11x38 - Storm Before the Calm pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x38 - Storm Before the Calm pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time on
Power Rangers Ninja Storm:

The Abyss of Evil is nearly
completely full.

Kaboom. Tons of evil
spilling out over the Earth.

It's sitting on top
of the Rangers are right now.

- What were you guys thinking?
- You were in trouble.

You have no idea
what you're dealing with.

The Scroll of Destiny.

That's been missing from
the Wind Ninja Academy for years.

- It's the key to my master plan.
- No!

It's payback time, nephew.

This can't be how it ends.

Whoa! What happened here?

You made it!
We thought you'd be toast for sure.

Vexacus torched
the Thundermegazord, so we ejected.

- Where's Cam?
- Don't know.

- And Sensei?
- Lothor got here before we did.

We're too late.

- Better late than never, I always say.
- Sensei!

- You're OK!
- Yes!

- It's good to see you, finally.
- You're like, totally normal.

Lothor's blast reversed
the transmutation,

and allowed me
to return to my human form.

- But, where's Cam?
- He has been captured.

- We'll get him back, Sensei.
- It will not be easy, Tori.

My darkest fears have come to pass.

Lothor is preparing to open
the Abyss of Evil.

Are you serious? I thought
that was just ninja folklore.

It is no coincidence
that Blue Bay Harbour

is home to the Wind Ninja Academy.

We are the guardians of
an invisible gateway,

a gateway that once opened

will allow all the evil of ages
gone by to escape.

Why hasn't Lothor
opened it before now?

It can only be opened
when full to capacity.

Even then, it can only
be opened by a mighty force.

- The Samurai amulet.
- Yes.

I believe Lothor intends to
use Cam's powers to open the Abyss

and allow the army of evil
to enter our world.

That's right.
Drain all its precious energy.

I've set the self-destruct
mechanism on the ship's bridge, sir.

- Just like you ordered.
- Excellent.

- Uncle, what about us?
- What about you?

Well, now that we're really evil,

don't we get to play a part
in your ultimate victory?

Now that you're evil, I suppose
I can't really trust you, can I?

You were too enthusiastic
when you were plotting against me.

- You told us to do that.
- Remember?

We were all in it to trick Vexacus into
trying to get rid of your Generals.

Yes. We had to make sure that
the Abyss was at maximum capacity.

But you know, there's
always room for two more. Choobo!

Kelzaks, take them away.

We have to stop the Abyss from
opening. There has to be a way.

- We need help. Ninja help.
- Where are we gonna find that?

Lothor's ship. Every ninja on the planet
is locked up there.

- We could take the Dragonforce vehicle.
- Wait. Blake and I should go.

We've been on his ship.
We know where to look.

The Dragonforce vehicle
is in the zord bay. Be careful.

And thank you, for your courage.

- Thank us when we come back.
- Let's go.

The Action Games are postponed.
Proceed to a designated safe area.

I keep thinking it is my fault.

That's crazy. How could
you have done anything differently?

Been a better Ranger?

If we'd destroyed Lothor none of
this would have happened.

You guys ever think, if we hadn't
been late to class that day,

we wouldn't even be Rangers?

You were always meant to be Rangers.

What do you mean?

This is the last entry
on the scroll of destiny.

- It's us!
- No way.

As you can see, you were late
precisely so that you would be

the ones to become Power Rangers.

You knew this all along?
Why didn't you show us this sooner?

Would you have believed me had you
not learned the truth for yourself?

I have never doubted the scroll's
prophecy... and neither should you.

So what happens next?

This is the end of the scroll.

It does not say who will be

only that you must be there to face
Lothor at the Abyss of evil.

That's where we'll be.

- Ready?
- Ready.

Ninja Storm!
Ranger Form!

I think we found Lothor. Look!

- Let's go!
- Yeah!


We don't have much time before
this place self-destructs.

Let's get out of here.

Great. A ticking clock
on top of everything else.

We'd better find Cam.

There it is!

The Abyss of evil!

- We've got to stop him!
- Yeah!

- This is it. Come on, guys.
- Yeah.

- Right.
- Megazord time!

Ready, Rangers?

- Yeah.
- Ready.

This way. Cam!

- Hey! Oh...
- Thanks, guys.

Hey! Hello! You can't
just leave us here.

Why shouldn't we?

Because they're family.

Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you so much.

We gotta get out of here.

Tell me how to release
the ninja student pods.

Cousin, the Yellow Ranger,
is he still mad at me?

- 'Cause I think he's really cute...
- Can we talk about this later?


Going somewhere?

And I see you have some new friends.

This should be fun.

- For old time's sake.
- Oh, yeah.

Thunder Storm!
Rangers Form!

This is the most fun
I've had all season.

Hey, cousin.
If you blow that console,

it will short out the operating systems,
and release the ninja students.

- You're really not dumb.
- I keep telling people, no one listens.

Hunter, Blake,
You've got to blow the console.


Thunder Blaster! Fire!


Teleporting now!

Taste your defeat.

Never! Fire!

- No!
- Eject!

The Megazord, it's gone!

What's happening?

I don't know.

- No.
- Not good.

They're back!

How does it feel to fail, Rangers?

- You should know.
- Not this time!


Destroy them!

My sword!

- Mind if I play through?
- You will never stop me.

But we will!

- Awesome!
- Yeah!


- Kelzaks!
- We're ready, sir!


Time to split.

- Ready?
- Oh, yeah!

Battlizer Flight mode!


- Shane!
- You OK?

He destroyed the Battlizer!

Enough! It's time
to finish you all!

Give me those Ranger powers!

No! I can't take it.

It's too strong.

Nothing can stop the power
of the amulet.

I believe that belongs to me.

Not any more.

Goodbye, nephew.

He's not going anywhere.
Got it?

Fine. I'll take you in his place.

You fools, haven't you had enough?

Let's finish this.
I have your Ranger powers.

You are at my mercy
once and for all.

We won't let you win.

What can you do to me without
your powers?

We may not be Power Rangers, but
we still have power. Power of Air!

Power of Earth!

Power of Water!

Ninja powers!


What happened?

Lothor's evil, it must have
overloaded the Abyss.

Causing it to implode on itself.

So he's gone? Really gone?

- I believe so.
- And our Ranger powers?

They're gone, too.

Let the games begin!

Let's go!


Dustin. Third place!
That's awesome.

Yeah, my boy came through.

I'm glad you changed to freestyle.
You have a real career ahead.

Guys, you won't believe this. You
know the guys from Truth Trucks?

- They want to sponsor me!
- Yeah!

- That's great!
- A national tour.

What did you tell them?

Shane Clarke.

Tori Hanson.

Dustin Brooks.

Blake Bradley.

Hunter Bradley.

And finally, Cam Watanabe.

You have all earned
the badge of honour,

that is to graduate from
the Wind Ninja Academy.

I could not be more proud of you,

of the sacrifices you have made
for your school,

and indeed, for your planet.

The world is a better
place today because of you.

So when do you leave?

I start testing next week.
first race is in a month.

- You must be really psyched.
- Yeah, it's great.

So, think you might wanna
come out and watch me, sometime?

- Yeah. I'm all over it.
- I can't believe this.

Sensei asked me to be the head teacher
at the Thunder Ninja Academy.

- Right on, man.
- You guys ready to do this?

Keep it moving.

New students, check in over there.

- You're kidding.
- Hello, family, right?

Cam, we have to talk about outfits?
This makes my butt look big.

- Not as big as your head.
- I do not have a big head.

- You do so have a big head.
- I do not!

It is a shame one cannot
choose one's family.

I'm just glad I don't have to feed
mine guinea pig food anymore.

Hey! Hold up!

- You three?
- Ninjas, dude.

- No one says dude anymore.
- Yes, they do.

No, they don't.

Dad, I don't think I have it in me
to go through this again.

Then perhaps we should leave their
training to the three new teachers.

A happy ending is nothing more
than a new beginning.

Besides, one should never
break up a winning team.


Hey hey! You like it?
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