20x09 - Prince Takes Knight

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x09 - Prince Takes Knight

Post by bunniefuu »

[announcer] Our world was once a safe

and happy place

until evil aliens arrived with one plan--

To destroy earth.

Gosei, earth's ancient guardian awoke

and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new thr*at.

They are the power rangers megaforce!

I can't believe how awesome Robo Knight was.

All that power and speed.

But how come Gosei didn't tell us about him before?

He's probably embarrassed.

It seems Robo Knight has lost some memory.

He doesn't recognize Gosei's authority.

And he thinks he needs to work alone.

He's reckless.

I think Robo Knight kicks Butt.

He'd make a great addition to our team.

What do you think, Troy?


I've been having these dreams.

And Robo Knight is in them.


Some scientists believe that dreams

sometimes foretell the future.

Oh, come on.

Troy, if the dreams are telling the future,

what else happened in them?

There's a big battle.

But the dreams are fuzzy.

That's why I never mentioned them before.

Well, is Robo Knight at least fighting on our side?

I think so. But I'm not sure.

♪♪ Mega force ♪♪

♪♪ power Rangers megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ rangers forever ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce all together ♪♪

♪♪ mega Force ♪♪

♪♪ Mega force ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ rangers forever ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce all together ♪♪

♪♪ mega force ♪♪

♪♪ power rangers megaforce ♪♪

We have a problem.

This Robo Knight is interfering with our plans.

He must be destroyed.

I think I have a better way of solving this problem.

Instead of destroying him,

we'll convert him to our side.

Interesting idea.

He is a powerful adversary.

Turning him into an ally could be extremely helpful.

Yes. Do it!


Now how can I convince a Knight to abandon his mission

to protect this planet and its environment?

Using Persuasion is not the way to change him.

I must physically weaken This robotic guardian first.

Then I can bend him to our will.

I know the perfect monster

to bring Robo Knight to his knees.

Psychotick, come forth.

Did you call for my services?

I have a special mission

that requires your particular skills.

Ah, a snack and snare job.

I'm in!

Psychotick, master of draining energy,

ready and eager to feed.

Capture Robo Knight.

We'll drain him dry and reprogram him.

Yes! [laughs]

[cheering, screaming]

Just listen to those squeals of joy.

I'll turn them into shrieks of fear.

Now I'll devour the power.

[devices beep]

we're being called.

Who wants to play?

Quick, before anyone gets hurt.

[all] it's morphin' time!






Figures that as soon as I get all amped up

that the power rangers make an appearance.

Stop right there!

Ha! After draining all that energy,

I've got power to burn.

And what better way to use it

than to obliterate you rangers?

Shut 'em down, rangers.

[all] mega blaster!

Right back at ya!

Now that's what I call amusement.

And here's more.

Are you okay?

Tick att*ck!


Robo Knight!

Time for the main event.

Robo Knight morph.

Good timing, Robo Knight.

He's tough, but together we can take him.

I will handle it alone.

Ha! Let's see you handle this!

I've been itching to fight you.

Tick att*ck.


No, guys, quick!

Hey, Robo Knight put those people at risk.

Let's get them to safety.

What's the deal, Robo Knight?

You left them wide open.

The monster's my target.

Quick, get out of here.

More people.

Tick att*ck.

Why aren't you protecting those people?

You two, get going! Move!

Come on, go!

Robo blade.

Robo blaster.

Vulcan Cannon, ac-- ugh!

I've been hit.

Got him. Tick att*ck.

Ugh! An energy tick!

Activate! [Laughs]

Robo Knight!

He's mine now.


Yes! Our plan succeeded.

Goodbye, fools.

Ugh. They're gone.

This was all just a trap to capture Robo Knight.

And now we've lost him.

Well, whatever they plan to do to him,

it's got to be bad.

We have to find Robo Knight.

I can't believe we let him get captured.

Tensou, see if you can trace their energy signature

and locate where they teleported.

He's still on earth.

Well, that narrows it down.

I say we let vrak keep him.

Robo Knight didn't even care

when he put all those people in danger.

Robo Knight believes his mission

is to protect the earth, not humans.

But we are part of this earth too.

Unfortunately, he doesn't quite understand that.

It is your mission to win him over.

I could do without him.

Regardless, he's one of us.

We can't give up on anyone who fights for the earth.

And since he's still on earth, we can find him.

Let's go.

Rebooting. Calibrating sensors.

Scanning for possible escape. Searching.

For now, you're my guest, Robo Knight.

You are interfering with my mission.

Such an interesting device.

It tells me your fuel cell is almost half empty,

and you'll lose more,

since that cage is more than just a prison.

Yes, it also drains your power.

Soon you will be too weak to defend yourself.

I will break these bars.

The Harder you try to escape,

the faster that tick will drain your energy.

And the rangers won't help you.

They saw how you endangered humans.

And since you don't care about them,

they won't care about you.

Now it's time for phase two of my plan.

I need you to keep those rangers occupied

while I finish reprogramming our friend here.

With pleasure. [laughs]

no sign of Robo Knight here.

I've got nothing here either.

He's not here, guys.

Keep looking.

Who knows what they're doing to him right now.

Now where to begin?

How about everywhere? Tick att*ck!

I will create chaos by sucking the energy out of everything.



Yes, and launch toaster.

What? No! I want my perfect sandwich.

Yes. Yes.

Ooh! Ow. Ugh.



I've never felt so charged with power.

Bring on the rangers.

Ugh! Power too low.

And once it's completely gone,

you will be reprogrammed.

That morpher belongs to me.


Impressive. Even with almost no energy left,

you continue to fight back to save the earth.

And now not even the rangers will save you.

Wrong, vrak.

Now let Robo Knight go.

Red ranger?

We humans never abandon our friends.

Never abandon friends?

Hmmph. There's your weakness--

That you protect each other.

And he is not even one of you.

Anyway, you're too late.

Soon Robo Knight will be reprogrammed,

and you're not strong enough to fight me alone.

[laughs] and he's too weak to do anything at all.

Must protect earth's environment.

I'm never really alone.

We're all here for each other, and I'm here for our friend.

It's morphin' time.

Go, go megaforce!


You fool!

[laughs] So much energy to absorb.

There's no end to it.

Yes, there is.

Your energy-Draining fun is over, you greedy bug.

Hmm. My boss needs more time.


[Loogies chittering]

att*ck those humans.

Time to get back to someone more important.


He's trying to hold us up.

I bet that means they're doing something to Robo Knight.

We need to get to Troy and help him.

Let's double-Team 'em.

We'll be done in half the time.


Man, she's cool.

Wait for it.

Just say when.


Let's go find our teammates.


Time to end this.

Master vrak.

What is it?

The other rangers are occupied,

and I'm all charged up

and ready to take this red one down for good.

[black Ranger] hold it right there, vrak.


I thought you took care of them.

Well, I...

we got here as fast as we could.

I knew you'd find me.

Useless fool.

The others, they came too.

But why?

I need to help,

But my energy's almost fully drained.

Robo Knight, we'll get you out.

I may not like some of the things you've done,

But Troy trusts you.

We're not just gonna leave you in there.

No, risking lives for me is illogical.

The mission is to protect the earth.

Don't you see? We're all on the same team.

We're all trying to save the earth.


It's simple.

We're the good guys and they're the bad guys.

We help each other.

Good guys?

Step back.



Oh, good. I have your attention.

Now you can witness the end of the power rangers.

No power to help them!

No indeed. And now, because of you,

the rangers are finished.


you okay? Not really.

It's over, rangers.

No way! We'll never give up.

Oh, no?

[Coughs] nope. We're doing great.

As long as we're United, there's always hope!

Yeah, enjoy this little break before we take you down.

The world is counting on us.

We will find a way to defeat you.

Find a way.


I can do this.

Yes. Trace the power drain.

Reroute the energy back to power cell.



whoa! Nice.

What? Not good.


He's free!

and he's mad.


Power is back at full capacity.

Ugh! No!

I am a protector of the earth.

You and all threats to the environment will be eliminated.

But you can't shake us.

Prepare for destruction.

I knew he was one of us.

Robo blaster.

Forget it.

I've soaked up too much power

for you to stop me now.

Tick att*ck!

Robo blade!

You won't stop us!

Earth power!

Vulcan Cannon...


[Gosei] Summon vulcan Cannon.

Vulcan Cannon, set.

Knight dynamic card... activate.

[Gosei] Knight dynamic.

For the future of the earth.


Knight dynamic, fire!

You will pay for this. Big time!



he wasn't kidding when he said big time.

All right. Time for the megazord.

No, I will handle this.

Time to deploy my zords.

Great. Both megazords together.

Mine will be sufficient.

Knight brothers.


[Gosei] Summon Knight zords.

[Robo Knight] Sea lion mechazord.

Sky lion mechazord.

That's it! I'm putting my foot down.

On your heads.

Huh? Whoa!

Knight Brothers activation complete.

[all] whoa!

Lion zord, morph!

Lion mechazord, activate!

Gosei grand megazord, activate.

Zords combine.

[Gosei] summon megazord.

Gosei grand megazord, ready.

He's his own megazord.

Yeah. Get him, Robo Knight!

I am prepared to defend the earth's environment.

Good. I'll finish you off and then squash the rangers.

I'll take you apart zord by zord.

Psychotick's trying to lift him.

Or the other way around.

Tick att*ck!

Robo Knight, watch out!

Shouldn't we help him?

No. He wants to do this on his own.

Sea lion kick.


Sky lion, move in.

Now that's how you kick Butt.

Victory charge.

Ready. Activate.

Your environmental thr*at will be removed forever.

♪♪ Power rangers, power rangers ♪♪

I'm not done.

Victory charge, grand strike.

Or am I?


Nice job.


All that sizzle, just to end with a fizzle.

Couldn't have done better myself.

Yeah, he's unbelievable.

He is. It'll be amazing to have him on our team.



thr*at neutralized.

That bucket of bolts b*at us,

and your brilliant plan failed.

I'm sorry, sir.

Your plan to bring Robo Knight over to our side wasn't horrible,

But once again something failed in the execution.

That flea psychotick wasn't up to the task.

Now that Robo Knight has joined the rangers,

he will be an even bigger problem,

a problem you must solve.

Sentry mode, activate.

Robo Knight, you did a great job today.

Just think how much we can accomplish together.

[gears whir]

working together is good for humans,

but I work alone.

Working together is inefficient.

Must continue mission alone

to minimize errors and to defeat the bad guys.


he was quoting you, you know.

I think he kinda likes you.

Get real. He's a robot.

But he is kinda studly.


I think we're making progress with him.

Yeah, but he still doesn't understand

how to work with a team.

I think he's trying to tell us he's learning.

That's more than some of us can say.

What are you guys saying?

Today was a mega win.

Let's go celebrate at Ernie's.

Oh, and Jake, you're buying.

Wait. What?

[Sighs] Come on, guys.

[Power Rangers heme]

♪♪ ♪♪
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