11x28 - Shimazu Returns

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x28 - Shimazu Returns

Post by bunniefuu »

Deep in the mountains,

secret ninja academies
train our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three
who would be chosen above the others.

Three who would become...

Where are you taking me?

This better not be a surprise pam.

l despise surprise parties.

No looking.
You're not looking, are you?

All right, now.

Sir, we made the adjustments,
per your instructions.

l am Motodrone. l am here to serve.


Quiet, quiet, here it comes.
Oh, man, l love this!

Hi there, couch potatoes.
Stu Starmaker here.

This is the place
where dreams become reality.

Totally Talented!

Twenty lucky contestants,
all potential stars,

but only one gets to go to Holl__
to fulfil their dream.

- Hey, what was that for?
- l was watching that!

You have to be kidding me!
You don't watch this, do you?

This is an action sports shop.
No trash TV viewing here.


What's up, guys?

Where's Stu?

- Denied.
- Well, l was sick of watching it.

- Hey, you didn't just bag on Stu?
- No, l said l was sick of watching.

But not being on it.

- Yeah? What's the deal?
- They're looking for future stars.

That's us. We ty out next week.

- What do you guys do?
- Hey, we do plenty.

Yeah, but who'd want to watch it?

You have a great voice.
You should ty out.

What about you?
You're a fierce dancer.

Hey, and me.
Sax master extraordinaire.

Hey, hold up a sec. You guys
are cutting into our action here?

l gotta go practise.
There's jazz class at .OO.

- Hey, hold up. Can l get a lift?
- Man, this is just wrong.

Kelly! Can l use the back room
to practise my sax?

l don't believe it.

l told you we should've kept it
on the DL.

OK, Dad, l managed to re-align
the dish for the new satellite.

Anything else you need me to do?

- What's this?
- Observe.

- The Museum of Asian Histoy?
- Yes, Cameron.

The museum has unearthed
a rather valuable artefact.

l have arranged for it
to be kept here.

Can it wait till tomorrow?

We must retrieve
the artefact immediately,

before Lothor attempts
to claim it for his own.

All right. Let me get this straight.

The mo of you were in a museum?

We are talking about the place with all
the paintings and sculptures and art?

l told you we should've taken photos!

We were at the museum on a field trip

with our Evil Space
Ninja histoy class, right?

- We heard something bizarre.
- Yeah.

Probably their brains tying
to keep up with the other fifth graders.

Zip it, Zurgane!
Oh, wait, you can't.

You don't have a mouth.

She's got a point there.

All right! Quiet, all of you.
Get on with it.

Well, there was this guy, right?

And he was saying
that there was this box.

l know it's here somewhere.

Let me see...

Here it is.

Do you know what's in it?

l was hoping you would tell me.

Only one way to find out.

Oh, let me guess. Field trip?

- No! Show-off!
- That was so last week.

- Pery? Is that...?
- l have no use for Pery.

l am my own being, brought to life
by the great and powerFul Lothor.

Well, that's really nice for you,
but l have to go.

Not before you hand that over.

lf you want it, come and get it.

- Motodrone!
- You let him get away!

l can't believe
Uncle went to the trouble

of putting you back together again.
What a waste.

Evey time l look in your eyes


What in the...?

Hey, Cam.

ln my heart


Hey, it' the Kids from fame.

Please tell me this isn't part
of the ninja training, Dad.

Dad! Hello? Dad!

- What is going on around here?
- We're gonna be on rotalry ralented.

Don't you have to have...

- Forget it.
- Is somebody green with envy?

No, just green. Look, you guys aren't
the only ones with hidden talent.

Cool. What do you do?

lf l showed you,
it wouldn't be hidden. Dad, l got it.

- Got what?
- l don't know.

- Can we open it?
- Only in case of an emergency.

What is in that container is far
too powerFul to be used otherwise.

So, let me get this straight.

You didn't get
what l sent you to get

and you brought
this... this thing to life.

And now you want to add him
to my evil army.

Yeah, well
he's got nowhere eise to go.

- Besides, he's, like, really scay.
- Does he do anything?

lf he wants to be part of my army,
he's got to have a special power.

Well, he has super cool make-up.

Yeah. Well, Uncle, what's
the worst thing that could happen?

l mean, they blow 'em up,
we grow him big again,

they blow 'em up again, we grow him,
and they blow 'em and we grow him.

- l know the formula!
- Yeah.

l'll give him one chance.

lf he fails, there's a wormhole right
outside with both your names on it.

- Understood?
- Yeah.

And the strange wolf-like creatures

have been seen in the forest
outside Blue Bay Harbour.

Until the authorities can be sure
that the area is safe,

citizens are advised
to stay close to the city.

- Did they say anything about...
- Big wolf-looking things?

Weird. Wonder what'll happen?

You think maybe the Power Rangers
should check it out?

Oh, yeah, right.

Any sign of them from
the surveillance drone, Cam?

l don't see anything, but that doesn't
mean there's nothing out there.

Well, l vote we do
a little patrolling.

- Where are the Thunders?
- Totally secret talent show practice.

Not them, too.

Wait! l'm picking something up.


They can't be too far away.

- OK, they're right behind us.
- You sure about that?


l guess it's time
for some obedience training.

Lead the way.

- Ready?
- Ready!

- Ninja Storm!
- Samurai Storm!

Ranger form!

Ninia Ranger Power!


All right, l'm taking suggestions.

Rolled-up newspaper?

How about one of those electric collars?

- Down, boy!
- Bad dog!

- Hunter!
- Blake!

Maybe they were afraid of Thunder.

Take a look at this.

l saw him... it, at the museum.
But it was just a statue.

- So who is this dude, anyway?
- Shimazu. An ancient w*rlord.

What you saw, Cam, was his spirit,
preserved for centuries

in an ancient mask
carved in his likeness.

What does this guy have to do
with those rabid rejects?

Shimazu was known
for terrorising local villages

with creatures called Wolfblades.

So this guy and his wolves are
roaming around Blue Bay Harbour now?

How is that possible?

l bet that whatever energy source
was used to bring back Motodrone

rubbed off on Shimazu.

Great. Now we got a ,OOO-year-old
Kabuki dude with an attitude

and his Pet wolves
running loose in the city.

- Don't forget Lothor.
- Tying to look on the bright side?

Dustin brings up a good point.

lf Shimazu has been brought to life
by Motodrone,

there is a good chance he has
already aligned himself with Lothor.

See! Not so dumb after all.

Do you have anything to say before
l throw you into the wormhole?

Does he speak?

- We don't really know.
- l'll make him speak!

- It was a test.
- That made him speak.

The strength
of your modern warriors is great.

My Wolfblades
are up to the challenge.

However, we must decrease their numbers
if we are to have success.

Now we're getting somewhere!

Motodrone, prepare to ioin the battle.

- Yes, sir. My thoughts exactly.
- l don't pay you to think.

Just get down there!

What is it, Cam?

No sign of Shimazu,
l've got Motodrone on the scanner.

He's mine.

- You look for the three Wolfblades.
- Right. We'll take the forest.

l'll track what's going on
from the Samurai Star Chopper.

- Ready?
- Ready!

- Ninja Storm!
- Thunder Storm!

- Samurai Storm!
- Ranger Form!

- Power of earth!
- Air!

- Water!
- Power of thunder!

Welcome to your nightmare,
Crimson Ranger. Remember me?

Like l could ever forget that face.

Ninia Glider Cycle!

Tori, Dustin, l've got you
on the tracking system.

You've got three bogies approaching.

Yeah, we found 'em, Cam.

Nice puppy. You want to play fetch?

Better call in the others.

Shane! Blake! Tori and Dustin
need you in the City Square.

- On it. You got that?
- Got it.

Easy, big fella. Nice and easy.

Waddup, dog?

Time for you to get housebroken.

Careful, Shane,
they might have rabies.

- Their bark is worse than their bite.
- Anyone got a silver b*llet?

Hey, look!

Come, come, Power Rangers.

Don't you know wolves can smell fear?

You've obviously sent them
into a feeding frenzy!

The only one
who should be afraid is you!

And whoever designed
that ridiculous outFit!

Why would l be afraid of children?

Tell me he did not
just call us children.

Let's work this loser!

Hey, nice sandals.
They make those for guys?


- This is not looking good.
- You have a lot to learn, warrior.

You can start
with respecting your elders.

That goes for
your little playmates, too!

- Let him go.
- As you wish!

- Shane! Are you all right?
- Allow me to help.

A childish ploy, unfit for a warrior.

No matter! l will find you
and, once l do...!

Glider bike, flight mode, engage!

Hey, up here!

No! l'm hit! l'm hit!

Hunter, are you all right?
Can you hear me?

l'm fine, but my bike's gonna need
a little bodywork.

Cam, can you get a fix on Motodrone?
He disappeared.

l'm working on it. But nothing yet.

Shane, l've got Motodrone at the beach,

but the WoIMlades are
around the corner from you.

- We'll take care of the flea bags.
- OK. l'm on my way, Cam.

Good luck!

You're mine, Moto-mouth!

You're overestimating your abilities.

Man! Don't these dogs ever lie down?

- Dudes, l'm getting thrashed here!
- Time to send you to the pound!

- You mutts need flea collars!
- And muzzles!

Where's animal control
when you need them?

You again? l'd be impressed
if l weren't so annoyed.

You can't defeat me
with mere fists, Power Ranger.

Then l guess l don't have a choice.

Motodrone, get ready
to meet the Battlizer!

Battlizer engaged!

- My hand!
- What was that you were saying?

Battlizer flight mode!

What's this?

Don't bring that lame stuff
into my house.

- What?
- Battlizer Laser engage!


You ready to call it a day?

You haven't seen
the last of me, Red Ranger!

OK, guys, we need a new plan.

Yeah. The Cuios aren't cooperating.

- Any ideas?
- Follow my lead.

This way!

Split up!

Here, doggy doggy!

- Now! Go for it!
- Fire!

- Yeah!
- Oh, yeah!

- Come on!
- Hey!

- Help! They've got me!
- Let her go!

All right, this calls
for desperate measures.

No! Stop! What are you doing?

Ninia power!


Let's bail on this dog house.


You may have won the battle
but the w*r is far from over!

You've all done well.

But l'm afraid Shimazu has proven
himself a worthy opponent.

No kidding. Those wolves
were dogging us big time.

Unfortunately, they're not done.

No way!

You gotta be kidding me!
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