15x30 - Two Fallen Foes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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15x30 - Two Fallen Foes

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Go Rangers, go Rangers
Go! Go! Go!

♪ Go Rangers, go Rangers
Go! Go! Go!

♪ Pow-er Ran-gers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Pow-er Ran-gers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Like five fingers reaching
for the sky in five ways

♪ Five her_s walking
through the sun for five days

♪ Dark forces lurking
Leaving evil where they roam

♪ Five Rangers looking
for the same five stones

♪ Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go Go! Go!

♪ There's treasures to be found
There's some lives to be saved

♪ A planet to look out for
There's a whole lot of space

♪ Good versus evil
We got her_s on the scene

♪ Power Rangers Overdrive
is the number one team

♪ Pow-er Ran-gers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Pow-er Ran-gers

♪ Operation Overdrive ♪

mill] Last time on Power Rangers:
Operation Overdrive.

Why am l getting five iewel readings
off the Octavian Chalice?

Fearcats said it had
more than one use.

lt may lead us to the fifth jewel.

When you pull the continents together,

- the iewels are surrounding...
- [all] Greece!

[Rose] Long ago, the Octavian Chalice
was thought to have

magical qualities
during a solar eclipse.

The ancient Greeks'd
use it to ask for things,

like rain during a dy season.

How do you know it's the same Chalice?

[Rose] After we
narrowed our search to Greece,

l started researching
some ancient writings.

l came across... these.

During a solar eclipse,
at the moment of totality,

you can see what's known as
the ''corona''.

Like the Corona Aurora.

[Rose] Exactly. Too many similarities
to be a coincidence.

Like the ancient ones, l think we
can ask the Chalice where the jewel is.

That's amazing! [chuckles]

Could you also ask it
where l left my keys?

l mean, you know... after.

- Good iob.
- But when's the next solar eclipse?

- [scoffs] In a hundred years?
- Luckily, this afternoon.

l've synchronised my locator watch
to the exact moment of the eclipse.

You better get moving.


After l'm done mopping the floor,

then l'll dust the ice cystals
off Flurious' throne.

And then he will
appreciate me. Won't you?

- Norg!
- [yells]

Well, what ridiculous thing
are you doing now?

Ha! l'm tying to keep
a nice den for you, master,

so that you will appreciate me.

l don't want a clean den,
and l don't want an obedient pet.

l want the jewels of the Corona!


[Rose] Come on, guys, faster!
We don't have much time.

Who knew global treasure hunting
would require so much walking?

lf you can't stand the hunt,
stay out of the woods!

- [grunts]
- [all yell]

We've been waiting for you.

Yeah. Took you long enough
to figure out the Chalice.

Especially you, Black Ranger.
Your failures are well documented.

Thanks again for the Blue Sapphire.

Now it's personal.

- mill] Ready?
- [all] Ready! Overdrive accelerate!

[all shout]

Get the Chalice!

- [both shout]
- No way! [grunts]


Got it!

- Yah!
- No, you don't!

Ahh! [grunts]

- [gasps]
- [growls]


- [yells]
- [Rangers groaning]

Come on!

[both grunting]

- [yells]
- Whoa!

- [yells]
- [grunts]


[both grunting]

- Huh?
- Hi-yah!


- Huh? No!
- Got it!

[Rangers groaning]

- [grunts]
- Huh?


- Back off!
- l almost had the Chalice.

Miratrix, you have failed me
for the last time.


The eclipse is starting. Come on!

- Master, l am sory.
- Your apology is insufficient.

You have failed me
time and time again!

- l can do better.
- No! You have proven that you cannot.

l was wrong to think
you could be more than you are.

You're iust a worthless,
greedy underling.

- l have no use for you.
- l'll show you, Kamdor.

l'll become more powerFul
than you can ever imagine.


And then you will kneel before me.


- OK, what do we do now?
- Place the Chalice on the pedestal.

Now stand in a circle around the Chalice
and take each others hands.

l never believed in hocus pocus,
until l got this job.

[all gasp]

- It's working!
- Now what?

- Now reach to the sky!
- [all grunt]

[Rose] How can we find
the fifth jewel of the Corona Aurora?

Please give us a sign!

[all straining]

- [Miratrix] Mine!
- [all shout]

- Give me the power!
- No!


Make me powerFul.
Fill me with energy!


We have to do something!

Ronny, Tyzonn, ty to break
her connection to the Chalice.

- We'll battle the beast!
- Yeah!

- Ready?
- [all] Ready!

Overdrive accelerate!

[all shout]

Send the Zords!

Battlefleet Megazord, go!


- [roars]
- She's too strong!

- [roars]
- [all yell]


[all groan]

Come on, guys!



[all yell]

[Rose] The Chalice
is giving her even more power!

[both grunt]

- We can't get close enough!
- We have to blast it open!

Now what?



- [all groaning]
- [both grunting]

Do something!

[all yell]


- Oh, no!
- She's zapping our energy!

l'll use my Mercuy form
to disrupt the energy field.

When it opens, streak through
and grab the Chalice!

Got it!


- [grunts]
- [groans]


- Are you OK?
- Yeah!


- It lost some power.
- Battlefleet rollers!



- What's happening?
- The Chalice is giving us a clue.

[Ronny gasps]

[both screaming]

[grunts] Yes!

My plan worked perFectly.

[coughs] Master, help me...

All those years
of training you, Miratrix...

l was iust waiting for
the right time to use you.

- Now, it's your turn.
- After all l've done for you.

- All for nothing!
- Pity, isn't it?

- [growls]
- No!



[laughs] Yes!

This relic will lead me
to the final jewel.

Now, to keep those Rangers occupied,

so l can get the iewel
without interruption.



l'll use the power of the Blue Sapphire.

They won't know what hit them.

- [gasps] Hmm...
- What was that?

[growls] Cave rats.



Victoy is near. Ha!

Power Rangers,
the lastjewel will be mine,

and there's nothing you can do about it!

- He's calling the Rangers out.
- He's daring us to come and fight?

Why would he do that?
He has the plate.


That's why.

mill] What is that thing?

[Andrew] It's huge.

lf something that size hits Earth,
we're all goners.

We've got to stop it.
Innocent lives are at risk.

Tyzonn's right.
Take the Megazord. Hury!

You guys go ahead.
l'll go after Kamdor.

l've got a score to settle.

l'm sure that secret panel
is around here somewhere.


[gasps] l know!

l'll strike an evil ninia pose
like Kamdor always does.


[sighs] Flurious is right.

l'm a failure.

He'll never like me now. [sighs]


Wha... [laughs]

l'm so smart! [chuckles]

- Kamdor!
- You dare challenge me

after all your failures?

Don't you care about
this worthless planet?

l do care. That's why l'm here
to stop you, once and for all.

- We shall see.
- [grunting]

Dual mode!

That's a face
only a mother could love.

Leave my mother out of this. [growls]

Get back here! [yells]



- [all] Ready!
- Give it all we've got.

- Hold on, Rangers!
- [all grunting]

[all shouting]

We can't stop now! Keep pushing!

We're breaking apart!

Over here, Ranger.

- Oh, man!
- Charge!

- [yelling]
- mill grunting]

Down-and-out! [grunts]

Hovertek Cycle, go!


- Up here!
- [shouts]


[shouts, grunts]

- Is that all you got?
- But how?

[both grunt]

[all yelling]

Drill Blaster!




[all] Full power!

Drive Slammer!


[yells] Ahh!

Good night!


- We did it!
- Yeah!

- Awesome!
- Woo-hoo!

That's impossible.
You are stronger than l imagined.


l'm not done yet, Kamdor!
You sure you want more?

- [grunts] Till the end!
- [grunts]



Finally. Now, to find the...


That was one tough hombre!

- [Andrew] Hey, it's Will!
- [all cheering]

Nice one!

Kamdor and Miratrix
won't be bothering us ever again.

- [laugh] Yes!
- Miratrix was bad news.

From now on, l'll run a background check
on all the girls l date.

[chuckles] Great iob, guys.
Good job, Mack.

Thanks, Mr HaMord.

[Rose] Let me see that.

[groans] More beetles.

Not more beetles, Dax,
the same beetles.

We're going back to Egypt.

Kamdor and Miratrix are destroyed.

How am l going to locate that jewel?

Master Flurious! [grunts]

- l have something for you.
- Not now, fleabag, l'm busy!

- But, it's a...
- Silence!

They must have hidden it...
but where?

- Here! l brought you this!
- [growls]


The Blue Sapphire.
A jewel of the Corona!

lt's mine! [cackling]

See, l am not worthless.

You like me now?

Are you still here?

Go play with something.

- [growls]
- But... uh... [sighs]


There's nothing here.

[Rose] Wait a minute.

Guys, l think l got it!


- [Mack] Check it out.
- [Dax] You found it, Rose.


[Rose] This is it. The last
undiscovered jewel of the Corona Aurora.


lt's sealed.

Leave it to the professional.



[sighs] l don't get it.
It's impossible to open.

lf these writings are accurate,
we may need that key.

That's right, Power Ranger.

We do need that key. [growls]
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