

We have to find those relics
before anyone else is lost.

[alarm sounds]

Satellites are picking up
traces of the Staff.

Rose, take Ronny,
Will and Mack with you.

Dax and Tyzonn can stay
and help me locate the other relics.

l think l should go too.

You need to stay here and cool down.

l don't mean to sound harsh,

but losing control of your emotions
isn't going to bring Vella back.

Come on, Ty, let's keep looking.

Our machine is ready to go.

And we have the Octavian Chalice.

Once we have the relics to activate it,
no one will be able to stop us.

[Norg hums]

l just love the forest!

The fresh air,

the flowers makes me feel so happy!

We're not here to
tiptoe through the tulips.

l need to get something vey important.

[gasps] This looks like
a great tree for butt scratching.

- [sighs] Oh, it feels nice.
- You better back away

unless you want to be yeti rump roast.

- This is what we're here for!
- [shouts]

[roars and laughs]

Oh, a toothpick!

Dental hygiene is vey important.

[grunts] It's not a toothpick.

- It's Minerva's Staff.
- Oh...


Seventy-three. That's Minerva's Staff.

l'll get it! [grunts]

Well done, my frosty friend.

Now get them!

[Dax] The Root of Hesper.

l found it!

Wait, here's the other relic too!

They're close together.
Tell the others to go after the Root.

Let me go get the Sands of Scylla.
l can do it.

l've calmed down.

OK, but be careful.

[morpher chirping]

- Mack here.
- We found the other relics.

l'm sending you the coordinates.

[grunts] Another one?

- We're a little busy here.
- Let's split up.

Good idea. Rose, Will
can you handle these goo'ns?

- Got it!
- Yeah!

Ronny, you're with me.

Right, let's roll.

[Kamdor] Keep digging!



Yes, this must be it.

The Sands of Scylla.

Now that the Fearcats have the Chalice,
they'll be looking for this.

lt may prove to be
a valuable bargaining chip.

- [yells]
- [shouts]

That's going to a museum,
where it can't cause any harm.

You again! l'm tired of this planet
and l'm tired of you Rangers!

Let me handle this, Kamdor.

No! It's time l show these Rangers
that l am a force to be reckoned with.

Get ready, Mercurian.



mill] Hovertek Cycle, go!


l'm going in!


Too easy. [laughs]


So, we have the Sands of Scylla,
and you defeated the Mercuy Ranger.

Not a bad day.

The Fearcats don't know
who they're dealing with.


- Yes, we do.
- Hey!

A couple of losers.
Thanks for the Sands of Scylla!


And the Mercuy Ranger is down! [laughs]

[Vella] Tyzonn... Tyzonn...

Tyzonn, wake up.


[exhales] Vella?

Yes, it's me! Oh, you're all right!

[sighs] Where am l?

On Mercuria. Where else?

Hey, hey... Take it easy.

You've been in an accident.
l thought l'd lost you for a while.

No, no...

You were in an accident, in a cave-in.

l thought l lost you.

You're really confused.
Just relax, OK? It's all right now.

What about the Power Rangers?

l was iust fighting
Kamdor and Miratrix on Earth.

We've got to stop the Fearcats! [groans]

Tyzonn, l don't know
what you're talking about.

You've never left Mercuria.

As you requested, master.

Excellent. The Root of Hesper.

The Fearcats will never get
their hands on this relic. Let's go!

- Moltor!
- Huh?

Hand it over!


This isn't your business.
Stay out of it!

Your business is always my business!

[both grunting]

- Mack, grab the Root. Hury!
- Right!

Red Sentinel Ranger, activate! [shouts]

Sentinel Ranger, Zord mode! Ha!


Come on!


[grunts] You're next!


No, you don't!


You're a miserable army.
Let's get out of here, Norg!

But l found these pre_ flowers!

[grunts] You fool!


- [roars]
- [screams]

He's got the Staff!

[Tyzonn] Then the Sentinel Knight
used mo jewels from the Corona Aurora

to turn me back from a lizard.

You were a lizard?

Yeah! So l stayed on Earth
and l joined the Power Rangers,

and we've been fighting villains
who have been tying to get the jewels.

l know it sounds like some crazy dream,

but it just seemed so real.

Maybe your mind
is playing tricks on you.

You're sure it's only been three days?

Yeah. Ever since the cave-in.

You rushed back in to save me,
but l had escaped.

You were the one who got
trapped inside by the Fearcats.

That's not how l remember it at all.

lt doesn't matter anymore.
We're both safe and back together.

You're right. That's all that matters.

- Back off, Moltor!
- [groans]


Bad news. Flurious got Minerva's Staff,
but we'll get it back.

But what about the other relics?

Rose and Will are looking for them.

Don't think you're going
to get them, Moltor.

- [grunts]
- [chuckles]

Hello, Rangers!

- l see we're all relic hunters today.
- [gasp]

- Mine now. [laughs]
- Give that back!

You're as slow as a glacier, Flurious.

- Rangers!
- [gasp]

- Goodbye!
- [screaming]

l'll take that!

[grunts] What?


Now we have all the relics.

Thanks for the help, losers.

You guys are the lowest of the low.

Thanks. We're iust getting started.
Wait till you see what's coming next.

Whatever it is, we'll stop you!

Yeah, you won't get away with this!

Watch us. With these relics,
we'll create a beast so powerFul,

it will wipe out the population
of this planet.

- Huh?
- Then we'll find the jewels.

- No way!
- You double-crossed me again!

You're not the only one they've crossed.

We've all had enough of their treachey.

- You call yourselves villains?
- You can't even hold on to your relics.

Flurious, the frozen fool.

- Go back to your igloo and cool off.
- Moltor, as dangerous as a wet match.

Kamdor and his silly sidekick.
You mo are just sad.

None of you ever posed a thr*at to us.

Now watch and learn
what real power looks like.

- Root of Hesper...
- No!

- Sands of Scylla...
- [groans]

- [growls]
- And Minerva's Staff!

- Don't! No!
- Now.


Rise, mighty Agrios!

- [roars]
- What is that?

lt could be the end of us all.


- Not good.
- That thing's massive!

And its strength is legenday.

No creature on Earth
can match its power.

- Show them!
- [roars]

- [all gasp]
- No way!

- Yes way!
- Now let's do this.



What are they doing?

[both gasp]


Now with the power of Agrios,
this planet will fall to us.


What's going on?

Looks like big trouble!

- [roars]
- [all yelling]

Enough of this. [pants]

DriveMax Zords, go!


This should be fun. Go!


- [roars]
- [Mig] l love it! [laughs]

The legend was right.
No one can stop us!

Let's take it to the sky!

Not so fast!

[all] DriveMax full power!

- That did it!
- No, wait!

- [roars]
- [laugh]

- Unbelievable!
- Now what?

- More fire.
- [growls]


- Good one!
- Here's another! [snarls]


[Mig] Yeah! That really got 'em!

- [grunting and panting]
- l've never seen such power.

- Their machines are trashed!
- They're down, Spencer!

Come on, Rangers.
We're not out of this yet.

Spencer, send the Battlefleet!

- Battlefleet!
- Ready!

- Oh, you want more?
- You got it!


[all] Activate cannons!

You're wasting your time.
Haven't you learned?

Battlefleet Megazord go!

- Come on! Ha!
- Nothing you bring can touch us!


- Is that all you've got? What a ioke!
- [yells]

lt's time to get serious.
Sentinel Knight! Ha!

Sentinel Knight! Ha!

Let's go! [shouts]

Sentinel Knight! That does it!

[Benglo] Aw, sory,
did we hurt your friend?

Battlefleet rollers!

- What?
- Now we've got you!

- Let's finish this!
- [roars]


[Fearcats laughing]

[Flurious] It can't be!

The Rangers have lost!

- Finally!
- [Mig] Yes, and we have won!



- We're in charge now.
- Bow to us, your new masters!


How dare they!

Bow down to the Fearcats?

ls it possible?

Have they really defeated us all?


The Battlefleet's trashed.

Along with the DriveMax.

What are we going to do?

- [birds chirping]
- It's incredible.

l've forgotten
how beautiful this place is.

l know it's been only
a couple of days, but... [sighs]

...it feels like it's been a lot longer.

You finally believe that
evemhing l told you is true?

Of course. And l'm ready to put
all those other silly ideas behind me.

l now know that l never really was
a Power Ranger.
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