Platoon Leader (1988)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Platoon Leader (1988)

Post by bunniefuu »

This whole country's a battlefront.

This is life and death.

That shit you noted is no rehearsal.

You gotta have men...
and you must trust these men...

and they must trust you...

and I don't care if your men like you...
or your men hate you...

Keep your men alive...
they'll keep you alive!


Hi, Sergeant!

Lieutenant Jeff Knight.

I see you're with the 173rd.

Why do they call it The Herd anyway?

What's it like?

What's it like?

It's good!

You go out on patrol and
you k*ll a few of them.

Then they k*ll a few of yours.

Then you go back to base to eat, sleep.

Next day, same thing.

Before you know it, you're
either dead or you're goin' home.

It's good!

Lieutenant, take
a look at your new home!

You go back
to officer's training.

You go back?

Check out the new Louie.

Excuse me.

Lieutenant, Sergeant McNamara.


Welcome to the country club.

Oh, I wouldn't bother
looking for Lieutenant Frick.

He left three days
ago, three days early.

What was the problem?

No problem.

Well, he called it superstition.

What do you call it?

I'd call it paranoia.

Oh, he had this weird
thing, this funny idea,

that there are people out
here trying to sh**t his ass.

You see that bunker?

That's where Frick spent the
last two months of his tour.

Never stepped outside it once.

That's officer's quarters.

Thank you, Sergeant.



So what do you think
he's doing' in there?

Gettin' drunk or wishin' he were home

while he writes a Don't
Worry, I'll Be Home

Before You Know It letter to his wife.

Good thing he's married.

Those guys never like to take chances.

You fuckhead, that means we gotta!


There's a gook!

Where, where, where?

Hey, don't f*ck with me, Bacera.

Don't f*ck with me
like that g*dd*mn you!

Oh man, what did you
do, shit in your pants?

You got any fruit in that bag, Bacera?

Come on, man,
I know you got it in there.

I'll trade you two cans
of Spam for them peaches.

No way, man.

Why don't you take some from
that Lieutenant's stash?

I mean, he's gonna be gone
before he can eat it up anyway.

Nah, he's gonna hibernate
in that rabbit hole

then when his tour's up he's
gonna pop up like a rabbit.

Yo, let me explain to
you about the new second...

Oh, sorry, sir, sorry.

You Okay?


Joshua Parker, I'm your radio

Morning, Parker.

Get all the squad leaders
and the squads formed up.


You want all the squad
leaders to form up?

Out here?

Okay, sir.

All right, come on,
dress it up, dress it up!

Sergeant Hayes, sir.

Welcome to Second
Platoon, Bravo Company.

Thank you, Sergeant.

Sergeant Roach, welcome to Nam.

Hey, that sounds like a poem.

Morning, men.

Glad to be among you.

Since I know we're gonna
learn more than enough

about each other in the day's ahead,

we can drop the social stuff
and get down to business.

What else is there around here?

What's your name, soldier?

Bacera, Raymond Bacera.

Our mission here is to protect
the village of Truong Lam.

Everything we do is in response to that.

We need to be ready for them.

If we're to stop the enemy,

we'll have to destroy
their raiding parties

and advance forces.

And to stop them, we'll have
to cut 'em off at the roots.

You're talkin' about
takin' over Hanoi, sir?

Not yet.

I'm talking about
patrolling the countryside.

HQ says this area's gonna get hot,

and I have to prepare for it.

We'll be sending out
three patrols a day.

Staggered of course
with different timing

and routes, every day.

Yeah, and they'll be coordinated

from in Frick's office, eh?

Hey, shut up.

I'm going out on one patrol a day.


All right, spread out, on the double!

Get to your posts.

Sergeant McNamara.

I wanna go over the new
perimeter defenses with ya.

Well, you got it all worked
out, don't you, Lieutenant?

No, but at least I'm trying.

Ah, well, if VC ever starts
giving us grades for effort

then you're gonna do real good.

Why don't you just cut the shit, huh?

Just cut the shit,
and while you're at it,

just cut the grass on both
sides of that trail shorter,

and you keep it that way.

That's right outta
the textbook, huh, LT?

Yeah, it's worked before.

Before wasn't the Nam!

But textbooks tell you where to

point these M60s into the jungle?

Because the book is wrong!

They shouldn't be
pointing into the jungle.

You gotta point 'em
right down Main Street.

Right down the center of Truong Lam

because that's where Charlie is.

He's as thick there
as he is in the bush.

You're gonna learn that, fast.

You gotta know that if
you wanna be good here.

Okay, Sergeant, what's our target?

Well, Roach's patrol found
evidence of a VC campsite

about two clicks
northeast of the village.

I figure we set up an
ambush, wait and see

if Charlie shows up again.

Okay, let's move out.

Lieutenant, one
of the things they don't

teach you about the jungle at West Point

is that when it looks safe, it ain't.

Present for ya.


This thing were to blow,

they'd be picking pieces
of you outta the trees.

Now this is as far as we go.

Get down, get down!

Unfuckin' believable!

You better believe it, Bacera.

Now let's get the f*ck outta here!

That's why you
guys wait till they get inside.

Right there.

He can see me.

Yo, I need a box here!

Hey, Josh,
man, I shit my pants

when Josh did that.


Doing armed patrol again, Lieutenant?

Every day until we own
this district, Parker.

Got a job to do.

You ain't gonna be much good

if you fall asleep on the job, LT.

Hey, I'll go get my radio, okay?

What are you doin'?


Hold on!

If they're VC, we'll take 'em alive.

That was about the best way to

let the whole f*ckin'
countryside know we're coming!


Basera, Roach, torch it!






Where the f*ck is he?


Holy shit!

Where the f*ck is he?

Locate him, locate him!

Move it!

You f*ck.

A tunnel.


You lucked out again, LT, aye?

Oh, Jesus.

No, Lieutenant!

Oh, Jesus.

What happened?

Parker, how bad am I?

You're okay, you're okay, okay?

Alpha 6-1, this is Alpha 6-2.

Do you read me? 6-2 is
down, he's been hit, okay?

Get a medevac over here immediately!

I'm on fire, ah!

I'm burning!

I'm on fire!

Shh, you'll be okay, all right?

I'm on fire!


All right, let's move 'em!

Let's get 'em to an
LZ, come on, move it!

Come on, damn it, come on!

Hang in there, Lieutenant!

We'll get you outta here.

Take care of yourself,
all right? Watch his leg.

Come on, let's go.

All right, move!

Come on, move out, move!

All right, move out!

How you feelin', Lieutenant?


Well, that may be the case,

but I want you to give me
five more days in here.

You see,
your district is heating up, son,

and I need ya back there, but
I need you back there well.

You see, Truong Lam is
the only non-VC village

in that whole district.

And it really pisses the NVA off.

It's a propaganda embarrassment.

They want your fire base, son.

They want to take it back
from me and they want it bad.


For us to be more effective
out there, we need more men...

We need more tactical support...

And I know you've heard
it 1000 times before,

but that's just the way it is.

I haven't heard that 1000 times, son...

I've heard that a MILLION g*dd*mn times.

And I'm gonna tell you right
now, Lieutenant Knight.

I will promise you I will
do the best I can for you,

and that's all I can promise you.

Is there anything else, son?


Can you get me outta here in three days?

We'll work on that, Knight.

Thanks, guys.

Mac, run that by me again.

Basically, there's
three stages, you know?

First of all, you really
get a hold of that baby

and just get it right where you want her

and steady her, right?

And take your thumbs,
get it into the mouth,

hook it around the lips and then

- pry that baby open.
- Ah, doesn't she scream?


I never heard one scream.

Wiggle, you know.

Okay, the next thing.

Reach down, grab your needle
nose, get it in there.

Grab a hold of that hook, take it out.

That baby is ready to mount.

I can get behind that.

I mounted three trout in one season.

Two large-mouthed bass.

I didn't know you were
that much of a fisherman.

Yeah. You've never seen
a bit of the angle, roomie.


You're right about that.

Hey, slick, man.

Oh, no.

Look who's back.

Oh, shit!

I don't believe it.

Shit, look!

You know, well, we didn't.

We didn't think you were coming
back, you know.

Thanks for the loan of the book, sir.

I enjoyed it.

Now, that's a nice little fire.


Ladies, ladies, how you doin'?

No smiles for me today?

Got anything for me to eat?

Nice talkin' to you.

Bye bye.

What's the matter, Hayes?

You always shy away from pretty girls?

I ain't shyin' away.

That girl...

she and her boyfriend was
with this group of Cong.

Walked through one of our ambushes.

Her boyfriend got zapped.

She caught one in the
arm, mangled as shit.

Sent her to one of those aids stations,

but they couldn't do
nothin' about that arm.

Guess she's goin' back to work.

What do you say to a girl
whose arm you shot off?


Parker, don't you ever knock?


I'm sorry, sir, you want me do it again?

Just give me the papers.

Intelligence came in not more
than five minutes ago, sir.

There's some heavy fighting up north.

Intelligence sees a heavy buildup
of VC strength developing.

They say we gotta watch our ass, sir.


Well, they say the VC could be

building up to battalion strength.

That's 18 against 200, sir.

We gotta get some help in
here, you know?

You really think so, Parker?

Yes, sir, I do.


I can't wait on new men.

I can't keep building.

But what we can do is hit
'em with a quick strike.

Get in there, sh**t 'em
up, and get outta there.

Is Roach out on patrol?

Yes, he is.

Tell McNamara and
Hayes to get in here.

Get ready for Patrol.

Hey, Parker.

Forgot your cap.

Thanks, sir.

Okay, we join up with
Hayes patrol at 0800 hours.

You'll be point.

Pilot Twister 2-1,
this is Pilot Twister 5-2.

This is 2-1, Alpha, over.

This is 5-2,
tell 2-1 he better come quick.

We got a body on the trail, over.

Get the location, tell
him not to move the body.

5-2, 2-1 says get me a
location, don't touch the body.


It's Hayes little friend.

We checked her out, no booby
traps or nothin' like that.

She's clean, just f*ckin' dead.

Tuan Co Tuy has been found guilty

by the People's Court of aiding
the American imperialists

in their suppression of
the Vietnamese people.

This is the justice that
will be brought to all who

consort with the Americans and aid them

in the villainous
suppression of our land.

f*ck me, this is a form letter!

They just wrote her name in it.

What the f*ck are you?

I'm f*ckin' Airborne.

You think you're
ready to k*ll somethin'?


All right.

Move out.

I shoulda heard from
McNamara's patrol by now.

Parker, get him on the radio.

5-2, this is 2-1, over.

This is 2-1, over.

I'm not gettin' anything
but static, sir.


5-2, do you read me?

Spread out and be alert.

52, this is 21.


Sons of b*tches!

Stop it!


Stop it, no!

Parker, where are you?

I need your radio!

No, no.

Parker, where the hell?

Get your freakin' ass over here!

Move it!

I can't, sir.

I can't.







God, no!



Medic, medic!

Mac, get your ass over
here, Parker's been hit.

Mac, do you read me?


g*dd*mn it!


Lieutenant, this man's dead.

No, God, no!

Roach, secure the right flank!

Mac, your right, your right.

Mother fucker!

No, stop!

Don't sh**t, she's got a baby.

Oh, shit!


Bacera, mother fucker!

Okay, comin' in!

Move from my ass!

Cease fire!

Cease fire!

All right, secure the area!

All right, they're headed towards Roach.

Lieutenant, permission to interrogate.

You turn it off, Shultz.

It's good enough k*lling for
one day and you know damn well.


Good job you did out
there today, Lieutenant.

Thank you, sir.

I believe you know Captain Davies.

Good work, Jeff.

You don't mind if we look around here?

Be my guest.

Go to your quarters and
have a talk, Lieutenant?

After you, sir.

Interview these two here.

Yes, sir.

Hi, Sergeant.

Now, according to Major Flynn,

this action of yours put you guys firmly

in control of the countryside.

I concur wholeheartedly
with the major's evaluation.

Off the record, the major
don't know mother f*ckin' shit!

You heard what he said.

You still got ears.

Maybe I'd like to hear some more.



I want you to hear some more.

Hear this.

Ah, Jesus, Roach!

I was just trying to be helpful.

Sit down, Lieutenant.

What we have here, I believe,

is a setup for a major VC offensive.

They want you outta here, Lieutenant.

But if you and your men fight like you

have been for the last...


You gotta understand, we
were lucky out there today.


When I lose men on patrol,
no one replaces them, no one.

We k*ll five VC, 10
more take their place.

If we really wanna get
aggressive with the VC,

we need more men.

You're gonna get 'em,
you're by God gonna get 'em.

Now, why don't you go clean
yourself up, Lieutenant.

Have a beer, you've earned it.

Keep your head down, son.

How many new replacements?

Whoopee, three new cherries, wow.

Hey, come here
for one second, will ya?

I'm trying
to get a good sizing

of this place anyway.

Get away from my pants, man.

Maybe we can
get a bar thing going, huh?

Relax, soldier, I'm not the enemy.


Yes, sir.

Welcome to the country club.

What's your name, soldier?

Well, you can call me Gruesome, man.

I'll ask you once more.

This time you answer with
Lieutenant or Sir behind it.

Private Don Pike, sir.

How long you been here, Pike?

All f*ckin' day, Lieutenant.

I mean in Vietnam and
speed up the Lieutenant.

Five weeks, Lieutenant.

You're angry Uncle
Sam got ya, right, Pike?

Shit no, man, I enlisted.

You see, I had a little
disagreement over some merchandise

with some suppliers back in the States.

I put him and his
partner outta business.

Till the streets cool down,

Nam's the only safe place for me, Jack.

See, I'm down for the ice.

I'm down for the grease, that's
why I'm the greaser, man.

Lieutenant, whatever.

Hey, you know something, private?

Nam ain't safe for you either.

We got plenty of K*llers
out here better than you.

You wanna grease somebody,
you do it under orders.

You wanna take a shit,
you do it under orders.

I want you to go to your
quarters and unpack.

And I want you to report
to Sergeant Roach.

I'm putting you out on
mine-sweeping patrol.

And that's an order.



Hey, Greaser, come
here, give me a hand.

Show me your trigger finger, man.

Now you hold that down real still

and keep it real still otherwise
your shit's in the wind.

Christ, this shit makes me so nervous.

I gotta go take a piss.

Back in a flash, bro.

Go ahead, you can take it off now.

Here, you saw what I did, right?

Next time you get to do it solo, man.

You better learn to
deal with this shit.

Death is the ultimate
alarm clock, man.

Wakes you up.

Where's Bacera?


Yo, LT.

You're supposed to be on
patrol right now, Bacera.


I'm not feelin' so good today.

I thought I'd just
write my mom a letter.

You call me Lieutenant.

Hey, no, problem.

What's this?

What do you think?

It's mine.

Get out to your squad,
it's time for patrol.

Sorry, Lieutenant,
I dropped my w*apon.

Oh, man, hey.


Drop your w*apon
again, you little f*ck!

You better pray to god it
hits me square in the back.

Because if it doesn't, you little f*ck,

I'll splatter your f*ckin' brains

across this g*dd*mn base
camp, you understand?

Better leave him alone.

f*ck you!

You better do somethin' now.

Stay out of it.

Hey, hold up.

I gotta take a piss and a shit, sir.

Don't forget to wipe!

What I wanna know is,
why whenever Bacera's

gotta take a leak, he's
all nervous and jumpy?

And then when he comes
back from the leak

he's all calm and serene.

I'll get him.

Well, what do we got?

Somebody declare a holiday
for psychedelic f*ck heads?



Oh, no.


Oh, f*ck!

You should've gone home, kid.

You were good enough to go home!

No, no.

The enemy got him.

No, Bacera, goddammit!

Ah, please, God, please!

Oh God, please, don't die, Bacera!

Please, brother, don't die!

Please, wake up!

Wake up, Bacera!

You son of a bitch, wake up!

Wake up, please, God, wake up!

Oh God!

I'll write his mother
so she's proud of him.

Get the men ready, there's
gonna be an attack.

Fire the flare!

Holy shit.

f*ck me!

They will if they get up here.

Open fire!


Dickhead mother f*ckers!

sh**t, sh**t, now!


Lieutenant, Tiger One!

This is LZ north, come in, Tiger One.

This is Tiger
One, what do you need LZ?

Night ship support, we're
under heavy fire here.

read you, fire base,

air support is on it's
way, just hang in there.

Hurry it UP!

Larsen, get down!

So you wanna come over the wire?

f*ckin' might barbecue you assholes!

- Come on!
- Let's move out the a*mo!

Where's the fear?

Meet Mr. Fear!

Let's waste those mother f*ckers, man!

Fire Base,
Fire Base, this is Tiger One.

Lieutenant, tell your men to get down.

We're gonna light up the sky.

Get down, get down!

Fire, get down!

f*ck you!

Okay, cease fire!


I said cease fire!

Hold your fire, shit!

Okay, let's get a body
count and clean this place up!

Hayes, get your squad and follow me.

Shultz, come with me!

Roach, secure the base.

You got it, LT.

I'll meet you at the village.

Somebody get
that g*dd*mn medic now!

I don't know, Mac.

I know I'm doin' my job but.

What do you think your job is?

I'm protecting the
village and the people.

I don't know, Mac.

I'm just following the f*cking orders!

Why, you know something I don't?

What's your job, Mac?

My job is getting people
to change their minds.

Know the way I figure it?

Everybody's got a business, you know?

Like the farm business, shoe business,

manufacturing business.

We're in the idea business.

That's right, we sell ideas.

And if you can't get a sale.

If you can't place the
right idea in their head,

place one of these in their body.

We don't have to change
their minds but, hell,

sure makes the neighbors a lot more

interested in what we're selling.

Hi, Jeff.

I got Scott and Riley.


Pull up a chair.

You heard the news?

A VC company ran into you.

They took the South
Vietnamese at Tay Ny.

One survivor.

Command went for your request, Jeff.

Intelligence says the VC are moving

through IV East English as we speak.

Now, they agree with you.

There's a good chance we could
stop 'em with a first strike.

They put the operation under my command.

I wanna go over the details
of our plan with you.

Hold that.

Your platoon,
Second along with the Third,

will link up and move in
on Charlie's flank here.

First Platoon will constitute
the reserve company

and remain at it's platoon perimeter

there provide mortar support.

It's text book operation.

Where will you be, sir?

Oh, here with the first.

That's the best way I can
control the fire support

and movement of the reserve,

as well as give access to readies

with battalion and Alpha Company.

Even forgetting that
that puts you 4000 meters

from the objective, it won't work.

Lieutenant, have you
been out here so long

you've forgotten the rules of conduct?

Sorry, sir, no, but I have
been out here long enough

to know what will work.

And what would that be, Lieutenant?

Link up between two keyed up platoons

is a form of su1c1de.

There's too much room for error,

especially since it's
the VC's territory.

Besides, we know they're coming to us,

and to do that they have
to cross this open area.

Let's wait, trap Charlie.

The Third Platoon here to the west

and my platoon here at the east flank.

Let the VC come through,
we squeeze them to death.

They could put the First here

where they can provide mortar support

and still be close enough as a reserve

in case it gets too thick
for us and the Third.

Yeah, but that puts the
Third in your territory.

They are not familiar with it.

No, just inside, sir.

We'll send a man over to
take 'em to the position.

Scott, you got the
Third, how does it feel?

It's lookin' pretty good, Captain.

It'll make our fire
power more effective.

All right, if that's
the way you men feel.

It's in your hands now, Jeff.

Okay, let's move out!


This is it.

We're gonna meet up with the Third

and lead 'em back here
to their ambush position.

What's the matter?

I don't know, and I don't like it.

That sixth sense workin' overtime?

Well, I've survived this long with it.

Want me to send someone else?

Come on, I didn't say that.

What is it then?

When was the last confirmed sighting?

You just keep your head down.

You're thick.

Okay, okay, no problem.

2-6, this
is 3-6, come in, over.

This is the Third,
where's your man, over?

He's on his way to you guys.

I've made
negative contact with your man.

It's too late, the VC are
heading in your direction, out.


McNamara's headed right towards them.

Let's go!

Let's go!

Let's get outta here!

Hang on, all right?

- Move it!
- How is he?


He's bad, LT.

Shit, LT, there's gooks everywhere!

You got a medevac in here!

Call the CO and tell him our situation!

Go, move!

I'll get you in there, man.

Come on, man, you stay alive!

Come on!

Secure the area!

Shultz, cover my ass!


Go ahead, go ahead!

You're in, move on!

Come on, you bastard!

Just don't die on me!

Look at me, look at me,
stay awake, stay awake!

Medevac's on it's way!

Captain Davies is sending
over the Third Platoon!

But the Third says the
VC company got past us!

They're headed for the village!

He wants to know if we can stop 'em!

Just get him to an LZ,
get him to an LZ, now!

All right, let's move out!

Let's move out, get back to an LZ!

- Let's move out!
-All right, get him up!

Get him up, let's go!

Let's move!

Got a medevac there?

All right, let's
go, let's go, let's go!

Watch your flank.


Spike the red flares for the medevac!

Come on, come on,
get up, men, move your butt!

Come on, come on, let's go!

Come on, go, go, go, go!

Move, move,
move, move, move, move,

move, move, move!

Get down, get down!

Hold 'em up.

All right, sir.

- Hands.
- Hands!

Where you goin'?

- Come down!
- Come down here!

Come on!

All right, grab him, hold on.


- Easy!
- Pull 'em up!

Watch his head.

Watch his head!

Come on, pull him up!

All right, he's in.

All right, let's get outta here.

2-6, 2-6,

- do you copy, over?
- Lieutenant, radio!

This is
Eagle 10, we are under attack.

The VC is overrunning the village!

Need reinforcements!


We are under
heavy attack, advise, over!

Hit 'em with everything you got!

We'll come up on the east side!

Okay, come on, let's move out!

Move out!

Spare the villagers!

Slaughter any gook carrying a g*n!

Hold your fire!


Attain cover!

Shultz, get down!

Ah, f*ck!

Give us a moment's peace!


Oh, ow.

Oh, f*ck!

My eye!

Here you go, you're okay.

I got it right here,
I got it right here.

Here you go, hold this right there.

Hold it right on there, that wound.

All right, come on.

I thought it was us they were after!

Hey, LT.

How you feelin', Mac?

Terrific, terrific.

Hell, I'm gonna be back in the
field any day now, you know?

They're gonna give me
some camouflage bandages.

I'm ready to rock and roll.

Watch that lip.




We lost the village, Mac.

Once they saw they couldn't beat us

to take control of the village,

that's when they decided to destroy it.

No village to fight over,
they didn't need to beat us.

How long is it gonna
take to rebuild it?

We already have.

He He!

You goin' on home?

I don't know what I'm gonna do, Mac.

When I find out what I'm gonna do,

I'm gonna send you a
postcard, let you know.

Hurry Up...

Couple of two, three years

you're gonna do another tour.

Hey, man.

There you go laughing again.

You're gonna split your lip.

You're crazy, you know that?

You're crazy.

Funny thing is...

I'm beginning to understand ya.

Hey, kid.

You were a good kid,
that's why your goin' home.

Hey! Mac!

Welcome back to the country club.
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