11x08 - Nowhere To Grow

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x08 - Nowhere To Grow

Post by bunniefuu »

Can we go now, please?

I've got homework and Sensei will
freak if we're out this late.

Come on, Tori, just five minutes.

Dude, I nearly landed it.

Not to mention what Cam will say

when he finds you took
his night-vision camera.

Keep going, man. That's sick, dude!

- What are you doing?
- What?

You don't want Kelzacks on your video.

Tori, come on!


This'll be great for your video!


Hey! We heard
there was a garden party.

We were bummed we weren't invited.

Mind if we crash?

- Ready?
- Ready.

Ninja Storm, Ranger form.

Power of Air!

Power of Water!

Power of Earth!

Don't they know it's a school night?

I don't think they care.
Let's make this quick.

- Look what I've got!
- Watch the suit, bud.

It's Florabundacus.

Nice. Parents didn't
like you much, huh?


- You OK?
- Hope you don't have allergies.

- This flower's nothing to sneeze at.
- Time to make like a plant and leaf.

There she goes. The seeds!

Rangers, my father
would like a word with you.

Oh, busted.

Man, I can't believe
we got stalked by celery.

Here's a thought: maybe you're not
getting enough sleep.

I must see those seeds.

We will discuss why you were
out on a school night later.

I'd hate to be in your skate shoes.

Shouldn't you be cleaning
ancient scrolls or something?

Since when has Lothor
been into gardening?


That is some stink, man.

Smells like Dustin
after ninja training.

It does too!

Hey, Sensei, what are those?

I'm not certain.
I have an acquaintance, Dr Belrab.

He's an expert on exotic plants.

In the morning, you must visit him
at his botanical laboratory.

Why don't I go?

This may require someone who
actually has a clue about botany.

Dude, just so you know,

not a very good pickup line.

Shane, come on.

That's enough.
All of you, return home.

You must be alert for tomorrow.

And, Cam, be careful
how you choose to get involved.

Dad, I can help.

And you always do.

No, I mean really help.

I'm tired of sitting around
doing nothing.

I have my reasons. I want you here.

Have you ever seen
one of these before?

Oh, yes.
It's called a sudima plant.

It's very...

Ah, yes, very rare. From the same
family as the Venus flytrap.

- Only with a more aggressive nature.
- How aggressive?

Fully grown, this plant will devour
everything in its path.

I think we may have a problem.

Don't worry, they're harmless.

Unless fertilised with
a special nutrient bath...

mineral water with a kick.

Where do you get this special water?

There's a volcanic spring
north of here

which has a similar combination
of minerals.

You're talking about Turner Springs!

I've been experimenting with
the waters on some of my plants.

The trek is too hard for me
to make often. I've got corns!


Oh, yeah! Thanks.

Hey, was that...?

When was the last time
you saw Cam leave Ninja Ops?

- Should we call Sensei?
- Not yet.

You two go talk to the plant guy.

I'll see Cam doesn't get into trouble.

- All right.
- OK.

Excuse me,
we're looking for Dr Belrab.

Yeah, Dr Belrab's
a little tied up right now.

But we'd be happy to help.
I'm Professor Treelove,

- and my assistant...
- Miss Root! Flora Root.

My sister's vegetarian and she would
freak if she saw this place.

What's this?

This is a blossom used for perfume.

You wanna smell?

Hey, wait a minute.
I know you two! You're...

Nighty-night. Sleep tight.

Don't let the evil ninjas take over
while you're too tired to fight!

Don't talk, OK? Just don't.

Lothor told me
you two were hopeless.

Handle these sleeping beauties
while I attend to my children.

Yeah, baby!

This is a beautiful spot to grow
my botanical bombshells!

Once those mopheads return
with the rest of the potent potables,

I'll fertilise all you little rug runts.

And then one by one
we'll have ourselves some fun! Fun!


You'll be sprouting
like wicked little weeds.

For years they've been
forgetting to water us,

pulling us out of the ground
by the roots.

Now they'll see what it's like.
Grow, baby! Grow!

That should be enough.

- What are you doing here?
- Good question. You first.

They're after the water.
We gotta stop them!

What was that all about?

Where did you learn
to fight like that?

Grew up in ninja school.
Do the math.

I'm just surprised.
Didn't know you had it in you.

There's a lot you don't know
about me.

Whose fault is that?

I gotta get the sample back.

What are you gonna tell your dad?

Don't worry. I'll handle him.

Nobody handles Sensei. You should
know that better than anybody.

He cares about you,
doesn't want you getting hurt.

As you can see,
he's got nothing to worry about.

Wake up!

What's happening?

This is what happens
when you play with your food.

I think I can get us out.

Hot, cut it out!


Sorry, a little adjustment.

You deliberately went against
my wishes by going off on your own.

I'm disappointed in you, Cam.

How did you know?

I'm a ninja master. And your father.

Not a good combination
if you're pulling a fast one.

Son, I always knew
this day would come.

It's in your blood.

I have nothing against Shane.
Or Tori. Or Dustin.

They've come a long way.

But I know I could help.

And not just in here,
but out there.

As a Power Ranger, perhaps?

Yes. As a Power Ranger.

I don't see why you can't...

Cam. You could be
the bravest Ranger of them all.

The why didn't you choose me?

I am forbidden by a promise
that was made many years ago.

A promise? To who?

When your mother fell ill,

I swore to protect you from harm.

She knew only too well a ninja's life
is one of constant danger.

That was when I was a helpless child.

There is nothing more sacred than
a promise made to a loved one.

Mother would want this,
for me to fulfil my potential.

Unfortunately, we will never know.

I'm sorry.

Almost there.

- About time.
- I'll take that as a thanks.

You know what I meant.

Let's go. Sensei needs to know about
this freaky plant thing.

That must be Dr Belrab.

- You figured that out?
- It's on his name tag.

Help me get him down.

- Not there!
- Dude, I'm sorry.

A terrible creature is growing
the sudima plant in my basement.

Go get help!

Dude, it's that smell again.

It's some sort of nursery.

Man, what would grow in
that water? It is gnarly.


Those are my flower children,

so back off before I put my pedals
to your metal! Can you dig it?!


Ninja Storm, Ranger form!

Get off me!

This just doesn't cut it.

Sprout, children. It's time
to pollinate the population.

Grow, babies, grow!

I can't reach my sword!

- Quickly, Cam.
- Let me go. I can help them.

No. Send Shane.

Cam for Shane. Cam for Shane.

- The others are in trouble.
- On it.


Ninja Storm, Ranger form!


Whoa! Oh, hi, Shane!

Any day now!

On it. Hawk Blaster!

What? It didn't make a dent.

- Cam, I'm in trouble here.
- Shane's down.

These are some vicious vines.

Until Shane destroys the primary
plant, we can't stop its offspring.

Shane, I've been working
on some programs

to increase the strength
of your sword blades.

Prepare to download!

Got it! One chopped salad coming up.

Ninja sword, power up.

She loves me, she loves me not.
She loves me, she loves me not.

Good job, Shane. Everyone OK?

Yeah, Cam, we're fine.
Thanks to you.

Why you...!

You destroyed my plant.
That bums me out.

Give it your best sh*t.

You really get wrapped up
in your work, don't you?

I'm a flora you can't ignora.

Whoa, that was freaky.

It's a ninja sword
and weed whacker all in one.

Let's put 'em together.

Storm striker.

What a night.


- Well, another one bites the dust.
- Whose idea was the weed?

- His, sir.
- Not me! Him!

That's some fertiliser!

- I knew it. Cam, we need the zords.
- You got it.

Let's go.

This won't take long.
Lightning mode.

- You don't scare me.
- Maybe this will.

Ramp att*ck.


Power down to battle mode.

- Let's whack this weed for good.
- Right! Blizzard flurry!

I don't dig the big chill.

Power discs.

- Locked and dropped.
- Right!

One to the power of three.

Serpent sword, triple strike.

- Yeah!
- We did it!

- I can see my house from here.
- All right!

Come on, Sensei.

We never would have found those
seeds if we hadn't been out late.

I have considered that.

Nonetheless, breaking rules
cannot go unnoticed.

Everyone, ten mile jog, please.


It's cold out.

Ten miles in the cold!

- I said everyone.
- Me?

What did I do?

Besides sneaking out,
fighting Kelzacks,

and disobeying my direct orders...

How old does someone have to be
to do what they want?

No-one has ever lived
that long, Cam. Now go.

When you return, we will
discuss your future training.

But what about your promise?

There are other ways,
besides that of the ninja.
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