11x29 - Shimazu Returns pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x29 - Shimazu Returns pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Deep in the mountains

secret Winja academies
train our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three
who'd be chosen above the others.

Three who'd become...

Previously on
Power Rangers Ninja Storm:

- l am here to serve.
- Excellent.

We're gonna be on rotalry ralented.

You aren't the only ones
with hidden talent.

Can we open it?

What is in that container
is far too powerFul.

You didn't get
what l sent you to get.

You brought this thing to life.

Shimazu was known for terri_ing people
with creatures called Wolfblades.

That's one ugly mutt!

Man, the leash laws in this town
need some serious work.

You guys better get out there
before it decides

to make the Federal Building
into a chew toy.

- Ready?
- Ready.

- Wind Storm.
- Thunder Storm.

Wind Force.

- Power of water.
- Power of earth.

Power of thunder.

- Let's pound this hound.
- Right.

- Hunter, Minizord formation.
- Good call, Shane.

Power disks locked and dropped.

Rangers forming
the Thunderstorm Megazord.

Wind Power, Thunder Power unite.

That's right, fleabag, keep yapping,
we got something for you.

Light laser att*ck!

Yeah, boy!

- Gotta be kidding!
- No.

- Impossible.
- Is this happening?

l have to get 'em out of there.

Power down.

They've gone, sir.

What do you mean, ''They've gone?''

They managed to retreat
through their teleportation system.

l am running out of patience
with all of you.

But their Zords have been damaged.
That's excellent progress.

My nephew will rebuild them
in one day, you fool.

You're right, sir.

Shimazu, let's talk multicoloured
superheroes. What is your next move?

l suspect they will attempt
to galvanise their army

as a result of their failure
to defeat my Wolfblades.

- It makes sense. Go on.
- The green one was in the museum

the day l was brought back to life.
He left with an important artefact.

l knew l should never have entrusted
my nieces to get that.

lt is not the artefact
that concerns me,

but we can not allow them
to unlock its powerFul secret.

Well, we'll just have to prevent that
from happening then, won't we?

Listen up, eveybody. The Zords should
be back online by tomorrow at the latest

but we're gonna need reinforcements.

Well, l'm open to any suggestions
on how we deal with these freaks.

l have one. Dad, l think this is
a pre_ clear case of emergency.

Say no more, Cam.
You have my permission.

We're finally gonna see
what the big deal is.

- Anyone want to take bets?
- It's gotta be some old sword.

Or a cool fighting staff.

Hey, just what we need,
another ancient scroll.

Cam, l iust wanted to ask...

OK. Well, maybe we'll just
Ieave you alone.

So what do we do
while we wait for the dog pack?

- Be strong and stay alert.
- Let's go, dude.

We got something to take care of.

- They're kidding, right?
- Call if you need us.

OK, then.

- What is wrong with him?
- l think l ruptured my eardrum.

- Come on. It wasn't that bad.
- Not that bad?

l thought someone was dragging
their nails across a chalkboard.

- What are you doing?
- We were thinking.

Always a problem.

What better way
to take over Earth than...

With a talent show.


l believe you've come up
with your stupidest idea ever.

But sir, if they win the talent show
they get a big recording contract.

And no one is more powerFul on Earth
than pop stars.

Right. Enter your contest.

But stay out of the way of
the real evil geniuses around here.

OK, back to work.

Absolutely. It's like...

The Wolfblades are back.
They must have guessed our plan.

We must act quickly.

According to the scroll
l need to harness

an impossible amount of power
to open the portal.

Nothing is impossible, son.
We have called on great power before.

Then l know what l need to do.

Wait up, bro.

l feel kind of guilty
spying on them like this.

All's fair in love and show business.

l gotta check out what they're doing
for rotalry ralented. Come on.

You guys lost?

- l hate it when you guys do that.
- You guys need any help?

Well, we were iust in the area.

Sory. You're such a bad liar.
Don't even go there.

Go for Shane.

Shane, you and the other Rangers
must come to Winja Ops right away.

- On it.
- Come on.

Thanks, buddy, but l'm iust practising.

What's up?

- We need you at Winja Ops, Dustin.
- l'm on my way.

Let me get this straight.
You want what?

Your power disks.

l know l'm the slow one, but
doesn't that mean we'll have no powers?

- Yes, but only until l return.
- l don't know it that's a great idea.

l kind of like knowing l can kick
some Space Ninja butt if l have to.

l understand your hesitation,
Rangers, but it is the only way.

How does giving up our power disks
help defeat Shimazu?

To defeat his Wolfblades we must
open the portal to the ancient world.

Your six power disks are the only
entity powerFul enough to do that.

lf anything happens
Cyber Cam can activate the Zords.

You can still operate them
in civilian form.



- We'll be ready.
- Well, wish me luck.

Thunder Storm, Ranger Form.

Green Samurai Power.

Engage Search Mode.

Sir, we just located the Green Ranger
in his Samurai Starchopper.

Exactly as planned. Shimazu.

Sir. Those mangy mutts of yours
better not let me down.

l will personally see that they do not.

Come to me, my Wolfblades.

Gather round, Wolfblades.
There's work to be done.

l've got the coordinates. l should be
in range soon. Stay on alert, Rangers.

Just a few clicks to the portal.

Right on time. Let's put our heads
together and make some noise.

What the...?

l'm hit. l'm down. l'm down.

- Cam!
- We have to help him.

Hello. anyone notice
a three-headed giant dog on the loose?

You really need an attitude adiustment.

- It's not in my programming.
- Is sending Zords?

- Right.
- Let's go.

Good luck.

l'm tired of getting dogged
by those mutts.

Super Samurai Mode.

The portal's got to be around here
somewhere. Samurai Power!

All right, guys, without our powers
we can't take any direct hits.

ls that supposed to cheer us up?
It's not working.

Just be careful.

How about we just
blow this guy away and go home?

Over here in the flying fish.

Whaddup, dogs?
Meet the beetles.

Haven't you heard?
Bird is the word.

OK. It's gotta be around here.

Portal coordinates, online.

There it is. Yes!

Found it.

Just like the scroll said.

Now let's see.







lnner portal, activate.

That is awesome.

Now we'll see who's got hidden talent.

Let's hope the stories about this
are for real. Strike Mode.

Engaged. Power disk. Lock and load.

Cyber Cam, any word
from your min bro yet?

Yeah, 'cos we're getting hammered.

Wothing yet.
Hold those mutts o♪ as long as you can.

Hury, Cam. Hury.

Guys, check it out.

You should totally ty out
or Totally Talented.

Not now, Dustin.

l'm calling it
the Lightning Riff Blaster.

Couldn't come up with a better name?

Actions speak louder than words, Blake.
Check it out.

l can use it
to summon the mighty Mammoth Zord.

Why didn't you iust say so?


l'm sending you back your power disks.

lt's time to put this puppy
down once and for all.

Loading power disks.

Ninja Storm,
Ranger Form!

Ninia Ranger Power!

Check it out.
You're going to the pound, Wolfman.

Power Spheres, release.

Serpent Sword.
Lion Hammer. Turtle Mace.

Ty him with the Mammoth Zord.
The power should be enough.

Got it.
Initiating sequence.

Mammoth Zord, engage weapons.
Sphere att*ck.

Ninia Ranger Power.

That's what l call
bowling a perFect game.

- Zurgane, report.
- Sir, Shimazu has failed.

Shall we banish him to the farthest
reaches of the solar system?

lf l banished evey imbecile
that failed me there'd be no one left.

Cage Shimazu for now.

But mark my words
all of you had better come up

with a plan to defeat
the Power Rangers, and soon!

Or banishment will be
the least of your worries.

Hey, you made it.

Sure it's not Cyber Cam?

lt's the real me.

That thing's not gonna summon
any ancient mammoth robots, is it?

lt might. l've been known
to rock a few worlds.

Big words, little man.

Hey, but don't feel too bad
when you come in second.

- Or third.
- Or fourth.

OK, we're on.

lt's time for rotalry ralented.

Today one talented act will win
a chance of a lifetime.

So who's it gonna be?

l can reach the sky
on the wing of your love

Like a mighty eagle
soaring high above

Moto, me l'm a hunter
he my brother Blake

We may not look alike, but make
no mistake he spins and scratches

So my lyric it matches

We can burn a techniques
It's hard it's on your cheeks

We'll make other rappers
Iook like _O's flappers

We're the Moto Bros
we take no prisoners

We're the Moto Bros
we gotta a million misses

We're the Moto Bros
you can be a part, too

But to be a part of the crew
you gotta moto on through

That was so cool.
l didn't know you guys could do that.

Now for our final act, from...

Well, all it says
is from far, far away S & A

Space Ninias With Attitude.

Oh, listen to me, baby

Baby, don't you know
l'm an Interstellar Winja

l'm an evil UFO

Those are my girls.

l wanna be your girl
don't you know our love could be

Out of this whole wide world?

l wanna be your space girl

Yeah, in-your-face girl

Without-a-trace girl
Ace girl

l wanna be your space girl, yeah
In-your-face girl

Why don't you come on over
to another galaxy?

l wanna be your space girl

Well, folks,
l don't think there's any doubt.

Our winners are
S & A Space Ninjas With Attitude.

No way!

Dude, they were pre_ good.

They go on to win a trip to Hollywood
and future stardom.

Let's give them a big round of applause.

OK, there's something wrong
with this picture.

Really wrong. l think l know why.

l knew it.

Do you guys wanna ty that again...

Oh, listen to me, baby

...without the CD player?

- They're our real voices.
- Yeah. With a little enhancement.

Well, hey, if we can't win, nobody wins.

l am sick of working with amateurs.
l've done Shakespeare.

Where's my agent?
l'm out of here.

So, does that mean nobody wins today?

l don't know, Dustin,
l think we're all winners.
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