11x32 - Eye of the Storm

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x32 - Eye of the Storm

Post by bunniefuu »

Deep in the mountains

secret Winja academies
train our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three who
would be chosen above the others.

Three who would become...

See you tomorrow, guys.

- See you.
- Where's Shane?

Samurai training is the one class
l never want to be late for.

- There he is.
- Hey, man.

What's up? You don't look so good.

l just found out
my big brother's coming to town.

- That'd bum me out, too.
- Hey!

No, man, for real.
What's the matter?

No, it's just...
he's like the perFect son.

Successful. He's got a great job.
Nice house.

He's not much into skateboarding.

Why doesn't he ty motocross?

Not the point, dude. Trust me,

it'd take more than big air
to mellow out my brother.

You disgust me.

You have given me
failure after failure.

Will not one of you come up
with a plan worthy of my evilness?

- l have, sir.
- Well, let's hear it.

This is Eyezik, the most terri_ing
monster in your army.

Scay. But looks aren't evemhing.
What does he do?

- He'll need a volunteer.
- Pick me! Pick me!

Wait. What did we
just volunteer for?

Oh! That so doesn't go
with your outFit.

Leave me alone.

What's so funny?

Let me in on the joke.
Why are you laughing at me?

What did l do? Stop laughing at me.
Stop it! Stop it!

Stop laughing!

The Collar of Nightmares forces
its victims to see their worst fears.

Get it off! Please.

l'm frightened. Help me! Please!

No! No!

l like it.

Cam says our bikes
won't be ready for a week.

Well, l guess we'll just
have to practise with these mo.

- l'm game.
- Are you sure? Careful.

l can't watch.
This is gonna be ugly.

- Come on, Tori.
- l'm right with you.

Uh, guys?

- Careful!
- They're too powerFul.

Holy guacamole!

- Oh, man!
- Told you.

Sory, guys.

Yep, you meaked them real good.

Well, that was productive.

Shane, we can't let
these guys show us up.

Huh? Sory, Tori.
l can't really focus right now.

Your brother's visit's really
messing with you.


l gotta go. l gotta meet him at the
skatepark. He'll freak if l'm late.

Be cool, you haven't seen him
in a while. Maybe he's changed.


Hey, you made it, man.

Did you see that
front-side nose grind?

l wasn't really watching.

Can we go somewhere a little
Iess active where we can talk?

Sure. Whatever.


Listen, Shane, Mum and Dad
are a little worried about you.

What do you mean?

You're not a kid anymore.

You're growing up and
we're all wondering what's next.


lt's a big world out there.

Have you made any plans
for the rest of your life?

- l've been busy lately.
- That's what l was afraid of.

lt's not what you think.

You should spend
Iess time skateboarding

and more time focusing
on what's important in life.

- You mean what's important to you.
- l didn't make the rules.

- l just follow them.
- l don't.

l can't believe you'd bag on me!
You've no idea what l've been through.

So tell me.

l can't.

l have a business appointment.
We'll talk about this later.

- Have you solved your problem, son?
- l'm getting close.

l have faith you will work it out.

lt always happens in the middle of
something! l'll alert the others.

What's the deal?

The dogs! The dogs!

Do you see any dogs?

Only that dog-faced freak.

Rangers, let me help you
face your fears.


What are we waiting for?

- Ninja Storm.
- Thunder Storm.

- Samurai Storm.
- Ranger Form.

Ranger Storm Power.


Do it, Eyezik.

- What is that thing?
- l don't know, but it looks nasty.

- Where's Shane?
- No idea.


Glad you could make it.
Join the pam.

Ninja Storm.
Ranger Form.


You wanna play rough?

Battlizer Flight Mode.

Full power.

Laser, engage. Fire.

We're not finished.

All right!

- Shane, you rock.
- Oh, yeah. Smooth move, dude.


ls there, uh,
something you want to tell me?

We have succeeded in collaring
many citizens. Panic is spreading.

What of the Rangers?
How many have you captured?

Love that vocabulay, Motodrone. You
and Eyezik go to the same school?

Get me a Ranger
by the end of the day,

- or l put one on you.
- Sir.

Lothor att*cked the Ninja Academy
and Sensei passed on Ranger powers.

Wow! My baby bro is a Power Ranger!

A Red Power Ranger.

Sometimes l don't believe it myself.

You can't tell anybody about it.
It's not even safe for you to know.

Your secret's safe with me.

Boy, l feel pre_ stupid.

l told you you needed
to be more responsible

and you're responsible
for protecting the planet!

- l'm not a little kid any more.
- No, you're not.

And l'm really proud of you.

l analysed the brainwaves
of the people Eyezik att*cked.

His collar can harness
their deepest fears.

That's low even for Lothor.

Better repair the Tsunami Cycles,
we may need 'em.

Someone had a little accident.

We'll go with you. Some of us
could use the practice.

One spill and suddenly
you're a road hazard?

See you.

Hey, uh, Sensei,

can l talk to you... alone?

l'm going.

The thing is, l'm kind of glad he knows.
For the first time, he respects me.

l am sure he respects you
for more than the fact

that you are a Power Ranger.

No offence, Sensei
but you don't know my brot_er at all.

How well do you know your brother?

Well, he's a lot older.

Growing up it was almost like
we were in different families.

So l guess we hardly
know each other at all.

Don't you need to know someone
before you can earn their respect?

ls he growing up!

l'll have to call you back.

l hate cellphones.


- My brother has nothing to do with us.
- But, you do, Power Ranger.


Ninja Storm.
Ranger Form.

- Come with me.
- Hey!

Let him go!

You're a disgrace to the family.

You've let all of us down.

l am so disappointed in you.


No! No! No!

- We might be too late. Shane.
- Are you OK?

Come on!


Please don't cut my hair.
Not my hair.


No. l'm falling.
Please don't let me fall.

No, l can't get hurt.

No. Please, no.

What are you waiting for?

Make him grow before
they get a chance to call the zords.

Yes, sir.

Scroll empowerment, descend.

Enough messing around.

Oh, man!

This is gnarly.

- We gotta help them.
- Wait.

Finish the project
you've been working on.

lt is the only thing powerFul
enough to destroy the monster

and free the Rangers from his power.

l found a gap in his brainwaves.
If they understand the fears aren't real

maybe they can fight it
Iong enough for me to get there.

An excellent suggestion.

l will use
my telepathic ninja powers

to ty to assist the Rangers.

You are a disgrace to the family.

You've let all of us down.

l am so disappointed.

Face your fear, Shane.

Believe in yourself and you will
have nothing to fear.

l hear you, Sensei.

l am proud ofwho l am.

l know.

Hang on.

Nothing can scare me now.

Guys, be strong.

Listen to Sensei. You have nothing
to fear but fear itself.

- Face your fears.
- Sensei?

Believe in yourself,
you will have nothing to fear.

- l hear it.
- You may have broken Eyezik's spell,

but the only way to free yourself
from the collar is to destroy Eyezik.

Use the zords to distract him
till l get there.

Tori, Dustin, ride the bikes
into the belly of the beast,

- to get Hunter and Blake.
- Right.

lt's iust you and me.

- Ready when you are.
- Right.

- Dustin, Tori, punch it.
- All right.

Hit it!


They're in.

What's this guy been eating?

Smells like chili dogs.

Look! There they are.

- Hang on!
- We'll get you down!

Ninia Beams.

- Guys!
- Come on. Wake up, man!


- Are you all right?
- Yeah, l think so.

Guys, get out of there.

You gotta open his mouth.

l'll ty.


You're welcome.

- Our turn.
- Yeah.

- Not without us.
- Right.

Go, Power Rangers
go, Winja Storm, let's go

Check this out.

- Sweet!
- All right!

Power disk, locked and dropped.

- What is it?
- The Ninja Firebird.

- It'll enable us to form one Megazord.
- Awesome!

lnitiating Hurricane Megazord.

Hurricane Megazord.

l'm losing it.

- Help, l'm falling.
- Believe in yourselves.

We're tying.

- Let's show him some real power.
- Typhoon Power.

- Good going, guys.
- We did it!

- Am l glad that nightmare's over.
- You're such a baby. Spiders!

Who's scared of a few spiders?

Go, bro!

So skateboarding isn't just
for losers anymore?

- You know there's not much...
- Don't go there.

Look, if you like it,
that's good enough for me.

Thanks. Your opinion
is important to me.

l just wish we could have seen
eye to eye without the eye thing.

Do you know what l saw when l was
wearing that disgusting contraption?

My biggest fear
was seeing you unhappy.

l thought that
because you weren't living my way

you couldn't be happy.

But, you've shown me
you can live your life your own way.

And, uh, l'm really proud of you.

Not iust because you're a...

Hey. Thanks.


Oh, hey.

You wanna give skateboarding a go?

OK. Maybe iust this once.

There you go.

Come on, bro.

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